What is the goal of capitalism?

American corporations are not here to support America they're only here to make a buck. There's no patriotism in capitalism.
The European "socialists" had nothing before the free peoples came from the east. In the German-Baltic cultures of public barracks, the remnants of their "civilization" before the arrival of the Bulgars on the Danube in the 7th century AD was the Neolithic
Society is the electorate, the American people. Unfortunately, since the wealthy capitalist elites own the media and have practically all of Washington in their pockets, the status quo will continue until social unrest becomes unmanageable and the whole system collapses. Advanced automation and artificial intelligence, are going to hasten this process, by creating extreme unemployment and scarcity for most working-class Americans.
Have you ever watched mass production in process? Why demean the wealthy? Who but them can afford to build a factory or create a medical process?
When you shop for groceries, thank god you have capitalism.

There's a lot of bitching about capitalism and corporations but the reality is that without them our standard of living would not be as good as it is. The economies of scale allow those big businesses to offer goods and services at a lower price, that's just a fact of life and we all are better off as a result. I can tell you this, without reservation: Americans are way better off with our current economic model than any other system that has ever been tried. And the short-comings of greed, fraud, cronyism and whatever that are greater than any other economic model you care to name are due to human nature and poor governance way more than anything else.
1.The bourgeois revolution is complete when private capital seizes the right to print national currency.
2.The 1st World War was apparently a battle between the Anglo-Saxon parasitic model of finance capital and the German "industrial" model.
3.In capitalism, the most parasitic elite inevitably wins, because it is easier and more profitable for capitalists to make profits out of thin air, than to produce a useful product.
Have you ever watched mass production in process? Why demean the wealthy? Who but them can afford to build a factory or create a medical process?
Why do you demean the working class, whose labor creates everything? What's the value of a factory without human beings to work the machines? Mass production is a social endeavor, not a private one. The people who work the factories should own and run them together, democratically. Just as the government helps private entrepreneurs start businesses through its SBA (Small Business Administration) and other institutions and programs, it can also fund the launch of worker-owned, democratically run co-ops i.e. cooperatives.

The wealthy capitalist elites hate the government because it represents the authority and power of the public. It's the administrative arm of the American people (the working class/paying consumers), hence they do everything possible to demonize and defund it, shrinking it to essentially nothing, and replacing it with their own private, practically unaccountable government (privately owned corporations). Most Americans spend most of their waking hours in an absolute dictatorship, laboring for their capitalist masters, and getting paid less than what they produce. When was last time anyone participated in an election at work? Never. The capitalist-run workplace is a totalitarian regime.
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Why do you demean the working class, whose labor creates everything? What's the value of a factory without human beings to work the machines? Mass production is a social endeavor, not a private one. The people who work the factories should own and run them together, democratically. Just as the government helps private entrepreneurs start businesses through its SBA (Small Business Administration) and other institutions and programs, it can also fund the launch of worker-owned, democratically run co-ops i.e. cooperatives.

The wealthy capitalist elites hate the government because it represents the authority and power of the public. It's the administrative arm of the American people (the working class/paying consumers), hence they do everything possible to demonize and defund it, shrinking it to essentially nothing, and replacing it with their own private, practically unaccountable government (privately owned corporations). Most Americans spend most of their waking hours in an absolute dictatorship, laboring for their capitalist masters, and getting paid less than what they produce. When was last time anyone participated in an election at work? Never. The capitalist-run workplace is a totalitarian regime.
Someone truly fed you a load of nonsense about capitalism. I do not demean the working class at all. Notice how they retreated from joining unions.
I know a lot about the SBA and they are harder to get them to guarantee loans than comonly believed. Very devoted to obtaining solid equity to back the guarantees they issue.
If you hate working, simply try stopping.

As to who controls politics, of course it is the major media sources.
Why do you demean the working class, whose labor creates everything? What's the value of a factory without human beings to work the machines? Mass production is a social endeavor, not a private one. The people who work the factories should own and run them together, democratically. Just as the government helps private entrepreneurs start businesses through its SBA (Small Business Administration) and other institutions and programs, it can also fund the launch of worker-owned, democratically run co-ops i.e. cooperatives.

