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What is the most destructive Conservative policy in the US today?

I'll try a companion thread to the one on liberal policies.

My response to that thread was "The worst liberal policy is the same it's always been: Lowering standards & expectations for groups it decides are oppressed, and in turn enabling that group's worst behaviors, hurting them and the country in the future."

For this thread, I'd say: The worst conservative policy is their absolute refusal to admit and accept the fact that, in any given socioeconomic system, there will be people who function better within it, and those who function worse within it. And those people are being left behind, FAR behind, with this absolutist anti-government madness that began when the Right took Reagan's "government is the problem" speech tag line as literal gospel.

The hardcore Left has wrecked our culture; the hardcore Right has wrecked our socioeconomics. A pox on both houses.

Any thoughts?

Their refusal to fully fund any social safety net program at levels that truly take burdens off people.

Why am I responsible for those people?

You personally are not.
Hahaha...Of all the fucked up policies the best you could come up with was “deficit spending”?
The sane mind would believe that for a policy to be considered “destructive” it would have to impact one’s quality of life...no?
At the end of the day isn’t quality of life what really matters?

I have seen many lives ruined by them spending more than they make. They have a great quality of life while it last, nice cars, nice house, travelling and eating out all the time. Then eventually the bills come due and it all crashes. I knew more than a few Marines that screwed their careers with this, including on FA-18 pilot that lost his clearance, what do you suppose that does to a career?

This is what makes deficit spending so destructive, it is hidden by the amazingly fun quality of life it brings for a time.

Please ask me how dirty wetbacks impact my quality of life....PLEASE ASK!

What I will ask is how illegal immigration impacts MY quality of life, since you seem to think it should have been my answer.
I'll try a companion thread to the one on liberal policies.

My response to that thread was "The worst liberal policy is the same it's always been: Lowering standards & expectations for groups it decides are oppressed, and in turn enabling that group's worst behaviors, hurting them and the country in the future."

For this thread, I'd say: The worst conservative policy is their absolute refusal to admit and accept the fact that, in any given socioeconomic system, there will be people who function better within it, and those who function worse within it. And those people are being left behind, FAR behind, with this absolutist anti-government madness that began when the Right took Reagan's "government is the problem" speech tag line as literal gospel.

The hardcore Left has wrecked our culture; the hardcore Right has wrecked our socioeconomics. A pox on both houses.

Any thoughts?

Their refusal to fully fund any social safety net program at levels that truly take burdens off people.

Why am I responsible for those people?

You personally are not.

Apparently I am when liberals want to raise my taxes to give away shit for "free"!
How does the “war on drugs” affect your quality of life?
It takes resources away from combatting other crimes and from other services, like schools and infrastructure. What a stupid question. You really couldn't puzzle that out for yourself? Yessir, it's a real meeting of the minds, here....
How does the “war on drugs” affect your quality of life?
It takes resources away from combatting other crimes and from other services, like schools and infrastructure. What a stupid question. You really couldn't puzzle that out for yourself? Yessir, it's a real meeting of the minds, here....

Couldn’t one make the same argument for all the laws we spend time and energy enforcing?
I have a strange feeling you’re a stoner or user yourself?
I’ve found that ALL lowlife users tend to embrace the notion of legalized drugs....weird huh?
Couldn’t one make the same argument for all the laws we spend time and energy enforcing?
Of course, but this is a discussion about these laws NOT being worth enforcing. Why do i have to spell that out?

Haha...nice diversion.
I bet pedophiles can’t wait for us to stop the war against pedophilia...huh?
I wonder if drunk drivers hate the war on drunk driving?
Couldn’t one make the same argument for all the laws we spend time and energy enforcing?
Of course, but this is a discussion about these laws NOT being worth enforcing. Why do i have to spell that out?

Why are laws discouraging self destructive behavior not worth enforcing?

