What is the definition of a person who just has ZERO interest in Pride Month activities?


Gold Member
Jul 10, 2014
Im dont fear or hate gays/lesbians, just prefer not to hear or talk about it. So what am I considered?
You are homophobic.

You can buy a rainbow flag and leather jeans and celebrate, it isn't too much of a sacrifice.
Go back into your closet. You fruitcakes are brainwashing and grooming innocent children to your evil perversions. You molested tens of thousands of innocent Boy Scouts and drove that fine organization to bankruptcy. Your lives are shortened by decades due to your sick, unhealthy practices and infecting others. Homos are too often murderers such as Randy Kraft, John Wayne Gacey, Jeffrey Dahmer and many others.

You're evil and dislike beautiful women.
Yeeesss....he need s re-education, what would Canada recommend?
Go back into your closet. You fruitcakes are brainwashing and grooming innocent children to your evil perversions. You molested tens of thousands of innocent Boy Scouts and drove that fine organization to bankruptcy. Your lives are shortened by decades due to your sick, unhealthy practices and infecting others. Homos are too often murderers such as Randy Kraft, John Wayne Gacey, Jeffrey Dahmer and many others.

You're evil and dislike beautiful women.
What in the? Relax there Pope John Paul, I've probably dated more women than you have.
F u. (HeyNorm)
we're normal people tired of all the public sexual explicitness of f4gs.

HeyNorm was talking about homosexuals, not you. It's normal men against the sick perverts, and the best they can do is parade like fools and call us "homophobes." Oh my, that will really convert a lot of happily married men to the gay (sick) side, won't it.
What in the? Relax there Pope John Paul, I've probably dated more women than you have.
If you're not queer, why do you talk like one and defend these sickos? Dating lots of women does NOT indicate manhood. I've been happily married to the love of my youth. After I found her, I didn't need anybody else. If queers would act like real men, they would be much happier and less violent.

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