What is the republican solution to ending mass shootings? Why don’t they ever offer solutions?

People kill people not firearms

People do not kill firearms.

They kill people USING firearms

Firearms have no control over people

One problem with your claim is people, and that includes unseasoned Law Enforcement, will take chances they would not do if not armed.
I guess that's why concealed carry permit holders are some of the most law abiding people in the country
In Switzerland, they DO have freedom of speech and press. In fact, their press is more free than ours is.
They do not have a right of freedom of speech, nowhere does it say that.
They like all of Europe are part of a fucked up collective...

True, we don’t have any real freedom in this country… Just like every other country
This is from the Swiss Constitution.
Art. 17 Freedom of the media
1 Freedom of the press, radio and television and of other forms of dissemination of features and information by means of public telecommunications is guaranteed.

2 Censorship is prohibited.

Your pronounced ignorance of other countries is astounding.
Thats best joke I’ve heard all day...
The original question has been asked many more times it remains a much better joke than mine.
The serious question remains and remains unanswered
when has prohibition ever been the answer? Betcha don't/can't/won't answer that.
That depends on what is being prohibited. The prohibition of child labor, wife beating, and prohibition of harmful substances in cosmetics, foods, and household products has been very successful in the US.

Even the much maligned prohibition of alcoholic beverages, (18th amendment) in the US was a success if you consider the goals of the amendment. Prior to prohibition, there was an epidemic of public drunkenness, alcoholism, and resulting social and health problems.

After prohibition, alcohol consumption declined dramatically along with a many social and health problems. Cirrhosis death rates for men were 29.5 per 100,000 in 1911 and 10.7 in 1929. Admissions to state mental hospitals for alcoholic psychosis declined by 70%. Arrests for public drunkenness and disorderly conduct declined 50 percent between 1916 and 1922. For the population as a whole, the best estimates are that consumption of alcohol declined by 30 percent to 50 percent.

Prohibiting the sale of guns is not the answer. Guns are too deeply rooted in our culture. However, gun control is certainly possible such as prohibiting the sale to minors, felons, and the mentally disturbed.

Crimes against another and the prohibition of a substance are in no way analogous
People kill people not firearms

People do not kill firearms.

They kill people USING firearms
People kill using clubs
People kill using knives
People kill using blunt objects of all sorts
People kill with their bare hands

People kill
People have always killed
People will always kill

These are indisputable and irrefutable laws of nature no less proven than gravity

People are the single most violent animal to ever walk this planet so I'll keep my guns
And Demon-crats kill the minds with manipulation and tainted controlled education that is applied to the young Cubs whom are now oblivious to their evil bullcrap.
They do not have a right of freedom of speech, nowhere does it say that.
They like all of Europe are part of a fucked up collective...

True, we don’t have any real freedom in this country… Just like every other country
The right to the freedom of speech ends when someone yells fire in a crowded theater. The example is really an identifier of when people abuse their freedom of speech.

So I just don't understand when people like Joe Biden "yells fire in a crowded theater", when he made the comments "they want to just put you all back in chains".

That's about as dirty and low down as it gets, but somehow that piece of work gets away with it ?? Then we have Maxine Waters and others doing the same dirty low down crap, and yep getting away with it. Then people get hurt because of their bullcrap, but no one calls them out on it or better yet brings charges against them for violating their free speech rights. Not sure what the charges would be, but something needs to be done when they choose to yell fire in a crowded theater for political purposes and power.
It’s the cost of freedom. People think freedom means free!
Agree, but not free to do anything. Tell the left that today, and they go crazy.

They are busy trying to end our freedoms, but don't dare try and stop their idiocy or bullcrap, because they go insane.
The freedom to do what?

Hunt friggin squirrels?

They want the freedom to hunt anyone that disagrees with them Maybe we should get them an island, arm them to the teeth and see how that works out. I am sure there is going to be some things that they won't agree on. Maybe we can film it for ESPN+
More idiotic ramblings from a mentally ill person with dementia
Funny, not one single fully auto mentioned like you people are claiming. You just hit the big


Malarkey! :D

Massive .50 caliber rifle used to shoot down helicopters found inside El Chapo's Mexican hideout was sold through government Fast and Furious program
  • Fast and Furious program was designed to take down cartel arms dealers
  • Involved ATF agents intentionally selling weapons illegally to smugglers
  • Guns were then tracked south over border and used to make arrests
  • However, agency ultimately lost track of 1,400 of 2,000 weapons it sold
  • .50 caliber rifle would have been used to down helicopters, agents say
In total, 34 of the 2,000 weapons sold under Fast and Furious were believed to be .50 caliber rifles of the kind found in El Chapo's hideout, Fox reports.

