What is the Crime???

Oh now that doesn't have anything to do with this thread. Happy to engage with you about that in the appropriate forum.

Sure there corruption in the establishment. But in this case, as weak as it is, I'm not seeing corruption.
See? You already admitted that you are too stoopid to see the connection.

I already linked it for you, EXPLICITLY. . . in post # 291.

The same organization responsible for suppression of that story, is also responsible for the novel interpretation of the FEC laws in this case. It is quite clearly a conflict of interest and an explicit example of Deep State corruption. To make the statement;
doesn't have anything to do with this thread

. . . is to show that one hasn't got a clue about what is going on at this time in history. But you already admitted, you weren't seeing it, even when it was pointed out to you! :lol:


The truly breathtaking thing here, is that you're actually intellectually shallow enough to believe this.
But…but …What about Hillary is not a defense
No but it affects the public and their election day decision... and I have faith that its moving non Trump voters to the pro Trump side...

See? You already admitted that you are too stoopid to see the connection.

I already linked it for you, EXPLICITLY. . . in post # 291.

The same organization responsible for suppression of that story, is also responsible for the novel interpretation of the FEC laws in this case. It is quite clearly a conflict of interest and an explicit example of Deep State corruption. To make the statement;

. . . is to show that one hasn't got a clue about what is going on at this time in history. But you already admitted, you weren't seeing it, even when it was pointed out to you! :lol:


Oh boy now youve resorted to calling me stupid… what’s wrong with you guys? Yall act like children. Learn how to make good arguments. Name calling doesn’t help. Just makes you look over emotional
Trump went against the wishes of the Davos Cabal which slowed down their agenda 2030 goals. They must destroy the Western lifestyle so that borders can be eliminated; good bye American dream and middle class, you are seeing it destroyed every day as more businesses go under.

Its ironic that the Democrats are cheering it on
Trump went against the wishes of the Davos Cabal which slowed down their agenda 2030 goals. They must destroy the Western lifestyle so that borders can be eliminated; good bye American dream and middle class, you are seeing it destroyed every day as more businesses go under.

Its ironic that the Democrats are cheering it on
Hahahahaha, yes you figured it out!! The big bad cabal wants to destroy America. The country that enabled them to gain such power. But now they want it destroyed. And the only person who can stop it is Donald Trump!!! Wow, it’s all becoming clear now!
No but it affects the public and their election day decision... and I have faith that its moving non Trump voters to the pro Trump side...
Do you really believe Trumps criminal activities get him more votes?
what is the crime.
fucking Stormy because his wife just gave birth is the ‘sin’. / covering it up and hiding it from the voters, many of whom are white evangelical Christian nationalist voters Trump needed to win, who could have been turned off by the “sin”.

Trump is recorded suggesting paying off stormy with cash; $130,000 as apparently sufficient proof to a grand jury that Trump knew he was committing a crime..

Trump stands accused of using The Trump Organization to have “grossed up” Cohen’s reimbursement totaling $420,000 for the money paid to Daniels and claim it as legal expenses, according to prosecutors.​
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Yes... it was all sketched out on a bank statement and verified to have been Trumps CFO's handwritting.

Cohen was owed $130K for the Stormy payment and $50K for payments made to prop up Trumps polling numbers following a speech. So thats $180K... For tax reasons they doubled it... Thats $360K... Then they added a $60K bonus.

But as far as the Stormy payment is concerned:

$130K x 2 (for tax comp) = $260K plus $60K bonus = $320K

Thanks math... you get it?
Cohen pays 50% income tax? He needs a better accountant.

Is that Trump's handwriting?
fucking Stormy because his wife just gave birth is the ‘sin’. / covering it up and hiding it from the voters, many of whom are white evangelical Christian nationalist voters Trump needed to win, who could have been turned off by the “sin”.

Trump is recorded suggesting paying off stormy with cash; $130,000 as apparently sufficient proof to a grand jury that Trump knew he was committing a crime..
None of that is illegal.

Trump stands accused of using The Trump Organization to have “grossed up” Cohen’s reimbursement totaling $420,000 for the money paid to Daniels and claim it as legal expenses, according to prosecutors.​
Another accusation that is not a crime.

Of the 420K, only 130K was reimbursement for Cohen paying the porn ho for the NDA. Less than a third. The majority was paying Cohen for his legal work, past and future. In other words - legal fees and retainer.


Just embrace what you are. Or more significantly, in your case, what you’re not.

And content post On Topic.

Nobody has identified the “other” crime.

Why not just admit it, you pussy?
The “other” crimes have been laid out many times. All three of them. Not my problem if you have a hard time understanding simple English
Of the 420K, only 130K was reimbursement for Cohen paying the porn ho for the NDA. Less than a third. The majority was paying Cohen for his legal work, past and future. In other words - legal fees and retainer.
Not true, I showed you the math. Are you dumb or just playing dumb?

$130k grossed up for taxes to $260k plus a $60 bonus = $320k for stormy payback

The remainder is $50k grossed up to $100k for a corp started to prop up poll numbers.

We all know Trump needs to brag about poll numbers. And if he can’t he just calls the polls fake, such intelligence from these people 👍
The “other” crimes have been laid out many times. All three of them. Not my problem if you have a hard time understanding simple English
False. No such thing has ever been laid out.

Your mistake is obvious.

You accept highly conditional statement spewed by the insidious persecutors in their Bill of Particulars as the People’s “position.” It isn’t because they aren’t bound to it.

And you are utterly unable to point a fucking thing they have bound themselves to as to that fictional and unstated “other” crime.
False. No such thing has ever been laid out.

Your mistake is obvious.

You accept highly conditional statement spewed by the insidious persecutors in their Bill of Particulars as the People’s “position.” It isn’t because they aren’t bound to it.

And you are utterly unable to point a fucking thing they have bound themselves to as to that fictional and unstated “other” crime.
Deny all you want. It’s not hard to copy and paste and lay it out again,,, Bragg listed three "other" crimes that Trump allegedly intended to commit:
1. violation of federal campaign finance limits

2. violation of state election laws by unlawfully influencing the 2016 election

3. violation of state tax laws regarding the reimbursement.

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