What is the rationale for affirmative action for hispanics?

HAHAHA. YOU are the racist since you support affirmative action, the govt mandated persecution of white people. I'm the anti-racist. THINK

1. You think black people are mentally inferior to you. Trust me, nobody is mentally inferior to you.

2. You think black people can't accomplish anything on their own, and that they need (in your words) the anti-white Affirmative Action in order to advance themselves.

3. You think black people are lazy and don't want to accomplish anything.

4. You think black people are illiterate and can't tell time. (see #1)

You, ShitSpreader, are the very definition of a racist. Not only that, but you're sexist as well.

I hope that, on the slim chance that you ever meet God, the Almighty turns out to be a black woman.

You just proved my point. All you can do is point to what i THINK. Well i don't believe in thought crimes. Racism is when the govt steps in and mandates persecution of people based on skin color. I oppose that and you suppot it. YOU are the racist.

Keep telling yourself that, snookums. Whatever helps you sleep at night.

You have a persecution complex. We get it. Much easier to blame the blacks and Affirmative Action for your failures than yourself.

Oh, and stop presenting your personal beliefs as fact, and then arrogantly assuming that you speak for the entire board when someone calls you out on it.
HAHAHA. YOU are the racist since you support affirmative action, the govt mandated persecution of white people. I'm the anti-racist. THINK

No. You are the loser and you don't think. All you do is whine about how you are stuck flipping burgers and you think someone is going to come take your job because you suck at even that. :lol:

Hey big-talk. Just keep your hands off the white girls!!!

Hey stupid. I can feel up every white girl that gives me permission to.
HAHAHA. YOU are the racist since you support affirmative action, the govt mandated persecution of white people. I'm the anti-racist. THINK

No. You are the loser and you don't think. All you do is whine about how you are stuck flipping burgers and you think someone is going to come take your job because you suck at even that. :lol:

It seems to me that the whining losers are those who cannot find or keep a job, get accepted to training programs or schools, or in any other wise make their own way without Affirmative Action.

I dont hear them complaining about AA. Complaining about AA is for losers that can only get entry level jobs. Your words tell on you without you realizing it....:cool:
No. You are the loser and you don't think. All you do is whine about how you are stuck flipping burgers and you think someone is going to come take your job because you suck at even that. :lol:

It seems to me that the whining losers are those who cannot find or keep a job, get accepted to training programs or schools, or in any other wise make their own way without Affirmative Action.

I dont hear them complaining about AA. Complaining about AA is for losers that can only get entry level jobs. Your words tell on you without you realizing it....:cool:

AA made the people it was supposed to help look like dumb asses who could not wipe their asses without government forcing everyone to give them a free ride in life.
It seems to me that the whining losers are those who cannot find or keep a job, get accepted to training programs or schools, or in any other wise make their own way without Affirmative Action.

I dont hear them complaining about AA. Complaining about AA is for losers that can only get entry level jobs. Your words tell on you without you realizing it....:cool:

AA made the people it was supposed to help look like dumb asses who could not wipe their asses without government forcing everyone to give them a free ride in life.

I'm sure that bothered them as they brought checks home to feed their families. People that whine about AA should update their skills. No matter how much AA is going on if someone is not qualified to do the job they wont be hired. Only losers with no skills whine about AA. They are competing for entry level jobs and it makes them cry to have to compete.
People that complain about AA might as well put up a giant flashing avatar that says "I AM A LOSER"r. You have no idea how telling it is that you are complaining about it. It just means you are low hanging fruit barely surviving check to check and blaming your worthlessness on someone else. Get off your ass and gain some skills so you will be above the AA issue. Oh I forgot...That would mess up your excuse for being a loser. :lol:

What if the person complaining is Chinese and, despite a sterling record of test results, grades, and extra-curricular's, she's had her college application rejected in favor of a less favorable candidate because her evil, over-achieving ethnicity was already over-represented by AA standards? IS she a low-hanging fruit and a whiney, insecure racist loser?

