What is the most Complete Menu of mid-Term D Errors Being committed?

william the wie

Gold Member
Nov 18, 2009
To take a simple example if the Ds take the house impeachments that will go no where because the Ds cannot take the Senate will make them look even more idiotic than they obviously are. However if they fail to take the house in the mid-terms they will see the maximum two bills that cannot be fillibustered. And both of those bills will be Christmas trees that will benefit red states the most and make the Ds look more incompetent than they really are. In either case the rent a riot crowd will find themselves with criminal records and many will get vacations behind bars.

But which will hurt the Ds more?

Then there are all of the silly and uncostitutional being done on the D local and state level. What is the best method of enabling the Ds to destroy themselves? And how many errors can be encouraged?

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