What is the closest thing the right has to AOC ?

If you were paying attention, you would see that I can ALREADY provide you with several examples showing exactly what I described.

Do you ever get tired of being wrong?

By all means, point them out.

I've been monitoring the thread.

And post #17 was your first.
By all means, point them out.

I've been monitoring the thread.

And post #17 was your first.

Me: "You're mostly just going to get "LOL shes so dumb" responses. "

Example 1: "But as far as abject stupidity, there's nobody."

Example 2: "NO ONE on the Right is as stupid as AOC. She's truly in a league of her own."

Example 3: "AND he's not NEARLY as dumb as AOC."

Happens every time anyone starts a thread about AOC.
Young, intelligent, beautiful, eloquent, quick-witted, deeply concerned with her constituents' well-being, able and willing to develop policy proposals based on the best available evidence without fear of sounding "radical", and she has the entire gaggle of rage-a-holics in the rightarded blabbosphere losing their tiny, benighted minds.

Naw, the right doesn't have anyone even remotely comparable.
AOC has been pilloried by right wing media and I can't get a good handle on if she is really as stupid as they say she is.

Certainly she draws the ire and fire of a lot of the right wing commentators. As I googled it, she takes a pretty good pounding.

Just reading her stuff, she is pretty radical.

Some of it just does not play well. Like this:

She really takes a beating over the Greed Deal:

And, of course, she's part of the Squad......4 democratic freshman woman....2 of whom have been controversial from the get go.

So, I am wondering if the right has anyone appears this extreme.

And you can spare me the Donald Trump arguments.

He runs his mouth, but his legislation is NOT RADICAL
AOC Intellectually? I had a small zit on my ass a few years ago.
I like how she lives rent free in the heads of the right wing.
We are supposed to be beyond what people like her are. Better people then her should be in the congress. She offers no answers like many. The people who govern at that level have for to long been clowns. Trump was elected because of it. He told you. And he hit on how to get elected to counter this. Does this make you proud?
AOC has been pilloried by right wing media and I can't get a good handle on if she is really as stupid as they say she is.

Certainly she draws the ire and fire of a lot of the right wing commentators. As I googled it, she takes a pretty good pounding.

Just reading her stuff, she is pretty radical.

Some of it just does not play well. Like this:

She really takes a beating over the Greed Deal:

And, of course, she's part of the Squad......4 democratic freshman woman....2 of whom have been controversial from the get go.

So, I am wondering if the right has anyone appears this extreme.

And you can spare me the Donald Trump arguments.

He runs his mouth, but his legislation is NOT RADICAL
Not a damn thing!
We are supposed to be beyond what people like her are. Better people then her should be in the congress.
As I have stated numerous times; politics is a profession...best left to the professionals. It's just like any other discipline; law, medicine, welding, carpentry, auto repair, bomb disposal.... Its bizarre that the most powerful person/persons in the world legislatively are also the ones who can get elected because of how they can turn a phrase or how they appear on TV.

She offers no answers like many. The people who govern at that level have for to long been clowns.

We've built the most advanced, strongest, and at the same time most benign (relative to our strength) nation to ever grace the planet. While we were doing that, we had some pretty dim bulbs in Congress and the Executive.

Trump was elected because of it. He told you. And he hit on how to get elected to counter this. Does this make you proud?
Not sure what you mean by that. He's proving every day that professional politics is best left to the professionals because he's a sick joke at this point. Unless you really believe that people are wearing masks to show their disapproval of him.
AOC isn't dumb. She very, very smart. But by all means continue to underestimate her.

Pence is dumber than a sack of hammers.
There is no doubt AOC really scares the righties, but it’s all propaganda. Look how she folded under to Pelosi and the D Party establishment. She never fully backed Bernie and has gotten in line behind Biden. This is proof she’s not a radical progressive demanding change. She voted for the CARES Act for God sake. She is just another party hack like all the assholes in Congress, in both criminal gangs.
AOC isn't dumb. She very, very smart. But by all means continue to underestimate her.

Pence is dumber than a sack of hammers.

What in the world would make you think she's smart, because she graduated college? I bet the administration at her former college shrieks every time they hear she made a statement.
We are supposed to be beyond what people like her are. Better people then her should be in the congress. She offers no answers like many. The people who govern at that level have for to long been clowns. Trump was elected because of it. He told you. And he hit on how to get elected to counter this. Does this make you proud?

I think Donald Trump beat the hell out of every other candidate because of his border message. In spite of what the MSM tries to brainwash us to believe, I think many people found our immigration problem to be a real threat. Secondly is we the voters wanted to send our party a strong message. We are sick of professional politicians who say one thing and do another.
Young, intelligent, beautiful, eloquent, quick-witted, deeply concerned with her constituents' well-being, able and willing to develop policy proposals based on the best available evidence without fear of sounding "radical", and she has the entire gaggle of rage-a-holics in the rightarded blabbosphere losing their tiny, benighted minds.

Naw, the right doesn't have anyone even remotely comparable.

Oh please. The dingbat didn't even know what a garbage disposal was. Don't tell me it's because she's never had one before, because neither have I, and I knew what they were before she was born.

She wanted to replace airplanes with train tracks for crying out loud. How many more years do we have left before we all die, 10 now or something like that?
AOC has been pilloried by right wing media and I can't get a good handle on if she is really as stupid as they say she is.

Certainly she draws the ire and fire of a lot of the right wing commentators. As I googled it, she takes a pretty good pounding.

Just reading her stuff, she is pretty radical.

Some of it just does not play well. Like this:

She really takes a beating over the Greed Deal:

And, of course, she's part of the Squad......4 democratic freshman woman....2 of whom have been controversial from the get go.

So, I am wondering if the right has anyone appears this extreme.

And you can spare me the Donald Trump arguments.

He runs his mouth, but his legislation is NOT RADICAL

I don't think there has ever been anybody like her on the Democrat side yet alone the Republican. She's really a one woman show who will be a one term Congress person. Last I read, her constituents hate her and can't wait for any replacement they can vote in. She's a complete embarrassment to the voters there.
Young, intelligent, beautiful, eloquent, quick-witted, deeply concerned with her constituents' well-being, able and willing to develop policy proposals based on the best available evidence without fear of sounding "radical", and she has the entire gaggle of rage-a-holics in the rightarded blabbosphere losing their tiny, benighted minds.

Naw, the right doesn't have anyone even remotely comparable.

Very interesting.

I would agree with much of what you said.

However, she also seems (and I am willing to be corrected) to have a penchant for saying things that don't come across to well.

A prime example was her visit to the border. It made no friends and seemed a stab in the back to those who had hosted her visit.

The Green Deal is the thing I keep coming back to. Like Bernie, she raises the issue. I don't agree with her on a great many things, but at least she is condugin the conversation.
AOC isn't dumb. She very, very smart. But by all means continue to underestimate her.

Pence is dumber than a sack of hammers.

Pence is as smart as she it.

He has more savvy. But she is still popular with many.

This speaks of her re-election.

Young, intelligent, beautiful, eloquent, quick-witted, deeply concerned with her constituents' well-being, able and willing to develop policy proposals based on the best available evidence without fear of sounding "radical", and she has the entire gaggle of rage-a-holics in the rightarded blabbosphere losing their tiny, benighted minds.

Naw, the right doesn't have anyone even remotely comparable.
25,000 jobs kicked out of NYC. Really smart.
She's got 13 people running against her. I think there are 5 democrats.

I wonder why ?

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