What is the price of mercy?

As everyone else may or may not know, Obama is allowing 10,000 Syrian refugees into the United States. From what I hear, the first plane load of them arrived a few hours ago. I'll say this, the cause is noble, but the price is too high. This is a misguided errand of mercy.

Unless you had your head buried in the sand or you were living in a cave at the time of the terrorist attacks in Paris, you would know that one of the men responsible for all that death and suffering was a refugee who came in from Syria through Greece.

No, all we know is that he had PAPERWORK to that effect. No one actually thinks that was his real name. Most of the "Terrorists" from Friday were in fact French born Muslims. By your logic, maybe we should sterilize all Islamic Women so they don't have babies. Or maybe just have them date your fat ass, Twinky-boy.

What is the price of mercy? The price of this quest for mercy could be the blood and tears of our own citizens. If all the carnage in France wasn't enough to answer that question, then there isn't much more I can say. Among millions of innocent Syrian refugees, there are ISIS operatives hidden in their midst, taking advantage of the situation. You can't deny that.

So, is granting them refuge from the chaos in the Middle East worth the danger that may be hidden among them?

There are ISIS operatives hiding amongst the French and American born Mulsims. There are potential recruits for ISIS amongst that kid who converted to Islam because he was thrown in prison for an ounce of weed and not being white.

Here's the thing. Last year, 14 Americans were killed by terrorists. 11,000 Americans were killed by gun owners. Maybe we are focusing our fear in the wrong place.

The west created this mess. We overthrew Saddam. We tried our level best to overthrown Assad. That region wasn't a problem until we started fucking with it.

Maybe what we need to do is stop whining about getting stung after we've stuck our dicks in a hornet's nest.
I agree. Leave the Syrians in Syria. Let the Arab League handle ISIS.

Mercy will get you killed.

Ask the French. They have been letting Muslims into their country for decades. Mercy got loads of French citizens killed.

they didn't let them in for "Mercy". They let them in because they wanted cheap labor to do the nasty jobs that Frenchmen refuse to do. (Our version of this are Mexicans).

The problem is after a couple of generations, a lot of these folks are STILL doing the nasty jobs- if they can find them.
Bad move by the Administration.

I have to agree.
Well at least you have guns in that state. If a single family member of mine refuses to learn to clean and use a gun. They are going to need another family.

Dad is a card carrying member of the NRA and owns a couple of guns. Don't have any of my own, but I'm sure I can get a permit and he can hook me up.

The bad thing is that Athens is one of the more liberal cities in Georgia outside of Atlanta.

Start with a Daisy Red Ryder lol.

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