What is the goal of capitalism?

Including Betsy's star on the EU flag?
Don't shame yourself.
Europe still looks like a backward barracks, and in the US in the 1900s, Fords were already driving and skyscrapers pierced the sky.

I despise stupid slaves from Europe.

Only Danubian Europeans and French are worthy of respect, they came from the Free
Heaven put a sign on the European slaves: the men there look like women and pederasts, and the women are almost without exception ugly, fat and sick.

This is like a warning from heaven, in which direction you should not go, so that humanity does not degenerate into a public anthill.
The European "socialists" had nothing before the free peoples came from the east. In the German-Baltic cultures of public barracks, the remnants of their "civilization" before the arrival of the Bulgars on the Danube in the 7th century AD was the Neolithic
Marx was not the founder of the working class movement, he destroyed it. He, like worms, introduced the communists into the 1st International, then split it and destroyed it, in the interests of Prussian imperialism and its corporate "social state", the state of officials, brainless slaves and stupid martinets.
These stupid socialist slaves knew nothing but submission, public barracks and swamp mud. The Prussian step - Marsh - is the stepping over of swamp mud. They didn't even have bread, only frogs and slave owners. They lived like pigs for thousands of years, and now they are teaching people how to live.
Again. Socialism, capitalism and fascism are different masks of the same corporatism, the state of slaves, which are deprived of the rights to the means of production and are forced to obey.

Again. Socialism, capitalism and fascism are different masks of the same corporatism, the state of slaves, which are deprived of the rights to the means of production and are forced to obey.

Even though socialism can distribute ownership of the means of production in different ways, at its core socialism is democracy in the workplace. If workers (as a whole) dont have some power in the workplace, then its not socialism.

Even though socialism can distribute ownership of the means of production in different ways
Socialism and capitalism in no way distribute ownership of the means of production. These rights are simply appropriated by the state and corporations. You autistic slaves are simply incapable of understanding the essence of property as the rights of an individual to command, own and use.
Proletarians are just disenfranchised slaves who were left with the right to move (cancelled in Belarus)
Northern Europeans are thieves. The word thief(vor) and Varangian have the same root. Everything they use - history, symbols, ideas, technologies - all this is stolen from other peoples. Especially in the USA.

In the same way, Marx stole the ideas of freedom and their slogans from the anarchists, and slipped Prussian monopoly capitalism instead.

Marx is a thief.

Trump also stole all the symbols from Reagan. And this should be another criminal case.
All European slaves must be expelled from the US. Otherwise, the US will finally die. These worms will parasitize on the remains of a technical civilization, and then return again to the savagery of the Neolithic and matriarchy.

This is a deadly epidemic of mankind.

What America really needs now is to preserve competition and freedom of the market, to desocialize the economy, antitrust institutions in the USA are still working.
Next, you need to follow the path of progressivism - the real American way.
This, among other things, is the way of the proletarians to return the rights to the means of production.
Including trade unions. Trade unions are a means of fighting corporations. Marxism, like any corporatism, does not need trade unions. They only used them to organize riots. As soon as they seized power, they de facto destroyed them.
Reagan was a labor activist who fought all his life for the rights of the working class against communists and corporations.
The great Reagan spoke great words, something like this: people are divided into Marxists and anti-Marxists. Anti-Marxists are those who have read Marx and understand what Marxism is.
Slaves are autistic, instead of knowledge they have only blind faith. They support Marxism blindly without even reading it. But they have their own interest here: a slave will not survive in conditions of free competition, so they will stand under any flags that help their masters destroy freedom.
If the progressive Revolution wins, there should be at least the following with the "Marxists": everyone who is involved in scams in Ukraine, especially in the export of Ukrainian children, should be executed himself and all his relatives should be executed. The investigation of these crimes will be funded by the free labor of "Marxists", similar to the labor camps in East Turkestan. Then the final decision of the "Marxist question" will be made.

The Progressive Revolution can win thanks to another Polish spring supported by the progressive forces of the USA. It has already begun.
The Belarusian rebels of the Kalinovsky regiment are also part of the Polish spring. Kalinowski is a hero of the liberation struggle of the Poles. Their flag has a Polish palette with the addition of a white stripe. There is no doubt that this is a Polish spring in Belarus. I pray to heaven that they win.
Support them if you can. They fight for freedom.

This is a war not only for freedom, but also for the very existence of the Polish people. The Polish people have been exterminated for a long time and purposefully. The genocides in western Ukraine are also the extermination of the Polish people. The Polish people have been an enemy of "Marxist" slavery since ancient times, when they were also called Sarmatians, Polans and Cumans.

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