What is the rationale for affirmative action for hispanics?


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Blacks can point to the slavery of 200 (!!!) years ago and make some sort of silly argument that they need help to overcome that. HIspanics cannot even do that and their demand for special treatment is nothing more than a demand to "take from whitey and give to me".

Of course hispanics are paranoid and insist there is a giant conspiracy to hold them down, but where is the evidence.?
There is zero justification.

But white guilt is so powerful that nobody's going to look at that one up close. Anyone who isn't white = good. Anyone who's white = bad. Very simple formula.
People that complain about AA might as well put up a giant flashing avatar that says "I AM A LOSER"r. You have no idea how telling it is that you are complaining about it. It just means you are low hanging fruit barely surviving check to check and blaming your worthlessness on someone else. Get off your ass and gain some skills so you will be above the AA issue. Oh I forgot...That would mess up your excuse for being a loser. :lol:
Blacks can point to the slavery of 200 (!!!) years ago and make some sort of silly argument that they need help to overcome that. HIspanics cannot even do that and their demand for special treatment is nothing more than a demand to "take from whitey and give to me".

Of course hispanics are paranoid and insist there is a giant conspiracy to hold them down, but where is the evidence.?

Blacks can argue that their ancestors were forcibly brought to this country. Hispanics seem to be swarming here of their own free will in droves. If Hispanics are feeling that they are held down in this country, then by all means, they are welcome to return to the shitholes they came from.
There is zero justification.

But white guilt is so powerful that nobody's going to look at that one up close. Anyone who isn't white = good. Anyone who's white = bad. Very simple formula.

Makes pitting the constituency against each other pretty simple, too.
What is the rationale for affirmative action for hispanics?
Ignorant, hateful racists such as you.

HAHAHA. YOU are the racist since you support affirmative action, the govt mandated persecution of white people. I'm the anti-racist. THINK

No. You are the loser and you don't think. All you do is whine about how you are stuck flipping burgers and you think someone is going to come take your job because you suck at even that. :lol:
Ignorant, hateful racists such as you.

HAHAHA. YOU are the racist since you support affirmative action, the govt mandated persecution of white people. I'm the anti-racist. THINK

No. You are the loser and you don't think. All you do is whine about how you are stuck flipping burgers and you think someone is going to come take your job because you suck at even that. :lol:

It seems to me that the whining losers are those who cannot find or keep a job, get accepted to training programs or schools, or in any other wise make their own way without Affirmative Action.
What is the rationale for affirmative action for hispanics?
Ignorant, hateful racists such as you.

HAHAHA. YOU are the racist since you support affirmative action, the govt mandated persecution of white people. I'm the anti-racist. THINK

1. You think black people are mentally inferior to you. Trust me, nobody is mentally inferior to you.

2. You think black people can't accomplish anything on their own, and that they need (in your words) the anti-white Affirmative Action in order to advance themselves.

3. You think black people are lazy and don't want to accomplish anything.

4. You think black people are illiterate and can't tell time. (see #1)

You, ShitSpreader, are the very definition of a racist. Not only that, but you're sexist as well.

I hope that, on the slim chance that you ever meet God, the Almighty turns out to be a black woman.
Ignorant, hateful racists such as you.

HAHAHA. YOU are the racist since you support affirmative action, the govt mandated persecution of white people. I'm the anti-racist. THINK

No. You are the loser and you don't think. All you do is whine about how you are stuck flipping burgers and you think someone is going to come take your job because you suck at even that. :lol:

Hey big-talk. Just keep your hands off the white girls!!!
Ignorant, hateful racists such as you.

HAHAHA. YOU are the racist since you support affirmative action, the govt mandated persecution of white people. I'm the anti-racist. THINK

1. You think black people are mentally inferior to you. Trust me, nobody is mentally inferior to you.

2. You think black people can't accomplish anything on their own, and that they need (in your words) the anti-white Affirmative Action in order to advance themselves.

3. You think black people are lazy and don't want to accomplish anything.

4. You think black people are illiterate and can't tell time. (see #1)

You, ShitSpreader, are the very definition of a racist. Not only that, but you're sexist as well.

I hope that, on the slim chance that you ever meet God, the Almighty turns out to be a black woman.

You just proved my point. All you can do is point to what i THINK. Well i don't believe in thought crimes. Racism is when the govt steps in and mandates persecution of people based on skin color. That's affirmative action and I oppose that and you suppot it. YOU are the racist.
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There is zero justification.

But white guilt is so powerful that nobody's going to look at that one up close. Anyone who isn't white = good. Anyone who's white = bad. Very simple formula.

“Demographically, socially and culturally, the reconquista of the Southwest United States by Mexico is well under way,” Harvard University professor Samuel P. Huntington said in 2004.
“No other immigrant group in U.S. history has asserted or could assert a historical claim to U.S. territory. Mexicans and Mexican-Americans can and do make that claim,” he said.

We are millions. We just have to survive. We have an aging white America. They are not making babies. They are dying. It’s a matter of time. The explosion is in our population,” Jose Angel Gutierrez, political science professor at the University of Texas at Arlington,

Run Goobers run!!!:lol:
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