What is the Republican explanation as to why gas prices are so high even though their profit margins are so high?

I understand supply and demand just fine. What Iā€™m seeing here is a person who canā€™t give direct answers and now wants to ditch the debate because Iā€™m pressing you on details and answers. Thatā€™s weak
He didnā€™t do what you wanted, so demofk of you
Why is it bullshit and what are the correct numbers? If my source is wrong then show me the correct numbers from your source.
"Numbers" ? Goof grief man, are you not aware of what has been going on over the past 18 months ? The closing of ANWR, stoppage of drilling on federal lands, shutting down the pipelines, restriction of drilling permits, tons of regulations imposed on drilling, asking Iran, Saudi Arabia and Venezuela for oil (when Trump was president we were EXPORTING oil) And of course, Biden's many times declarations of war against the fossil fuel industry (as in the 2000 presidential debates).

One does not erase away all these things just by coming in here and throwing a few manipulated (if not concocted) "numbers" around. That's like comparing an ant to an elephant. This is what happens when people watch CNN, MSNBC, PBS, "the View", and other such leftist OMISSION media.

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You are skipping around my questions. Why canā€™t you just give direct answers? From the stats you just posted we havenā€™t reached the same production levels of 2019 but are pretty close and have grown substantially from 2020 and 2021ā€¦ also the rest of the world is also experiencing the same kind of production reductions as well all come out of the pandemic. Regardless, when you look at the stockpiles we have well over 500 million barrels which doesnā€™t sound like a shortage to me. Could it be that you are looking for excuses to back your arguments and accepting anything you hear that may explain why the oil companies have no choice but to sell their goods at rip off prices while cashing in on record profits?!
You are putting too much stock in Biden admin-sourced numbers, and ignoring the big (and OBVIOUS) picture. Look at the whole forest, and everything that is happening, rather than concentrating on one tree that Biden has prepared for you to see.
"Numbers" ? Goof grief man, are you not aware of what has been going on over the past 18 months ? The closing of ANWR, stoppage of drilling on federal lands, shutting down the pipelines, restriction of drilling permits, tons of regulations imposed on drilling, asking Iran, Saudi Arabia and Venezuela for oil (when Trump was president we were EXPORTING oil) And of course, Biden's many times declarations of war against the fossil fuel industry (as in the 2000 presidential debates).

One does not erase away all these things just by coming in here and throwing a few manipulated (if not concocted) "numbers" around. That's like comparing an ant to an elephant. This is what happens when people watch CNN, MSNBC, PBS, "the View", and other such leftist OMISSION media.

Wow, you got your shit all mixed up! First of all Iā€™m not talking about manipulated numbers. Iā€™m talking about actual stats to back up your claims. If youā€™re claiming that we have an oil shortage in this country then show the stats to back it up. Nothing manipulated about that.

Despite its pause on new oil and gas leasing and drilling on publicly owned lands and waters, the Biden administration approved more drilling permits in 2021 than President Trump did in the first year of his presidency, according to federal data analyzedby the Center for Biological Diversity.

The oil and gas industry continues raking in record profits while communities pay the price. The watchdog organization Accountable.US reported in February that Shell, Chevron, BP and Exxon made more than $75.5 billion in profits in 2021, some of their highest profits in the past decade.

You are putting too much stock in Biden admin-sourced numbers, and ignoring the big (and OBVIOUS) picture. Look at the whole forest, and everything that is happening, rather than concentrating on one tree that Biden has prepared for you to see.
Show a different source then. If you think my numbers are wrong then show the right ones. I addressed a very simple statementā€¦. That the US had an oil shortage. It doesnā€™t take a forest to look at what he have to determine if that is accurate or not
Oil companies are making record profits because the baseline value of their product is way up. 10% of 5 dollars is more than 10% of 2 dollars.

For instance, what makes it Bidenā€™s fault they are high if that is the case? What did Biden do to make them high? Keep in mind these prices are high in other countries.

Biden is refusing to take responsibility and, instead, tries blaming others.

Why arenā€™t they making more? Know if one increases productionā€¦ā€¦.. oh wait, xiden said no
here you go, the breakout of the letter Xiden sent to oil companies. "at a time of war" Who are we at war with, anyone?

President Joe Biden on Wednesday called on U.S. oil refining companies to produce more, saying they need to help alleviate the burden of high prices on consumers.

ā€œAt a time of war ā€“ historically high refinery profit margins being passed directly onto American families are not acceptable,ā€ the president said in a letter to oil companies including Exxon Mobil and Chevron.
I support more moderate policies than Biden campaigned on. But there is campaign rhetoric and there is reality. You are reacting to rhetoric and ignoring reality

go to 1:20 in the video.

He said he was going to do 'x' and now has done 'x'. You voted for him knowing that and now that he did 'x' you're saying he never meant 'x'. Do you know how foolish you sound? It's what you voted for jack. Own it. be proud your guy did what he campaigned on. I want to know why he's complaining and yelling at us.

What is the Republican explanation as to why gas prices are so high even though their profit margins are so high?​

Biden is an idiot. AOC is an idiot. Pelosi is an idiot. Schumer is an idiot.

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