What is the rationale for affirmative action for hispanics?

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Yes she should be passed over. You cant hog up all the spots. You already have spots selected for you. Be better than the people in your particular designation. The whole point of AA is to even the playing field not stack it for one minority. Thats how we got here in the first place. Whites had 400 years of getting all the spots.

Why should the spots be separated by race at all?

How does your desire to see them separated as such not make you racist?

Or am I making an assumption, there? Do you admit to your racism?

I'm beginning to think you dont actually know what AA is. Its a program to battle the results of institutionalized racism. By that fact it cant be racist. If it was racist it would prefer one race over another due to the idea the less prefered race was inherently inferior. Since it does the opposite it is a balancing mechanism for the previous system that preferred whites and was racist. Do you see the difference?

This isn't a case of the tie going to the black guy cause the last time the tie went to the white guy. This is a case of using racism to harm white folk, more particularly using racism and feminism to harm white males. Two wrongs do not make a right.
AA made the people it was supposed to help look like dumb asses who could not wipe their asses without government forcing everyone to give them a free ride in life.

I'm sure that bothered them as they brought checks home to feed their families. People that whine about AA should update their skills. No matter how much AA is going on if someone is not qualified to do the job they wont be hired. Only losers with no skills whine about AA. They are competing for entry level jobs and it makes them cry to have to compete.


My first job out of college was in 1983 working for a Merrill Lynch services center in south florida that had about 800 employees. I had previously worked at Publix to pay my way through college, starting there as a bag boy when I was 15 and finishing out as a manager. Never had any AA problems at Publix.

I was employed at ML for just a year and a half before I left. I was employee of the month at ML for 12months straight before I left to go work for a small startup company. I did it by using spare time I found to write software that made their business more efficient, even though that wasn't my job. My job was to maintain the software and their systems, not to redo them. The job of redoing the software was up in NY. Each time I presented one of my new "projects" the managers threw me a frigging party. My projects shaved dozens of man years of manual labor off their work load.

Just before I left ML a promotion came up for which only I was actually qualified among the employees. The director and my manager called me in to explain that I was the best employee they "ever had" and that they tried their best to get me the promotion. Unfortunately there was a rule that forced them to select another candidate based on race alone.

When I put my notice in they flew me up to NY wined and dinned me and offered me a promotion and to triple my salary to work there. I did not want to live in NY so turned it down.

A year later the guys in NY made changes to the systems that made ML "less efficient" again. lol they called me in as a high paid contractor to fix it :) The guy that got promoted instead of me? He got fired for having sex with a secretary at work.

Well that was just the first of many times I got to experience what AA is all about.

Isn't that funny how things work out? Instead of moaning and crying you kept it moving and wound up in a better place. If it hadn't of been AA it would have been something else. I promise you that. AA did not make the guy have sex with the secretary. Hormones did. Thats weird though. Why did he get fired for sexing the secretary? Ive done it before and nobody batted an eye.
Why should the spots be separated by race at all?

How does your desire to see them separated as such not make you racist?

Or am I making an assumption, there? Do you admit to your racism?

I'm beginning to think you dont actually know what AA is. Its a program to battle the results of institutionalized racism. By that fact it cant be racist. If it was racist it would prefer one race over another due to the idea the less prefered race was inherently inferior. Since it does the opposite it is a balancing mechanism for the previous system that preferred whites and was racist. Do you see the difference?

This isn't a case of the tie going to the black guy cause the last time the tie went to the white guy. This is a case of using racism to harm white folk, more particularly using racism and feminism to harm white males. Two wrongs do not make a right.

Lets explore that. If there is an inequity slanted in favor of a particular group and that particular group not only controls this dynamic but shows no inclination to let go of that privilege how do you resolve the inequity?

I'm beginning to think you dont actually know what AA is. Its a program to battle the results of institutionalized racism. By that fact it cant be racist. If it was racist it would prefer one race over another due to the idea the less prefered race was inherently inferior. Since it does the opposite it is a balancing mechanism for the previous system that preferred whites and was racist. Do you see the difference?

HAHAHA. How many times have we heard that double standard.? Persecuting white people is always "good racism" and so it doesn't count!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Shut up you stinking hypocrite!!
Blacks can point to the slavery of 200 (!!!) years ago and make some sort of silly argument that they need help to overcome that. HIspanics cannot even do that and their demand for special treatment is nothing more than a demand to "take from whitey and give to me".

Of course hispanics are paranoid and insist there is a giant conspiracy to hold them down, but where is the evidence.?

Another "Speedidiot" thread heading to the "Badlands"....lol.

Lets explore that. If there is an inequity slanted in favor of a particular group and that particular group not only controls this dynamic but shows no inclination to let go of that privilege how do you resolve the inequity?