Ignorant, hateful racists such as you.

HAHAHA. YOU are the racist since you support affirmative action, the govt mandated persecution of white people. I'm the anti-racist. THINK

No. You are the loser and you don't think. All you do is whine about how you are stuck flipping burgers and you think someone is going to come take your job because you suck at even that. :lol:

So wait. . . if you are against the idea of affirmative action it can -only- be because you're inept and are in danger of losing your job to someone else?

First off, you're failing to recognize that the -intended- consequence of AA is that potentially less-qualified minorities are to be hired over their white competitors if whites are overly represented in the work place. The fear that someone LESS QUALIFIED THAN YOU might be offered your job doesn't imply insecurity in one's own ability, it implies fear of a consequence that the government intended and that personal capacity will not prevent.

Secondly, am I not allowed to morally object to a concept that isn't fucking me over personally? Is that logically inconceivable to you?

If I said that everybody who's against capitalism is just a scared pussy who's too incompetent to make his own way in this world if he has to deal with competition, would that also be accurate?

Or is it possible that some people make moral objections just -purely- based on their morals, and not for any hidden practical reasons?

Is a cigar only just a cigar if its a Democrat cigar? Or does it have to be a brown cigar?
People that complain about AA might as well put up a giant flashing avatar that says "I AM A LOSER"r. You have no idea how telling it is that you are complaining about it. It just means you are low hanging fruit barely surviving check to check and blaming your worthlessness on someone else. Get off your ass and gain some skills so you will be above the AA issue. Oh I forgot...That would mess up your excuse for being a loser. :lol:

What if the person complaining is Chinese and, despite a sterling record of test results, grades, and extra-curricular's, she's had her college application rejected in favor of a less favorable candidate because her evil, over-achieving ethnicity was already over-represented by AA standards? IS she a low-hanging fruit and a whiney, insecure racist loser?


Yes they are whiney if they are blaming it on AA. Stop crying and get another job. Her blame would be in the wrong place as whites had government sponsored AA for 400 years. If that had not happened there would be no need for AA now.
HAHAHA. YOU are the racist since you support affirmative action, the govt mandated persecution of white people. I'm the anti-racist. THINK

No. You are the loser and you don't think. All you do is whine about how you are stuck flipping burgers and you think someone is going to come take your job because you suck at even that. :lol:

So wait. . . if you are against the idea of affirmative action it can -only- be because you're inept and are in danger of losing your job to someone else?

First off, you're failing to recognize that the -intended- consequence of AA is that potentially less-qualified minorities are to be hired over their white competitors if whites are overly represented in the work place. The fear that someone LESS QUALIFIED THAN YOU might be offered your job doesn't imply insecurity in one's own ability, it implies fear of a consequence that the government intended and that personal capacity will not prevent.

Secondly, am I not allowed to morally object to a concept that isn't fucking me over personally? Is that logically inconceivable to you?

If I said that everybody who's against capitalism is just a scared pussy who's too incompetent to make his own way in this world if he has to deal with competition, would that also be accurate?

Or is it possible that some people make moral objections just -purely- based on their morals, and not for any hidden practical reasons?

Is a cigar only just a cigar if its a Democrat cigar? Or does it have to be a brown cigar?

Its not only because you are afraid of losing or not getting a job. It also can be the selfishness that racist whites feel when other people are also getting ahead. They start yelling about jobs for white people first like they did after the market collapse in the 20's. Welfare was established for whites and Blacks could not even get assistance for decades because of this phenomenon. So you have a track record of this.

