What is the level of education of bigots and racists here?

So pointing out reality with government stats and educational test is a sign of a low iq? You blacks won't ever question yourselves as you think you're above everyone else. Arrogant??? You're just as so as any white that's pointing out what you do.

The left are just a bunch of close minded fools that are attempting to fit a square into a circle hole.

No Matthew I know I am smarter than every racist here......This includes you.

hahahaha. you dont 'know' anything of the sort. prove it.
Aristotle gives a fuck. he warned people that he was going to give generic, hard to google questions to verify higher learning. I asked him a simple question that incorporates both fluid and crystalized elements of intelligence to see if he can pass his own standards.

So your gotcha question is the standard for intelligence and negates any racist dumb-fuckery you may or may not have shown here?


You sound like someone that has read one book and wants to pimp people about it so they think you are smart.

You said this better than me...lol
Better than I, brainiac.
Yes I am full of myselfe because I know what I've acconplished. I know I am smarter than 100% of the racist here. It is a no brainer.
I really don't blame you for a lot of what you say. I will say this though, I do not think it is necessarily racist to believe blacks are less intelligent than whites any more than to believe East Asians are more intelligent than either. There is ample scientific and empirical evidence to suggest both. A dogmatic believe that all men are equal outside of in the law and the eyes of God does suggests idealism and political correctness, not intelligence.

BTW, while I'm no spelling Nazi,^^^. It might help selling this intellectual superiority thing you've got going.

Speaking on my spelling errors, it does you no justice to point out typos of mine. This thread is pointing out the lack of intelligence of people with so-called racist views. By the way it is racism if you are assuming based on out dated test (of African-Americans) to judge an entire group of people.
I never said that all BLACKS were stupid. My point was as a population they don't produce anywhere near the number compared to say whites or Asians. Why can't blacks think outside of themselves??? Aristotle can't get over his own self in order to look at the data for what it is.
So pointing out reality with government stats and educational test is a sign of a low iq? You blacks won't ever question yourselves as you think you're above everyone else. Arrogant??? You're just as so as any white that's pointing out what you do.

The left are just a bunch of close minded fools that are attempting to fit a square into a circle hole.

No Matthew I know I am smarter than every racist here......This includes you.

hahahaha. you dont 'know' anything of the sort. prove it.

Of course I know more than you racist.

You know its funny, many of you guys with low intelligence like to pick out typos of mine because you all (and by you all, I'm referring to many of the racist here who have nothing better to do than make endless threads about black people). If pointing out my typos makes you guys feel better then "have at it HAUS"
what happens to the pH of a liter of pure water when you heat it from 20C to 25C?

Exactly...A piece of shit racist tries to use elementary chemistry...

BTW idiot PH changes when temparture increases...I believe volune increases....That is an educated guess.

Pretty lame answer after the question has already been discussed. Did you make two obvious spelling mistakes on purpose? It rather gives the opposite impression than the one you claim.

I am sure I fit at least some people's definition of racist. We all do, including you. So what. I consider myself an old style liberal who follows facts where they lead and makes suitable conclusions. You seem to form conclusions and look for factoids and sophistry to support them.

Um, actually I'm not on this website 24/7 so whether if this question was answer or not is moot. Obviously you and other racist cannot even answer basic questions. I asked you guys what is your highest level of education. I am willing to bet none of you guys are even college graduates so alas, I am asking you what is your highest level of education? Is that too hard to answer or are we going to play grammar Nazi and start focusing on my typos?
Yes I am full of myselfe because I know what I've acconplished. I know I am smarter than 100% of the racist here. It is a no brainer.
I really don't blame you for a lot of what you say. I will say this though, I do not think it is necessarily racist to believe blacks are less intelligent than whites any more than to believe East Asians are more intelligent than either. There is ample scientific and empirical evidence to suggest both. A dogmatic believe that all men are equal outside of in the law and the eyes of God does suggests idealism and political correctness, not intelligence.

BTW, while I'm no spelling Nazi,^^^. It might help selling this intellectual superiority thing you've got going.

