What is the Point of this Forum?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
There is such a gulf between White and Black culture in America that "discussion" of race relations is an impossibility. For example, a recent study found that there was only one common TV program in the top ten watched by Whites and Blacks in this country: Monday Night Football. How are we going to discuss anything without a common frame of reference? It is as if we speak different cultural languages.

All reasonable people understand the horrific conditions of slavery that existed in this country for its first 100 years and the denial of civil rights that continued for its second 100 years. However, the rejection of "White" values has created a Black subculture which almost guarantees failure in American society. Multiculturalism may sound like a worthy ideal but, as this term is currently used, it merely provides an excuse for continuing much of the self-destructive behavior in the Black community.

Isn't it time to let go of the past?
There is such a gulf between White and Black culture in America that "discussion" of race relations is an impossibility. Isn't it time to let go of the past?

Troll thread. Isn't it time for the troll to go fuck himself?
Uh...why not realize that we are different?
Blacks and whites are not alike...and guess what...that is ok.
Different but equal.
Blacks used to be proud of being black. Today, society tells them it is a handicap, and therefore they need free stuff and special treatment. If I was black - nothing could piss me off more than for someone think I need special allowances just to "catch up" with everyone else - and I would be even more pissed that my own race laps up the free stuff like candy.
People can be conditioned for anything.
This sub forum has three main purposes.

1. It's a place where any race (though mainly whites, the demographic majority of USMB) can vent their spleens over percieved or actual racial injustices.

2. It hosts constructive philosophies designed to draw attention to or create dialogue over issues pertaining to racial differences.

3. It's a place where Unkotare can throw insults from the safety of anonymity at people and OPs that he's incapable of engaging or feels threatened by.
thats right white people let go of Black people's past.Their past is where white people went wrong,and now cant get out of it.
3. It's a place where Unkotare can throw insults from the safety of anonymity at people and OPs that he's incapable of engaging or feels threatened by.

"From the safety of anonymity"? What do you mean, precious? Are you submitting your application for internet tough guy now too? Please elaborate, you tough, tough boy. I want to know how scared I should be. :lol:
There is such a gulf between White and Black culture in America that "discussion" of race relations is an impossibility. For example, a recent study found that there was only one common TV program in the top ten watched by Whites and Blacks in this country: Monday Night Football. How are we going to discuss anything without a common frame of reference? It is as if we speak different cultural languages.

All reasonable people understand the horrific conditions of slavery that existed in this country for its first 100 years and the denial of civil rights that continued for its second 100 years. However, the rejection of "White" values has created a Black subculture which almost guarantees failure in American society. Multiculturalism may sound like a worthy ideal but, as this term is currently used, it merely provides an excuse for continuing much of the self-destructive behavior in the Black community.

Isn't it time to let go of the past?

Blacks, whites, Asians, Jews, Hispanics...

We all have differences that are genetic. Inborn. Not subject to government manipulation.

In short, we AREN'T equal.

Whites are smarter than blacks, for instance.

Not totally, but generally.

Forcing us all to live together in a society where equal outcomes are expected is a bigger fucking disaster than communism.
Blacks, whites, Asians, Jews, Hispanics...

We all have differences that are genetic. Inborn. Not subject to government manipulation.

In short, we AREN'T equal.

Whites are smarter than blacks, for instance.

Not totally, but generally.

Forcing us all to live together in a society where equal outcomes are expected is a bigger fucking disaster than communism.

The United States would be a far better country if the slave trade had never existed. The downtown areas of our once proud cities would be centers of civilization. They would be known for atmospheric restaurants and taverns, new and used book stores, theaters, and so on. They would not be known for the sound of gun fire and police sirens.
Blacks, whites, Asians, Jews, Hispanics...

We all have differences that are genetic. Inborn.

Let's see: Some pathetic fucking coward on the internet says so, but actual geneticists say that is NOT so. Hmmmm....who should be believe? Hmmmm.....tough one....
Forcing us all to live together in a society where equal outcomes are expected is a bigger fucking disaster than communism.

Who's forcing you, asshole? If you're not satisfied, get the fuck out of my country and go live alone on an ice floe somewhere. Nobody will miss you, coward.
3. It's a place where Unkotare can throw insults from the safety of anonymity at people and OPs that he's incapable of engaging or feels threatened by.

"From the safety of anonymity"? What do you mean, precious? Are you submitting your application for internet tough guy now too? Please elaborate, you tough, tough boy. I want to know how scared I should be.

See what I mean, everyone? Not once did Unkotare even bother reply to the OP. And he wonders why nobody on here takes him seriously.
There is such a gulf between White and Black culture in America that "discussion" of race relations is an impossibility. For example, a recent study found that there was only one common TV program in the top ten watched by Whites and Blacks in this country: Monday Night Football. How are we going to discuss anything without a common frame of reference? It is as if we speak different cultural languages.

All reasonable people understand the horrific conditions of slavery that existed in this country for its first 100 years and the denial of civil rights that continued for its second 100 years. However, the rejection of "White" values has created a Black subculture which almost guarantees failure in American society. Multiculturalism may sound like a worthy ideal but, as this term is currently used, it merely provides an excuse for continuing much of the self-destructive behavior in the Black community.

Isn't it time to let go of the past?

Letting go of the past also encompasses the elimination of equal opportunity and the favoring of minorities... I'm all for it. I had nothing to do with slavery, why should be forced to compete for jobs on an uneven playing field?
3. It's a place where Unkotare can throw insults from the safety of anonymity at people and OPs that he's incapable of engaging or feels threatened by.

"From the safety of anonymity"? What do you mean, precious? Are you submitting your application for internet tough guy now too? Please elaborate, you tough, tough boy. I want to know how scared I should be.

See what I mean, everyone?

You didn't answer my question, adolph.

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