If you said "that everybody who's against capitalism is just a scared pussy who's too incompetent to make his own way in this world if he has to deal with competition" I personally would be inclined to agree that this was the bottom line even though i would not say it as harshly as you did. However that is not the only reason. Some people simply don't know whats possible and will not seek out the information. People with moral objections are lying or they are not self aware. There is always a practical reason why they feel the way they do.
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People that complain about AA might as well put up a giant flashing avatar that says "I AM A LOSER"r. You have no idea how telling it is that you are complaining about it. It just means you are low hanging fruit barely surviving check to check and blaming your worthlessness on someone else. Get off your ass and gain some skills so you will be above the AA issue. Oh I forgot...That would mess up your excuse for being a loser. :lol:

What if the person complaining is Chinese and, despite a sterling record of test results, grades, and extra-curricular's, she's had her college application rejected in favor of a less favorable candidate because her evil, over-achieving ethnicity was already over-represented by AA standards? IS she a low-hanging fruit and a whiney, insecure racist loser?


Yes they are whiney if they are blaming it on AA. Stop crying and get another job. Her blame would be in the wrong place as whites had government sponsored AA for 400 years. If that had not happened there would be no need for AA now.

So they're whiney if they don't believe they should be punished for the crimes of people they had zero to do with?

If a black man gets lynched by a group of whites impoverished by the shutdown of a coal plant in SC, should he accept his punishment in stoic silence and not be a whiner? After all, those whites wouldn't be doing it if the EPA hadn't taken their jobs. If he wants to bitch, he should bitch to the President!

Also, I hate to assign a particular philosophy to you without knowing. Please, expound on why past white racism necessitates currently giving certain minorities preference in jobs and higher education.
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No. You are the loser and you don't think. All you do is whine about how you are stuck flipping burgers and you think someone is going to come take your job because you suck at even that. :lol:

So wait. . . if you are against the idea of affirmative action it can -only- be because you're inept and are in danger of losing your job to someone else?

First off, you're failing to recognize that the -intended- consequence of AA is that potentially less-qualified minorities are to be hired over their white competitors if whites are overly represented in the work place. The fear that someone LESS QUALIFIED THAN YOU might be offered your job doesn't imply insecurity in one's own ability, it implies fear of a consequence that the government intended and that personal capacity will not prevent.

Secondly, am I not allowed to morally object to a concept that isn't fucking me over personally? Is that logically inconceivable to you?

If I said that everybody who's against capitalism is just a scared pussy who's too incompetent to make his own way in this world if he has to deal with competition, would that also be accurate?

Or is it possible that some people make moral objections just -purely- based on their morals, and not for any hidden practical reasons?

Is a cigar only just a cigar if its a Democrat cigar? Or does it have to be a brown cigar?

Its not only because you are afraid of losing or not getting a job. It also can be the selfishness that racist whites feel when other people are also getting ahead. They start yelling about jobs for white people first like they did after the market collapse in the 20's. Welfare was established for whites and Blacks could not even get assistance for decades because of this phenomenon. So you have a track record of this.

If you said "that everybody who's against capitalism is just a scared pussy who's too incompetent to make his own way in this world if he has to deal with competition" I personally would be inclined to agree that this was the bottom line even though i would not say it as harshly as you did. However that is not the only reason. Some people simply don't know whats possible and will not seek out the information. People with moral objects are lying or they are not self aware. There is always a practical reason why they feel the way they do.

So if a person's belief system says that all humans are part of a singular consciousness, and therefore personal gain is an illusion, and then said that their faith was the reason they're against capitalism, you would say. . .

They're lying and the truth is that they don't believe what they claim to believe, they're just afraid of competition?

If I'm Hawaiian, and generally someone who stands to benefit from affirmative action, yet I am against it, which part would I be lying about? Last I checked, all these factors were, in fact, true.

Is it impossible that I have a moral objection to the government creating protected classes of people for -ANY- reason? Is that possible?

Or am I just lying to hide insecurities?
What if the person complaining is Chinese and, despite a sterling record of test results, grades, and extra-curricular's, she's had her college application rejected in favor of a less favorable candidate because her evil, over-achieving ethnicity was already over-represented by AA standards? IS she a low-hanging fruit and a whiney, insecure racist loser?


