What is the proper method of dealing with crowd control ...

Gosh, it's fun seeing people's true colors in situations like this.

The lack of connectivity. My first thought was what if that was my daughter? All those kids are loved. All those kids peacefully assembled, and were pepper sprayed by jack-booted thugs.

The more shit like this happens, the more I support OWS and the less I trust our men in blue, who apparently only represent the monied interests of America.

Me too.

If the United States military is considering talking to the Taliban in Afghanistan as a way to find a peaceful exit from that dreadful war, surely American police departments can find ways to demilitarize their approach to #occupywallstreet, find ways to talk to demonstrators and use respect and negotiation as a way forward.

Notice who could give a shit if some old lady is mowed down for protesting. That's what happens when citizens are demonized. Some people don't care who gets hurt as long as it's their "enemy", those OWS, "scum".

Notice who enjoys violence, and hopes that peaceful protestors are badly hurt.

The police action at UC Davis was overkill and wrong.
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And then you get the crying babies yelling police brutality. OMG..they... :eek: bodily removed me!.

Sorry boop.... pepper spray works for me.

Works for you? What does that mean? That you're pro-police state?

Apparently so. Reading comprehension would help, though. I didn't say "bodily removed me", now did I? I said if the police felt they were boxed in, they should have used their bodies to get unboxed. They wouldn't have to use force, as I said. They're big guys. They would just keep walking. So I think we've established, they didn't use pepper spray because they couldn't get out. They used it in violation of the students' Right to Assemble.

We seem to be thinking about two separate things..... i am talking about the pepper spraying of the idiots linking arms and sitting down.
Gosh, it's fun seeing people's true colors in situations like this.

The lack of connectivity. My first thought was what if that was my daughter? All those kids are loved. All those kids peacefully assembled, and were pepper sprayed by jack-booted thugs.

The more shit like this happens, the more I support OWS and the less I trust our men in blue, who apparently only represent the monied interests of America.

And that is the point of what they are doing.....
Blum notes that in a 1995 report [PDF], the American Civil Liberties Union of California cited 26 deaths between 1993 and 1995 possibly linked to pepper-spray use by police (that's 1 death for every 600 uses); most deaths involved people who had underlying health problems like asthma. And in 1999, following an incident in which California police officers dipped cotton swabs into pepper spray and then forced them into the eyes of anti-logging protesters, the ACLU asked an appeals court to declare the use of pepper spray to be dangerous and cruel.
Read more: How Painful Is Pepper Spray? – TIME Healthland

Notice who is into violence and who is suggesting even harsher treatment of peaceful protestors.

Ok to hurt some old lady, because after all, she's just some "old hippie". Disposable human beings. Pepper spray isn't enough, she wants to set them on fire, too.
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Gosh, it's fun seeing people's true colors in situations like this.

The lack of connectivity. My first thought was what if that was my daughter? All those kids are loved. All those kids peacefully assembled, and were pepper sprayed by jack-booted thugs.

The more shit like this happens, the more I support OWS and the less I trust our men in blue, who apparently only represent the monied interests of America.

Do you have any idea that you're spouting fascism?

Don't be silly, of course she has no idea. Derp.

Fascism is an economic-political system of government.

Not a method of removing demonstrators. Derp indeed. Words do have meanings ya know :thup:

This is a fascistic method of control.
Blum notes that in a 1995 report [PDF], the American Civil Liberties Union of California cited 26 deaths between 1993 and 1995 possibly linked to pepper-spray use by police (that's 1 death for every 600 uses); most deaths involved people who had underlying health problems like asthma. And in 1999, following an incident in which California police officers dipped cotton swabs into pepper spray and then forced them into the eyes of anti-logging protesters, the ACLU asked an appeals court to declare the use of pepper spray to be dangerous and cruel.
Read more: How Painful Is Pepper Spray? – TIME Healthland

Notice who is into violence and who is suggesting even harsher treatment of peaceful protestors.

Ok to hurt some old lady, because after all, she's just some "old hippie". Disposable human beings.