I don’t know why the filthy, lowlife bastards don’t ever just spit it the fuck out...
“Because I like to smoke weed and do a little cocaine here and there...I hate worrying about getting popped...that’s why.”
Getting sick and needing medicine is not screwing the pooch. Yet the GOP is actively trying to destroy the ability of a significant portion of the populace to get health care. You don't like socialism? I live in Europe. Here everyone has the same opportunity. Not everybody has the same outcome. What we do better, not by any means perfectly is making sure that that opportunity is the same for everybody. Healthcare is available to all, education on all levels is available to all. This is an equal society by your definition is it not?

In America, we do NOT DENY ANYONE healthcare. Did you know that? They can walk right in to any healthcare center, and they are INSTANTLY taken care of! From what I understand, that is a whole lot faster than you are-)

What YOU are talking about, is HEALTH INSURANCE. Health insurance, is NOT healthcare!

Now my European friend, let me ask you a question-----------> You are sick, really sick! You have your charming and delightful National Healthcare insurance. You go to a facility, and they tell you they will run tests, in 4 months.

I go to MY healthcare facility, and they run the tests the next day, or within 5 days.

YOU DIE because the tests are to late to diagnose your problem. They pay.

I live, but they send me a bill!

Who is better off?

And if you say YOU are, you must be French, because they always surrender-)
I did know one can get primary care in any hospital. My wife is American by the way. No it's not faster then in my country ( although I can't vouch for other European countries). It's actually after that that the US lacks. What you guy do is making it economical unfeasible for certain segments of the populace to receive decent care. I know this because exactly that happened to my brother in law.
As to your question. Again I can't speak for all of Europe honestly, because I don't know how it is in every country in Europe. What I do know that here,( Belgium) . You get seen by a doctor quickly. One even comes to your house if you are not mobile. If you get really sick or hurt care is immediate. As an example I've been having headaches lately a lot. My GP send me to get a CT scan in my local hospital. At no point was there cause for alarm yet I got my scan in 2 weeks. My wife on the other hand, (this was before we got married, so no insurance), broke her ankle here pretty badly. She got seen, operated on in one hectic afternoon. Nobody asked her how she would pay for it and they even made a follow up. This of course is all anecdotal. What isn't that the US has the most expensive healthcare system in the world by far. Yet for most health indicators the US score below most of Europe

Well, at least you are real.

Let me put it to you this way, and I hope you really read this----------------> In a perfect world, I believe that healthcare should be a mix of government subsidies, AND personal control of cost, with the recipient being able to KEEP 1/2 of the subsidy, if he/she comes in UNDER the subsidy, returning the other 1/2 to the government.


Because then the patient will attempt to get the LOWEST cost for their care, forcing healthcare facilities to COMPETE for their business, just as if you are purchasing a car, or beef, or oil, or natural gas.

Without the patient being given incentives to lower costs to themselves, nobody wins. The providers know if they give good or bad service, they get the same amount, or the patient knowing that no matter the service they receive, the government pays it, no entity has incentive to do anything.

FREEDOM is choice, plain and simple. You will only CHOOSE something different, if it benefits you! Those giving YOU healthcare will want those dollars, so they will alter what they provide by price, or care, so as YOU choose them.

Do you like money? So do they! So by competition, they will try to get more people to spend their healthcare dollars there. And there is only 2 ways to do it. Lower prices, or better care. That is a win-win! And then, you will get facilities who will offer lower prices, and BETTER than average care! If you get to keep 50% of the subsidy, you WILL be looking for that!

