What is the legal justification for letting some illegals stay?


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Would we allow the president to declare that certain people are exempt from our DUI laws or laws against bank robbery.??

Anyone caught here illegally should be deported. The law grants no exceptions.
The US could possibly have a cost savings by making an agreement with Mexico to incarcerate their citizens that have committed felonies. They could put the worst of them into a remote Southern Mexico area that needs jobs.
The US could possibly have a cost savings by making an agreement with Mexico to incarcerate their citizens that have committed felonies. They could put the worst of them into a remote Southern Mexico area that needs jobs.

You want to give the illegals jobs, huh??? That would require congress to change the law, then. The president has no legal authority to do that. THINK
The US could possibly have a cost savings by making an agreement with Mexico to incarcerate their citizens that have committed felonies. They could put the worst of them into a remote Southern Mexico area that needs jobs.

You want to give the illegals jobs, huh??? That would require congress to change the law, then. The president has no legal authority to do that. THINK
That is not what I said. Let Mexico imprison the felons in a remote area on their southern border. These ones being deported that are rapist and such have just been coming back into the country. Have Mexico put them far enough south in Mexico in a very remote area where they cannot get back here easily.

A Foreign Assault On America
That is not what I said.
Ok - i misread what you said. You think america should send illegals who rape back to mexico and trust mexico to punish them? I can't accept that. Mexico will just turn them loose. We have to punish them here and then deport them.

We need to set up prisons here in america for illegals who commit crimes. None of these $30,000 per year per inmate type prisons. These are illegals and they have no rights. Put them in open fields surrounded by barbed wire and give them a tent to live in and feed them a mix of flour and chopped carrots every day. From what i've read that's how mexican prisons are. The state gives them practically nothing.
There isn't one. It's a pretty complicated issue and companies hiring illegals shouldn't get off Scott free...but these deportations are sending a very overdue message. You cannot come to this country and do as you please, not follow the laws and get freebies. I feel for their struggles and realize many are here for just a better life... then do it legally. We don't Ignore drug dealers who are poor, then worry we're breaking up families by sending them to jail.
There isn't one. It's a pretty complicated issue and companies hiring illegals shouldn't get off Scott free...but these deportations are sending a very overdue message. You cannot come to this country and do as you please, not follow the laws and get freebies. I feel for their struggles and realize many are here for just a better life... then do it legally. We don't Ignore drug dealers who are poor, then worry we're breaking up families by sending them to jail.

Amen to that. It's just incredible how obozo let the illegal alien invasion get so out of hand. Of course, that's what he wanted. Flood the country with welfare trash who will vote for the welfare party.
Would we allow the president to declare that certain people are exempt from our DUI laws or laws against bank robbery.??

Anyone caught here illegally should be deported. The law grants no exceptions.

Well, the answer to your question is really pretty simple. It is not a crime to be here without proper documentation. It is a crime to rob a bank. It is a crime to drive while under the influence. It is not a crime to be here. If you don't have the proper "papers", it is a civil violation, not a criminal one. Like a parking ticket.
Well, the answer to your question is really pretty simple. It is not a crime to be here without proper documentation. It is a crime to rob a bank. It is a crime to drive while under the influence. It is not a crime to be here. If you don't have the proper "papers", it is a civil violation, not a criminal one. Like a parking ticket.

You brazen liar. Invading america illegally is definitely a crime and you can go to prison for it. Overstaying a visa may not be a crime (though it should be) but illegal entry is. THINK, america-hater.

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