What is the main or biggest reason you are voting for Donald Trump?

An evangelical friend of mine actually believes Donald Trump is a prophet.

In the literal biblical sense.

I ask you.

I have heard something like that quite a few times.

On another political forum there was a group of people that were in agreement that he is a chosen one of God.
Our country has gone mad.
Because I can't fucking stand the DC political establishment, they're more evil than the worst serial killer
Because I can't fucking stand the DC political establishment, they're more evil than the worst serial killer
Spoken like a true hippie.

Let me guess. You're wearing a tie-dye shirt and bell bottoms, and smell like patchouli.
For those who can't see the OP video, here are the Top 10 Reasons To Vote For Trump:

1. You have seven pounds of brain damage.

2. You enjoy being lied to several times a day.

3. You believe EVERY lie you want to believe is true.

4. "Because Hillary".

5. You think the KGB thug Putin is the sexiest manly man who ever lived and knows what's best for America.

6. You believe a New York limousine liberal who made his fortune from gambling dens , parading half naked women on TV, and encouraging all the worst human instincts on a long running game show, and who has been married three times and defrauded senior citizens of their retirement nest eggs has been sent by God Himself to save us.

7. You believe all Muslims need to be exterminated.

8. You can say with a straight face our economy is struggling because of Mexicans.

9. You believe a wall will stop drug smuggling.

10. Canada has denied your visa.
Might wanna visit the front page of Drudge and see all the corruption the dems are engaging in.
And you have a problem with us voting for Trump?
You're so full of it.
For those who can't see the OP video, here are the Top 10 Reasons To Vote For Trump:

1. You have seven pounds of brain damage.

2. You enjoy being lied to several times a day.

3. You believe EVERY lie you want to believe is true.

4. "Because Hillary".

5. You think the KGB thug Putin is the sexiest manly man who ever lived and knows what's best for America.

6. You believe a New York limousine liberal who made his fortune from gambling dens , parading half naked women on TV, and encouraging all the worst human instincts on a long running game show, and who has been married three times and defrauded senior citizens of their retirement nest eggs has been sent by God Himself to save us.

7. You believe all Muslims need to be exterminated.

8. You can say with a straight face our economy is struggling because of Mexicans.

9. You believe a wall will stop drug smuggling.

10. Canada has denied your visa.
Might wanna visit the front page of Drudge and see all the corruption the dems are engaging in.
And you have a problem with us voting for Trump?
You're so full of it.
Wait. You want me to get in line with you for some Kool Aid from your favorite propaganda outlet?

I don't think so, rube!

I keep telling you dumb shits to stop getting back in line to be lied to, so don't EVEN think about inviting me to join you.
For those who can't see the OP video, here are the Top 10 Reasons To Vote For Trump:

1. You have seven pounds of brain damage.

2. You enjoy being lied to several times a day.

3. You believe EVERY lie you want to believe is true.

4. "Because Hillary".

5. You think the KGB thug Putin is the sexiest manly man who ever lived and knows what's best for America.

6. You believe a New York limousine liberal who made his fortune from gambling dens , parading half naked women on TV, and encouraging all the worst human instincts on a long running game show, and who has been married three times and defrauded senior citizens of their retirement nest eggs has been sent by God Himself to save us.

7. You believe all Muslims need to be exterminated.

8. You can say with a straight face our economy is struggling because of Mexicans.

9. You believe a wall will stop drug smuggling.

10. Canada has denied your visa.
Might wanna visit the front page of Drudge and see all the corruption the dems are engaging in.
And you have a problem with us voting for Trump?
You're so full of it.
Wait. You want me to get in line with you for some Kool Aid from your favorite propaganda outlet?

I don't think so, rube!

I keep telling you dumb shits to stop getting back in line to be lied to, so don't EVEN think about inviting me to join you.
Ya know you can vote for who you want, and I don't have a problem with that.
But when you're voting for a candidate that is rotten to the core, and then turn around and call me a dumb #### it really makes you look hypocritical.
Because I cannot in good conscience stand by and watch the criminal Hillary get into the Oval Office without trying to stop her.
Because I cannot in good conscience stand by and watch the criminal Hillary get into the Oval Office without trying to stop her.

You're spot on! The best reason for voting for Trump is that he is not Hillary.

Hillary has lengthy history of dishonesty and corruption. She has a legacy of illegal wars that have destabilized entire countries; wars which have killed and maimed our men and women in uniform and resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent woman and children and displaced ever more. She is proposing a no-fly zone in Syria, which Obama opposes and her own advisers have said will cause a war with Russia. She is also for open borders which is an invitation for murderers, rapist and terrorists to enter our country. Americans have already been killed, women already raped by Hillary's guests, and under a Clinton administration it could only get worse. Finally, she is an advocate for those who chant, “What do we want? Dead Cops! When do we want them? Now!”

Trump on the other hand has advised against a no-fly zone and promised that he would never allow the U.S. military to be used for politically motivated nation building. He is also firmly against open borders and is a powerful advocate for law and order. Even if Trump groped every pussy in Pasadena, he is still morally superior to the lying warmonger Hillary. I would rather vote for an alleged groper than a proven traitor.

In the immortal words of Knute Rockne: “When the team is up against it, when things are wrong and the breaks are beating the boys, ask them to go in there with all they've got and win just one for the Groper.”

On another thread a poster named MITSU said: “So, don't listen. I voted for her and I never do. It's unnecessary and she isn't good with people, she's good with policy.” When I asked MITSU to identify even one of Hillary's policy successes, he/she abandoned ship. No comment. Complete silence. This is typical of Clinton's supporters. In the fantasy world where ultra-liberals reside Queen Clinton is a savior, the sole hope for humankind; however they can't name a single Hillary Clinton achievement. In the real world where most of us live everything Hillary touched has turned to shit and the proof is obvious. Her own words condemn her.

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