What is the point of having military bases leftover from previous wars?

I generally feel that most of our military presence in the world is unnecessary since they are leftovers from wars from several generations back. I always kind of thought that if the war is over with that we retract but why do we have bases left over from WWII and the cold war. THose are long over with so why are they still needed? Who does this make happy?
They make for good strip clubs..
I generally feel that most of our military presence in the world is unnecessary since they are leftovers from wars from several generations back. I always kind of thought that if the war is over with that we retract but why do we have bases left over from WWII and the cold war. THose are long over with so why are they still needed? Who does this make happy?
It is that military industrial complex that Eisenhower warned us about. It is all about sucking the money out of our country.
No, I don't think so PF, I think the Military industrial complex is not our actual Military men and women and the cost of the individuals that serve.... it is the weapons, airplanes, bombers, drones etc and newest and latest technology that we will never use or go to the graveyard after a few years or even before they are ever used, that these corporations sell us and tell us we must have....
I lived in Italy when a preteen and teen, my father was Stationed at a NATO Air Force station in northern Italy....that is still there now, only even larger....now it is a Base....he worked in 15th Communication Squadron....this was before Reagan and Gorbachev 'tore down this wall'....my mother and sister and I could travel to countries like Yugoslavia, and Czechoslovakia which were part of the Soviet Block, but my father was prohibited to travel there by the USAF due to his TOP SECRET clearance and what he was working on when stationed there....

There is MORE than us LAYMEN know about our bases overseas and what their purpose is.... only the military and congress critters with top secret clearance can make the decisions on bases to close...

Some bases are strategically positioned for eaves dropping on Russia and others to get to the middle east quickly if needed.
Has it ever occurred to anyone that a lot of this isn't necessary. I have no problem with having a military to defend ourselves but why is it every conflict in the world seems to involve us somehow. I'm getting a little sick of it. I like peace not war.

None of it is necessary, our military is not used for our common defense, it is used to protect corporate interests. Those and the interests of Israel and Saudi Arabia as well, both have enormous influence on our internal politics.

Why pick on Israel? This country has been one of our closest friends in the middle-east yet we have an entire political party dedicated to ensuring that it is destroyed. There is half a dozen continents that I wouldn't mind abandoning since they seem to despise America. I would start with Europe. Can't they take care of themselves? It is a mystery to me why people hate on the Jews. I'm sure it was a mystery to Germans why the NAZI party hated on them to. Is there a connection?
Has it ever occurred to anyone that a lot of this isn't necessary. I have no problem with having a military to defend ourselves but why is it every conflict in the world seems to involve us somehow. I'm getting a little sick of it. I like peace not war.

None of it is necessary, our military is not used for our common defense, it is used to protect corporate interests. Those and the interests of Israel and Saudi Arabia as well, both have enormous influence on our internal politics.

Why pick on Israel? This country has been one of our closest friends in the middle-east yet we have an entire political party dedicated to ensuring that it is destroyed. There is half a dozen continents that I wouldn't mind abandoning since they seem to despise America. I would start with Europe. Can't they take care of themselves? It is a mystery to me why people hate on the Jews. I'm sure it was a mystery to Germans why the NAZI party hated on them to. Is there a connection?

Why do you bother asking questions if you are unwilling to look for the answers?
AIPAC is the most powerful lobby in the United States. Why does stating that cause you consternation?
Has it ever occurred to anyone that a lot of this isn't necessary. I have no problem with having a military to defend ourselves but why is it every conflict in the world seems to involve us somehow. I'm getting a little sick of it. I like peace not war.

None of it is necessary, our military is not used for our common defense, it is used to protect corporate interests. Those and the interests of Israel and Saudi Arabia as well, both have enormous influence on our internal politics.