Speaking on my spelling errors, it does you no justice to point out typos of mine. This thread is pointing out the lack of intelligence of people with so-called racist views. By the way it is racism if you are assuming based on out dated test (of African-Americans) to judge an entire group of people.
For someone as fast to declare superior education/intellect above others based on their writing as you apparently repeatedly do, you probably should hold your own to a higher standard.

I furthermore fail to see the logic in being "racist" by judging the average intelligence of groupings of people unless the tests themselves are implicitly racist. Alterations have been made from the original tests to rectify anything seen as remotely cultural, yet results remain the same.

Intelligent intelligence testing

But intelligence testing has also been accused of unfairly stratifying test-takers by race, gender, class and culture; of minimizing the importance of creativity, character and practical know-how; and of propagating the idea that people are born with an unchangeable endowment of intellectual potential that determines their success in life.
Since the 1970s, intelligence researchers have been trying to preserve the usefulness of intelligence tests while addressing those concerns. They have done so in a number of ways, including updating the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC) and the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale so they better reflect the abilities of test-takers from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds. They have developed new, more sophisticated ways of creating, administering and interpreting those tests. And they have produced new theories and tests that broaden the concept of intelligence beyond its traditional boundaries.
As a result, many of the biases identified by critics of intelligence testing have been reduced, and new tests are available that, unlike traditional intelligence tests, are based on modern theories of brain function, says Alan Kaufman, PhD, a clinical professor of psychology at the Yale School of Medicine.

The consistent high IQ and economic performance of groups like East Asians and Jews who can also be said to have suffered racism also helps counter the idea that IQ tests are somehow culturally unfair. That coupled with the historical empirical evidence which I also alluded to and is certainly no secret, suggest that there is a coloration between standard of living and intelligence.

Displeasure with the results of tests do not invalidate them, nor the conclusions derived.
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Exactly...A piece of shit racist tries to use elementary chemistry...

BTW idiot PH changes when temparture increases...I believe volune increases....That is an educated guess.

Pretty lame answer after the question has already been discussed. Did you make two obvious spelling mistakes on purpose? It rather gives the opposite impression than the one you claim.

I am sure I fit at least some people's definition of racist. We all do, including you. So what. I consider myself an old style liberal who follows facts where they lead and makes suitable conclusions. You seem to form conclusions and look for factoids and sophistry to support them.

Um, actually I'm not on this website 24/7 so whether if this question was answer or not is moot. Obviously you and other racist cannot even answer basic questions. I asked you guys what is your highest level of education. I am willing to bet none of you guys are even college graduates so alas, I am asking you what is your highest level of education? Is that too hard to answer or are we going to play grammar Nazi and start focusing on my typos?

I am certainly not a grammar nazi. in the past I have laughed at people for making a big deal out of it. in this case I really want to know why you would make two somewhat bizarre typos when you are trying to project an air of intellectual condescension. it doesnt make sense to me. were you hoping I would say something about it so you could deflect the topic?

why are you so intent on finding out my educational status? first you tell me your racial heritage. is your mother white? how many black grandparents? if you do answer, how can I tell if you are telling the truth?
No Matthew I know I am smarter than every racist here......This includes you.

hahahaha. you dont 'know' anything of the sort. prove it.

Of course I know more than you racist.

You know its funny, many of you guys with low intelligence like to pick out typos of mine because you all (and by you all, I'm referring to many of the racist here who have nothing better to do than make endless threads about black people). If pointing out my typos makes you guys feel better then "have at it HAUS"

what is your definition of 'smarter' in this case? I have heard a lot of youthful boasting coming from you but I sure havent heard much in the way of insightful ideas that I associate with intelligence. why should we believe you are smart when you dont show it? because you tell us? hahahahaha
Conservatives equate science, education, facts, critical thinking and so on as "snobbish liberalism". Conservatives want to keep things the way they imagined they were. Of course, if they had some of that education, they would know better. It's a vicious circle.
Conservatives equate science, education, facts, critical thinking and so on as "snobbish liberalism". Conservatives want to keep things the way they imagined they were. Of course, if they had some of that education, they would know better. It's a vicious circle.

unfortunately the term 'liberal' has been usurped by a group that are slaves to groupthink and unsupported polemics. and the 'conservatives' are only a slightly less extreme version of the 'liberals'.