Yeah, I do notice. The disconnect is pretty damn obvious.
Gosh, it's fun seeing people's true colors in situations like this.

The lack of connectivity. My first thought was what if that was my daughter? All those kids are loved. All those kids peacefully assembled, and were pepper sprayed by jack-booted thugs.

The more shit like this happens, the more I support OWS and the less I trust our men in blue, who apparently only represent the monied interests of America.

Don't be silly, of course she has no idea. Derp.

Fascism is an economic-political system of government.

Not a method of removing demonstrators. Derp indeed. Words do have meanings ya know :thup:

This is a fascistic method of control.

No. It is a method of control that can be used by fascists, but is not limited to fascists. Simply because this method of control is used does not make the controllers fascists.

If A uses B, it does not mean that everytime B is used that A is employing it.

Again. Words. Meanings. Logic. And stuff :thup:
Blum notes that in a 1995 report [PDF], the American Civil Liberties Union of California cited 26 deaths between 1993 and 1995 possibly linked to pepper-spray use by police (that's 1 death for every 600 uses); most deaths involved people who had underlying health problems like asthma. And in 1999, following an incident in which California police officers dipped cotton swabs into pepper spray and then forced them into the eyes of anti-logging protesters, the ACLU asked an appeals court to declare the use of pepper spray to be dangerous and cruel.
Read more: How Painful Is Pepper Spray? – TIME Healthland

Notice who is into violence and who is suggesting even harsher treatment of peaceful protestors.

Ok to hurt some old lady, because after all, she's just some "old hippie". Disposable human beings. Pepper spray isn't enough, she wants to set them on fire, too.


I am not suggesting violence or hurting old ladies.

I AM saying....if you put yourself into a situation that could involve crowd control... you get what you get.... without exception.


Again... i said i would have no issue if they set themselves on fire.... That has nothing to do with anyone setting them on fire.
Blum notes that in a 1995 report [PDF], the American Civil Liberties Union of California cited 26 deaths between 1993 and 1995 possibly linked to pepper-spray use by police (that's 1 death for every 600 uses); most deaths involved people who had underlying health problems like asthma. And in 1999, following an incident in which California police officers dipped cotton swabs into pepper spray and then forced them into the eyes of anti-logging protesters, the ACLU asked an appeals court to declare the use of pepper spray to be dangerous and cruel.
Read more: How Painful Is Pepper Spray? – TIME Healthland

Notice who is into violence and who is suggesting even harsher treatment of peaceful protestors.

Ok to hurt some old lady, because after all, she's just some "old hippie". Disposable human beings. Pepper spray isn't enough, she wants to set them on fire, too.


I am not suggesting violence or hurting old ladies.

I AM saying....if you put yourself into a situation that could involve crowd control... you get what you get.... without exception.


Again... i said i would have no issue if they set themselves on fire.... That has nothing to do with anyone setting them on fire.

"If the little old lady is there in the thick of it.... she gets what is being dished out. The little old lady's of now are most likely the hippies of old... they know exactly what they are doing and in for."

That is vicious. Further your comment about "having no problem" if they set themselves on fire is equally overkill violence. No OWS protestor has any intention of setting themselves on fire and you know it. Further the reference to setting people on fire was intended as a personal attack to me, because I have discussed Buddhist monks self-immolating during the Vietnam War. It was a dig at me.

It would be wise for you to be more careful in your speech.
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Blum notes that in a 1995 report [PDF], the American Civil Liberties Union of California cited 26 deaths between 1993 and 1995 possibly linked to pepper-spray use by police (that's 1 death for every 600 uses); most deaths involved people who had underlying health problems like asthma. And in 1999, following an incident in which California police officers dipped cotton swabs into pepper spray and then forced them into the eyes of anti-logging protesters, the ACLU asked an appeals court to declare the use of pepper spray to be dangerous and cruel.
Read more: How Painful Is Pepper Spray? – TIME Healthland

Notice who is into violence and who is suggesting even harsher treatment of peaceful protestors.