This is why SOCIALISM does NOT work! As long as something is free, the product doesn't have to get better, and as long as somebody else pays for it, the price never has to come down!
Actually not true. There is incentive to make it cheap. If healthcare is expensive the government has to make up the shortfall. They have to raise taxes then. You think that wouldn't effect their ability to get reelected. I'll give you a few practical examples, forgive me that they will be again anecdotal. My town population around 35000 is serviced by about 15 people who administrate our health insurance.( State run). Between the people who administer your several health insurance providers, pharmacy techs who's sole job it is to call those providers to fill scrips, medical billing and coders and other staff. How many people does it take to service 35000 people in the US? My GP doesn't have a secretary in fact almost none of them do. That simply isn't possible in the US. Most of the middle men between patient and doctor has been eliminated here, all people you don't have to pay. So is most of the for profit motive. One of my wives friends in the US had a lapband surgery 2 years ago. It took her 2 years, countless doctors visit, and thousands of dollars to get it done. My wife had a gastric bypass last year. It took her 4 months, 1 doctors visit and 1 full day of tests. What's cheaper and more efficient?

Point taken!

How many people reside in Belgium?

Do you have an influx of legal, or illegal aliens, that your government wans to give free healthcare to also?

Do you belong to NATO? And if so, how much does your country pay, allowing more money for social services?

What is YOUR personal tax rate. and are you personally considered middle class?

All these things are pertinent. I am NOT trying to delve into your personal life, that is NOT my objective. Rather, it is to show the stark contrast, between our life and yours, if there is such a disparity.

EXAMPLE----------------> As I type this, because of my (as I believe) lower tax rates, I am a former blue collar worker, partially retired, living in a paid of 2200 square foot house, in my rec room that has a wet bar, on 1/4 acre, with 3 vehicles in my driveway, AND a 36 foot RV(recreational vehicle) I can travel my beautiful country with, whenever I choose.

This is my life, with low tax rates, without NATIONAL HEALTHCARE!

Of course, I DO have healthcare, because I worked, retired, and my former employer pays for it!

Sooooooooooooooooo, if I live better than you do being just a former blue collar worker, you are suggesting that I live less, so that those who made BAD decisions in life, have healthcare, while I give up my stuff to make them happy.

Is that how the world is supposed to work?

And I will inform you---------->while working where I worked, I watched THOUSANDS of people hire in, and QUIT! The work was NOT worth the pay, or benefits they were to receive. NOW you want me to SUBSIDIZE those same people? You are kidding me, correct!
Ok lots of questions. I don't want to be evasive, but some of these questions don't have any bearing on national healthcare and it's relative value in comparison with for profit heath care.
- Population: Doesn't have any bearing on the per capita cost. Since these are averages. 12 Million but it's not important.
- Personal taxation: Also irrelevant because healthcare cost is a calculation of the cost out of pocket PLUS taxation. But again in the interest of honesty 50 percent more or less.
- Ingress of outsiders in social security. Again irrelevant, talking averages here. But to answer your question, yes. In fact Belgium population 12 million had a larger influx of refugees then the US per capita. Mostly Syrians.

Now we come with the things that could be relevant.
-Yes, we are a member of Nato. In fact Nato headquarters is in Brussels. We spend .9 percent of GDP on the Military. As opposed to the 3.6 the US spends although the US has a lot of expenditures outside Nato. Defense Expenditures Of NATO Members Visualized [Infographic]
- On the other hand Belgium spend 10 percent of it's GDP on healthcare compared to the 17 percent the US does.Current health expenditure (% of GDP) | Data

So even if Belgium would spend the same amount of it's GDP on the military it would still be considerably less taken together than the US spends on healthcare alone.

As to my personal situation. Yes I'm middle class. Have a fully paid house at 40 although I'm afraid our cost per acreage is considerably higher than most of the US so it's not that big, since we are one of the most densely populated countries in the world. I have a 3 year old Mercedes to drive and a company car. I used to be Blue collar but I'm a supervisor now. All in all I'm pretty comparable I think.

Now to your question. You, I and every other person pays for stuff that you don't necessarily use. You pay for a military, roads, prisons and yes healthcare, basic as it may be. After that isn't just a matter of how much your willing to pay for certainty? I pay wayyyyy more taxes. On the other hand, just like I said. Me and my family will never have to worry about what happens when I get sick, lose my job or if my kids will get a decent education. So yes I want to subsidize the lazies. Because not all the people who live on the system are there of their own volition and yes it could happen to you to.
In America, we do NOT DENY ANYONE healthcare. Did you know that? They can walk right in to any healthcare center, and they are INSTANTLY taken care of! From what I understand, that is a whole lot faster than you are-)

What YOU are talking about, is HEALTH INSURANCE. Health insurance, is NOT healthcare!

