What is the Republican justification for why Georgia Secretary of State tried to limit voting on the Saturday after Thanksgiving?

You are a special kind of stupid arn't ya?.....Jeez.....Friday after Thanksgiving was always a state holiday in Virginia.
Quit pretending you gave a shit about any of this before. Quit pretending you ever cared the day election workers did their jobs. How do you justify being such a cultist pawn of the GOP?
Quit pretending you gave a shit about any of this before. Quit pretending you ever cared the day election workers did their jobs. How do you justify being such a cultist pawn of the GOP?
How do you justify being blind to election tampering by the Democrats?
Gee I don't know do you think because that is generally a four day weekend for lots of people and that there are a lot of people who travel out of town to see family during this time. This should not be that hard to figure out even for a liberal. Quick addition the Friday, Saturday and Sunday after Thanksgiving are also three of the bigger Christmas shopping days so a whole lost of people will be working and most probably will be doing more shopping than voting on these days.
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Gee I don't know do you think because that is generally a four day weekend for lots of people and that there are a lot of people who travel out of town to see family during this time. This should not be that hard to figure out even for a liberal. Quick addition the Friday, Saturday and Sunday after Thanksgiving are also three of the bigger Christmas shopping days so a whole lost of people will be working and most probably will be doing more shopping than voting on these days.
God you are all completely full of shit. You know you are. If this story was going on in San Francisco instead you would not give a FLYING FUCK. God you people are absolutely pitiful. You really are.
God you are all completely full of shit. You know you are. If this story was going on in San Francisco instead you would not give a FLYING FUCK. God you people are absolutely pitiful. You really are.
Here is some free advice for you dumb fuck try actually thinking before you post the moronic shit you do then it would not be so easy to show you for the blind partisan shit for brains moron you are. The fact you did not even attempt refute anything I said shows who is truly full of shit now fuck off idiot.
Here is some free advice for you dumb fuck try actually thinking before you post the moronic shit you do then it would not be so easy to show you for the blind partisan shit for brains moron you are. The fact you did not even attempt refute anything I said shows who is truly full of shit now fuck off idiot.
Uh well see no you’re wrong anyway. You pretended you gave a shit but you’re wrong anyway. There’s going to little people who actually fly anywhere on Saturday because of Thanksgiving. It’s not like you are even referencing any outrage from these specific workers anyway. You’re only pretending to care either way because you hopelessly defend the GOP in knee jerk fashion.
Uh well see no you’re wrong anyway. You pretended you gave a shit but you’re wrong anyway. There’s going to little people who actually fly anywhere on Saturday because of Thanksgiving. It’s not like you are even referencing any outrage from these specific workers anyway. You’re only pretending to care either way because you hopelessly defend the GOP in knee jerk fashion.
Very impressive word salad but that is all it is as with all your threads and post nothing but childish partisan BS. As for your stupid comment about if this was in San Francisco the same thing I said before would apply there as well something you would get if you didn’t look at everything through far left partisan glasses. You truly are one sad pathetic little partisan I actually pity you having such an empty hate filled life I hope one day you can see beyond your nonstop partisan mindset but I don’t have much hope for. Feel free continue your partisan idiocy I’m done enabling you for the night.
Republican voters like to pretend whenever the GOP tries to limit voting, it’s related to just ID laws. That is far from the case isn’t it? Republicans in power eliminate voting locations in urban areas that depend on early voting and ways of voting early. Even same day voting sites get closed down. They also make it illegal to hand out water to people waiting in line to vote. Do we even need to explain why they want to do that?

That’s Georgia republicans for you.

Now they tried to make it illegal to vote in the Georgia runoff on the Saturday after Thanksgiving but luckily a judge reversed it.

Republican voters can’t justify this. They might as well admit they secretly support these measures because they disproportionately affect urban AKA democrat voters. Their side wins. That’s all that matters.

And the judge will be overturned because black letter law is not a suggestion. The LAW says there will be no Saturday voting following a Thursday or Friday holiday. It's not fair to poll workers that they would be denied two days of the holiday to be with family. The State legislature sets the fucking rules, not you commies.

You’re just making up shit on the spot to justify this. It’s so transparent.

The General Assembly passed the law restricting Saturday voting after holidays in 2016, but it wasn’t an issue in previous runoffs because at the time, they took place nine weeks after Election Day, long after Thanksgiving and the State Holiday.

The ONLY reason you think that is because Trump and other republicans told you. That’s it. That’s all it is.
What are you, a two year old?

Go away with that stupid shit.

Damn, leftards are ignorant fools!!!
I thought it was something to do with a state holiday.

If so how can a state judge force county-paid staff to work? Is he going to pay them the OT?
Read the Case.

Hint! It has nothing to do with money or affordability!
The General Assembly passed the law restricting Saturday voting after holidays in 2016, but it wasn’t an issue in previous runoffs because at the time, they took place nine weeks after Election Day, long after Thanksgiving and the State Holiday.

State law prohibit scheduling an election, but NOT runoff elections.

That's why the state lost and Warnock won, the Saturday opening.
State law prohibit scheduling an election, but NOT runoff elections.

That's why the state lost and Warnock won, the Saturday opening.

No it prohibits Saturday voting within 2 days of a holiday, doesn't matter what the election is.

that's not what was reported.

Perhaps you should have read my link, that's reporting from the Atlanta news paper. From the link:

“It’s not our choice. It’s literally in black-letter law that the Saturday following a state holiday cannot be used for early voting,” said Gabriel Sterling, chief operating officer for the secretary of state’s office. “We all thought there was going to be Saturday voting until we looked at the law really closely.”


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