What is the Republican explanation as to why gas prices are so high even though their profit margins are so high?

You’re talking about signals. I’m talking about reality. So what about the title do you think was inaccurate and why?
It's just bullshit, that's all. Where (WHO) do you think those numbers are coming from ?

You get thrown a bunch of numbers, and you automatically believe them ? Remember when Biden bragged about a number from HIS BLS, HIS Dept of Commerce, that he had created some 300,000 jobs ? (90% of it was workers returning to work after the lockdowns ceased) Those were not jobs created, they were jobs RESUMED.
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I understand supply and demand but you mentioned shortages and I replied with a link stating that we don’t have a shortage. You didn’t address that in your last reply. Do you think the information in my link is inaccurate? If so, what and why?
Of course there are shortages. You do realize the diaper guy has been asking oil producing nations to increase production, right? You don't do this when there is plenty of supply available.
These are very obvious answers & it doesn't matter what your link says, the problem is with a hostile environment coming from DC.
An article from almost 4 months ago can't change the laws of economics, despite the best efforts of all MSM to gaslight the public.
If they weren't purposely choking the supply, we would have much cheaper energy, but that is not something they want.
This is basic common sense which is apparently sorely lacking these days
Of course there are shortages. You do realize the diaper guy has been asking oil producing nations to increase production, right? You don't do this when there is plenty of supply available.
These are very obvious answers & it doesn't matter what your link says, the problem is with a hostile environment coming from DC.
An article from almost 4 months ago can't change the laws of economics, despite the best efforts of all MSM to gaslight the public.
If they weren't purposely choking the supply, we would have much cheaper energy, but that is not something they want.
This is basic common sense which is apparently sorely lacking these days
Can you show numbers or anything concrete to back this up or is your diaper guy claim all you got? Of course he is asking other countries to step up after sanctioning Russia. You said we had a shortage though. Can you back that up?
What do you mean so what?! They could be making the same profits or hell maybe they make a little less than in past years so that is consumers aren’t getting raped at the pumps. Either way they are still making billions in profits. But let’s not look at that. Let’s just point the finger at Biden.
Is that all you've got? Are you, a taxpayer, going to cough up when profits are low? How much Cool-Aid can you chug from them at one time?

Why is it that Liberals are so opposed to considering FACTS and RESULTS?

Biden's 25 policies crushed our energy and economy.

Is that all you've got? Are you, a taxpayer, going to cough up when profits are low? How much Cool-Aid can you chug from them at one time?

Why is it that Liberals are so opposed to considering FACTS and RESULTS?

Biden's 25 policies crushed our energy and economy.

When I see record high prices and the companies responsible making record high profits then I blame those companies and their greed. Plane and simple. You go ahead and make excuses for them though
When I see record high prices and the companies responsible making record high profits then I blame those companies and their greed. Plane and simple. You go ahead and make excuses for them though
Where am I making excuses?

President Biden is fully responsible for the high prices. Oil companies have millions of barrels of oil in the pipeline which cost say $70.00 a barrel so there is a high profit. That oil is being replaced at oil costing $120.00 a barrel.

Does this make any sense whatsoever? President Biden slashes the production of crude in our country to HELP THE ENVIRONMENT. At the same time, he is begging countries that hate us to produce MORE CRUDE. Those countries then ship oil to our country, making huge PROFITS, while forcing those who can least afford it to suffer the most.

Specifically, how is that being a great steward of our country for OUR citizens?
Where am I making excuses?

President Biden is fully responsible for the high prices. Oil companies have millions of barrels of oil in the pipeline which cost say $70.00 a barrel so there is a high profit. That oil is being replaced at oil costing $120.00 a barrel.

Does this make any sense whatsoever? President Biden slashes the production of crude in our country to HELP THE ENVIRONMENT. At the same time, he is begging countries that hate us to produce MORE CRUDE. Those countries then ship oil to our country, making huge PROFITS, while forcing those who can least afford it to suffer the most.

Specifically, how is that being a great steward of our country for OUR citizens?
Where are you making excuses?! With every one of your posts where you divert from saying anything critical about the oil companies who are actually running the business and making the profits to go directly after Biden and place on the blame on his shoulders. You literally just did it again in your last post.
What if the oil companies just maintained the same profits as the past instead of making more and that difference could be applied towards lowering prices for consumers. Would that sound like a fair proposition to you?
Their profit margins are the same as in the past. In fact, they are a little lower now than in the past.
What do you mean so what?! They could be making the same profits or hell maybe they make a little less than in past years so that is consumers aren’t getting raped at the pumps. Either way they are still making billions in profits. But let’s not look at that. Let’s just point the finger at Biden.
6% profit margin right now, approximately. How is that raping consumers?
Can you show numbers or anything concrete to back this up or is your diaper guy claim all you got? Of course he is asking other countries to step up after sanctioning Russia. You said we had a shortage though. Can you back that up?
Slade, you are persistently dense. I'll give you that.
What I'm telling you are not national secrets. I believe you are being willfully ignorant of actual facts.
Good luck with your false assumptions & misconceptions about supply & demand.

We estimate U.S. refinery inputs will average 16.7 million b/d during the second and third quarters of 2022. This average is lower than the 2019 refinery inputs average of 17.3 million b/d despite high utilization rates because of reductions in refinery capacity since early 2020. U.S. refinery capacity has fallen by almost 1.0 million b/d since early 2020 because several refineries were closed or converted.
In response to these high prices, we expect that refinery utilization will reach a monthly average level of 96 percent twice this summer, near the upper limits of what refiners can consistently maintain. We expect refinery utilization to average 96 percent in June, 94 percent in July, and 96 percent in August.