The wealthy capitalist elites hate the government because it represents the authority and power of the public. It's the administrative arm of the American people (the working class/paying consumers), hence they do everything possible to demonize and defund it, shrinking it to essentially nothing, and replacing it with their own private, practically unaccountable government (privately owned corporations). Most Americans spend most of their waking hours in an absolute dictatorship, laboring for their capitalist masters, and getting paid less than what they produce. When was last time anyone participated in an election at work? Never. The capitalist-run workplace is a totalitarian regime.
As a good example of capitalism at work, I like to use my own grandson who upon graduation from a university immediately was paid $165,000 per year. He is definitely not a victim.
There's a lot of bitching about capitalism and corporations but the reality is that without them our standard of living would not be as good as it is. The economies of scale allow those big businesses to offer goods and services at a lower price, that's just a fact of life and we all are better off as a result. I can tell you this, without reservation: Americans are way better off with our current economic model than any other system that has ever been tried. And the short-comings of greed, fraud, cronyism and whatever that are greater than any other economic model you care to name are due to human nature and poor governance way more than anything else.
Well, given our youth have been conditioned to accept communism, no wonder they tell us they hate both corporations and capitalism.
But you nailed it to the cross. Good talk.
Why do you demean the working class, whose labor creates everything? What's the value of a factory without human beings to work the machines? Mass production is a social endeavor, not a private one. The people who work the factories should own and run them together, democratically. Just as the government helps private entrepreneurs start businesses through its SBA (Small Business Administration) and other institutions and programs, it can also fund the launch of worker-owned, democratically run co-ops i.e. cooperatives.

The wealthy capitalist elites hate the government because it represents the authority and power of the public. It's the administrative arm of the American people (the working class/paying consumers), hence they do everything possible to demonize and defund it, shrinking it to essentially nothing, and replacing it with their own private, practically unaccountable government (privately owned corporations). Most Americans spend most of their waking hours in an absolute dictatorship, laboring for their capitalist masters, and getting paid less than what they produce. When was last time anyone participated in an election at work? Never. The capitalist-run workplace is a totalitarian regime.
As great as you claim Government is, it is a strange fact of life that it is the wealthy supporting government and the working class with very low income taxes paid by them.
As great as you claim Government is, it is a strange fact of life that it is the wealthy supporting government and the working class with very low income taxes paid by them.
The wealthy have their tax havens and do everything possible not to pay taxes. Most workers get their taxes deducted automatically from their paychecks. More, the federal government doesn't rely on taxes to fund itself, due to the fact that it "prints" its own money. The USD is a sovereign fiat currency, exclusively issued by the US Federal Government.

It's the working class that does the actual work and heavy lifting of production and purchases what is produced with its wages. Capitalists are worthless parasites, acting as middlemen between workers and the means of production. Capitalists don't need to be in the equation at all, but workers do. The problem is that you've been conditioned to value wealth over work and those who perform it.
This young couple who farm do not agree with you.

How does that apply to what I said, that food production doesn't rely on capitalism or its markets?

" 2021, the federal government provided farms with $28.5 billion in subsidies, or direct farm program payments."

Source: US Agriculture Statistics and Data Trends.

Without the US government and farmhands/workers, farms can't operate. The government can very easily automate all farms in America and nationalize food production. Modern 21st-century technology completely eliminates the need for capitalism and markets.

There's a lot of bitching about capitalism and corporations but the reality is that without them our standard of living would not be as good as it is. The economies of scale allow those big businesses to offer goods and services at a lower price, that's just a fact of life and we all are better off as a result. I can tell you this, without reservation: Americans are way better off with our current economic model than any other system that has ever been tried. And the short-comings of greed, fraud, cronyism and whatever that are greater than any other economic model you care to name are due to human nature and poor governance way more than anything else.

Keep telling yourself that nonsense to help you cope with the obvious truth that socialism is the natural successor of capitalism when advanced automation replaces wage labor. Capitalism is better than chattel slavery and feudalism, but it's unable to survive without human workers earning a wage. Wages convert into capital (surplus value/profits). Eliminate wages, and the capitalists have no one to purchase their goods and services. That's why the smart capitalists are now proposing that the government should pay everyone a "UBI" or Universal Basic Income because they realize that advanced automation is going to eliminate most jobs:

Without waged labor, there's no market or capitalism. Society is forced by necessity to adopt a non-profit system of production, or in other words, socialism.


Keep telling yourself that nonsense to help you cope with the obvious truth that socialism is the natural successor of capitalism when advanced automation replaces wage labor. Capitalism is better than chattel slavery and feudalism, but it's unable to survive without human workers earning a wage. Wages convert into capital (surplus value/profits). Eliminate wages, and the capitalists have no one to purchase their goods and services. That's why the smart capitalists are now proposing that the government should pay everyone a "UBI" or Universal Basic Income because they realize that advanced automation is going to eliminate most jobs:

Without waged labor, there's no market or capitalism. Society is forced by necessity to adopt a non-profit system of production, or in other words, socialism.

I sense an ideological idiot or a troll at work here. Perhaps both.

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