For the tenth time THERE IS NO CONSPIRACY to hold down blacks. The only inequity is that blacks have IQs 30 points lower than whites/asians. Black failure is their own fault.

If there is a conspiracy to keep down blacks, explain why it doesn't work in pro sports.
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Yes if you support AA even if it does not benefit you then it can be for a moral reason. That reason is to correct an embalance created by 400 years of white AA. Someone trying to raise a moral argument against AA is too funny to even consider. How are you going to say AA is unfair to anyone except those that benefitted from being unfair for 400 years?:lol:

It's unfair to Asians who have higher qualifications than their competitors of other minority ethnicities and still get their college aps turned down because they're the wrong color. Any time you discriminate against someone who's more qualified based on race, that's a form of intolerance based on race and it's unfair to that individual. Racist -and- unfair to someone who didn't benefit from white racism.

Also, -my- morality demands that everyone be held accountable for their actions and their actions alone. None of the white people alive today are, by that measurement, accountable for black slavery, and very few of them are at all complicit in the institutionalized racism of days gone by. Yet all of these people are disadvantaged by affirmative action. They are experience de facto punishment for crimes they had nothing to do with. This is my moral objection.

You can find my morality laughable (as I do yours), that doesn't make it factually incorrect, and it certainly doesn't imply that I don't believe in my own morality or that I'm making it up to hide the fact that I don't like AA because I'm personally disadvantaged by it.

Life is unfair. ..

Fucking hypocrite. :fu:
It's unfair to Asians who have higher qualifications than their competitors of other minority ethnicities and still get their college aps turned down because they're the wrong color. Any time you discriminate against someone who's more qualified based on race, that's a form of intolerance based on race and it's unfair to that individual. Racist -and- unfair to someone who didn't benefit from white racism.

Also, -my- morality demands that everyone be held accountable for their actions and their actions alone. None of the white people alive today are, by that measurement, accountable for black slavery, and very few of them are at all complicit in the institutionalized racism of days gone by. Yet all of these people are disadvantaged by affirmative action. They are experience de facto punishment for crimes they had nothing to do with. This is my moral objection.

You can find my morality laughable (as I do yours), that doesn't make it factually incorrect, and it certainly doesn't imply that I don't believe in my own morality or that I'm making it up to hide the fact that I don't like AA because I'm personally disadvantaged by it.

Life is unfair. ..

Fucking hypocrite. :fu:

Did I say something to anger you dripping poop? :lol:

I'm beginning to think you dont actually know what AA is. Its a program to battle the results of institutionalized racism. By that fact it cant be racist. If it was racist it would prefer one race over another due to the idea the less prefered race was inherently inferior. Since it does the opposite it is a balancing mechanism for the previous system that preferred whites and was racist. Do you see the difference?

HAHAHA. How many times have we heard that double standard.? Persecuting white people is always "good racism" and so it doesn't count!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Shut up you stinking hypocrite!!

Dont get mad dummy. i know you wish you had been able to persecute Blacks like your ancestors. now all you can do is type mean angry words on a message board. Loser. :lol:
I'm sure that bothered them as they brought checks home to feed their families. People that whine about AA should update their skills. No matter how much AA is going on if someone is not qualified to do the job they wont be hired. Only losers with no skills whine about AA. They are competing for entry level jobs and it makes them cry to have to compete.


My first job out of college was in 1983 working for a Merrill Lynch services center in south florida that had about 800 employees. I had previously worked at Publix to pay my way through college, starting there as a bag boy when I was 15 and finishing out as a manager. Never had any AA problems at Publix.

I was employed at ML for just a year and a half before I left. I was employee of the month at ML for 12months straight before I left to go work for a small startup company. I did it by using spare time I found to write software that made their business more efficient, even though that wasn't my job. My job was to maintain the software and their systems, not to redo them. The job of redoing the software was up in NY. Each time I presented one of my new "projects" the managers threw me a frigging party. My projects shaved dozens of man years of manual labor off their work load.

Just before I left ML a promotion came up for which only I was actually qualified among the employees. The director and my manager called me in to explain that I was the best employee they "ever had" and that they tried their best to get me the promotion. Unfortunately there was a rule that forced them to select another candidate based on race alone.

When I put my notice in they flew me up to NY wined and dinned me and offered me a promotion and to triple my salary to work there. I did not want to live in NY so turned it down.

A year later the guys in NY made changes to the systems that made ML "less efficient" again. lol they called me in as a high paid contractor to fix it :) The guy that got promoted instead of me? He got fired for having sex with a secretary at work.

Well that was just the first of many times I got to experience what AA is all about.

