What is the average IQ of a Bernie supporter?

Math seems hard for Bernie supporters. Hard to believe I know.

Math Is Hard for Sanders Supporters | The American Spectator

Seventy years ago, George Orwell explained why so many bad ideas are unquestioningly accepted and advocated by the left: “At any given moment there is an orthodoxy, a body of ideas which it is assumed that all right-thinking people will accept without question. It is not exactly forbidden to say this, that or the other, but it is ‘not done’ to say it.” This is precisely why the Urban Institute (UI) is under attack from Bernie Sanders supporters and other progressives. The left-of-center think tank recently released a study that says the unsayable — Medicare for All is an unaffordable fantasy.
Medicare for All is the single-payer health care system that most progressives support as a replacement for Obamacare. Sanders, the Vermont senator who is ostensibly running against Hillary Clinton for the Democrat presidential nomination, has made it the centerpiece of his campaign. His website assures us that “Bernie’s plan” will save the country $6 trillion over the next ten years, but UI committed the sin of checking the math, and the study’s authors are not feeling the Bern: “[N]ational health expenditures would increase … by 6.6 trillion (16.6 percent) between 2017 and 2026.”
And this is just a drop in the bucket compared to how much it will increase thegovernment’s health spending:
LMAO George Orwell was not a right wing conservative: he was a progressive and liberal. LOL You guys are hilarious.

You're correct that he was ultra left, not a right winger. But he did write books warning about totalitarian leftism like Animal Farm and 1984. Votto is correct about his saying that. Where did Votto say he was right wing though? I don't see that

Great minds and all that, I was writing mentioning "Animal Farm" and Totalitarian Leftism at the same time as you were.

Actually progressive and liberal are two different animals

In theory, yes. Liberals are actually today what we call libertarians and progressives are leftists. But in practicality in this country the word liberal is use to describe leftism, so it's the same. Liberalism is actually the opposite of leftism, there is nothing liberal about the people who call themselves that
Math seems hard for Bernie supporters. Hard to believe I know.

Math Is Hard for Sanders Supporters | The American Spectator

Seventy years ago, George Orwell explained why so many bad ideas are unquestioningly accepted and advocated by the left: “At any given moment there is an orthodoxy, a body of ideas which it is assumed that all right-thinking people will accept without question. It is not exactly forbidden to say this, that or the other, but it is ‘not done’ to say it.” This is precisely why the Urban Institute (UI) is under attack from Bernie Sanders supporters and other progressives. The left-of-center think tank recently released a study that says the unsayable — Medicare for All is an unaffordable fantasy.
Medicare for All is the single-payer health care system that most progressives support as a replacement for Obamacare. Sanders, the Vermont senator who is ostensibly running against Hillary Clinton for the Democrat presidential nomination, has made it the centerpiece of his campaign. His website assures us that “Bernie’s plan” will save the country $6 trillion over the next ten years, but UI committed the sin of checking the math, and the study’s authors are not feeling the Bern: “[N]ational health expenditures would increase … by 6.6 trillion (16.6 percent) between 2017 and 2026.”
And this is just a drop in the bucket compared to how much it will increase thegovernment’s health spending:
LMAO George Orwell was not a right wing conservative: he was a progressive and liberal. LOL You guys are hilarious.

You're correct that he was ultra left, not a right winger. But he did write books warning about totalitarian leftism like Animal Farm and 1984. Votto is correct about his saying that. Where did Votto say he was right wing though? I don't see that

Great minds and all that, I was writing mentioning "Animal Farm" and Totalitarian Leftism at the same time as you were.

Actually progressive and liberal are two different animals

In theory, yes. Liberals are actually today what we call libertarians and progressives are leftists. But in practicality in this country the word liberal is use to describe leftism, so it's the same. Liberalism is actually the opposite of leftism, there is nothing liberal about the people who call themselves that

I get where you are coming from but the same can be said for conservatives and republicans...not all republicans are true conservatives
The problem most conservatives have is not with mathematics but in algebraic projection.

It is as if they have never plotted a graph and extended it to a point in time on the X axis.

Figure this out;

A) jobs are being destroyed by the robotics revolution.

B) We live in a democratic Republic

C) as enough jobs are destroyed so that more and more Americans feel like they cannot survive in a purely capitalist system any more, what will they do?

Starve or vote for more and more socialism?

We need to manage this trend by getting ahead of it and putting in place workable solutions ahead of time instead of laughing it all off as 'lazy people wanting free shit'.

If you think that is the case, you dont know what the fuck you are talking about.

Long term your point about robotics is valid.

