What is the republican solution to ending mass shootings? Why don’t they ever offer solutions?

Even the much-maligned prohibition of alcoholic beverages, (18th amendment) in the US was a success if you consider the goals of the amendment. Prior to prohibition, there was an epidemic of public drunkenness, alcoholism, and resulting social and health problems.

After prohibition, alcohol consumption declined dramatically along with many social and health problems. Cirrhosis death rates for men were 29.5 per 100,000 in 1911 and 10.7 in 1929. Admissions to state mental hospitals for alcoholic psychosis declined by 70%. Arrests for public drunkenness and disorderly conduct declined 50 percent between 1916 and 1922. For the population as a whole, the best estimates are that consumption of alcohol declined by 30 percent to 50 percent.

Prohibiting the sale of guns is not the answer. Guns are too deeply rooted in our culture. However, gun control is certainly possible such as prohibiting the sale to minors, felons, and the mentally disturbed.


Alcohol Prohibition Was a Failure
By Mark Thornton
July 17, 1991
Prohibition Was Not a Healthy Move

One of the few bright spots for which the prohibitionists can present some supporting evidence is the decline in"alcohol-related deaths" during Prohibition. On closer examination, however, that success is an illusion. Prohibition did not improve health and hygiene in America as anticipated.

Cirrhosis of the liver has been found to pose a significant health risk, particularly in women who consume more than four drinks per day.[24] However, deaths due to cirrhosis and alcoholism are a small portion of the total number of deaths each year, and alcohol can be considered only a contributing cause of most of those deaths.[25] Many people who do not drink develop cirrhosis, and the vast majority of heavy drinkers never develop it.[26] Dr. Snell of the MayoClinic in Rochester, Minnesota, reported in 1931 that "we know now that cirrhosis occurs in only 4 percent of alcoholic individuals."[27] Even in the worst pre-Prohibition year, recorded deaths due to alcoholism and cirrhosis of the liver amounted to less than 1.5 percent of total deaths.

An examination of death rates does reveal a dramatic drop in deaths due to alcoholism and cirrhosis, but the drop occurred during World War I, before enforcement of Prohibition.[28] The death rate from alcoholism bottomed out just before the enforcement of Prohibition and then returned to pre-World War I levels.[29] That was probably the result of increased consumption during Prohibition and the consumption of more potent and poisonous alcoholic beverages. The death rate from alcoholism and cirrhosis also declined rather dramatically in Denmark, Ireland, and Great Britain during World War I, but rates in those countries continued to fall during the 1920s (in the absence of prohibition)when rates in the United States were either rising or stable.[30]

Prohibitionists such as Irving Fisher lamented that the drunkards must be forgotten in order to concentrate the benefits of Prohibition on the young. Prevent the young from drinking and let the older alcoholic generations die out. However,if that had happened, we could expect the average age of people dying from alcoholism and cirrhosis to have increased. But the average age of people dying from alcoholism fell by six months between 1916 and 1923, a period of otherwise general improvement in the health of young people.[31]

There appear to have been no health benefits from Prohibition.[32] On the contrary, the harmlessness and even health benefits of consumption of a moderate amount of alcohol have been long established. As early as 1927 ClarenceDarrow and Victor Yarros could cite several studies showing that moderate drinking does not shorten life or seriously affect health and that in general, it may be beneficial.[33] According to the eminent Harvard psychologist Hugo Månsterberg, "there exists no scientifically sound fact which demonstrates evil effects from a temperate use of alcohol by normal adult men."[34]

Studies continue to find the same results and that problems with alcohol are associated with excess--a problem with most goods.[35] Gene Ford cites 17 recent studies that provide evidence of the benefits to the heart and cardiovascular system of moderate drinking.[36] The evidence appears so strong that the American Heart Association has conceded that "modest alcohol consumption has been associated with beneficial effects," and that "an increased HDL-cholesterol[the good kind] level appears to be a dividend of moderate consumption of alcohol."[37]

Not all prohibitionists were blind to the potential benefits of alcohol. However, many were technocrats or Progressives, and if some benefit of alcohol were admitted they would have been forced to conclude that the government should act to encourage moderate consumption of alcohol. One technocrat-economist, Thomas Carver, was familiar with the"possibility" that moderate drinking could be beneficial,[38] but according to Fisher, he was "a courageous scholar" and discarded that possibility to pursue the undeniable benefits of Prohibition.

