What is the average IQ of a Bernie supporter?

Low information and low IQ go hand in hand with democrats.

And there's people like you who combine low information, low IQ, and low oxygen intake. Bernie supporters tend to be the more intelligent among the Democrats. Just woefully misguided.
You also have to divide conservatives into fiscal conservatives and socons. I'm a fiscal conservative, but I am not a socon
So you are a one legged stool? How useful.

No, I'm someone who thinks government sucks. I don't want government in my wallet or my bedroom. You're a one legged stool who thinks government can't be trusted, except when it can ...
Bernie Sanders rally in Calif last night.
View attachment 77305
Wow, I'm convinced now that the jobless economy we are all heading for can be solved by posting memes of dummies!

Wow, why didnt we think of that before?


Will you fucking row up and be serious for just a few moments in your life?

Literally, the survival of the Republican party over the next couple of decades is what we are really talking about here.

The jobless economy is rolling out and will simply roll over the GOP if it doesnt get BEHIND it.
Sorry, in these times if you know what's going on you must either laugh or cry. I chose laughter.

I don't know, I know both happy and unhappy homosexuals
hahah, dodge the point all you like, but 'gay' today does not mean what it meant before 1950, nor does Liberal.

Exactly, you didn't understand what I just said. Try reading it again. I directly addressed your point, I didn't dodge anything
Someone can have an astronomical IQ but if they lack common sense they are fugged.

That is true.

Glad you are on board for fixing the jobless economy were are steadily rushing into.
There is a third way.
No way the 'rich' are going to allow their wealth to be robbed from them. They will simply move their wealth out of physical reach as they are now doing in historic numbers.
The other option of having the country devolve into chaos and anarchy might happen in other parts of the world BUT the US has so many millions of firearms there would literally be a bloodbath wherein millions of 'have-nots' would be exterminated as soon as they began attacking well armed people. Remember the 'have-nots' have no where near the access to firearms and ammo as the 'haves'.
The 'third way' has been happening in countries like China for decades. Visit any part of rural China today and you will see millions and millions of farmers. They aren't starving to death. They aren't 'getting ahead' either.
They work the land and grow food for their families.
They always seem to have a little extra to trade and be involved in the massive 'grey market'.
Their needs are simple. They live with their 'tails up and their heads down'.
We in the US are spoiled privileged brats by comparison. We have been indoctrinated by the media to believe somehow we are 'special'. We ALL DESERVE to have a nice well paying secure job putting new tires on fucking cars and being paid $35 an hour so we all can buy a new car and nice clothes.
Being told that we are heading for an economic meltdown in the country is meet with total denial.
We are so fucked up we believe the solution to millions of jobs being lost to robotics is to simply pay people more money to do the same job as they did last month but now the pay for the job is magically worth double.
If I was in my early twenties with a wife and kid I'd be moving somewhere where I could grow a big garden. That sounds very simplistic I know. Look at the life of the common farm family in rural China today. That is what is coming for millions of 'millennials'. Whether they like it or not.
Sorry, in these times if you know what's going on you must either laugh or cry. I chose laughter.
Well maybe you should just shut up and start bailing with everyone else before the ship sinks?
You obviously just haven't realized the ship has already sunk.
If you truly think that then why havent you gotten on the lifeboat yet and sought a better ship?

I know you are wrong; this nation has not sunk, not at all.

We just have taken on more water than we should have but the bilge pumps are ready to go and will clear the lower decks in no time.
Sorry, in these times if you know what's going on you must either laugh or cry. I chose laughter.
Well maybe you should just shut up and start bailing with everyone else before the ship sinks?
You obviously just haven't realized the ship has already sunk.
If you truly think that then why havent you gotten on the lifeboat yet and sought a better ship?

I know you are wrong; this nation has not sunk, not at all.

We just have taken on more water than we should have but the bilge pumps are ready to go and will clear the lower decks in no time.
Tattered shreds of America remain here and there.
Just as they did when previous civilizations collapsed and died.
If you think any of the 3 anti-God socialist whacks who will be President next year can salvage America, I want what you're drinking.
Here is some math for you, dude.

Witht the Robotics Revolution going on and destroying millions of people employing jobs every year, how many years will it take for Americans to eitehr

1. Implement a Universal Basic Income with a Nordic Model Socialist system, or

2. Plunder those who have wealth and the whole nation degenerate into starving, disease ridden chaos?

I am guessing maybe ten years for option 1 and 20 years to get to option 2.

You can continue to either print money out of thin air to give to people or just give everything away free like Bernie wants to do.

What could possibly go wrong?
Sorry, in these times if you know what's going on you must either laugh or cry. I chose laughter.
Well maybe you should just shut up and start bailing with everyone else before the ship sinks?
You obviously just haven't realized the ship has already sunk.
If you truly think that then why havent you gotten on the lifeboat yet and sought a better ship?

I know you are wrong; this nation has not sunk, not at all.

We just have taken on more water than we should have but the bilge pumps are ready to go and will clear the lower decks in no time.

Socialism is devouring all of the west. A different ship doesn't make it a better ship
Sorry, in these times if you know what's going on you must either laugh or cry. I chose laughter.
Well maybe you should just shut up and start bailing with everyone else before the ship sinks?
You obviously just haven't realized the ship has already sunk.
If you truly think that then why havent you gotten on the lifeboat yet and sought a better ship?

I know you are wrong; this nation has not sunk, not at all.

We just have taken on more water than we should have but the bilge pumps are ready to go and will clear the lower decks in no time.

Socialism is devouring all of the west. A different ship doesn't make it a better ship
In this case it does.
You can continue to either print money out of thin air to give to people or just give everything away free like Bernie wants to do.

What could possibly go wrong?
As long as OPEC trades only in USD, we have a currency effectively backed by oil instead of gold.

The only thing that can go wrong is that OPEC drops the USD as their sole currency.

And that could happen in this Age of Stupidity, but telling 85% of the American public that they wont get help and can go pound sand is about as stupid as anything else, I guess.
Someone can have an astronomical IQ but if they lack common sense they are fugged.

Actually, those of us who are "exceptionally gifted" as we are called, don't have any problem with common sense. Our biggest challenge is sorting through common "sense." That is to say, the widespread foolishness and fuckery that we easily see for what it is.
Someone can have an astronomical IQ but if they lack common sense they are fugged.
Yep, too many falsely equate IQ with wisdom.
And what is wise about letting 85% of the public lose their homes and starve?
Any of the 3 who will be leading our nation next year have only one thing to offer - prophecy fulfillment.

Revelation 6:6 Then I heard what sounded like a voice among the four living creatures, saying, “Two pounds of wheat for a day’s wages, and six pounds of barley for a day’s wages, and do not damage the oil and the wine!”
Someone can have an astronomical IQ but if they lack common sense they are fugged.
Yep, too many falsely equate IQ with wisdom.
Yup. How many LIBs on this forum have repeatedly claimed that LIBs are "better educated" than REPs?
Spending a few years in a Liberal Indoctrination Center AKA college, borrowing 80K to learn how medieval footwear affected the course of civilisation in Hampshire isn't very fucking "smart".

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