Yes they are whiney if they are blaming it on AA. Stop crying and get another job. Her blame would be in the wrong place as whites had government sponsored AA for 400 years. If that had not happened there would be no need for AA now.

So they're whiney if they don't believe they should be punished for the crimes of people they had zero to do with?

If a black man gets lynched by a group of whites impoverished by the shutdown of a coal plant in SC, should he accept his punishment in stoic silence and not be a whiner? After all, those whites wouldn't be doing it if the EPA hadn't taken their jobs. If he wants to bitch, he should bitch to the President!

No they are whiney if they dont simply move on instead of wasting breath complaining. Misplaced anger is dangerous and reveals your stupidity for all to see.

Why would someone accept getting lynched? You are growing a strawman at an alarming rate.
Yes they are whiney if they are blaming it on AA. Stop crying and get another job. Her blame would be in the wrong place as whites had government sponsored AA for 400 years. If that had not happened there would be no need for AA now.

So they're whiney if they don't believe they should be punished for the crimes of people they had zero to do with?

If a black man gets lynched by a group of whites impoverished by the shutdown of a coal plant in SC, should he accept his punishment in stoic silence and not be a whiner? After all, those whites wouldn't be doing it if the EPA hadn't taken their jobs. If he wants to bitch, he should bitch to the President!

No they are whiney if they dont simply move on instead of wasting breath complaining. Misplaced anger is dangerous and reveals your stupidity for all to see.

Why would someone accept getting lynched? You are growing a strawman at an alarming rate.

I apologize, I assumed that, when you called people whiners for complaining about AA, you were implying that their complaints were invalid.

Let's take the whining out of the equation. Should the Chinese girl be passed over by virtue of a government mandate that prefers someone else for racial reasons? If so, why?
Yes they are whiney if they are blaming it on AA. Stop crying and get another job. Her blame would be in the wrong place as whites had government sponsored AA for 400 years. If that had not happened there would be no need for AA now.

So they're whiney if they don't believe they should be punished for the crimes of people they had zero to do with?

If a black man gets lynched by a group of whites impoverished by the shutdown of a coal plant in SC, should he accept his punishment in stoic silence and not be a whiner? After all, those whites wouldn't be doing it if the EPA hadn't taken their jobs. If he wants to bitch, he should bitch to the President!

No they are whiney if they dont simply move on instead of wasting breath complaining. Misplaced anger is dangerous and reveals your stupidity for all to see.

Why would someone accept getting lynched? You are growing a strawman at an alarming rate.

But the misplaced anger of minorities who demand Affirmative Action is, or is not, dangerous and stupid. Affirmative Action is blatant admittance that minorities are incapable of achieving anything on their own without government intercession. Is that true?
So they're whiney if they don't believe they should be punished for the crimes of people they had zero to do with?

If a black man gets lynched by a group of whites impoverished by the shutdown of a coal plant in SC, should he accept his punishment in stoic silence and not be a whiner? After all, those whites wouldn't be doing it if the EPA hadn't taken their jobs. If he wants to bitch, he should bitch to the President!

No they are whiney if they dont simply move on instead of wasting breath complaining. Misplaced anger is dangerous and reveals your stupidity for all to see.

Why would someone accept getting lynched? You are growing a strawman at an alarming rate.

I apologize, I assumed that, when you called people whiners for complaining about AA, you were implying that their complaints were invalid.

Let's take the whining out of the equation. Should the Chinese girl be passed over by virtue of a government mandate that prefers someone else for racial reasons? If so, why?

Yes she should be passed over. You cant hog up all the spots. You already have spots selected for you. Be better than the people in your particular designation. The whole point of AA is to even the playing field not stack it for one minority. Thats how we got here in the first place. Whites had 400 years of getting all the spots.
No they are whiney if they dont simply move on instead of wasting breath complaining. Misplaced anger is dangerous and reveals your stupidity for all to see.