Now my European friend, let me ask you a question-----------> You are sick, really sick! You have your charming and delightful National Healthcare insurance. You go to a facility, and they tell you they will run tests, in 4 months.

I go to MY healthcare facility, and they run the tests the next day, or within 5 days.

YOU DIE because the tests are to late to diagnose your problem. They pay.

I live, but they send me a bill!

Who is better off?

And if you say YOU are, you must be French, because they always surrender-)
I did know one can get primary care in any hospital. My wife is American by the way. No it's not faster then in my country ( although I can't vouch for other European countries). It's actually after that that the US lacks. What you guy do is making it economical unfeasible for certain segments of the populace to receive decent care. I know this because exactly that happened to my brother in law.
As to your question. Again I can't speak for all of Europe honestly, because I don't know how it is in every country in Europe. What I do know that here,( Belgium) . You get seen by a doctor quickly. One even comes to your house if you are not mobile. If you get really sick or hurt care is immediate. As an example I've been having headaches lately a lot. My GP send me to get a CT scan in my local hospital. At no point was there cause for alarm yet I got my scan in 2 weeks. My wife on the other hand, (this was before we got married, so no insurance), broke her ankle here pretty badly. She got seen, operated on in one hectic afternoon. Nobody asked her how she would pay for it and they even made a follow up. This of course is all anecdotal. What isn't that the US has the most expensive healthcare system in the world by far. Yet for most health indicators the US score below most of Europe

Well, at least you are real.

Let me put it to you this way, and I hope you really read this----------------> In a perfect world, I believe that healthcare should be a mix of government subsidies, AND personal control of cost, with the recipient being able to KEEP 1/2 of the subsidy, if he/she comes in UNDER the subsidy, returning the other 1/2 to the government.


Because then the patient will attempt to get the LOWEST cost for their care, forcing healthcare facilities to COMPETE for their business, just as if you are purchasing a car, or beef, or oil, or natural gas.

Without the patient being given incentives to lower costs to themselves, nobody wins. The providers know if they give good or bad service, they get the same amount, or the patient knowing that no matter the service they receive, the government pays it, no entity has incentive to do anything.

FREEDOM is choice, plain and simple. You will only CHOOSE something different, if it benefits you! Those giving YOU healthcare will want those dollars, so they will alter what they provide by price, or care, so as YOU choose them.

Do you like money? So do they! So by competition, they will try to get more people to spend their healthcare dollars there. And there is only 2 ways to do it. Lower prices, or better care. That is a win-win! And then, you will get facilities who will offer lower prices, and BETTER than average care! If you get to keep 50% of the subsidy, you WILL be looking for that!

This is why SOCIALISM does NOT work! As long as something is free, the product doesn't have to get better, and as long as somebody else pays for it, the price never has to come down!
Actually not true. There is incentive to make it cheap. If healthcare is expensive the government has to make up the shortfall. They have to raise taxes then. You think that wouldn't effect their ability to get reelected. I'll give you a few practical examples, forgive me that they will be again anecdotal. My town population around 35000 is serviced by about 15 people who administrate our health insurance.( State run). Between the people who administer your several health insurance providers, pharmacy techs who's sole job it is to call those providers to fill scrips, medical billing and coders and other staff. How many people does it take to service 35000 people in the US? My GP doesn't have a secretary in fact almost none of them do. That simply isn't possible in the US. Most of the middle men between patient and doctor has been eliminated here, all people you don't have to pay. So is most of the for profit motive. One of my wives friends in the US had a lapband surgery 2 years ago. It took her 2 years, countless doctors visit, and thousands of dollars to get it done. My wife had a gastric bypass last year. It took her 4 months, 1 doctors visit and 1 full day of tests. What's cheaper and more efficient?