Such weapons would be given to lookouts stationed on hilltops around hiding spots used by El Chapo, designed to prevent scouting runs by Mexican helicopters.

El Chapo's .50 caliber rifle was bought through Fast and Furious program | Daily Mail Online
I thiught you knew your shit about guns.

Do you think that all .50 caliber rifles are machine guns?

I happen to have a legal .50 cal rifle in my basement. It's a fucking muzzle loader dumbass

Were you looking in the mirror when you typed that?
define assault weapon for us.

This kind of garbage is part of why I say we should ban future sales of ALL semi-auto magazine fed weapons.


No ambiguity left...true?

ARs are not assault weapons... They are just sporting rifles nothing more nothing less

Can't you think before you post? What sport do you believe AR's are used for? Targets of innocent men, women and children seem to be one sport, so to speak.
Funny how of the 8 million of them in the hands of civilians about .00002% of them are used to kill people

I guess all those people who don't kill other people with them are using them incorrectly huh?

I used my .223 semiauto to kill a rabid skunk over the summer that is what a .223 is for

If you really want to kill people there are far better firearms to use

You see, they have figured now that they know best for us, and we don't know squat anymore. You didn't get the memo ??
I used my .223 semiauto to kill a rabid skunk over the summer that is what a .223 is for

And you could have done that just as easily with your 870...unless you are REALLY lame
Could have, but he chose (as in freedom of choice) the former over the latter. You trying to control that process is a major problem in a country like this, and sadly for you is that in your lifetime you won't get the changes that you want, so just go live your life and be happy for a change, and everyone else will be happy as well.
I asked you how you would prevent anyone who is not diagnosed as mentally ill or not being treated for mental illness from legally buying a gun

Then I asked you that since medical records are private and protected by a myriad of laws how would you ever know who was actually diagnosed as mentally ill?

IOW I asked you for a solution but you don't have any do you?

So you're saying that the real issue with gun violence centers around mental health...for which there is no solution (in your opinion).


We have solutions. Reduce the number of guns available.Make sure all gun purchases are done with a back ground check. Eliminates sales of assault weapons and possibly semi-auto mag fed,keep people on no fly list from buying gun...

We already have background checks for buying guns in every state. You will never be able to do background checks when one gangbanger sells a gun to another gangbanger for a bag of crack, or when a grandfather gives his shotgun to his grandson.

Magazine capacity is not the problem, large capacity mags have been available for 100 years. The problem is that we live in a culture that promotes and condones violence as a solution to political and personal issues. The entire democrat party is encouraging violence against anyone who does not agree with the dem/lib mantra, the entertainment industry is full of violence. Unless we fix our culture, this will not ever stop. the UK banned guns, now they have rampant knife crime, muslims use bombs, Russians use poison. the weapon of choice is not the problem, the problem is the people.
define assault weapon for us.

This kind of garbage is part of why I say we should ban future sales of ALL semi-auto magazine fed weapons.


No ambiguity left...true?

If we were to ban all production of such guns, there are millions of them on the streets today. Would you take them by force?

to be repetitive, the type of gun is not the problem, a sick culture is the problem.
Q. What has been the Republican Policy on guns, mass shootings and the 2nd A.

A. Complete Malignant Silence.

Q. Why

A. Gun control is a wedge issue, and the GOP wants support from gun owners and the NRA, and the gun and ammo manufacturers in the form of money buying their votes.

Q. Does the Republican Party have a big tent

A. Hell No.

Q. Does the Republican Party put country first

A. Hell No.

Q. What has the Republican Party ever done to benefit you.

A. ?

^^^^^^ this is the kind of hate filled lies that create the division and hate in this country. Generalizations about people based on their political party.

not one of your "hate republican" talking points above is true. People like you are the problem in our country today. Intolerant, hate filled, and ignorant.
define assault weapon for us.

This kind of garbage is part of why I say we should ban future sales of ALL semi-auto magazine fed weapons.


No ambiguity left...true?

ARs are not assault weapons... They are just sporting rifles nothing more nothing less

Can't you think before you post? What sport do you believe AR's are used for? Targets of innocent men, women and children seem to be one sport, so to speak.
Mental illness!
In Switzerland, they DO have freedom of speech and press. In fact, their press is more free than ours is.
They do not have a right of freedom of speech, nowhere does it say that.
They like all of Europe are part of a fucked up collective...

