What is the Republican explanation as to why gas prices are so high even though their profit margins are so high?

This was the original headline;


. . . and this? The edited headline.

Why an energy crisis and $5 gas aren’t spurring a green revolution​

As high prices move consumers to rethink their attachment to oil and gas, America is struggling to meet the moment​

I’m not reading the OPs question as suggesting the oil companies take significant losses that jeopardized their businesses. He is bringing up record profits. If they are making record profits doesn’t something seem wrong to you?
Yes, it shows something is completely wrong. Glad you can recognize it too.
If we actually had a free market economy, investors would put money into oil exploration & production because that is how a free market operates.
They aren't doing that. I wonder why?
This is all on DC policy of hostility to fossil fuels &, NWO stooge that he is, the diaper dude is the face of this purposeful implosion

Yes, it shows something is completely wrong. Glad you can recognize it too.
If we actually had a free market economy, investors would put money into oil exploration & production because that is how a free market operates.
They aren't doing that. I wonder why?
This is all on DC policy of hostility to fossil fuels &, NWO stooge that he is, the diaper dude is the face of this purposeful implosion

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You completely ignored the profit element again. Why are you doing that?
Trump asked for Production to be cut in April & Nov 2020... He actually threatened OPEC... 9m barrels per day cut...

... Imagine if you caught Biden doing this...

Biden has been trying to get them to reverse this and they have all they want from US in arms, thanks to a Trump arms deal...

So US (and rest of the world) gets screwed.
"The buck stops here!!!! Right halfway between Trump and Putin" - President Brandon
You completely ignored the profit element again. Why are you doing that?
Are you really this dense or just purposely wasting my time?
The profit element is what brings in the investment in a free market. Huge profits mean lots of capital is shifted to chase those profits, resulting in more production with the new supplies bringing down the costs & the profits decline as a result. Do they teach you all anything these days?
Dude, I don't have a pop up book to make this easier for your mind to grasp so you will have to think on your own a little
Are you really this dense or just purposely wasting my time?
The profit element is what brings in the investment in a free market. Huge profits mean lots of capital is shifted to chase those profits, resulting in more production with the new supplies bringing down the costs & the profits decline as a result. Do they teach you all anything these days?
Dude, I don't have a pop up book to make this easier for your mind to grasp so you will have to think on your own a little
What if the oil companies just maintained the same profits as the past instead of making more and that difference could be applied towards lowering prices for consumers. Would that sound like a fair proposition to you?
What if the oil companies just maintained the same profits as the past instead of making more and that difference could be applied towards lowering prices for consumers. Would that sound like a fair proposition to you?
No, because it does nothing to address the shortages that are driving the prices so high. Only increased production or decreased demand can do that.
We need fuel to run an economy & feed people despite what the idiots on MSM or in the UNiparty may say, so that option should not be in play in a sane world.
More production is what is desperately needed & what they will not allow.
This is a govt policy created situation & no price fixing or controls fixes the root of the problem. In fact, it makes it worse by removing the profit incentive to produce more.
They lie when they say we can go green without many people actually dying from the transition.
Starvation &/or exposure isn't a pleasant way to go & their transition will cause both
No, because it does nothing to address the shortages that are driving the prices so high. Only increased production or decreased demand can do that.
We need fuel to run an economy & feed people despite what the idiots on MSM or in the UNiparty may say, so that option should not be in play in a sane world.
More production is what is desperately needed & what they will not allow.
This is a govt policy created situation & no price fixing or controls fixes the root of the problem. In fact, it makes it worse by removing the profit incentive to produce more.
They lie when they say we can go green without many people actually dying from the transition.
Starvation &/or exposure isn't a pleasant way to go & their transition will cause both
What shortages are you talking about?? We have well over 500 million barrels of oil

Trump asked for Production to be cut in April & Nov 2020... He actually threatened OPEC... 9m barrels per day cut...

... Imagine if you caught Biden doing this...

Biden has been trying to get them to reverse this and they have all they want from US in arms, thanks to a Trump arms deal...

So US (and rest of the world) gets screwed
Do you even believe your own malarkey? How much Cool-Aid can you chug at one sitting?

Biden 25 policies responsible for skyrocketing energy prices.