Ok to hurt some old lady, because after all, she's just some "old hippie". Disposable human beings. Pepper spray isn't enough, she wants to set them on fire, too.


I am not suggesting violence or hurting old ladies.

I AM saying....if you put yourself into a situation that could involve crowd control... you get what you get.... without exception.


Again... i said i would have no issue if they set themselves on fire.... That has nothing to do with anyone setting them on fire.

"If the little old lady is there in the thick of it.... she gets what is being dished out. The little old lady's of now are most likely the hippies of old... they know exactly what they are doing and in for."

That is vicious. Further your comment about "having no problem" if they set themselves on fire is equally overkill violence. No OWS protestor has any intention of setting themselves on fire and you know it.

It would be wise for you to be more careful in your speech.

No sky... saying that they should be set on fire for protesting would be vicious

Saying that i would have no issue if they decided to pull a buddhist self immolation trick for attention.... is more a poke at the buddhists then at the idiot protestors... i give them more credit that to try that idiotic buddhist crap.
Gosh, it's fun seeing people's true colors in situations like this.

The lack of connectivity. My first thought was what if that was my daughter? All those kids are loved. All those kids peacefully assembled, and were pepper sprayed by jack-booted thugs.

The more shit like this happens, the more I support OWS and the less I trust our men in blue, who apparently only represent the monied interests of America.

There's no reasoning objectively with the emotive.


Oh, bullshit, Ringel. I've seen you get torqued on this subject (and others, of late). You're no Spock.


I am not suggesting violence or hurting old ladies.

I AM saying....if you put yourself into a situation that could involve crowd control... you get what you get.... without exception.


Again... i said i would have no issue if they set themselves on fire.... That has nothing to do with anyone setting them on fire.

"If the little old lady is there in the thick of it.... she gets what is being dished out. The little old lady's of now are most likely the hippies of old... they know exactly what they are doing and in for."

That is vicious. Further your comment about "having no problem" if they set themselves on fire is equally overkill violence. No OWS protestor has any intention of setting themselves on fire and you know it.

It would be wise for you to be more careful in your speech.

No sky... saying that they should be set on fire for protesting would be vicious

Saying that i would have no issue if they decided to pull a buddhist self immolation trick for attention.... is more a poke at the buddhists then at the idiot protestors... i give them more credit that to try that idiotic buddhist crap.

It was a personal poke at me, and you know it. I'm the only Buddhist on this board. You think you're so clever, but you're not.

Everybody can see what you intended. It's right out in the open.
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Oh, bullshit, Ringel. I've seen you get torqued on this subject (and others, of late). You're no Spock.

Sure thing there Skippy. :thup:

That deserves another facepalm for consistently thinking I'm making judgements and taking sides as opposed to only presenting evidence that you emotionally disagree with.

"If the little old lady is there in the thick of it.... she gets what is being dished out. The little old lady's of now are most likely the hippies of old... they know exactly what they are doing and in for."

That is vicious. Further your comment about "having no problem" if they set themselves on fire is equally overkill violence. No OWS protestor has any intention of setting themselves on fire and you know it.

It would be wise for you to be more careful in your speech.

No sky... saying that they should be set on fire for protesting would be vicious

Saying that i would have no issue if they decided to pull a buddhist self immolation trick for attention.... is more a poke at the buddhists then at the idiot protestors... i give them more credit that to try that idiotic buddhist crap.

It was a personal poke at me, and you know it. I'm the only Buddhist on this board. You think you're so clever, but you're not.

Everybody can see what you intended. It's right out in the open.

Its saying.... i would have no issue if they set themselves on fire as a protest LIKE the idiot buddhist who did it. .......how hard is that to understand sky?

I, like you, dont think they have any intentions of doing any such thing.... they love themselves to much.

No sky... saying that they should be set on fire for protesting would be vicious

Saying that i would have no issue if they decided to pull a buddhist self immolation trick for attention.... is more a poke at the buddhists then at the idiot protestors... i give them more credit that to try that idiotic buddhist crap.

It was a personal poke at me, and you know it. I'm the only Buddhist on this board. You think you're so clever, but you're not.

