What is the better strategy when losing elections?


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
So what is the superior strategy when losing an election? Is it the democrat way of accusing the other side of voter suppression and/or Russian intervention, or the GOP way of accusing the other side of fraud?
So what is the superior strategy when losing an election? Is it the democrat way of accusing the other side of voter suppression and/or Russian intervention, or the GOP way of accusing the other side of fraud?

Where there are signs of irregularites, possible fraud, criminal or treasonous activities, you fight to the death to expose the truth.

Where you lose fair and square and everything is legit, you accept the decision of the people.
So what is the superior strategy when losing an election? Is it the democrat way of accusing the other side of voter suppression and/or Russian intervention, or the GOP way of accusing the other side of fraud?
Why present a false choice? If you lose, as Trump did, concede and preserve what little dignity you have left.

Whining, bitching and falsely accusing the opposition shows no maturity, no regard for reality and a complete exposure of a corrupt character. Only the corrupt traffic in corruption.
So what is the superior strategy when losing an election? Is it the democrat way of accusing the other side of voter suppression and/or Russian intervention, or the GOP way of accusing the other side of fraud?

Where there are signs of irregularites, possible fraud, criminal or treasonous activities, you fight to the death to expose the truth.

Where you lose fair and square and everything is legit, you accept the decision of the people.

Unless of course you're a narcissistic asshole who can't handle losing.
So what is the superior strategy when losing an election? Is it the democrat way of accusing the other side of voter suppression and/or Russian intervention, or the GOP way of accusing the other side of fraud?

Where there are signs of irregularites, possible fraud, criminal or treasonous activities, you fight to the death to expose the truth.

Where you lose fair and square and everything is legit, you accept the decision of the people.

Unless of course you're a narcissistic asshole who can't handle losing.
Those last 4 years the way you showed your support for Trump was just idea and peachy. It guarantee that we will be divided and maybe the totalitarianism coming more to the forefront will be deserved. To me just watching what happens to you and many in that scenario will be a party. Except in New York, California and zmichigan where it will be a virtual one.
So what is the superior strategy when losing an election? Is it the democrat way of accusing the other side of voter suppression and/or Russian intervention, or the GOP way of accusing the other side of fraud?

Where there are signs of irregularites, possible fraud, criminal or treasonous activities, you fight to the death to expose the truth.

Where you lose fair and square and everything is legit, you accept the decision of the people.

Unless of course you're a narcissistic asshole who can't handle losing.

Yes, Trump has an ego. Never bothered me, because so did all those who came before him, he's just open about it.

I know this, for all of Trumps faults and "mean talk", I would much rather have him as President then say AOC or some of her crew. The closer they are to power and the more influence they wield, the less comfortable the West will feel.
So what is the superior strategy when losing an election? Is it the democrat way of accusing the other side of voter suppression and/or Russian intervention, or the GOP way of accusing the other side of fraud?

Where there are signs of irregularites, possible fraud, criminal or treasonous activities, you fight to the death to expose the truth.

Where you lose fair and square and everything is legit, you accept the decision of the people.

Unless of course you're a narcissistic asshole who can't handle losing.
You won't mind if we have a quick 30-day look/audit, then, would you?
So what is the superior strategy when losing an election? Is it the democrat way of accusing the other side of voter suppression and/or Russian intervention, or the GOP way of accusing the other side of fraud?

Where there are signs of irregularites, possible fraud, criminal or treasonous activities, you fight to the death to expose the truth.

Where you lose fair and square and everything is legit, you accept the decision of the people.

Unless of course you're a narcissistic asshole who can't handle losing.
You won't mind if we have a quick 30-day look/audit, then, would you?

Be my jest. :thup:
So what is the superior strategy when losing an election? Is it the democrat way of accusing the other side of voter suppression and/or Russian intervention, or the GOP way of accusing the other side of fraud?

Where there are signs of irregularites, possible fraud, criminal or treasonous activities, you fight to the death to expose the truth.

Where you lose fair and square and everything is legit, you accept the decision of the people.

Unless of course you're a narcissistic asshole who can't handle losing.

Yes, Trump has an ego. Never bothered me, because so did all those who came before him, he's just open about it.

I know this, for all of Trumps faults and "mean talk", I would much rather have him as President then say AOC or some of her crew. The closer they are to power and the more influence they wield, the less comfortable the West will feel.

EVERYBODY has an ego. No shit. What everybody doesn't have is toxic Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
As is being displayed for all the world in its shabby infamy, right now.
So what is the superior strategy when losing an election? Is it the democrat way of accusing the other side of voter suppression and/or Russian intervention, or the GOP way of accusing the other side of fraud?

Where there are signs of irregularites, possible fraud, criminal or treasonous activities, you fight to the death to expose the truth.