Isn't that funny how things work out? Instead of moaning and crying you kept it moving and wound up in a better place. If it hadn't of been AA it would have been something else. I promise you that. AA did not make the guy have sex with the secretary. Hormones did. Thats weird though. Why did he get fired for sexing the secretary? Ive done it before and nobody batted an eye.

The secretary was my boss's wife.

My first job out of college was in 1983 working for a Merrill Lynch services center in south florida that had about 800 employees. I had previously worked at Publix to pay my way through college, starting there as a bag boy when I was 15 and finishing out as a manager. Never had any AA problems at Publix.

I was employed at ML for just a year and a half before I left. I was employee of the month at ML for 12months straight before I left to go work for a small startup company. I did it by using spare time I found to write software that made their business more efficient, even though that wasn't my job. My job was to maintain the software and their systems, not to redo them. The job of redoing the software was up in NY. Each time I presented one of my new "projects" the managers threw me a frigging party. My projects shaved dozens of man years of manual labor off their work load.

Just before I left ML a promotion came up for which only I was actually qualified among the employees. The director and my manager called me in to explain that I was the best employee they "ever had" and that they tried their best to get me the promotion. Unfortunately there was a rule that forced them to select another candidate based on race alone.

When I put my notice in they flew me up to NY wined and dinned me and offered me a promotion and to triple my salary to work there. I did not want to live in NY so turned it down.

A year later the guys in NY made changes to the systems that made ML "less efficient" again. lol they called me in as a high paid contractor to fix it :) The guy that got promoted instead of me? He got fired for having sex with a secretary at work.

Well that was just the first of many times I got to experience what AA is all about.

Isn't that funny how things work out? Instead of moaning and crying you kept it moving and wound up in a better place. If it hadn't of been AA it would have been something else. I promise you that. AA did not make the guy have sex with the secretary. Hormones did. Thats weird though. Why did he get fired for sexing the secretary? Ive done it before and nobody batted an eye.

The secretary was my boss's wife.

I'm beginning to think you dont actually know what AA is. Its a program to battle the results of institutionalized racism. By that fact it cant be racist. If it was racist it would prefer one race over another due to the idea the less prefered race was inherently inferior. Since it does the opposite it is a balancing mechanism for the previous system that preferred whites and was racist. Do you see the difference?

This isn't a case of the tie going to the black guy cause the last time the tie went to the white guy. This is a case of using racism to harm white folk, more particularly using racism and feminism to harm white males. Two wrongs do not make a right.

Lets explore that. If there is an inequity slanted in favor of a particular group and that particular group not only controls this dynamic but shows no inclination to let go of that privilege how do you resolve the inequity?

Punish the guilty, not the Race. Why should anyone be punished for their skin color?

IOW if you have proof that someone got fired or promoted because skin color fix it, and put the criminal who did it in jail, or at least fine them based on some % of their assets and/or income. Civil rights in this country are apparently only for minorities.

I can see some cases where a man or woman might be seen as the better man for the job, and in cases where dealing with an ethnic group I could also see ethnicity as being a determining factor. Hell I can even see where age would be a valid determining factor. But in cases were the factors are merely to punish subsequent generations for the sins of prior generations.. yeah that sucks to high heaven. All that does is breed more hate. In my experience entitling someone, nay entire groups of people, based on skin color breeds racism.
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This isn't a case of the tie going to the black guy cause the last time the tie went to the white guy. This is a case of using racism to harm white folk, more particularly using racism and feminism to harm white males. Two wrongs do not make a right.

Lets explore that. If there is an inequity slanted in favor of a particular group and that particular group not only controls this dynamic but shows no inclination to let go of that privilege how do you resolve the inequity?

Punish the guilty, not the Race. Why should anyone be punished for their skin color?

IOW if you have proof that someone got fired or promoted because skin color fix it, and put the criminal who did it in jail, or at least fine them based on some % of their assets and/or income. Civil rights in this country are apparently only for minorities.

I can see some cases where a man or woman might be seen as the better man for the job, and in cases where dealing with an ethnic group I could also see ethnicity as being a determining factor. Hell I can even see where age would be a valid determining factor. But in cases were the factors are merely to punish subsequent generations for the sins of prior generations.. yeah that sucks to high heaven. All that does is breed more hate. In my experience entitling someone, nay entire groups of people, based on skin color breeds racism.

Its a correction of past inequities. White men simply don't get to be at the front of the line in quite the same numbers as before. Thats not punishment, thats crowd control.

Good luck proving people are being discriminated against unless someone is an idiot and admits it, writes a policy down, or brags about it to someone that acts as a witness. I could take a life time to rectify the damage just that one person could do. How would that address the inequalities?

If you dont have a better solution than AA why would you have an issue with it?
Lets explore that. If there is an inequity slanted in favor of a particular group and that particular group not only controls this dynamic but shows no inclination to let go of that privilege how do you resolve the inequity?

