What is the proper method of dealing with crowd control ...

Police officers order you to disperse, you disperse. If you don't, then they can use reasonable force to get you to disperse. The use of the spray was reasonable force.

The police either enforce the law or they do not. If the intent is to not have them enforce it, then don't deploy them and live with the consequences such as the rapes and robberies that occur at other OWS rallies.

This is a no-brainer.

You have no idea what you're talking about.

You're openly advocating for a police state, where citizens comply with orders or they are subjected to pain compliance.

There is no law that says that people can't congregate and protest.

The officers were out of control. They went into peaceful situations and created a disturbance. That is not "their job".

If they don't want to go in an stop a rape, because they disagree with the politics of the victim, I suggest that they find another line of work.
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There is no law that says that people can't congregate and protest.

The officers were out of control. They went into peaceful situations and created a disturbance. That is not "their job".

there is law that says you can not camp overnight to do it

and other laws regarding blocking public ways

which have been broken and OWS arrested and will be proscecuted for across the nation
there is law that says you can not camp overnight to do it

and other laws regarding blocking public ways

which have been broken and OWS arrested and will be proscecuted for across the nation

Yes, there are such policies. Those policies are not punishable by pain compliance.

At UC Davis, the protestors were just blocking a sidewalk. This is police brutality, to clear a sidewalk in the middle of a lawn. :cuckoo:
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The intent of a protest is to draw ATTENTION to the subject of the protest. If the protestors DON'T want the cops present, then of course they could find a field somewhere, or some place that is not smack dab in the middle of a campus or business district. Besides a few cops to stand there and monitor the situation, I would imagine that they would be allowed to protest as long as they like. You know, kind of like the Tea Party has done on hundreds of occasions. Get the necessary permits, pay for security, remove those that are causing a problem. But that's not the intent of these protests, is it?

The intent is to cause disruption. The intent is to say "HEY LOOK AT ME" and then call attention to the alleged injustice or crime or what ever flavor of the day has got these professional malcontents attention for the moment. The intent is to cause the daily routine of as many citizens as possible to be disrupted. Then, when the TV cameras appear, the intent is to BE the victim. Just like those of the OWS crowd that go into those small businesses along Wall Street and trash the bathrooms, steal the condiments, and drive the customers away. Then when the cops bar them from entering those businesses, make as much NOISE as possible about how your "freedoms" are being violated.

Once you have disrupted everything, then naturally those big, bad cops have to come in and clear the area or make you move. Why, those big bad cops are surpressing your basic freedom to protest! But of course, you don't want to move, because if you do so peacefully, then the five o'clock news won't have those ten second video clips of two cops having to drag away a protestor. So when whoever is in charge tells those nasty storm troopers to clear the area, get as many children or old people to sit down in the front row and get as much video tape as possible of them having to remove these people. But moving someone physically, who doesn't want to go, is difficult. You have to inflict pain to make someone move who doesn't want to move. It takes four officers to move a person who DOESN'T resist. If they do resist slightly, then it may take as many as six officers per protestor. The easiest way to get them to move is to use chemicals. But what if they resist violently? Why, those cops shouldn't even be there in the first place. But that won't work will it. BECAUSE YOU WANT THE COPS THERE, OTHERWISE YOU'D BE SOMEPLACE THAT YOU COULD ASSEMBLE PEACEABLY.

It's a no win situation for the cops. If they refuse to clear the area, then they of course will be fired. If they do, then of course all the bleeding hearts will tell us how horrible the cops are and there will be tons of videos of the cops having to move these people. And of course, the usual suspects on this board will tell us just how WONDERFUL those members of the OWS crowd is and how righteous is their cause. If we knew what their cause was... but that's just a technicality.

It's like a bad dream... and I am SO GLAD that I'm not involved in that schizophrenic shit anymore...
Yes, effective protests get attention.

Considering what they're protesting, inconveniencing others seems like the least they're entitled to.
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The police could have simply used bodily force to get through the standing people, and left the protesters protesting, and they wouldn't have to be violent about it either. They're big men, they would have just kept walking and bodies would have either moved willingly or not so willingly.

I think the police have gone stupid, for the most part. It's like their sacs are overruling their brains whenever there's a confrontation.
Like the massive crowd control arsenal unleashed on OWS -- riot gear, smoke bombs, rubber bullets, pepper spray, horses, metal blockades, helicopters, plastic cuffs, and the police motorcycles, cars and vans that clog the streets -- the three-tiered surveillance seemed like overkill for an overwhelmingly peaceful movement, where the occasional slur thrown at police is usually shouted down with reminders not to goad cops because they're part of the 99 percent.

It's unclear what the NYPD plans to do with footage obtained by TARU. But recording legal protest activity violates the Handschu decree, a set of legal guidelines designed to check the NYPD's historic tendency to steamroll First Amendment rights. The order emerged from a class-action lawsuit prompted by revelations that the NYPD had spent much of the 20th century and millions of dollars monitoring legal protest activity, an endeavor that generated up to a million files on such dangerous radicals as education reform groups and housing advocates. The Handschu decree prohibits investigations of legal political activity and the collection of data, including images and video of protests, unless a crime has been committed.

