What is the most reliable and effective test means to confirm if someone is telling the truth?


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
The polygraph must have it a role especially if someone is not experienced in passing it etc. Other than this, would could be used to methodically test the truth of ones statements? Truth syrum? Is there even such a test today?
The polygraph must have it a role especially if someone is not experienced in passing it etc. Other than this, would could be used to methodically test the truth of ones statements? Truth syrum? Is there even such a test today?

The old fashioned way but it's going to involve waterboarding and fighting to the death.
The polygraph must have it a role especially if someone is not experienced in passing it etc. Other than this, would could be used to methodically test the truth of ones statements? Truth syrum? Is there even such a test today?

Luca Brasi holding a gun to someone's head and saying either the truth or their brains will be on the paper.
The polygraph must have it a role especially if someone is not experienced in passing it etc. Other than this, would could be used to methodically test the truth of ones statements? Truth syrum? Is there even such a test today?
Microexpressions. Someone skilled at reading and spotting microexpressions that signal deceit, can instinctively spot a liar. In fact, only the most skilled liar can get past an informed and attentive individual trained in spotting deception. My oldest daughter complained vocally when she was younger, and in so doing helped me with her younger brothers and sisters. She complained that she couldn't lie to me, because I always knew. Eye movement, tone of voice, pitch of voice, facial expressions, hand and finger movements--all easy to read if you know what to look for.

None of the kids could lie to me. It was kind of pitiful on their part. But their Mama, she was a professional, and to this day I don't know if she is lying or telling the truth.
The bad behaviour of certain individuals in the least tells us that they have no confidence in 'their' truth that they maintain is the real truth.

If you can accept that then you can move ahead to examining who are those who are guilty of behavioural breakdowns when challenged.

If one is confident in what he/she believes to be the truth, then I think the balance leans toward his/her side every time.

Our poster 'toomuchtime' serves as an example in that he's conversant on most topics but he can't stay his course when challenged.

And then there are the ice cream cone no-minds that don't even have the ability to begin a debate! Do we all know who 'they' are?
The polygraph must have it a role especially if someone is not experienced in passing it etc. Other than this, would could be used to methodically test the truth of ones statements? Truth syrum? Is there even such a test today?

Waterboarding has always worked pretty well for me.
Waterboarding has always worked pretty well for me.
So well that the CIA removed the method as it is not reliable. Torture has never been a reliable method of getting intel especially when the person is innocent and has no real intel to provide. He could send you on a wild goose chase for years
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So well that the CIA removed the method as it is not reliable. Torture has never been a reliable method of getting intel especially when the person is innocent and has no real inte to provide. He could send you on a wild goose chase for years

"Truth" is a subjective concept, my Canadian friend.

So well that the CIA removed the method as it is not reliable. Torture has never been a reliable method of getting intel especially when the person is innocent and has no real inte to provide. He could send you on a wild goose chase for years

Yah, but think of the entertainment value. Ah, I remember the good old days.


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