I prefer to see myself as an old fashioned liberal who looks squarely at the facts and tempers them with justice, kindness and humility rather than only spouting slogans. (like your 6% nonsense)
Pointing out the plight of blacks is racist?

According to a recent study published by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in February 2011, “Although blacks make up only 13.6 percent of the U.S. population, they account for 50.3 percent of all diagnosed cases of HIV. Additionally, the rate of HIV diagnosis among black men is eight times that of whites and two times that of Hispanics, and the rate for black women is 19 times that of whites and four times that of Hispanics.”

According to a recent study conducted by the Institute on Assets and Social Policy (IASP) at Brandeis University, “The wealth disparity between white and black households has more than quadrupled, regardless of income bracket.” Predicated on economic data from 1984 to 2007, the IASP study indicated that the average white family in the sample group held around $95,000 more in assets than the average black family. Additionally, the study found that middle-income white families have more assets (stocks, bonds, business interests, real estate other than primary residence) than do high-income black families.

According to the most recent government figures from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “72 percent of black mothers are unwed which eclipses that of most other groups: 17 percent of Asians, 29 percent of whites, 53 percent of Hispanics and 66 percent of Native Americans.”

According to the US Department of Education, “Nearly half of the nation’s African American students attend high schools in low-income areas with dropout rates that hover in the 40-50% range.” “Dropout factories” (i.e., high schools that routinely have senior classes with 60% fewer students than their entering freshmen classes) are estimated to produce 73% of African American, 66% of Latino, and 34% of White dropouts, respectively.

According to a relatively recent graduation rate report from the Education Sector, an independent think tank, “Fewer than half of the black students who enroll in college graduate from four-year institutions within six years. Nationally, the average six-year graduation rate for all students is 57 percent.”

Moreover, a 2009 Associated Press analysis of government data on the 83 federally designated four-year HBCUs indicated that only 37 percent of their black students finish a degree within six years, which is 4 percentage points lower than the national college graduation rate for black students.

According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, “The racial composition of the US prison and jail population as of 2008 was 60.21% (African American (non-Hispanic), 20.29% Hispanic, 13.44% White American (non-Hispanic) , and 6.06% Other (American Indian, Alaska Native, Asian American, Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander American, and Multiracial American).”

Relative to black on black crime, the most recent government statistics indicated that “43% of all murder victims in 2007 were African American, 93.1% of whom were killed were African Americans.”

According to recent US Census Bureau data, “24.7% of all African-American live in poverty in comparison to 8.6% of all non-Hispanic White, 11.8% of all Asian-American and 23.2% of all Hispanic.” The Labor Department statistics still show the current unemployment rate among blacks hovering around 16 percent, although the economy as a whole has shown some improvement.

According to the US Centers for Disease Control Health Disparities and Inequalities Report (Jan. 2011), “Black women and men have much higher coronary heart disease (CHD) death rates in the 45–74 age group than women and men of other races. A higher percentage of black women (37.9%) than white women (19.4%) died before age 75 as a result of CHD, as did black men (61.5%) compared with white men (41.5%). And, a higher percentage of black women (39%) died of stroke before age 75 compared with white women (17.3%) as did black men (60.7%) compared to white men (31.1%). “

Tell me, when and where did your racist views emanate?

Typical racist you fail to answer the question so you post articles lmao

I figured you for a coward. I was right.

You think you're smart but in reality you're about as dumb as they come.
Pointing out the plight of blacks is racist?

According to a recent study published by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in February 2011, “Although blacks make up only 13.6 percent of the U.S. population, they account for 50.3 percent of all diagnosed cases of HIV. Additionally, the rate of HIV diagnosis among black men is eight times that of whites and two times that of Hispanics, and the rate for black women is 19 times that of whites and four times that of Hispanics.”

According to a recent study conducted by the Institute on Assets and Social Policy (IASP) at Brandeis University, “The wealth disparity between white and black households has more than quadrupled, regardless of income bracket.” Predicated on economic data from 1984 to 2007, the IASP study indicated that the average white family in the sample group held around $95,000 more in assets than the average black family. Additionally, the study found that middle-income white families have more assets (stocks, bonds, business interests, real estate other than primary residence) than do high-income black families.