What the fuck does Obama have to do with it? Who cares? Either way, one of the major companies had the biggest quarterly profits EVER. One of them was the highest in a decade. All that matters is that these companies are doing quite well and their profits are clearly not the reason gas prices are high.
I already stomped your "highest in a decade" stumble. (post # 167)

The reason gas prices are so high is because Biden has lowered production so much. So since less oil is being refined into gasoline, and thus fewer sales, in order for oil companies to receive the same amount of income, they have to charge more per sale.

It all goes back to Biden and his hatred of the oil companies and fossil fuels - as he has openly stated many times (like in the 2020 debate with Trump). Biden created this inflation, everybody knows it, and that's why his ratings are in the toilet. And it's partially why there's going to be a RED WAVE in November. 😐
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I didn’t you moron. I simply stated the issue isn’t better under republicans. Derp!
Tell us Billy000, how you sell that to low and middle-income families being slammed by the increases at the grocery store and they can't afford to fill their car with gas to get to work. Do you tell them how much they'd save if they'd just buy a $60,000 car?

You completely ignored the profit element again. Why are you doing that?

Those profits are based on what gross sales?

Do you honestly believe that the oil companies a PROFITING $3.00 per gallon? Seriously? That's just goofy!

Those profits are based on what gross sales?

Do you honestly believe that the oil companies a PROFITING $3.00 per gallon? Seriously? That's just goofy!
What do you mean so what?! They could be making the same profits or hell maybe they make a little less than in past years so that is consumers aren’t getting raped at the pumps. Either way they are still making billions in profits. But let’s not look at that. Let’s just point the finger at Biden.
What shortages are you talking about?? We have well over 500 million barrels of oil

Do you know anything about economics slade? You do realize that increasing supplies to meet demand controls prices, right?
So if investors see those record profits they will rush to produce more of that product. By doing so, they increase the supply & the prices respond by coming down as an abundance now replaces a choked & limited supply that caused rising prices to begin with.
It's called supply & demand. This is the basis of capitalist economics. The govt has interfered in this process but still manages to convince the low info it's not their fault as they create problems they claim they will fix by creating more problems.

Seriously, I think we are done here. I don't have time to be your teacher so you need to take a little initiative & educate yourself

Do you know anything about economics slade? You do realize that increasing supplies to meet demand controls prices, right?
So if investors see those record profits they will rush to produce more of that product. By doing so, they increase the supply & the prices respond by coming down as an abundance now replaces a choked & limited supply that caused rising prices to begin with.
It's called supply & demand. This is the basis of capitalist economics. The govt has interfered in this process but still manages to convince the low info it's not their fault as they create problems they claim they will fix by creating more problems.

Seriously, I think we are done here. I don't have time to be your teacher so you need to take a little initiative & educate yourself
I understand supply and demand but you mentioned shortages and I replied with a link stating that we don’t have a shortage. You didn’t address that in your last reply. Do you think the information in my link is inaccurate? If so, what and why?
Fact check my source then, what did they say that is incorrect?
The title >>

Biden canceling the Keystone pipeline, suspension of new federal oil and gas leases, higher drilling fees on federal land and a Democratic-led push for the Federal Reserve to implement climate change policies – have sent a clear signal to US producers.

Tom Kloza, the global head of energy analysis for OPIS, noted the Biden administration has developed an “adversarial relationship” with US producers who now face calls to increase their output.

“You’ve got diplomacy on Ukraine. You’ve got diplomacy with Iran. Now you’ve got diplomacy with Venezuela,” Kloza said. “You know, it might be advisable to have some diplomacy with US oil and gas companies.”

But Biden is concentrated on replacing fossil fuels with clean energy like solar and wind power. Actually, wind is not all that clean. Kills million of birds every year. Are they not part of the "environment" that the greenies are supposed to be so concerned about ?
The title >>

Biden canceling the Keystone pipeline, suspension of new federal oil and gas leases, higher drilling fees on federal land and a Democratic-led push for the Federal Reserve to implement climate change policies – have sent a clear signal to US producers.

Tom Kloza, the global head of energy analysis for OPIS, noted the Biden administration has developed an “adversarial relationship” with US producers who now face calls to increase their output.

“You’ve got diplomacy on Ukraine. You’ve got diplomacy with Iran. Now you’ve got diplomacy with Venezuela,” Kloza said. “You know, it might be advisable to have some diplomacy with oil and gas companies.”
You’re talking about signals. I’m talking about reality. So what about the title do you think was inaccurate and why?

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