Point taken!

How many people reside in Belgium?

Do you have an influx of legal, or illegal aliens, that your government wans to give free healthcare to also?

Do you belong to NATO? And if so, how much does your country pay, allowing more money for social services?

What is YOUR personal tax rate. and are you personally considered middle class?

All these things are pertinent. I am NOT trying to delve into your personal life, that is NOT my objective. Rather, it is to show the stark contrast, between our life and yours, if there is such a disparity.

EXAMPLE----------------> As I type this, because of my (as I believe) lower tax rates, I am a former blue collar worker, partially retired, living in a paid of 2200 square foot house, in my rec room that has a wet bar, on 1/4 acre, with 3 vehicles in my driveway, AND a 36 foot RV(recreational vehicle) I can travel my beautiful country with, whenever I choose.

This is my life, with low tax rates, without NATIONAL HEALTHCARE!

Of course, I DO have healthcare, because I worked, retired, and my former employer pays for it!

Sooooooooooooooooo, if I live better than you do being just a former blue collar worker, you are suggesting that I live less, so that those who made BAD decisions in life, have healthcare, while I give up my stuff to make them happy.

Is that how the world is supposed to work?

And I will inform you---------->while working where I worked, I watched THOUSANDS of people hire in, and QUIT! The work was NOT worth the pay, or benefits they were to receive. NOW you want me to SUBSIDIZE those same people? You are kidding me, correct!
Ok lots of questions. I don't want to be evasive, but some of these questions don't have any bearing on national healthcare and it's relative value in comparison with for profit heath care.
- Population: Doesn't have any bearing on the per capita cost. Since these are averages. 12 Million but it's not important.
- Personal taxation: Also irrelevant because healthcare cost is a calculation of the cost out of pocket PLUS taxation. But again in the interest of honesty 50 percent more or less.
- Ingress of outsiders in social security. Again irrelevant, talking averages here. But to answer your question, yes. In fact Belgium population 12 million had a larger influx of refugees then the US per capita. Mostly Syrians.

Now we come with the things that could be relevant.
-Yes, we are a member of Nato. In fact Nato headquarters is in Brussels. We spend .9 percent of GDP on the Military. As opposed to the 3.6 the US spends although the US has a lot of expenditures outside Nato. Defense Expenditures Of NATO Members Visualized [Infographic]
- On the other hand Belgium spend 10 percent of it's GDP on healthcare compared to the 17 percent the US does.Current health expenditure (% of GDP) | Data

So even if Belgium would spend the same amount of it's GDP on the military it would still be considerably less taken together than the US spends on healthcare alone.

As to my personal situation. Yes I'm middle class. Have a fully paid house at 40 although I'm afraid our cost per acreage is considerably higher than most of the US so it's not that big, since we are one of the most densely populated countries in the world. I have a 3 year old Mercedes to drive and a company car. I used to be Blue collar but I'm a supervisor now. All in all I'm pretty comparable I think.

Now to your question. You, I and every other person pays for stuff that you don't necessarily use. You pay for a military, roads, prisons and yes healthcare, basic as it may be. After that isn't just a matter of how much your willing to pay for certainty? I pay wayyyyy more taxes. On the other hand, just like I said. Me and my family will never have to worry about what happens when I get sick, lose my job or if my kids will get a decent education. So yes I want to subsidize the lazies. Because not all the people who live on the system are there of their own volition and yes it could happen to you to.

Sit down right now and write out your check to the US Treasury! They will gladly accept any and all contributions. Just don't expect me to do the same with my resources.
Hahaha...Of all the fucked up policies the best you could come up with was “deficit spending”?
The sane mind would believe that for a policy to be considered “destructive” it would have to impact one’s quality of life...no?
At the end of the day isn’t quality of life what really matters?

