What is the Point of this Forum?


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Until it becomes perfectly safe for geneticists to say that the obvious differences between the races in average intelligence, and rates of crime and illegitimacy are due to genetic differences, I will distrust the public consensus.

Let's see: That makes you a cowardly, paranoid, racist, illogical moron. Congratulations, idiot.

I anticipated that kind of response from you.

Because you know you posted the bullshit of a cowardly, paranoid, racist, illogical moron. Try posting something reasonable next time.
many feel the need to lie in pubic.

Spoken like a delusional racist idiot who needs to believe that he is not the isolated, cowardly mistake that he really is. You are an insignificant part of a shrinking infection in society and we'll be more or less cured of you bugs eventually.
This forum serves one purpose. To allow racist people to vent their illogical frustration. To copy and paste from racist websites and post them here and go: "See! Black people are destroying our community!!!!!!"

This forum ia not about honest dialogue and discussion this is about ranting and hurling racial insults. It would be no different if African-Americans came here and talked about whites all day.

This forum serves no purpose except for people to vent shit the stuff feel because they don't have the balls to say in public.
This forum serves one purpose. To allow racist people to vent their illogical frustration. To copy and paste from racist websites and post them here and go: "See! Black people are destroying our community!!!!!!"

This forum ia not about honest dialogue and discussion this is about ranting and hurling racial insults. It would be no different if African-Americans came here and talked about whites all day.

This forum serves no purpose except for people to vent shit the stuff feel because they don't have the balls to say in public.

I don't consider any of my posts "illogical frustration," nor do I copy and paste anything from a borrowed source. I think for myself and write for myself. None of what I put forth requires a Ph.D. It's common sense, nothing but factual logic. As a new member, I've browsed around and read various posts, and you're right in one aspect. Much of the material is juvenile rant. But I'm not here to rant. I welcome a grownup exchange.
this board's for frustrated whites to have their say about Blacks,without being termed.You notice all the lies about Blacks,that they are sprouting.
this board's for frustrated whites to have their say about Blacks,without being termed.You notice all the lies about Blacks,that they are sprouting.

What lies were told?

And don't you mean "spouting" not "sprouting"?
Yeah, what lies? No one needs to lie. Black behavior is well documented. I could provide you tons of links to back up anything I've claimed, but I'm not doing anyone else's research for him. There's no affirmative action here.
Blacks, whites, Asians, Jews, Hispanics...

We all have differences that are genetic. Inborn.

Let's see: Some pathetic fucking coward on the internet says so, but actual geneticists say that is NOT so. Hmmmm....who should be believe? Hmmmm.....tough one....

Until it becomes perfectly safe for geneticists to say that the obvious differences between the races in average intelligence, and rates of crime and illegitimacy are due to genetic differences, I will distrust the public consensus.

When James D. Watson, who won the 1962 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine said, "[I am] inherently gloomy about the prospect of Africa [because] all our social policies are based on the fact that their intelligence is the same as ours—whereas all the testing says not really," he was forced to retire as chancellor of the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.

That was scandalous. :mad:

I'd love to see "Unkotare" debate James D. Watson.

Let's see: some pants-wetting juvenile racial creationist says there are NO genetic differences between races, but the co-discoverer of DNA says there IS. Hmmmmm.... whom to believe? Hmmmm.... that's a tough one.
this board's for frustrated whites to have their say about Blacks,without being termed.You notice all the lies about Blacks,that they are sprouting.

I suppose blacks could come here and have their say about whites, consequences be damned. Oh, wait. They don't really need that. They can damn all whites to hell, and our black president will just award them the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Cool.
Let's see: Some pathetic fucking coward on the internet says so, but actual geneticists say that is NOT so. Hmmmm....who should be believe? Hmmmm.....tough one....

Until it becomes perfectly safe for geneticists to say that the obvious differences between the races in average intelligence, and rates of crime and illegitimacy are due to genetic differences, I will distrust the public consensus.

When James D. Watson, who won the 1962 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine said, "[I am] inherently gloomy about the prospect of Africa [because] all our social policies are based on the fact that their intelligence is the same as ours—whereas all the testing says not really," he was forced to retire as chancellor of the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.

That was scandalous. :mad:

I'd love to see "Unkotare" debate James D. Watson.

Let's see: some pants-wetting juvenile racial creationist says there are NO genetic differences between races, but the co-discoverer of DNA says there IS. Hmmmmm.... whom to believe? Hmmmm.... that's a tough one.

Did they instruct you over on stormfront to pretend you haven't seen the mountains of evidence that many, many people here have presented to your stupid, cowardly ass over and over again on many, many threads? Is that what they told you to do?
this board's for frustrated whites to have their say about Blacks,without being termed.You notice all the lies about Blacks,that they are sprouting.

I suppose blacks could come here and have their say about whites, consequences be damned.

But you're afraid of "consequences," aren't you, coward? That's why you squeak your little nonsense here but have admitted that you would never dare open your COWARDLY mouth in the real world. Right, COWARD? Right?

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