Everybody can see what you intended. It's right out in the open.

Its saying.... i would have no issue if they set themselves on fire as a protest LIKE the idiot buddhist who did it. .......how hard is that to understand sky?

I, like you, dont think they have any intentions of doing any such thing.... they love themselves to much.

The Buddhists who are self-immolating are bodhisattvas. They are selfless beings.
They are not idiots.

Truth is you're all for killing anyone you think is an idiot.
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It was a personal poke at me, and you know it. I'm the only Buddhist on this board. You think you're so clever, but you're not.

Everybody can see what you intended. It's right out in the open.

Its saying.... i would have no issue if they set themselves on fire as a protest LIKE the idiot buddhist who did it. .......how hard is that to understand sky?

I, like you, dont think they have any intentions of doing any such thing.... they love themselves to much.

The Buddhists who are self-immolating are bodhisattvas. They are selfless beings.
They are not idiots.

Truth is you're all for killing anyone you think is an idiot.

Don't you have to be an idiot somewhere else today?
Quang Duc’s self-immolation roused the Vietnamese “engaged Buddhist” movement to action and eventually led to the overthrow of the oppressive, American-backed Diem regime in November 1963. On a less tangible level, Quang Duc brought the suffering of the Vietnamese people to the forefront of international thought.

On May 8th 1963, a group of Buddhists in the city of Hue flew religious flags as part of a celebration of Buddha’s birth. Ngo Dinh Diem, the pro-Catholic president of South Vietnam, had banned the use of Buddhist flags despite Vietnam’s 80 percent Buddhist population, ordered the flags torn down, and the crowd dispersed. Government troops opened fire on the crowd, killing seven children and one woman.

This event galvanized the Buddhist population against the oppressive Diem regime and sparked widespread protests. Quang Duc along with the Unified Buddhist Church wrote several letters to the Diem government requesting “legal equality with the Catholic Church, an end to arrests, greater freedom to practice their faith, and indemnification of the families of victims of the May 8 shootings.”13 The Diem government ignored these requests and arrested large numbers of Buddhist activists. In 1968, of the 1,870 prisoners held in Chi Hoa Prison, Saigon, 1,665 were listed as “Buddhists” and only fifty as “Communists.”These political events set the immediate backdrop for Quang Duc’s self-immolation. After the Hue Massacre, Western reporters in Saigon were made aware of Buddhist plans to escalate the protests through “staged suicides.” The Buddhist community was privy to the fact that their peaceful protests were not impacting the Diem government nor receiving coverage by the international media therefore Quang Duc and his fellow monks began preparing for his self-immolation.
On the day of the immolation, 300 monks blocked the streets surrounding Quang Duc and prevented anyone from interfering with the event.

Self-immolation is not suicide. Thich Nhat Hanh starts from the premise that the first principle of action is to eliminate suffering. Since all things are interconnected and codependent, humans must be able to empathize with both the victim and victimizer. Quang Duc’s, and others, actions “expressed the unconditional willingness to suffer for the awakening of others.” Hanh therefore conceives of self-immolations as a sacrifice whereby monks are willing to share in the sufferings of others.
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Gosh, it's fun seeing people's true colors in situations like this.

The lack of connectivity. My first thought was what if that was my daughter? All those kids are loved. All those kids peacefully assembled, and were pepper sprayed by jack-booted thugs.

The more shit like this happens, the more I support OWS and the less I trust our men in blue, who apparently only represent the monied interests of America.

Fascism is an economic-political system of government.

Not a method of removing demonstrators. Derp indeed. Words do have meanings ya know :thup:

This is a fascistic method of control.

No. It is a method of control that can be used by fascists, but is not limited to fascists. Simply because this method of control is used does not make the controllers fascists.

If A uses B, it does not mean that everytime B is used that A is employing it.

Again. Words. Meanings. Logic. And stuff :thup:

Again. These police are using fascist tactics. As in authoritarian uses of power to subdue those with viewpoints unlike those of the viewpoints of those in power. You're taking an overly narrow view.

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