Punish the guilty, not the Race. Why should anyone be punished for their skin color?

IOW if you have proof that someone got fired or promoted because skin color fix it, and put the criminal who did it in jail, or at least fine them based on some % of their assets and/or income. Civil rights in this country are apparently only for minorities.

I can see some cases where a man or woman might be seen as the better man for the job, and in cases where dealing with an ethnic group I could also see ethnicity as being a determining factor. Hell I can even see where age would be a valid determining factor. But in cases were the factors are merely to punish subsequent generations for the sins of prior generations.. yeah that sucks to high heaven. All that does is breed more hate. In my experience entitling someone, nay entire groups of people, based on skin color breeds racism.

Its a correction of past inequities. White men simply don't get to be at the front of the line in quite the same numbers as before. Thats not punishment, thats crowd control.

Good luck proving people are being discriminated against unless someone is an idiot and admits it, writes a policy down, or brags about it to someone that acts as a witness. I could take a life time to rectify the damage just that one person could do. How would that address the inequalities?

If you dont have a better solution than AA why would you have an issue with it?

Why do you think white children should be punished because of the color of their skin? Past inequities by who? Why am I being punished? What did I do?

Where's my correction? Where's my AA for the racist sins committed by blacks against me?

I provided my better solution, you simply chose to ignore it because you are clearly a racist piece of shit out to hump the white man for some supposed sin committed against your great grandfather.
Punish the guilty, not the Race. Why should anyone be punished for their skin color?

IOW if you have proof that someone got fired or promoted because skin color fix it, and put the criminal who did it in jail, or at least fine them based on some % of their assets and/or income. Civil rights in this country are apparently only for minorities.

I can see some cases where a man or woman might be seen as the better man for the job, and in cases where dealing with an ethnic group I could also see ethnicity as being a determining factor. Hell I can even see where age would be a valid determining factor. But in cases were the factors are merely to punish subsequent generations for the sins of prior generations.. yeah that sucks to high heaven. All that does is breed more hate. In my experience entitling someone, nay entire groups of people, based on skin color breeds racism.

Its a correction of past inequities. White men simply don't get to be at the front of the line in quite the same numbers as before. Thats not punishment, thats crowd control.

Good luck proving people are being discriminated against unless someone is an idiot and admits it, writes a policy down, or brags about it to someone that acts as a witness. I could take a life time to rectify the damage just that one person could do. How would that address the inequalities?

If you dont have a better solution than AA why would you have an issue with it?

Why do you think white children should be punished because of the color of their skin? Past inequities by who? Why am I being punished? What did I do?

Where's my correction? Where's my AA for the racist sins committed by blacks against me?

I provided my better solution, you simply chose to ignore it because you are clearly a racist piece of shit out to hump the white man for some supposed sin committed against your great grandfather.

They shouldn't be punished. They also should not be able to go to the front of the line because they are white either.

Tell me when Blacks controlled the government and implemented 400 years of AA and I will make sure the correction is carried out.

Telling me to arrest people for something that is virtually unprovable unless the criminal is a friggin idiot is not a solution nor does it rectify the fact that you had a head start while Blacks were held back via government mandate.
Its a correction of past inequities. White men simply don't get to be at the front of the line in quite the same numbers as before. Thats not punishment, thats crowd control.

Good luck proving people are being discriminated against unless someone is an idiot and admits it, writes a policy down, or brags about it to someone that acts as a witness. I could take a life time to rectify the damage just that one person could do. How would that address the inequalities?

If you dont have a better solution than AA why would you have an issue with it?

Why do you think white children should be punished because of the color of their skin? Past inequities by who? Why am I being punished? What did I do?

Where's my correction? Where's my AA for the racist sins committed by blacks against me?

I provided my better solution, you simply chose to ignore it because you are clearly a racist piece of shit out to hump the white man for some supposed sin committed against your great grandfather.

They shouldn't be punished. They also should not be able to go to the front of the line because they are white either.

Tell me when Blacks controlled the government and implemented 400 years of AA and I will make sure the correction is carried out.

Telling me to arrest people for something that is virtually unprovable unless the criminal is a friggin idiot is not a solution nor does it rectify the fact that you had a head start while Blacks were held back via government mandate.
I got no head start other than what god gave me between my ears and in my heart. No one ever gave me a thing. I earned everything I got and everything I have. I had to wait 12 years for the kids in the class to catch up to where I was in kindergarten. De-Segregation effed up my elementary school, my middle school, my high school. Frigging libtards. But hey they did teach me one thing. Never trust government with anything important.

Virtually un-provable? BS people get caught all the time in age discrimination, sex discrimination, etc.. It's not hard.
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