Why pick on Israel? This country has been one of our closest friends in the middle-east yet we have an entire political party dedicated to ensuring that it is destroyed. There is half a dozen continents that I wouldn't mind abandoning since they seem to despise America. I would start with Europe. Can't they take care of themselves? It is a mystery to me why people hate on the Jews. I'm sure it was a mystery to Germans why the NAZI party hated on them to. Is there a connection?

Why do you bother asking questions if you are unwilling to look for the answers?
AIPAC is the most powerful lobby in the United States. Why does stating that cause you consternation?

Again, so what? I like Israel as a country for a lot of reasons. I can't say the same about a lot European or Arab countries. They spend so much time putting down Americans that I really have lost a lot of sympathy for them but they have powerful lobbying which is why the government of the United States caters to their interest even when they are complete assholes to us.
Has it ever occurred to anyone that a lot of this isn't necessary. I have no problem with having a military to defend ourselves but why is it every conflict in the world seems to involve us somehow. I'm getting a little sick of it. I like peace not war.

None of it is necessary, our military is not used for our common defense, it is used to protect corporate interests. Those and the interests of Israel and Saudi Arabia as well, both have enormous influence on our internal politics.

Why pick on Israel? This country has been one of our closest friends in the middle-east yet we have an entire political party dedicated to ensuring that it is destroyed. There is half a dozen continents that I wouldn't mind abandoning since they seem to despise America. I would start with Europe. Can't they take care of themselves? It is a mystery to me why people hate on the Jews. I'm sure it was a mystery to Germans why the NAZI party hated on them to. Is there a connection?

Why do you bother asking questions if you are unwilling to look for the answers?
AIPAC is the most powerful lobby in the United States. Why does stating that cause you consternation?

I think the best way to clarify your position is that you hate money and you hate Jews.
Has it ever occurred to anyone that a lot of this isn't necessary. I have no problem with having a military to defend ourselves but why is it every conflict in the world seems to involve us somehow. I'm getting a little sick of it. I like peace not war.

None of it is necessary, our military is not used for our common defense, it is used to protect corporate interests. Those and the interests of Israel and Saudi Arabia as well, both have enormous influence on our internal politics.

Why pick on Israel? This country has been one of our closest friends in the middle-east yet we have an entire political party dedicated to ensuring that it is destroyed. There is half a dozen continents that I wouldn't mind abandoning since they seem to despise America. I would start with Europe. Can't they take care of themselves? It is a mystery to me why people hate on the Jews. I'm sure it was a mystery to Germans why the NAZI party hated on them to. Is there a connection?

Why do you bother asking questions if you are unwilling to look for the answers?
AIPAC is the most powerful lobby in the United States. Why does stating that cause you consternation?

I think the best way to clarify your position is that you hate money and you hate Jews.
No, it is just a convenient way for you to dismiss me.
You could have challenged me on the amount of influence Israel exerts on our internal politics. Instead you decide to disingenuously disengage. What are you afraid of? You say you like Israel, but where is your loyalty to this country?
Has it ever occurred to anyone that a lot of this isn't necessary. I have no problem with having a military to defend ourselves but why is it every conflict in the world seems to involve us somehow. I'm getting a little sick of it. I like peace not war.

None of it is necessary, our military is not used for our common defense, it is used to protect corporate interests. Those and the interests of Israel and Saudi Arabia as well, both have enormous influence on our internal politics.

Why pick on Israel? This country has been one of our closest friends in the middle-east yet we have an entire political party dedicated to ensuring that it is destroyed. There is half a dozen continents that I wouldn't mind abandoning since they seem to despise America. I would start with Europe. Can't they take care of themselves? It is a mystery to me why people hate on the Jews. I'm sure it was a mystery to Germans why the NAZI party hated on them to. Is there a connection?

Why do you bother asking questions if you are unwilling to look for the answers?
AIPAC is the most powerful lobby in the United States. Why does stating that cause you consternation?
Ahhhhhhhh, yes..... noowwwwwww it comes out... that doggone pesky Worldwide Jooooooish Kornspiracy...


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