What is the Democrats' end game in starting this race war?

What is the Democrats' end game in starting this race war? What are they trying to achieve?

They are obviously trying to break down law and order and cause the entire nation to collapse into a state of civil war and chaos.

But why?

What do they hope to achieve?

Do they believe that chaos and violence will result in what they desire?

I want to hear from liberals on this. What are you trying to achieve? Is this your way of imposing the one-party state of permanent Democrat control you have long wished for?

Please explain.

I listen to these protesters on the news. They just keep repeating they will keep protesting until people take notice of them.

My question is, ok, I hear you are upset about blacks being killed by police, but what do you want us to do about it? You want us to disarm police? Do you not want police to enforce laws anymore? Just shouting "no justice, no peace" over and over like an automaton isn't going to change anything. These lunatics are going off pure emotion and are incapable of looking at each case logically and by the facts.

If they ever come up with a coherent arguement, and better yet a solution to the problem, I'd be happy to listen. But so far it's just screaming and violence towards whites and cops. Like most all progressive movements, I suspect they don't even want a solution to the problem. They just want to cause more anarchy and just start riots. Seems like every decade the blacks have to have a giant riot in order to calm down. I wouldn't be surprised if their goal is to start several riots across the nation so they can mass loot and steal shit, and commit free violence against whites to get revenge for their perceived victimization that their progressive masters have successfully brainwashed them into believing.
Bullshit. If these cops did wrong they will be punished. Now you and I both know cops shoot white's too but you don't see white's rioting and looting and tearing up cities over it. No you don't we have to work it out through the law.

Okay. We tried that.

The guy who shot Mike Brown wasn't even charged.
The guy who shot Tamir Rice wasn't charged
The guy who choked Eric Garner to death wasn't charged.
The guys who broke Freddy Gray's back are being cut loose.

so much for working it out through the law.

Because in each case the facts showed that the cops were in the right.

Do you want the justice system to be about emotion and feelings or logic and facts?
The Dems (Progressive) End Game is to completely destroy Civil Society and put every aspect of live under Authoritarian Government Control. Stupid knuckle dragging people can't be trusted to make any decisions concerning their own lives. Elite and Enlighted Goverment Eloi will lead the Morlocks to Utopia.
What is the Democrats' end game in starting this race war? What are they trying to achieve?

They are obviously trying to break down law and order and cause the entire nation to collapse into a state of civil war and chaos.

But why?

What do they hope to achieve?

Do they believe that chaos and violence will result in what they desire?

I want to hear from liberals on this. What are you trying to achieve? Is this your way of imposing the one-party state of permanent Democrat control you have long wished for?

Please explain.

I listen to these protesters on the news. They just keep repeating they will keep protesting until people take notice of them.

My question is, ok, I hear you are upset about blacks being killed by police, but what do you want us to do about it? You want us to disarm police? Do you not want police to enforce laws anymore? Just shouting "no justice, no peace" over and over like an automaton isn't going to change anything. These lunatics are going off pure emotion and are incapable of looking at each case logically and by the facts.

If they ever come up with a coherent arguement, and better yet a solution to the problem, I'd be happy to listen. But so far it's just screaming and violence towards whites and cops. Like most all progressive movements, I suspect they don't even want a solution to the problem. They just want to cause more anarchy and just start riots. Seems like every decade the blacks have to have a giant riot in order to calm down. I wouldn't be surprised if their goal is to start several riots across the nation so they can mass loot and steal shit, and commit free violence against whites to get revenge for their perceived victimization that their progressive masters have successfully brainwashed them into believing.
Well if you look at the history of the members of the Black Panthers and Weather Underground. They started out robbing banks and armored cars killing people in the process to fund their movement. But after a period of time they just did it to support their drug habits.

There is no real "reason".
The end game is martial law, suspend the election and suspend the Constitution (indefinitely). And you know it would be INDEFINITELY with Obama.
That shit won't walk. There might be a segment of the population stupid enough to bend over and let tyranny reign, but that's going to be most of the brain dead sheep in the cities. Out here in "fly over land," that shit won't happen, period, it'll be Revolutionary War II, guaranteed.