Short term, Germany has twice the rate of manufacturing jobs we have.

They are not technologically backwards Third Worlds who are competing by working on slave wages

and somehow they do it.


IMO, better Trade Policy.

Yes! The Germans are handling the problem much better than we are.

Would you say that we could learn a few things from them? Or how about Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Finland and Iceland? Can we learn from them? Oh what would those lessons be?

To not wait for the rain to mend your roof?

Not to be the world's bitch when it comes to trade?
Math seems hard for Bernie supporters. Hard to believe I know.

Math Is Hard for Sanders Supporters | The American Spectator

Seventy years ago, George Orwell explained why so many bad ideas are unquestioningly accepted and advocated by the left: “At any given moment there is an orthodoxy, a body of ideas which it is assumed that all right-thinking people will accept without question. It is not exactly forbidden to say this, that or the other, but it is ‘not done’ to say it.” This is precisely why the Urban Institute (UI) is under attack from Bernie Sanders supporters and other progressives. The left-of-center think tank recently released a study that says the unsayable — Medicare for All is an unaffordable fantasy.
Medicare for All is the single-payer health care system that most progressives support as a replacement for Obamacare. Sanders, the Vermont senator who is ostensibly running against Hillary Clinton for the Democrat presidential nomination, has made it the centerpiece of his campaign. His website assures us that “Bernie’s plan” will save the country $6 trillion over the next ten years, but UI committed the sin of checking the math, and the study’s authors are not feeling the Bern: “[N]ational health expenditures would increase … by 6.6 trillion (16.6 percent) between 2017 and 2026.”
And this is just a drop in the bucket compared to how much it will increase thegovernment’s health spending:
LMAO George Orwell was not a right wing conservative: he was a progressive and liberal. LOL You guys are hilarious.

You're correct that he was ultra left, not a right winger. But he did write books warning about totalitarian leftism like Animal Farm and 1984. Votto is correct about his saying that. Where did Votto say he was right wing though? I don't see that

Great minds and all that, I was writing mentioning "Animal Farm" and Totalitarian Leftism at the same time as you were.

Actually progressive and liberal are two different animals

Yes, that's why I omitted the word Liberal, it's why I always refer to Progressives just as Leftists. I think many Liberals dislike Leftists almost as much as Conservatives do.

Often you CAN have a conversation with Liberals, a rational, shouting-free conversation and discuss things in a mature manner, this of course is almost impossible to do on any level with the average Leftist.

I'm with you that I mostly stopped using the word "liberal" and just call them leftists, I'm tired of the misuse of the word. Calling a leftist a liberal is like calling an arsonist a fireman
LMAO George Orwell was not a right wing conservative: he was a progressive and liberal. LOL You guys are hilarious.

You're correct that he was ultra left, not a right winger. But he did write books warning about totalitarian leftism like Animal Farm and 1984. Votto is correct about his saying that. Where did Votto say he was right wing though? I don't see that

Great minds and all that, I was writing mentioning "Animal Farm" and Totalitarian Leftism at the same time as you were.

Actually progressive and liberal are two different animals

In theory, yes. Liberals are actually today what we call libertarians and progressives are leftists. But in practicality in this country the word liberal is use to describe leftism, so it's the same. Liberalism is actually the opposite of leftism, there is nothing liberal about the people who call themselves that

I get where you are coming from but the same can be said for conservatives and republicans...not all republicans are true conservatives

conservatives and republicans are two different animals

they share may of the same ideas but not all
Keyword being hijacked....a true liberal is in no way a progressive.

I have had this debate with my dear daughter many many times.

Once upon a time there was a difference in the meaning of the words 'plausible' and 'possible'. The first meant that something was a realistic event, while the latter simply meant it was at least hypothetically able to happen, but says nothing about the likelihood of said thing.

But now the dictionaries treat the two words as synonymous.

So, the rabble win every time these days as they corrupt the meaning of words to something that they didnt use to mean, like 'gay'.

or what was the first year of the 21st century?

Facts dont matter in the common parlance any more, only what everyone thinks is true.

Liberalism today = Marxism and antiwhite racism. Might as well get used to it.
LMAO George Orwell was not a right wing conservative: he was a progressive and liberal. LOL You guys are hilarious.

You're correct that he was ultra left, not a right winger. But he did write books warning about totalitarian leftism like Animal Farm and 1984. Votto is correct about his saying that. Where did Votto say he was right wing though? I don't see that

Great minds and all that, I was writing mentioning "Animal Farm" and Totalitarian Leftism at the same time as you were.