I have seen many lives ruined by them spending more than they make. They have a great quality of life while it last, nice cars, nice house, travelling and eating out all the time. Then eventually the bills come due and it all crashes. I knew more than a few Marines that screwed their careers with this, including on FA-18 pilot that lost his clearance, what do you suppose that does to a career?

This is what makes deficit spending so destructive, it is hidden by the amazingly fun quality of life it brings for a time.

Exactly. And it's insidious because it allows, even encourage bigger and more intrusive government. When taxpayers aren't paying for the government they get, they have far less incentive to push back against government encroachment. Take "Medicare for All". If we were to require it pay for itself from the get-go, if any increases in spending required were accompanied by tax increases, there's no way it would ever pass. But since both parties are comfortable with deficit spending, there's a good chance it will. If no one has to pay for it, why not? Free shit!
In America, we do NOT DENY ANYONE healthcare. Did you know that? They can walk right in to any healthcare center, and they are INSTANTLY taken care of! From what I understand, that is a whole lot faster than you are-)

What YOU are talking about, is HEALTH INSURANCE. Health insurance, is NOT healthcare!

Now my European friend, let me ask you a question-----------> You are sick, really sick! You have your charming and delightful National Healthcare insurance. You go to a facility, and they tell you they will run tests, in 4 months.

I go to MY healthcare facility, and they run the tests the next day, or within 5 days.

YOU DIE because the tests are to late to diagnose your problem. They pay.

I live, but they send me a bill!

Who is better off?

And if you say YOU are, you must be French, because they always surrender-)
I did know one can get primary care in any hospital. My wife is American by the way. No it's not faster then in my country ( although I can't vouch for other European countries). It's actually after that that the US lacks. What you guy do is making it economical unfeasible for certain segments of the populace to receive decent care. I know this because exactly that happened to my brother in law.
As to your question. Again I can't speak for all of Europe honestly, because I don't know how it is in every country in Europe. What I do know that here,( Belgium) . You get seen by a doctor quickly. One even comes to your house if you are not mobile. If you get really sick or hurt care is immediate. As an example I've been having headaches lately a lot. My GP send me to get a CT scan in my local hospital. At no point was there cause for alarm yet I got my scan in 2 weeks. My wife on the other hand, (this was before we got married, so no insurance), broke her ankle here pretty badly. She got seen, operated on in one hectic afternoon. Nobody asked her how she would pay for it and they even made a follow up. This of course is all anecdotal. What isn't that the US has the most expensive healthcare system in the world by far. Yet for most health indicators the US score below most of Europe

Well, at least you are real.

Let me put it to you this way, and I hope you really read this----------------> In a perfect world, I believe that healthcare should be a mix of government subsidies, AND personal control of cost, with the recipient being able to KEEP 1/2 of the subsidy, if he/she comes in UNDER the subsidy, returning the other 1/2 to the government.


Because then the patient will attempt to get the LOWEST cost for their care, forcing healthcare facilities to COMPETE for their business, just as if you are purchasing a car, or beef, or oil, or natural gas.

Without the patient being given incentives to lower costs to themselves, nobody wins. The providers know if they give good or bad service, they get the same amount, or the patient knowing that no matter the service they receive, the government pays it, no entity has incentive to do anything.

FREEDOM is choice, plain and simple. You will only CHOOSE something different, if it benefits you! Those giving YOU healthcare will want those dollars, so they will alter what they provide by price, or care, so as YOU choose them.

Do you like money? So do they! So by competition, they will try to get more people to spend their healthcare dollars there. And there is only 2 ways to do it. Lower prices, or better care. That is a win-win! And then, you will get facilities who will offer lower prices, and BETTER than average care! If you get to keep 50% of the subsidy, you WILL be looking for that!