To answer the question to the OP, there's two reasons, one, it is the progs WET DREAM to TOTALLY DISARM America, so that they CAN get away with ANYTHING, as if they aren't already, it will be ten times WORSE once they know NO ONE has ANY way to stand up to them. Second thing is, well, the OBVIOUS, the DEMOCRATS are the ORIGINATORS of the KKK, and they haven't forgotten that. They've been successfully subjugating black people for YEARS, and they know as long as they keep pandering to them and promising them table scraps and hands outs, they keep getting their votes. The blacks don't seem smart enough to figure it out. They've been voting democrat for decades, and they're probably worse off now than EVER, even after they all got excited about voting for their little mulatto. Thing they can't see there is he's a MUSLIM, and he doesn't give a fuck about them if they're NOT a muslim.

That's the answer to the OP's question, in easy to understand terms, and the absolute truth... and it's long past time to SPEAK the TRUTH.

There might be a segment of the population stupid enough to bend over and let tyranny reign

yes for the most part they are called libtards

they are the one you see cheering on congress

to try and eliminate things like DUE PROCESS for example
BLM never picks a bad shoot to get outraged about. They always pick a shoot that is justifiable. That way, when charges are not brought, or the jury acquits, they have an excuse for a riot. If they decided to get outraged over a shoot that was actually unjustified (and there are some), then they couldn't play this game of always getting outraged. The cop would get convicted, and then they would have to pick up their toys and go home without a riot.

I'm sorry, shooting a 12 year old for playing with a toy is Justifiable?

or a kid for mouthing off to a cop?

Wow, those uppity blacks wanting things like equal protection under the law.

Silly Darkies, rights are for white people.
You want the innocent convicted of crimes. You want anarchy. You're a spoiled brat who wants it his own way, facts be damned.

I personally don't want anything. I'm completely indifferent.

But you can't have these sorts of incidents happen- all the time- and hold no one accountable and expect people to take it.
Mike Brown was trying to take officers gun. What? I bet you think the officer should have let brown take his gun and shoot him dead right?

At the time the officer killed him, he was over 100 feet away. So, um, no, that doesn't fly.

Now, if he shot the kid WHILE they were struggling for the gun, you probably wouldn't have an argument from me. A few seconds later when the kid was running away, maybe with his hands up, definitely not an immediate threat, not so much.

Why was Freddy Grays back broken while the other Guy was unharmed? Explain that.

I don't have to explain that. The cops were responsible for his well being once they took him into custody.

Then explain why you do not accept the jury's decision of not guilty?

You only had one case related to Gray that was heard by a jury, which resulted in a hung jury. The other two were heard by a judge.
I listen to these protesters on the news. They just keep repeating they will keep protesting until people take notice of them.

My question is, ok, I hear you are upset about blacks being killed by police, but what do you want us to do about it? You want us to disarm police? Do you not want police to enforce laws anymore? Just shouting "no justice, no peace" over and over like an automaton isn't going to change anything. These lunatics are going off pure emotion and are incapable of looking at each case logically and by the facts.

If they ever come up with a coherent arguement, and better yet a solution to the problem, I'd be happy to listen. But so far it's just screaming and violence towards whites and cops. Like most all progressive movements, I suspect they don't even want a solution to the problem. They just want to cause more anarchy and just start riots. Seems like every decade the blacks have to have a giant riot in order to calm down. I wouldn't be surprised if their goal is to start several riots across the nation so they can mass loot and steal shit, and commit free violence against whites to get revenge for their perceived victimization that their progressive masters have successfully brainwashed them into believing.

Have you actually looked at what they want? Or are you making assumptions about what they want?
Because in each case the facts showed that the cops were in the right.

Do you want the justice system to be about emotion and feelings or logic and facts?

Not really. What we saw was white people covering for white people.