Alcohol Prohibition Was a Failure
Funny, not one single fully auto mentioned like you people are claiming. You just hit the big


Malarkey! :D

Massive .50 caliber rifle used to shoot down helicopters found inside El Chapo's Mexican hideout was sold through government Fast and Furious program
  • Fast and Furious program was designed to take down cartel arms dealers
  • Involved ATF agents intentionally selling weapons illegally to smugglers
  • Guns were then tracked south over border and used to make arrests
  • However, agency ultimately lost track of 1,400 of 2,000 weapons it sold
  • .50 caliber rifle would have been used to down helicopters, agents say
In total, 34 of the 2,000 weapons sold under Fast and Furious were believed to be .50 caliber rifles of the kind found in El Chapo's hideout, Fox reports.

Such weapons would be given to lookouts stationed on hilltops around hiding spots used by El Chapo, designed to prevent scouting runs by Mexican helicopters.

El Chapo's .50 caliber rifle was bought through Fast and Furious program | Daily Mail Online
I thiught you knew your shit about guns.

Do you think that all .50 caliber rifles are machine guns?

I happen to have a legal .50 cal rifle in my basement. It's a fucking muzzle loader dumbass

Funny, not one single fully auto mentioned like you people are claiming. You just hit the big


Malarkey! :D

Massive .50 caliber rifle used to shoot down helicopters found inside El Chapo's Mexican hideout was sold through government Fast and Furious program
  • Fast and Furious program was designed to take down cartel arms dealers
  • Involved ATF agents intentionally selling weapons illegally to smugglers
  • Guns were then tracked south over border and used to make arrests
  • However, agency ultimately lost track of 1,400 of 2,000 weapons it sold
  • .50 caliber rifle would have been used to down helicopters, agents say
In total, 34 of the 2,000 weapons sold under Fast and Furious were believed to be .50 caliber rifles of the kind found in El Chapo's hideout, Fox reports.

Such weapons would be given to lookouts stationed on hilltops around hiding spots used by El Chapo, designed to prevent scouting runs by Mexican helicopters.

El Chapo's .50 caliber rifle was bought through Fast and Furious program | Daily Mail Online
I thiught you knew your shit about guns.

Do you think that all .50 caliber rifles are machine guns?

I happen to have a legal .50 cal rifle in my basement. It's a fucking muzzle loader dumbass

Damn you shoot down helicopters with a muzzle loader? Not bad got a paper type or flask type, use sabot or ball, straight cap or primer. Iron sight, scope or I have a wide screen red dot on mine. As for .50 BMG there are many types of them most are like the Barrett’s and are long range heavy rifles cost from 150 to 200 dollars a pound for entry level and up to 400 a pound. They average @ 40 pounds dry. A good shot is about 1000 meters or so. But there are reported 2000 + shots.
ARs are not used in violent crime in any significant numbers... End of story

But when they are...the casualties are "significant"

Not as many as the 5 shot, pump action shotgun in the Crimea shooting....21 dead....Parkland, an AR-15, 18...... Virginia Tech, two pistols....32 dead.....

So you are wrong...again. It is the target, not the weapon. Shooting unarmed, helpless people can be achieved with any gun...and the longer it takes to get a good person with a gun to shoot back, the more people who will die...
ARs are just sporting rifles

That function almost exactly like weapons of war

No, they don't...... the AR-15 is not a select fire weapon, it is not a weapon of war, it has never been used in war.....the bolt action rifle is a current weapon of war, the pump action shotgun is a current weapon of war, and the lever action rifle and revolvers are actual military weapons....
I asked you how you would prevent anyone who is not diagnosed as mentally ill or not being treated for mental illness from legally buying a gun

Then I asked you that since medical records are private and protected by a myriad of laws how would you ever know who was actually diagnosed as mentally ill?