This is why SOCIALISM does NOT work! As long as something is free, the product doesn't have to get better, and as long as somebody else pays for it, the price never has to come down!
Actually not true. There is incentive to make it cheap. If healthcare is expensive the government has to make up the shortfall. They have to raise taxes then. You think that wouldn't effect their ability to get reelected. I'll give you a few practical examples, forgive me that they will be again anecdotal. My town population around 35000 is serviced by about 15 people who administrate our health insurance.( State run). Between the people who administer your several health insurance providers, pharmacy techs who's sole job it is to call those providers to fill scrips, medical billing and coders and other staff. How many people does it take to service 35000 people in the US? My GP doesn't have a secretary in fact almost none of them do. That simply isn't possible in the US. Most of the middle men between patient and doctor has been eliminated here, all people you don't have to pay. So is most of the for profit motive. One of my wives friends in the US had a lapband surgery 2 years ago. It took her 2 years, countless doctors visit, and thousands of dollars to get it done. My wife had a gastric bypass last year. It took her 4 months, 1 doctors visit and 1 full day of tests. What's cheaper and more efficient?

Point taken!

How many people reside in Belgium?

Do you have an influx of legal, or illegal aliens, that your government wans to give free healthcare to also?

Do you belong to NATO? And if so, how much does your country pay, allowing more money for social services?

What is YOUR personal tax rate. and are you personally considered middle class?

All these things are pertinent. I am NOT trying to delve into your personal life, that is NOT my objective. Rather, it is to show the stark contrast, between our life and yours, if there is such a disparity.

EXAMPLE----------------> As I type this, because of my (as I believe) lower tax rates, I am a former blue collar worker, partially retired, living in a paid of 2200 square foot house, in my rec room that has a wet bar, on 1/4 acre, with 3 vehicles in my driveway, AND a 36 foot RV(recreational vehicle) I can travel my beautiful country with, whenever I choose.

This is my life, with low tax rates, without NATIONAL HEALTHCARE!

Of course, I DO have healthcare, because I worked, retired, and my former employer pays for it!

Sooooooooooooooooo, if I live better than you do being just a former blue collar worker, you are suggesting that I live less, so that those who made BAD decisions in life, have healthcare, while I give up my stuff to make them happy.

Is that how the world is supposed to work?

And I will inform you---------->while working where I worked, I watched THOUSANDS of people hire in, and QUIT! The work was NOT worth the pay, or benefits they were to receive. NOW you want me to SUBSIDIZE those same people? You are kidding me, correct!
Ok lots of questions. I don't want to be evasive, but some of these questions don't have any bearing on national healthcare and it's relative value in comparison with for profit heath care.
- Population: Doesn't have any bearing on the per capita cost. Since these are averages. 12 Million but it's not important.
- Personal taxation: Also irrelevant because healthcare cost is a calculation of the cost out of pocket PLUS taxation. But again in the interest of honesty 50 percent more or less.
- Ingress of outsiders in social security. Again irrelevant, talking averages here. But to answer your question, yes. In fact Belgium population 12 million had a larger influx of refugees then the US per capita. Mostly Syrians.

Now we come with the things that could be relevant.
-Yes, we are a member of Nato. In fact Nato headquarters is in Brussels. We spend .9 percent of GDP on the Military. As opposed to the 3.6 the US spends although the US has a lot of expenditures outside Nato. Defense Expenditures Of NATO Members Visualized [Infographic]
- On the other hand Belgium spend 10 percent of it's GDP on healthcare compared to the 17 percent the US does.Current health expenditure (% of GDP) | Data

So even if Belgium would spend the same amount of it's GDP on the military it would still be considerably less taken together than the US spends on healthcare alone.

As to my personal situation. Yes I'm middle class. Have a fully paid house at 40 although I'm afraid our cost per acreage is considerably higher than most of the US so it's not that big, since we are one of the most densely populated countries in the world. I have a 3 year old Mercedes to drive and a company car. I used to be Blue collar but I'm a supervisor now. All in all I'm pretty comparable I think.

