Zone1 What is the Gospel Message?

It isn't easy making it into heaven. I wouod like to earn enough to help others. Such scarifice is vital for ones soul.
Gather round folks . It’s the Cultists road show . Shouting out the same Fake rubbish they have been parroting for millennia and still repeating the same crap . Roll up suckers for the smug deceit and lies .
Do you know how to approach literature? Would you say that fans of Old Yeller are a bunch of rabid dog cultists? Or that fans of Romeo and Juliet are a bunch of teenage romance cultists?

I think you would.

According to the gospels, the message of the gospels is the kingdom of God. Yes, that is actually in the text. If you wish to deny that, that's your prerogative. But then that's the prerogative of anyone who injects, embellishes, bankrupts, or for other reasons misses the author's intent.
Gather round folks . It’s the Cultists road show . Shouting out the same Fake rubbish they have been parroting for millennia and still repeating the same crap . Roll up suckers for the smug deceit and lies .
Cult is a term for a relatively small group which is typically led by a charismatic and self-appointed leader, who excessively controls its members, requiring unwavering devotion to a set of beliefs and practices which are considered deviant.

This term is not applicable to Christians, who are a large group led by God. There is no control of His followers as He believes in freedom of choice. And, of course, belief/faith often wavers because life is hard.

This leads to the question of, What do you consider deviant?

The question this thread addresses is, What is the Gospel Message? Jesus said that the Kingdom of God is within the reach of everyone; that when anyone turns away from sin/lawlessness to God/righteousness, those wrong-doings are forgiven, they are remembered no more. Jesus taught we should discern the will of God and follow it in every aspect--no matter how small a part of our daily life that might be. Love God/righteousness. Love others.

How is love of others and pursuit of doing what is right deviant?
Cult is a term for a relatively small group which is typically led by a charismatic and self-appointed leader, who excessively controls its members, requiring unwavering devotion to a set of beliefs and practices which are considered deviant.

This term is not applicable to Christians, who are a large group led by God. There is no control of His followers as He believes in freedom of choice. And, of course, belief/faith often wavers because life is hard.

This leads to the question of, What do you consider deviant?

The question this thread addresses is, What is the Gospel Message? Jesus said that the Kingdom of God is within the reach of everyone; that when anyone turns away from sin/lawlessness to God/righteousness, those wrong-doings are forgiven, they are remembered no more. Jesus taught we should discern the will of God and follow it in every aspect--no matter how small a part of our daily life that might be. Love God/righteousness. Love others.

How is love of others and pursuit of doing what is right deviant?
Cult is a term for a relatively small group which is typically led by a charismatic and self-appointed leader, who excessively controls its members, requiring unwavering devotion to a set of beliefs and practices which are considered deviant.

I disagree with this definition. The DNC, for example, is a cult. Organizations no matter how large can be a cult.

Cults are what takes the place of God, that is why you see people like Reverend Warnock who is a Democrat in Congress tell people that Jesus loves abortion. So long as Warnock and Jesus bow their collective knee to the democrat party, all is well.
Do you know how to approach literature? Would you say that fans of Old Yeller are a bunch of rabid dog cultists? Or that fans of Romeo and Juliet are a bunch of teenage romance cultists?

I think you would.

According to the gospels, the message of the gospels is the kingdom of God. Yes, that is actually in the text. If you wish to deny that, that's your prerogative. But then that's the prerogative of anyone who injects, embellishes, bankrupts, or for other reasons misses the author's intent.
And the Gullibles like you ignore 2000 years of failure and still churn out the same crap for other Gullibles who never DYOFR to swallow . I certainly do not detest cult Christians because fortunately they are a harmless bunch of wimps. And always a great comic interlude with their misplaced faith and silly threats .
According to the gospels, the message of the gospels is the kingdom of God.

the gospels mean "the good news" and you are right, it is about the kingdom of God but what is the good news about that? That the law is not to be taken literally and so God is not an asshole. No one has to wait until the end of time to enter the kingdom of God. Now is the time. Instant the result. Its all about the only right way to conform to the Law that fulfills the promise of eternal life.

The law is the firmament, basis, of the kingdom of God. Jesus taught that the law is not about what you eat or what you wear or sex or snipping penises. Its not about sacrificing farm animals, or ritualistic trickery, therefore no temple, no kings, no priests, no lawyers, and no police are required because the consequences for setting the Law aside requires no human element to enforce.
And the Gullibles like you ignore 2000 years of failure and still churn out the same crap for other Gullibles who never DYOFR to swallow . I certainly do not detest cult Christians because fortunately they are a harmless bunch of wimps. And always a great comic interlude with their misplaced faith and silly threats .
According to the gospels, the gospel is the kingdom of God. That's all I said. It's simply the truth.

Your bobble-headed irrelevancy only indicates your irrational hatred of simple truth. Or misunderstanding of it.
The gospel message is that Jesus is the Christ and through him we can gain forgiveness of sins through repentance and be allowed back into the kingdom of heaven. In short a quote from Jesus himself, "Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand".
The Gospel message -
is the power of God unto salvation

Rom 1:16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ:
for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.
Cult is a term for a relatively small group which is typically led by a charismatic and self-appointed leader, who excessively controls its members, requiring unwavering devotion to a set of beliefs and practices which are considered deviant
True Christianity
At least that's how the Jews, and everyone else saw the First Century Church of God
True Christianity
At least that's how the Jews, and everyone else saw the First Century Church of God
Excuse . There was no Christian Church in the first century . But about AD 100, James ( Rome controlled brother) introduced the script written by Paul and Peter . You really need to DYOFR before regurgitating Fake News
True Christianity
At least that's how the Jews, and everyone else saw the First Century Church of God
Going back to the Latin (or even Greek) that was spoken at that time, the definition for 'cult' at that time would have been education, care, cultivation, or adoration of a religious belief. To begin with, early Christianity was a sect of Judaism, and it still has its roots in the Jewish religion. Cult did not show up in English until about four hundred years ago, and also had a positive connotation based on the Latin. 'Cult' didn't begin to have any negative connotation until about fifty years ago.

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