IOW I asked you for a solution but you don't have any do you?

So you're saying that the real issue with gun violence centers around mental health...for which there is no solution (in your opinion).


We have solutions. Reduce the number of guns available.Make sure all gun purchases are done with a back ground check. Eliminates sales of assault weapons and possibly semi-auto mag fed,keep people on no fly list from buying gun...

What is it with you morons and the background checks? Mass shooters can pass any background check...and criminals use straw buyers who can pass any background check or they steal the guns.

You can't even explain what an "Assault" Weapon is, and the no fly list is opposed by the ACLU.....
Q. What has been the Republican Policy on guns, mass shootings and the 2nd A.

A. Complete Malignant Silence.

Q. Why

A. Gun control is a wedge issue, and the GOP wants support from gun owners and the NRA, and the gun and ammo manufacturers in the form of money buying their votes.

Q. Does the Republican Party have a big tent

A. Hell No.

Q. Does the Republican Party put country first

A. Hell No.

Q. What has the Republican Party ever done to benefit you.

A. ?

Moron....we have all stated the solutions to mass shootings in this thread.... you ignore those solutions, the ones that actually work, because they do not involve banning or confiscating guns....

Hmmm....ending slavery? Of course you democrats hate that one...
Anyone who really knows how to kill people will not use a small caliber rifle of any kind. The only reason to use one is to create casualties or for suppression fire. A large caliber handgun is much more effective. A good 45 or 40 in a close situation for a pistol, BUT for maximum death a pump 12 ga with a five shot tube would be the best three 50 shot belts of # 4, 00, and
Slugs would probably be good for about 100 dead in 10 to 15 minutes, maybe more if they were like the school shooters it would be a lot more and in just maybe 5 to 7 Slugs wil bust any lock. Uneducated ban assault weapons kids need to be thankful it was an AR and not a pump shotgun.
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ARs are just sporting rifles

That function almost exactly like weapons of war

No, they don't...... the AR-15 is not a select fire weapon, it is not a weapon of war, it has never been used in war.....the bolt action rifle is a current weapon of war, the pump action shotgun is a current weapon of war, and the lever action rifle and revolvers are actual military weapons....

This one gets a double billing.


Anyone who really knows how to kill people will not use a small caliber rifle of any kind. The only reason to use one is to create casualties or for suppression fire. A large caliber handgun is much more effective. A good 45 or 40 in a close situation for a pistol, BUT for maximum death a pump 12 ga with a five shot tube would be the best three 50 shot belts of # 4, 00, and
Slugs would probably be good for about 100 dead in 10 to 15 minutes, maybe more if they were like the school shooters it would be a lot more and in just maybe 5 to 7 Slugs wil bust any lock. Uneducated ban assault weapons kids need to be thankful it was an AR and not a pump shotgun.

They have no freedom of firearm ownership, and they have no freedom of speech for that matter...
Why even own firearms in a place like that… You truly don’t own them.

In Switzerland, they DO have freedom of speech and press. In fact, their press is more free than ours is.
They do not have a right of freedom of speech, nowhere does it say that.
They like all of Europe are part of a fucked up collective...

True, we don’t have any real freedom in this country… Just like every other country
The right to the freedom of speech ends when someone yells fire in a crowded theater. The example is really an identifier of when people abuse their freedom of speech.

So I just don't understand when people like Joe Biden "yells fire in a crowded theater", when he made the comments "they want to just put you all back in chains".