Why Is OWS Blanketed With NYPD Cameras -- And Are Police Breaking the Law? | Civil Liberties | AlterNet
The police could have simply used bodily force to get through the standing people, and left the protesters protesting, and they wouldn't have to be violent about it either. They're big men, they would have just kept walking and bodies would have either moved willingly or not so willingly.

I think the police have gone stupid, for the most part. It's like their sacs are overruling their brains whenever there's a confrontation.

And then you get the crying babies yelling police brutality. OMG..they... :eek: bodily removed me!.

Sorry boop.... pepper spray works for me.
The police could have simply used bodily force to get through the standing people, and left the protesters protesting, and they wouldn't have to be violent about it either. They're big men, they would have just kept walking and bodies would have either moved willingly or not so willingly.

I think the police have gone stupid, for the most part. It's like their sacs are overruling their brains whenever there's a confrontation.

And then you get the crying babies yelling police brutality. OMG..they... :eek: bodily removed me!.

Sorry boop.... pepper spray works for me.

Works for you? What does that mean? That you're pro-police state?
The police could have simply used bodily force to get through the standing people, and left the protesters protesting, and they wouldn't have to be violent about it either. They're big men, they would have just kept walking and bodies would have either moved willingly or not so willingly.

I think the police have gone stupid, for the most part. It's like their sacs are overruling their brains whenever there's a confrontation.

And then you get the crying babies yelling police brutality. OMG..they... :eek: bodily removed me!.

Sorry boop.... pepper spray works for me.

Works for you? What does that mean? That you're pro-police state?
She's pro causing a world of hurt to protestors, unarmed citizens and against the right to assemble.
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Knocking little old ladies to the ground, no brutality in that.

If the little old lady is there in the thick of it.... she gets what is being dished out. The little old lady's of now are most likely the hippies of old... they know exactly what they are doing and in for.
Knocking little old ladies to the ground, no brutality in that.

If the little old lady is there in the thick of it.... she gets what is being dished out. The little old lady's of now are most likely the hippies of old... they know exactly what they are doing and in for.

Do you have any idea that you're spouting fascism?
The police could have simply used bodily force to get through the standing people, and left the protesters protesting, and they wouldn't have to be violent about it either. They're big men, they would have just kept walking and bodies would have either moved willingly or not so willingly.

I think the police have gone stupid, for the most part. It's like their sacs are overruling their brains whenever there's a confrontation.

And then you get the crying babies yelling police brutality. OMG..they... :eek: bodily removed me!.

Sorry boop.... pepper spray works for me.

Works for you? What does that mean? That you're pro-police state?

It means.... i have no issue with them getting pepper sprayed and removed. It works for me.
The police could have simply used bodily force to get through the standing people, and left the protesters protesting, and they wouldn't have to be violent about it either. They're big men, they would have just kept walking and bodies would have either moved willingly or not so willingly.

I think the police have gone stupid, for the most part. It's like their sacs are overruling their brains whenever there's a confrontation.

And then you get the crying babies yelling police brutality. OMG..they... :eek: bodily removed me!.

Sorry boop.... pepper spray works for me.

Works for you? What does that mean? That you're pro-police state?

Apparently so. Reading comprehension would help, though. I didn't say "bodily removed me", now did I? I said if the police felt they were boxed in, they should have used their bodies to get unboxed. They wouldn't have to use force, as I said. They're big guys. They would just keep walking. So I think we've established, they didn't use pepper spray because they couldn't get out. They used it in violation of the students' Right to Assemble.
Knocking little old ladies to the ground, no brutality in that.

If the little old lady is there in the thick of it.... she gets what is being dished out. The little old lady's of now are most likely the hippies of old... they know exactly what they are doing and in for.

Do you have any idea that you're spouting fascism?

Don't be silly, of course she has no idea. Derp.
Gosh, it's fun seeing people's true colors in situations like this.

The lack of connectivity. My first thought was what if that was my daughter? All those kids are loved. All those kids peacefully assembled, and were pepper sprayed by jack-booted thugs.

The more shit like this happens, the more I support OWS and the less I trust our men in blue, who apparently only represent the monied interests of America.

And then you get the crying babies yelling police brutality. OMG..they... :eek: bodily removed me!.

Sorry boop.... pepper spray works for me.

Works for you? What does that mean? That you're pro-police state?
She's pro causing a world of hurt to protestors, and against the right to assemble.


You are a liar because you assume what i think and state is a fact of what i do think.

Are you putting words in my mouth again sky? considering your new found aspirations.... that is going the wrong way...... or shall i like your post about how you feel about it?

I have no issue with them assembling. The point of what they are doing is disruption...not peaceful assembling. I do have an issue with them blocking a walkway and not moving when told to move. If they want to have a little sit in... then the little sit in being moved is going to happen.

I would however be happy for them to set themselves on fire as a protest.
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If the little old lady is there in the thick of it.... she gets what is being dished out. The little old lady's of now are most likely the hippies of old... they know exactly what they are doing and in for.

Do you have any idea that you're spouting fascism?

Don't be silly, of course she has no idea. Derp.

Fascism is an economic-political system of government.

Not a method of removing demonstrators. Derp indeed. Words do have meanings ya know :thup:

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