Why would someone accept getting lynched? You are growing a strawman at an alarming rate.

I apologize, I assumed that, when you called people whiners for complaining about AA, you were implying that their complaints were invalid.

Let's take the whining out of the equation. Should the Chinese girl be passed over by virtue of a government mandate that prefers someone else for racial reasons? If so, why?

Yes she should be passed over. You cant hog up all the spots. You already have spots selected for you. Be better than the people in your particular designation. The whole point of AA is to even the playing field not stack it for one minority. Thats how we got here in the first place. Whites had 400 years of getting all the spots.

You are a racist pig. Whine on, racist.
So they're whiney if they don't believe they should be punished for the crimes of people they had zero to do with?

If a black man gets lynched by a group of whites impoverished by the shutdown of a coal plant in SC, should he accept his punishment in stoic silence and not be a whiner? After all, those whites wouldn't be doing it if the EPA hadn't taken their jobs. If he wants to bitch, he should bitch to the President!

No they are whiney if they dont simply move on instead of wasting breath complaining. Misplaced anger is dangerous and reveals your stupidity for all to see.

Why would someone accept getting lynched? You are growing a strawman at an alarming rate.

But the misplaced anger of minorities who demand Affirmative Action is, or is not, dangerous and stupid. Affirmative Action is blatant admittance that minorities are incapable of achieving anything on their own without government intercession. Is that true?

Its not stupid if it is existing and someone is taking it away. Once its gone however then life has to go on.

Thats only true if whites feel the same way about their 400 years of AA. Whites would not be the dominating culture if the government had not made sure of that for 400 years. Is that true?
No they are whiney if they dont simply move on instead of wasting breath complaining. Misplaced anger is dangerous and reveals your stupidity for all to see.

Why would someone accept getting lynched? You are growing a strawman at an alarming rate.

I apologize, I assumed that, when you called people whiners for complaining about AA, you were implying that their complaints were invalid.

Let's take the whining out of the equation. Should the Chinese girl be passed over by virtue of a government mandate that prefers someone else for racial reasons? If so, why?

Yes she should be passed over. You cant hog up all the spots. You already have spots selected for you. Be better than the people in your particular designation. The whole point of AA is to even the playing field not stack it for one minority. Thats how we got here in the first place. Whites had 400 years of getting all the spots.

Why should the spots be separated by race at all?

How does your desire to see them separated as such not make you racist?

Or am I making an assumption, there? Do you admit to your racism?
I apologize, I assumed that, when you called people whiners for complaining about AA, you were implying that their complaints were invalid.

Let's take the whining out of the equation. Should the Chinese girl be passed over by virtue of a government mandate that prefers someone else for racial reasons? If so, why?

Yes she should be passed over. You cant hog up all the spots. You already have spots selected for you. Be better than the people in your particular designation. The whole point of AA is to even the playing field not stack it for one minority. Thats how we got here in the first place. Whites had 400 years of getting all the spots.

You are a racist pig. Whine on, racist.

If you say so. Just remember I'm not the one that needed AA to become the dominating culture at the expense of all other races.
No they are whiney if they dont simply move on instead of wasting breath complaining. Misplaced anger is dangerous and reveals your stupidity for all to see.

Why would someone accept getting lynched? You are growing a strawman at an alarming rate.

But the misplaced anger of minorities who demand Affirmative Action is, or is not, dangerous and stupid. Affirmative Action is blatant admittance that minorities are incapable of achieving anything on their own without government intercession. Is that true?

Its not stupid if it is existing and someone is taking it away. Once its gone however then life has to go on.

Thats only true if whites feel the same way about their 400 years of AA. Whites would not be the dominating culture if the government had not made sure of that for 400 years. Is that true?

Whine, whine, whine...you incompetent, incapable racist. Face it, you wouldn't even have a job in the free market if AA hadn't intervened and put someone capable in the position.

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