That's about as dirty and low down as it gets, but somehow that piece of work gets away with it ?? Then we have Maxine Waters and others doing the same dirty low down crap, and yep getting away with it. Then people get hurt because of their bullcrap, but no one calls them out on it or better yet brings charges against them for violating their free speech rights. Not sure what the charges would be, but something needs to be done when they choose to yell fire in a crowded theater for political purposes and power.
It’s the cost of freedom. People think freedom means free!
Agree, but not free to do anything. Tell the left that today, and they go crazy.

They are busy trying to end our freedoms, but don't dare try and stop their idiocy or bullcrap, because they go insane.
Again, they think freedom means free! JFK said it best. They don’t careeeee
More guns in the hands of more persons is not a solution to gun violence.

Guns in the hands of law abiding people do not increase the crime or murder rates. And the vast majority of guns in this country are in the hands of law abiding people who will never commit a crime with guns.

70% of all murders occur in very small very well defined areas of just 2% of all the counties in this country. If you really cared about lowering the murder rate this is where you would be focusing your attention

You can't explain that to people.

Like I posted pages ago, if you took a nice safe upper middle-class suburb, made a law that everybody in that burb has to own a firearm, the crime rate and violent crime will not change. If you take all the guns out of an inner-city neighborhood, it will still be a violent place and murder on top of murder.

Guns don't change people one way or the other. It's failed liberal philosophy.
bWjo knew all then violence in Chicago is being dine using assault tuype wealpons?

Evidently you assfucks think an assault weapons ban means there are no guns,.

Wake the fuck up & put down the gun & pick up a book.

define assault weapon for us.

Not this stupid argument again

We had an assault type weapon in the past. It is not my fault you are too stupid to know about it.

If we don't type the assault 'Type" weapons, you assfucks go into a total meltdown.
words mean things so use the correct words
I asked you how you would prevent anyone who is not diagnosed as mentally ill or not being treated for mental illness from legally buying a gun

Then I asked you that since medical records are private and protected by a myriad of laws how would you ever know who was actually diagnosed as mentally ill?

IOW I asked you for a solution but you don't have any do you?

So you're saying that the real issue with gun violence centers around mental health...for which there is no solution (in your opinion).


We have solutions. Reduce the number of guns available.Make sure all gun purchases are done with a back ground check. Eliminates sales of assault weapons and possibly semi-auto mag fed,keep people on no fly list from buying gun...

I said no such thing.

I asked you a question and you didn't answer it

The semiauto ban will never happen.

and civilians cannot buy assault weapons
Q. What has been the Republican Policy on guns, mass shootings and the 2nd A.

A. Complete Malignant Silence.

Q. Why

A. Gun control is a wedge issue, and the GOP wants support from gun owners and the NRA, and the gun and ammo manufacturers in the form of money buying their votes.

Q. Does the Republican Party have a big tent

A. Hell No.

Q. Does the Republican Party put country first

A. Hell No.

Q. What has the Republican Party ever done to benefit you.

A. ?

If you do not put individual rights first and foremost then you don't put country first because our Constitution was founded upon individual rights and the premise that rights are inherent in each person and not something to be granted by a government.

And I'm not a republican or any other political adjective you need to label people with I am an individualist
People kill people not firearms

People do not kill firearms.

They kill people USING firearms
People kill using clubs
People kill using knives
People kill using blunt objects of all sorts
People kill with their bare hands

People kill
People have always killed
People will always kill

These are indisputable and irrefutable laws of nature no less proven than gravity

People are the single most violent animal to ever walk this planet so I'll keep my guns
define assault weapon for us.

This kind of garbage is part of why I say we should ban future sales of ALL semi-auto magazine fed weapons.


No ambiguity left...true?

ARs are not assault weapons... They are just sporting rifles nothing more nothing less

Can't you think before you post? What sport do you believe AR's are used for? Targets of innocent men, women and children seem to be one sport, so to speak.
Funny how of the 8 million of them in the hands of civilians about .00002% of them are used to kill people

I guess all those people who don't kill other people with them are using them incorrectly huh?

I used my .223 semiauto to kill a rabid skunk over the summer that is what a .223 is for

If you really want to kill people there are far better firearms to use

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