What is the closest thing the right has to AOC ?

Very interesting.

I would agree with much of what you said.

However, she also seems (and I am willing to be corrected) to have a penchant for saying things that don't come across to well.

A prime example was her visit to the border. It made no friends and seemed a stab in the back to those who had hosted her visit.

The Green Deal is the thing I keep coming back to. Like Bernie, she raises the issue. I don't agree with her on a great many things, but at least she is condugin the conversation.

I didn't really follow the brouhaha about her border visit. Just, whoever thinks, in light of what happened at the border, a (maybe) misguided remark would be worth mentioning (let alone going apoplectic), has their priorities askew.

She's young, inexperienced, and learning fast. For now, she's kicking folks who deserve to have their balls kicked up to their ears. That is to say, for the most part, exactly the right people are taking umbrage. Looking forward to have a more seasoned politician picking her battles more carefully during her next term. It's going to be a delight.

She's got 13 people running against her. I think there are 5 democrats.

I wonder why ?

Easy enough to explain. Have no public profile, and no hope of acquiring one on your own? Run against someone who has it. Even while predictably losing, you might get a mention on the pages of the NYT or an interview on Fox.

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