Actually progressive and liberal are two different animals

In theory, yes. Liberals are actually today what we call libertarians and progressives are leftists. But in practicality in this country the word liberal is use to describe leftism, so it's the same. Liberalism is actually the opposite of leftism, there is nothing liberal about the people who call themselves that

I get where you are coming from but the same can be said for conservatives and republicans...not all republicans are true conservatives

Agreed. The Republicans contain conservatives, libertarian leaning, neocons, socons and leftist lights. Though Democrats are all leftist, that's why they all have the same position they justify with the same talking points on every issue
LMAO George Orwell was not a right wing conservative: he was a progressive and liberal. LOL You guys are hilarious.

You're correct that he was ultra left, not a right winger. But he did write books warning about totalitarian leftism like Animal Farm and 1984. Votto is correct about his saying that. Where did Votto say he was right wing though? I don't see that

Great minds and all that, I was writing mentioning "Animal Farm" and Totalitarian Leftism at the same time as you were.

Actually progressive and liberal are two different animals

Yes, that's why I omitted the word Liberal, it's why I always refer to Progressives just as Leftists. I think many Liberals dislike Leftists almost as much as Conservatives do.

Often you CAN have a conversation with Liberals, a rational, shouting-free conversation and discuss things in a mature manner, this of course is almost impossible to do on any level with the average Leftist.

I'm with you that I mostly stopped using the word "liberal" and just call them leftists, I'm tired of the misuse of the word. Calling a leftist a liberal is like calling an arsonist a fireman

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I'm with you that I mostly stopped using the word "liberal" and just call them leftists, I'm tired of the misuse of the word. Calling a leftist a liberal is like calling an arsonist a fireman
Or calling a homosexual 'gay'.
You're correct that he was ultra left, not a right winger. But he did write books warning about totalitarian leftism like Animal Farm and 1984. Votto is correct about his saying that. Where did Votto say he was right wing though? I don't see that

Great minds and all that, I was writing mentioning "Animal Farm" and Totalitarian Leftism at the same time as you were.

Actually progressive and liberal are two different animals

In theory, yes. Liberals are actually today what we call libertarians and progressives are leftists. But in practicality in this country the word liberal is use to describe leftism, so it's the same. Liberalism is actually the opposite of leftism, there is nothing liberal about the people who call themselves that

I get where you are coming from but the same can be said for conservatives and republicans...not all republicans are true conservatives

conservatives and republicans are two different animals

they share may of the same ideas but not all

You also have to divide conservatives into fiscal conservatives and socons. I'm a fiscal conservative, but I am not a socon
Great minds and all that, I was writing mentioning "Animal Farm" and Totalitarian Leftism at the same time as you were.

Actually progressive and liberal are two different animals

In theory, yes. Liberals are actually today what we call libertarians and progressives are leftists. But in practicality in this country the word liberal is use to describe leftism, so it's the same. Liberalism is actually the opposite of leftism, there is nothing liberal about the people who call themselves that

I get where you are coming from but the same can be said for conservatives and republicans...not all republicans are true conservatives

conservatives and republicans are two different animals

they share may of the same ideas but not all

You also have to divide conservatives into fiscal conservatives and socons. I'm a fiscal conservative, but I am not a socon

i cant vote in the republican primary today because i am an independent

however i can vote in the democrat primary

maybe i will go throw a vote for Bernie

Keyword being hijacked....a true liberal is in no way a progressive.

I have had this debate with my dear daughter many many times.

Once upon a time there was a difference in the meaning of the words 'plausible' and 'possible'. The first meant that something was a realistic event, while the latter simply meant it was at least hypothetically able to happen, but says nothing about the likelihood of said thing.

But now the dictionaries treat the two words as synonymous.

So, the rabble win every time these days as they corrupt the meaning of words to something that they didnt use to mean, like 'gay'.

or what was the first year of the 21st century?

Facts dont matter in the common parlance any more, only what everyone thinks is true.

Liberalism today = Marxism and antiwhite racism. Might as well get used to it.

I think your definitions of plausible and possible are correct, why would a dictionary not know that? I'm not doubting you on that. But plausible means that it is a logical though unproven possibility, as you say likely to be true. Possible could be one in a million. It's possible you will win the lottery, but it's not plausible to base your retirement on that happening
I think your definitions of plausible and possible are correct, why would a dictionary not know that? I'm not doubting you on that. But plausible means that it is a logical though unproven possibility, as you say likely to be true. Possible could be one in a million. It's possible you will win the lottery, but it's not plausible to base your retirement on that happening
Most dictionaries do not bother with the differences so much any more, as I have discovered to my chagrin.

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