Now to your question. You, I and every other person pays for stuff that you don't necessarily use. You pay for a military, roads, prisons and yes healthcare, basic as it may be. After that isn't just a matter of how much your willing to pay for certainty? I pay wayyyyy more taxes. On the other hand, just like I said. Me and my family will never have to worry about what happens when I get sick, lose my job or if my kids will get a decent education. So yes I want to subsidize the lazies. Because not all the people who live on the system are there of their own volition and yes it could happen to you to.

Well, at least it appears you are an honest broker, and I will thank you for that.

Now, let me finish up with a few questions, not to keyhole you, but to make you think!

Do you have between 8 and 10% of your population illegal aliens?

Does your country want to grant them ALL the benefits that you now enjoy?

Is your country in debt? And if it is, is it to the tune of over 1 years worth of GDP?

Let me explain something to you, and you may not like it. If we go broke, we are out of business, plain and simple. We are the protectorate of free Europe. If we fail, Moscow is going to walk right through everyone but Germany. And since Germany will be taken out 1st, once they do it Europe will collapse. In essence, all of Europe will form the NEW Soviet Union, and that is exactly what Putin wants to do.

Now LISTEN TO ME! I do NOT want any of my dollars, Francs, Pesos, or anything else, going to the protection of Europe! I do not want American troops in Germany, or anywhere else. I am tired of propping up the European continent with MY tax dollars, but if we do not, then you will be over run.

So when ANYONE in Europe tells me about how their system is wonderful, and it works, I ask them...…….."do YOU and your country have nuclear weapons?" "Do you have a standing army ready to fight?"

If you don't, then you are worried about the wrong thing, OR you are comfortable enough that the US is taking care to keep Putin out, so as YOU can spend your money to keep your citizens happy, although, they are probably not informed.

Personally, I think you are a very nice, honest, and caring person. BUT KNOW THIS------------>The day the United States collapses because of its debt, is the day that Vlad the Impaler, takes everything from YOU!

Now then, knowing that...…...are YOU SURE you want us to be Socialist, just like you...………..knowing full well, that if we do, Vlad is going to take your food, money, and healthcare will be the LEAST of your problems.

I wish you and your country well! I am happy, that you are happy, with 50% tax rates-)
What is the most destructive Conservative policy in the US today?

There are many - but their war on women's reproductive rights is one of the worst.


‘Heartbeat’ Laws Could Ban Most Abortions Across Deep South


Welcome to ISIS America!
Really? Ronald Regan, the Uber Conservative, actually was the one that began this push to relax laws on illegal aliens. That led to sanctuary cities. That led to people losing jobs and changing an entire demographics and the cultural zeitgeist of immigration policy...
Haha...nice diversion.
Its not a diversion. I directly answered your question with a "yes", and then reminded you that this was a discusssion of whether or not we should be diverting those resources in the first place.

First you couldn't puzzle out how this affects people's lives. That was retarded. Then your response was to say, "that could be said about any law". So, you couldn't figure out something simple, then tried to chastise others for it being obvious. Then you conflated drugs with pedophilia. You, sir, are a moron.
Haha...nice diversion.
Its not a diversion. I directly answered your question with a "yes", and then reminded you that this was a discusssion of whether or not we should be diverting those resources in the first place.

First you couldn't puzzle out how this affects people's lives. That was retarded. Then your response was to say, "that could be said about any law". So, you couldn't figure out something simple, then tried to chastise others for it being obvious. Then you conflated drugs with pedophilia. You, sir, are a moron.

You're just rambling on...you're not making any sense...smoke another joint and try again.
Haha...nice diversion.
Its not a diversion. I directly answered your question with a "yes", and then reminded you that this was a discusssion of whether or not we should be diverting those resources in the first place.

First you couldn't puzzle out how this affects people's lives. That was retarded. Then your response was to say, "that could be said about any law". So, you couldn't figure out something simple, then tried to chastise others for it being obvious. Then you conflated drugs with pedophilia. You, sir, are a moron.

You're just rambling on...you're not making any sense...smoke another joint and try again.

I am still waiting for you to tell me how illegal immigration impacts my quality of life

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