According to the most recent government figures from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “72 percent of black mothers are unwed which eclipses that of most other groups: 17 percent of Asians, 29 percent of whites, 53 percent of Hispanics and 66 percent of Native Americans.”

According to the US Department of Education, “Nearly half of the nation’s African American students attend high schools in low-income areas with dropout rates that hover in the 40-50% range.” “Dropout factories” (i.e., high schools that routinely have senior classes with 60% fewer students than their entering freshmen classes) are estimated to produce 73% of African American, 66% of Latino, and 34% of White dropouts, respectively.

According to a relatively recent graduation rate report from the Education Sector, an independent think tank, “Fewer than half of the black students who enroll in college graduate from four-year institutions within six years. Nationally, the average six-year graduation rate for all students is 57 percent.”

Moreover, a 2009 Associated Press analysis of government data on the 83 federally designated four-year HBCUs indicated that only 37 percent of their black students finish a degree within six years, which is 4 percentage points lower than the national college graduation rate for black students.

According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, “The racial composition of the US prison and jail population as of 2008 was 60.21% (African American (non-Hispanic), 20.29% Hispanic, 13.44% White American (non-Hispanic) , and 6.06% Other (American Indian, Alaska Native, Asian American, Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander American, and Multiracial American).”

Relative to black on black crime, the most recent government statistics indicated that “43% of all murder victims in 2007 were African American, 93.1% of whom were killed were African Americans.”

According to recent US Census Bureau data, “24.7% of all African-American live in poverty in comparison to 8.6% of all non-Hispanic White, 11.8% of all Asian-American and 23.2% of all Hispanic.” The Labor Department statistics still show the current unemployment rate among blacks hovering around 16 percent, although the economy as a whole has shown some improvement.

According to the US Centers for Disease Control Health Disparities and Inequalities Report (Jan. 2011), “Black women and men have much higher coronary heart disease (CHD) death rates in the 45–74 age group than women and men of other races. A higher percentage of black women (37.9%) than white women (19.4%) died before age 75 as a result of CHD, as did black men (61.5%) compared with white men (41.5%). And, a higher percentage of black women (39%) died of stroke before age 75 compared with white women (17.3%) as did black men (60.7%) compared to white men (31.1%). “

Tell me, when and where did your racist views emanate?

Typical racist you fail to answer the question so you post articles lmao

I figured you for a coward. I was right.

You think you're smart but in reality you're about as dumb as they come.

Nobody is a coward, you on the other hand failed to answer questions
hahahaha. You dont 'know' anything of the sort. Prove it.

of course i know more than you racist.

You know its funny, many of you guys with low intelligence like to pick out typos of mine because you all (and by you all, i'm referring to many of the racist here who have nothing better to do than make endless threads about black people). If pointing out my typos makes you guys feel better then "have at it haus"

what is your definition of 'smarter' in this case? I have heard a lot of youthful boasting coming from you but i sure havent heard much in the way of insightful ideas that i associate with intelligence. Why should we believe you are smart when you dont show it? Because you tell us? Hahahahaha

For a long time I've asked this question and many of you who hold this hatred for blacks seem to subscribe to this hateful and racist ideology so I wanted to take the time to figure out the level of education you possess. This actually helps me to understand why some of you hold the views that you do because frankly I dont personally don't know to many professors who teach human anatomy or physiology that hold racist views. So I submit the following:

1) What is your highest level of education? (example: Grade School, High School)

2) What personal account can you share that influenced you to have the views you have?

3) Are you willing to be open minded to the possibility of accepting certain views of others that contradict the views you hold now?

Disclaimer: Please don't answer by saying you have ten masters degrees because I will know you're lying. For those of you that actually went to college I will question your validity by asking you questions all college students go through so be prepared because you wont be able to google the answer. I assume I wont get much traffic but let's see.

Wow.. you're quite the arrogant, condescending prick aren't you? I'd bet I have houseplants with a keener intellect than yourself.

As for the bolded.... oh, the irony... you butchered basic spelling, grammar and sentence structure you gnorant fuck.

Conservatives equate science, education, facts, critical thinking and so on as "snobbish liberalism".

Yeah, when I think of "critical thinker", Susan Sarandon, Nancy Pelosi and the Dixie Chicks leap to mind.

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