Hey, the Klan guys who lynched Emmit Till were acquitted by a jury, too.
I listen to these protesters on the news. They just keep repeating they will keep protesting until people take notice of them.

My question is, ok, I hear you are upset about blacks being killed by police, but what do you want us to do about it? You want us to disarm police? Do you not want police to enforce laws anymore? Just shouting "no justice, no peace" over and over like an automaton isn't going to change anything. These lunatics are going off pure emotion and are incapable of looking at each case logically and by the facts.

If they ever come up with a coherent arguement, and better yet a solution to the problem, I'd be happy to listen. But so far it's just screaming and violence towards whites and cops. Like most all progressive movements, I suspect they don't even want a solution to the problem. They just want to cause more anarchy and just start riots. Seems like every decade the blacks have to have a giant riot in order to calm down. I wouldn't be surprised if their goal is to start several riots across the nation so they can mass loot and steal shit, and commit free violence against whites to get revenge for their perceived victimization that their progressive masters have successfully brainwashed them into believing.

Have you actually looked at what they want? Or are you making assumptions about what they want?

I don't know what they want, that is why I am asking. They just keep screaming they will keep protesting until we notice them. So what the hell do they want everyone else to do?
Because in each case the facts showed that the cops were in the right.

Do you want the justice system to be about emotion and feelings or logic and facts?

Not really. What we saw was white people covering for white people.

Hey, the Klan guys who lynched Emmit Till were acquitted by a jury, too.

Yes really. Just because it wasn't the result you were hoping for doesn't mean some conspiracy is going on to acquit whites.
I don't know what they want, that is why I am asking. They just keep screaming they will keep protesting until we notice them. So what the hell do they want everyone else to do?

Black Lives Matters activists outline policy goals - BBC News

  • Ending "broken windows" policing, which aggressively polices minor crimes in an attempt to stop larger ones
  • using community oversight for misconduct rather than having police decide what consequences officers face
  • making standards for reporting police use of deadly force
  • independently investigating and prosecuting police misconduct
  • having the racial makeup of police departments reflect the communities they serve
  • requiring officers to wear body cameras
  • providing more training for police officers
  • ending for-profit policing practices
  • ending the police use of military equipment
  • implementing police union contracts that hold officers accountable for misconduct

Please let me know which one of those is really unreasonable... thanks.
Just because the DNC has embraced the NAACP it does not mean either one can control the rank and file negro communities.

The only endgame of the DNC and the Party is to win The White House (almost assured at this point), win the Senate back (possible but difficult), and win as many seats in the House as possible.

Pretty good endgame so far.

Meanwhile the GOP endgame is to survive the hijacking by Trump The Chump and hold onto the House and Senate if practicable.

Whose endgame do YOU want to be money on ?!

I want black violence to burn this country from coast to coast and border to border. By the time election day arrives the national guard will be at the polling places and citizens will be shooting their way in to vote.

And Democrats to be blamed for all of it..
I want black violence to burn this country from coast to coast and border to border. By the time election day arrives the national guard will be at the polling places and citizens will be shooting their way in to vote.

And Democrats to be blamed for all of it..

Why do you hate America?
I don't know what they want, that is why I am asking. They just keep screaming they will keep protesting until we notice them. So what the hell do they want everyone else to do?

Black Lives Matters activists outline policy goals - BBC News

  • Ending "broken windows" policing, which aggressively polices minor crimes in an attempt to stop larger ones
  • using community oversight for misconduct rather than having police decide what consequences officers face
  • making standards for reporting police use of deadly force
  • independently investigating and prosecuting police misconduct
  • having the racial makeup of police departments reflect the communities they serve
  • requiring officers to wear body cameras
  • providing more training for police officers
  • ending for-profit policing practices
  • ending the police use of military equipment
  • implementing police union contracts that hold officers accountable for misconduct

Please let me know which one of those is really unreasonable... thanks.
Yeah. Take the body armor away so we can kill them easier.

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