What is the definition of a person who just has ZERO interest in Pride Month activities?

HeyNorm was talking about homosexuals, not you. It's normal men against the sick perverts, and the best they can do is parade like fools and call us "homophobes." Oh my, that will really convert a lot of happily married men to the gay (sick) side, won't it.
he wasn't talking about people opposed to gay ideas? how so? read back.
fine, so am i. but then don't go drawing with huge markers on small paper please.
averaging everyone opposed to gay ideology as 'cultists' is NOT DONE.
Sure bro, that’s why you said you wanted to have sex with me.

Now honestly, I can’t blame ya, I am told I’m really hawt.
If you're not queer, why do you talk like one and defend these sickos? Dating lots of women does NOT indicate manhood. I've been happily married to the love of my youth. After I found her, I didn't need anybody else. If queers would act like real men, they would be much happier and less violent.
You all get riled up that's why and I find it oddly entertaining. Who cares who other people love? Not all gay people are pedos, that's an entirely different class which few support.
Im dont fear or hate gays/lesbians, just prefer not to hear or talk about it. So what am I considered?
When you start threads about it?

You're considered to be banging on the closet door. Not necessary, bro', it's not locked.
You all get riled up that's why and I find it oddly entertaining. Who cares who other people love? Not all gay people are pedos, that's an entirely different class which few support.

You support it with your flying of rainbow flags, "not too much of a sacrifice," as you so cravenly called your support of pedophiles.

At a recent queer fest in NYC, they flew a banner proclaiming "We're coming after your kids."

The priests so many badmouthed who molested choir boys were all, by definition, queers. But not that many according to you so queer is dear.
You're a sick individual defending other sickos. You call this "tolerance" when in fact you "tolerate" and enable evil, profound, destructive evil.
You support it with your flying of rainbow flags, "not too much of a sacrifice," as you so cravenly called your support of pedophiles.

At a recent queer fest in NYC, they flew a banner proclaiming "We're coming after your kids."

The priests so many badmouthed who molested choir boys were all, by definition, queers. But not that many according to you so queer is dear.
You're a sick individual defending other sickos. You call this "tolerance" when in fact you "tolerate" and enable evil, profound, destructive evil.
How about this, go fly a kite in a thunderstorm.

I've been the victim of sexual abuse when I was a kid. I despise pedos. Someone being gay doesn't make them a pedo, including many women who are gay who are even less apt to be pedos.
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How about this, go fly a kite in a thunderstorm.

I've been the victim of sexual abuse when I was a kid. I despise pedos. Someone being gay doesn't make them a pedo, including many women who are gay who are even less apt to be pedos.
But fly their flag! "That's not too much of a sacrifice," you said as if you were a gay caballero. You kiss their queer asses and then try to backtrack.
Sorry, no good. You're either with the rainbow fruitcakes and their pedo pals, or you're against them. Stop trying to tiptoe in your gay wannabe ballet shoes.
Only if the people in question are being excluded completely. What makes a person a bigot is when they leave other people out because of a certain reason. There are plenty of people that I am not interested in, but I am not about to act like those people don't exist. How is that even possible when they make themselves memorable in the most unforgettable ways? I recently saw someone online say that even after a person passes on, the mark that they leave doesn't get erased once they are gone. In other words, the mark might be there to forever stay.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. When certain people who have been in my life are no longer here, while I might breathe a sigh of relief, sadly my memories of them will not be going with them at least not right then if I am ever able to forget them at all.
They hijacked the word. What if they used "homosexual or pervert or child molestation" month ?

Veterans get one DAY.
Fathers and mothers get one DAY.
Why mentally ill perverts get such undeserved recognition goes against everything decent and healthy and family oriented, as America used to

3% of population 40% of predators.jpg
I just get so annoyed with that homophobe bullshit

Homophobe would be someone that is afraid of gays. No one is afraid of them, we just don't like them.

Seriously though fags are way out of line.

I don't know about you but I'm not ok with this

Or this

Or this

And why do veterans, founding fathers, Jesus and the independence of America only get 1 day but gays get a whole month?

All this pride stuff also makes them less than a human being because all they do is celebrate sex. They don't even act like real people, they personify themselves as their sex and nothing else.
fine, so am i. but then don't go drawing with huge markers on small paper please.
averaging everyone opposed to gay ideology as 'cultists' is NOT DONE.
Pay attention to enemy democrats. Everyone they disagree with is a cultist. Some are in 3-4 or more cults. There's the PTA cult, the Bowling League Cult, the Golf Cult is pretty popular. There are plenty of cults to go around.

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