True, we don’t have any real freedom in this country… Just like every other country
This is from the Swiss Constitution.
Art. 17 Freedom of the media
1 Freedom of the press, radio and television and of other forms of dissemination of features and information by means of public telecommunications is guaranteed.

2 Censorship is prohibited.

Your pronounced ignorance of other countries is astounding.
Thats best joke I’ve heard all day...
The original question has been asked many more times it remains a much better joke than mine.
The serious question remains and remains unanswered
when has prohibition ever been the answer? Betcha don't/can't/won't answer that.
That depends on what is being prohibited. The prohibition of child labor, wife beating, and prohibition of harmful substances in cosmetics, foods, and household products has been very successful in the US.

Even the much maligned prohibition of alcoholic beverages, (18th amendment) in the US was a success if you consider the goals of the amendment. Prior to prohibition, there was an epidemic of public drunkenness, alcoholism, and resulting social and health problems.

After prohibition, alcohol consumption declined dramatically along with a many social and health problems. Cirrhosis death rates for men were 29.5 per 100,000 in 1911 and 10.7 in 1929. Admissions to state mental hospitals for alcoholic psychosis declined by 70%. Arrests for public drunkenness and disorderly conduct declined 50 percent between 1916 and 1922. For the population as a whole, the best estimates are that consumption of alcohol declined by 30 percent to 50 percent.

Prohibiting the sale of guns is not the answer. Guns are too deeply rooted in our culture. However, gun control is certainly possible such as prohibiting the sale to minors, felons, and the mentally disturbed.
You must then define mental illness
In Switzerland, they DO have freedom of speech and press. In fact, their press is more free than ours is.
They do not have a right of freedom of speech, nowhere does it say that.
They like all of Europe are part of a fucked up collective...

True, we don’t have any real freedom in this country… Just like every other country
The right to the freedom of speech ends when someone yells fire in a crowded theater. The example is really an identifier of when people abuse their freedom of speech.

So I just don't understand when people like Joe Biden "yells fire in a crowded theater", when he made the comments "they want to just put you all back in chains".

That's about as dirty and low down as it gets, but somehow that piece of work gets away with it ?? Then we have Maxine Waters and others doing the same dirty low down crap, and yep getting away with it. Then people get hurt because of their bullcrap, but no one calls them out on it or better yet brings charges against them for violating their free speech rights. Not sure what the charges would be, but something needs to be done when they choose to yell fire in a crowded theater for political purposes and power.
It’s the cost of freedom. People think freedom means free!
Agree, but not free to do anything. Tell the left that today, and they go crazy.

They are busy trying to end our freedoms, but don't dare try and stop their idiocy or bullcrap, because they go insane.
The freedom to do what?

Hunt friggin squirrels?
I asked you how you would prevent anyone who is not diagnosed as mentally ill or not being treated for mental illness from legally buying a gun

Then I asked you that since medical records are private and protected by a myriad of laws how would you ever know who was actually diagnosed as mentally ill?

IOW I asked you for a solution but you don't have any do you?

So you're saying that the real issue with gun violence centers around mental health...for which there is no solution (in your opinion).


We have solutions. Reduce the number of guns available.Make sure all gun purchases are done with a back ground check. Eliminates sales of assault weapons and possibly semi-auto mag fed,keep people on no fly list from buying gun...

I said no such thing.

I asked you a question and you didn't answer it

The semiauto ban will never happen.

and civilians cannot buy assault weapons
I will disagree, every gun is an assault weapon!
People kill people not firearms

People do not kill firearms.

They kill people USING firearms
People kill using clubs
People kill using knives
People kill using blunt objects of all sorts
People kill with their bare hands

People kill
People have always killed
People will always kill

These are indisputable and irrefutable laws of nature no less proven than gravity

People are the single most violent animal to ever walk this planet so I'll keep my guns
define assault weapon for us.

This kind of garbage is part of why I say we should ban future sales of ALL semi-auto magazine fed weapons.


No ambiguity left...true?

ARs are not assault weapons... They are just sporting rifles nothing more nothing less

Can't you think before you post? What sport do you believe AR's are used for? Targets of innocent men, women and children seem to be one sport, so to speak.
Funny how of the 8 million of them in the hands of civilians about .00002% of them are used to kill people

I guess all those people who don't kill other people with them are using them incorrectly huh?

I used my .223 semiauto to kill a rabid skunk over the summer that is what a .223 is for

If you really want to kill people there are far better firearms to use

You see, they have figured now that they know best for us, and we don't know squat anymore. You didn't get the memo ??
That’s the real problem is the leftists thinking they are gawd!

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