More than 1 million barrels a day of the country’s oil refining capacity — or about 5% overall — has shut since the beginning of the pandemic. Elsewhere in the world, capacity has shrunk by 2.13 million additional barrels a day, energy consultancy Turner, Mason & Co. estimates. And with no plans to bring new US plants online, even though refiners are reaping record profits, the supply squeeze is only going to get worse.
The dearth of refining capacity has dire implications for both US consumers and global markets. At home, retail gasoline prices continue hitting new records, exacerbating some of the worst inflation American households have ever seen. Meanwhile, the East Coast is on the brink of a diesel shortage that risks crippling already strained supply chains that have disrupted the flow of everything from grocery staples to construction supplies in the last two years.

Where are you making excuses?! With every one of your posts where you divert from saying anything critical about the oil companies who are actually running the business and making the profits to go directly after Biden and place on the blame on his shoulders. You literally just did it again in your last post.
Why should I blame oil companies for what was done by President Biden and his handlers? We have a president who has seldom made a good decision in his political career.

President Biden campaigned on and promised to destroy the oil industry. He took office and immediately began signing executive orders to do just that. Please Slade3200, explain to us all how that is the fault of the oil industry.

Slade3200, is this a good idea for our economy?
I already stomped your "highest in a decade" stumble. (post # 167)

The reason gas prices are so high is because Biden has lowered production so much. So since less oil is being refined into gasoline, and thus fewer sales, in order for oil companies to receive the same amount of income, they have to charge more per sale.

It all goes back to Biden and his hatred of the oil companies and fossil fuels - as he has openly stated many times (like in the 2020 debate with Trump). Biden created this inflation, everybody knows it, and that's why his ratings are in the toilet. And it's partially why there's going to be a RED WAVE in November. 😐
Hey moron why don’t you actually explain why my post is wrong instead of directing to me some post that didn’t do it to begin with? You just sound like fucking stupid otherwise.

Is their actual evidence Biden has limited their supply? No of course not. If there was, their profits would not reflect it.
Slade, you are persistently dense. I'll give you that.
What I'm telling you are not national secrets. I believe you are being willfully ignorant of actual facts.
Good luck with your false assumptions & misconceptions about supply & demand.

We estimate U.S. refinery inputs will average 16.7 million b/d during the second and third quarters of 2022. This average is lower than the 2019 refinery inputs average of 17.3 million b/d despite high utilization rates because of reductions in refinery capacity since early 2020. U.S. refinery capacity has fallen by almost 1.0 million b/d since early 2020 because several refineries were closed or converted.
In response to these high prices, we expect that refinery utilization will reach a monthly average level of 96 percent twice this summer, near the upper limits of what refiners can consistently maintain. We expect refinery utilization to average 96 percent in June, 94 percent in July, and 96 percent in August.

More than 1 million barrels a day of the country’s oil refining capacity — or about 5% overall — has shut since the beginning of the pandemic. Elsewhere in the world, capacity has shrunk by 2.13 million additional barrels a day, energy consultancy Turner, Mason & Co. estimates. And with no plans to bring new US plants online, even though refiners are reaping record profits, the supply squeeze is only going to get worse.
The dearth of refining capacity has dire implications for both US consumers and global markets. At home, retail gasoline prices continue hitting new records, exacerbating some of the worst inflation American households have ever seen. Meanwhile, the East Coast is on the brink of a diesel shortage that risks crippling already strained supply chains that have disrupted the flow of everything from grocery staples to construction supplies in the last two years.

You are skipping around my questions. Why can’t you just give direct answers? From the stats you just posted we haven’t reached the same production levels of 2019 but are pretty close and have grown substantially from 2020 and 2021… also the rest of the world is also experiencing the same kind of production reductions as well all come out of the pandemic. Regardless, when you look at the stockpiles we have well over 500 million barrels which doesn’t sound like a shortage to me. Could it be that you are looking for excuses to back your arguments and accepting anything you hear that may explain why the oil companies have no choice but to sell their goods at rip off prices while cashing in on record profits?!
Why should I blame oil companies for what was done by President Biden and his handlers?
Maybe because they are in charge of their own businesses. They are the ones cashing in, and they own responsibility that you willfully ignore so you can get political punchlines.
President Biden campaigned on and promised to destroy the oil industry. He took office and immediately began signing executive orders to do just that. Please Slade3200, explain to us all how that is the fault of the oil industry
I support more moderate policies than Biden campaigned on. But there is campaign rhetoric and there is reality. You are reacting to rhetoric and ignoring reality
You are skipping around my questions. Why can’t you just give direct answers? From the stats you just posted we haven’t reached the same production levels of 2019 but are pretty close and have grown substantially from 2020 and 2021… also the rest of the world is also experiencing the same kind of production reductions as well all come out of the pandemic. Regardless, when you look at the stockpiles we have well over 500 million barrels which doesn’t sound like a shortage to me. Could it be that you are looking for excuses to back your arguments and accepting anything you hear that may explain why the oil companies have no choice but to sell their goods at rip off prices while cashing in on record profits?!
Slade, we're done. I gave you numerous facts & actual reasons for all this but apparently you aren't smart enough to understand basic principles like supply & demand.
Your willful ignorance on subjects is played out.
Just keep your collectivist philosophy away from me & we'll have no problems
Slade, we're done. I gave you numerous facts & actual reasons for all this but apparently you aren't smart enough to understand basic principles like supply & demand.
Your willful ignorance on subjects is played out.
Just keep your collectivist philosophy away from me & we'll have no problems
I understand supply and demand just fine. What I’m seeing here is a person who can’t give direct answers and now wants to ditch the debate because I’m pressing you on details and answers. That’s weak

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