Where you lose fair and square and everything is legit, you accept the decision of the people.

Unless of course you're a narcissistic asshole who can't handle losing.

Yes, Trump has an ego. Never bothered me, because so did all those who came before him, he's just open about it.

I know this, for all of Trumps faults and "mean talk", I would much rather have him as President then say AOC or some of her crew. The closer they are to power and the more influence they wield, the less comfortable the West will feel.
Yep. I too and a Western Chauvinist**

** (dog whistle terms to agitate ignorant commies who don't own a fucking dictionary).
So what is the superior strategy when losing an election? Is it the democrat way of accusing the other side of voter suppression and/or Russian intervention, or the GOP way of accusing the other side of fraud?

You forgot the truth......fighting against the democrats who have used voter fraud on a massive scale in select swing states to try to steal the election.......

Stealing an election..........

On the overall statistical oddities here is an excellent break down of why the numbers in these swing states make no sense: Excuse Me While I Call BS

And the author of this piece told me that he is working on a follow up that goes into greater depth, breaking it down county by county, and he says it is nuts. EDIT: here is Wisconsin’s break down: Excuse Me While I Call BS: In Wisconsin Wow. Those swings are insane.

From physicist and author Travis Shane Taylor – “In a sample space of 1 million marbles, 800,000 blue and 200,000 red the probability of drawing a blue marble is 80% the first time. To draw about 30 blue in a row is 0.124%. To draw 100 in a row is 0.0000000235%. To draw 250 in a row is more zeros to right of decimal point than stars in the universe!!!! To draw 138,000 blue marbles in a row is mathematically impossible within the age of the universe without human intent and interaction. In other words, cheating.”

Of course, when he wrote that it was before the 138k “typo” got retracted. So of course all the liberals who can’t balance their own checkbook immediately dismissed the whole thing… Problem is his math is almost as damning for 1k, 2k, 4k, 14k, or 23k marbles. You could even change it so that a bucket is 95% blue marbles, and the odds of you getting a thousand blue marbles in a row are functionally impossible. He used MathCad to calculate this. Excel doesn’t have enough zeros.

You’ve probably also seen a lot of mention of Benford’s Law over the last few days. Posts talking about it have been getting vanished off of Facebook (that I can confirm firsthand). Articles Mentioning Benford’s Law Are Reportedly Banned on Facebook

Basically, when numbers are aggregated normally, they follow a distribution curve. When numbers are fabricated, they don’t. When human beings create what they think of as “random” numbers, they’re not. This is an auditing tool for things like looking for fabricated invoices. It also applies to elections. A normal election follows the expected curve. If you look at a 3rd world dictatorship’s election numbers, it looks like a spike or a saw.

There’s a bunch of different people out there running the numbers for themselves and posting the results so you can check their math. It appears that checking various places around the country Donald Trump’s votes follow the curve. The 3rd party candidates follow the curve. Down ballot races follow the curve. Hell, even Joe Biden’s votes follow the curve for MOST of the country. But then when you look at places like Pittsburgh the graph looks like something that would have made Hugo Chavez blush.

It’s amazing how all these extremely improbable statistical events just keep on happening, but only in the places where they make the most difference. Go figure. “It’s a miracle!” declared the Party of Science.

One extremely dishonest tactic democrats are using to dismiss this stuff, when we talk about specific incidents of fraud, they declare it statistically insignificant. But when we talk about the big picture of overall mathematical oddities, they switch and say but that doesn’t provide specific examples. They motte and bailey between the two, when in reality they’re the same thing. It’s all the individual examples of fuckery that lead up to the big weirdness.

The better strategy is the one that works. So far it looks like the Russiahoax wins. It successfully duped way more Americans.
So what is the superior strategy when losing an election? Is it the democrat way of accusing the other side of voter suppression and/or Russian intervention, or the GOP way of accusing the other side of fraud?

Where there are signs of irregularites, possible fraud, criminal or treasonous activities, you fight to the death to expose the truth.

Where you lose fair and square and everything is legit, you accept the decision of the people.

Unless of course you're a narcissistic asshole who can't handle losing.

Yes, Trump has an ego. Never bothered me, because so did all those who came before him, he's just open about it.

I know this, for all of Trumps faults and "mean talk", I would much rather have him as President then say AOC or some of her crew. The closer they are to power and the more influence they wield, the less comfortable the West will feel.

EVERYBODY has an ego. No shit. What everybody doesn't have is toxic Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
As is being displayed for all the world in its shabby infamy, right now.
Name ONE national-level politician who is NOT a Narcissist Fuck. ONE!!!!

THEY ALL ARE!!!! Every cock sucking one of them. Those who hide it better make me the most nervous.

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