What is the attraction of Islam?

LIBTARD: Guns just killed some more people. We must ban them.

RUBE: Cars kill a lot more people than guns. So I guess we should ban them, too, right? Right? Right?

FOX NEWS: Some more Muslims just killed some more people. Every time any Muslim anywhere kills someone, we will be right here to tell you all about it, with doom music.


Reality: muslims are slaughtering people all over the planet
Reality: guns are slaughtering people all over the planet

g5000; crying about everybody and pandering

why dont you go give them a hug g5000; and tell them how you can relate??

Did you click on the link, dipshit?

Fuck the millions of law-abiding gun owners Muslims! We must ban all guns Muslims!
Left-wing nutjob like g5000: Fox News is bad!! Ban Fox News!!

left-wing loser like g5000: Not all muslims are bad; only the ones you were talking about

lol idiot
unclear of the concept much????
ur right nutjob; there is absolutely no diffference between an inanimate object with no sense of willpower; and an Islamo-fascist human being

( I posted this in the Religion topic but thought I would post it here in my favorite place to tease right wingers too )
There is a noticeable surge in Muslims in America.

Some years back, it became fashionable among blacks --- particularly among black prisoners.
Then their women adopted the religion and were seen wearing burquas.
But not many overall.

Now I'm seeing white women wearing burqas!!

Saw one in Wal-Mart the other day.

Which makes me wonder what the attraction of Islam is --- especially why would emancipated American women voluntarily give up their freedom and allow themselves to be made into domestic sex slaves?

I can understand that, to a certain kind of " man ", there is an attraction to having their females totally subservient and being allowed ( by their religion if not by the law ) to beat them and even kill them for certain " offenses ".

But why do their women submit?

The type of western woman who goes into hard core militant Islam of her own will is the same person who would have gone to Jonestown or got themselves ready for the Comet Hale-Bopp with the Heavens gate cult. Its a weakness of personality, and a susceptibility to being told what to do.
Left-wing nutjob like g5000: Fox News is bad!! Ban Fox News!!

left-wing loser like g5000: Not all muslims are bad; only the ones you were talking about

lol idiot
unclear of the concept much????
Looks like bedowin is having his usual meltdown after the hypocrisy of gnu right wing bigots is exposed.
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Confirmation bias, also called myside bias, is the tendency to search for, interpret, prefer, and recall information in a way that confirms one's beliefs or hypotheses while giving disproportionately less attention to information that contradicts it.[Note

you have it in your head that anybody who disagrees with your beliefs is guilty of this

that makes you guilty of the same, since it isnt true

that makes you a hypocrite

and an idiot

and the reason why i laugh at you, and dont take you seriously ;)
Fuck the millions of law-abiding gun owners Muslims! We must ban all guns Muslims!

I think you're veering off the train tracks again. This thread is about how attractive islam is.
Just pointing out the hypocrisy of bigots and wondering why their heads don't explode from cognitive dissonance.

You gun Muslim control freaks are using the exact same illogic as people who want to ban guns.

Your arguments are interchangeable.
Fuck the millions of law-abiding gun owners Muslims! We must ban all guns Muslims!

I think you're veering off the train tracks again. This thread is about how attractive islam is.
Just pointing out the hypocrisy of bigots and wondering why their heads don't explode from cognitive dissonance.

You are using the exact same illogic as people who want to ban guns.

but you have ZERO evidence to back up your claims

so you're guilty of exactly what you are accusing others of \
so this idiot is saying there is virtually no difference between inanimate objects like guns, and Muslims???
We need to enact Muslim control. Before a person can become a Muslim, they must run a background check and be registered with the government.

If you have mental health issues, or have been arrested for domestic violence, you can't be a Muslim.

This is no way violates the First Amendment!
so this idiot is saying there is virtually no difference between inanimate objects like guns, and Muslims???
There is no difference in the illogic used by gun control freaks and anti-Muslim bigots. Yes.

Some people are bigoted toward gun owners. Some people are bigoted toward Muslims.

Both like to point out how many people are killed by their hated group. They wallow in appeal to emotion logical fallacies.
i have never called for "banning Muslims"; whatever that is anyway

of course you cant show where i have EVER said OR implied this

in other words you are guilty of YOUR OWN CONFIRMATION BIAS

that's why you get no respect here, and never will
We need to enact Muslim control. Before a person can become a Muslim, they must run a background check and be registered with the government.

If you have mental health issues, or have been arrested for domestic violence, you can't be a Muslim.

YOU have mental health issues seems to me.
All this anti-Muslim rhetoric is leading directly to a ban on Muslims. Many such bigots have openly stated that is what they want.

I can't help it if you are too retarded to realize what bandwagon you are riding on, bedowin.

"Well, that Hitler guy had such pretty pageantry!"
All this anti-Muslim rhetoric is leading directly to a ban on Muslims. Many such bigots have openly stated that is what they want.

I can't help it if you are too retarded to realize what bandwagon you are riding on, bedowin.

"Well, that Hitler guy had such pretty pageantry!"

i could realize it if you could even BEGIN to back up what you're saying idiot

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