What is the republican solution to ending mass shootings? Why don’t they ever offer solutions?

This kind of garbage is part of why I say we should ban future sales of ALL semi-auto magazine fed weapons.


No ambiguity left...true?

ARs are not assault weapons... They are just sporting rifles nothing more nothing less

Can't you think before you post? What sport do you believe AR's are used for? Targets of innocent men, women and children seem to be one sport, so to speak.
Funny how of the 8 million of them in the hands of civilians about .00002% of them are used to kill people

I guess all those people who don't kill other people with them are using them incorrectly huh?

I used my .223 semiauto to kill a rabid skunk over the summer that is what a .223 is for

If you really want to kill people there are far better firearms to use

You see, they have figured now that they know best for us, and we don't know squat anymore. You didn't get the memo ??

That’s the real problem is the leftists thinking they are gawd!

Half-Truth ^^^ Yes, the left thinks, and does not think we are God; the Right, on the other hand, does not think and reacts emotionally, many times hysterically.
In Switzerland, they DO have freedom of speech and press. In fact, their press is more free than ours is.
They do not have a right of freedom of speech, nowhere does it say that.
They like all of Europe are part of a fucked up collective...

True, we don’t have any real freedom in this country… Just like every other country
The right to the freedom of speech ends when someone yells fire in a crowded theater. The example is really an identifier of when people abuse their freedom of speech.

So I just don't understand when people like Joe Biden "yells fire in a crowded theater", when he made the comments "they want to just put you all back in chains".

That's about as dirty and low down as it gets, but somehow that piece of work gets away with it ?? Then we have Maxine Waters and others doing the same dirty low down crap, and yep getting away with it. Then people get hurt because of their bullcrap, but no one calls them out on it or better yet brings charges against them for violating their free speech rights. Not sure what the charges would be, but something needs to be done when they choose to yell fire in a crowded theater for political purposes and power.
It’s the cost of freedom. People think freedom means free!
Agree, but not free to do anything. Tell the left that today, and they go crazy.

They are busy trying to end our freedoms, but don't dare try and stop their idiocy or bullcrap, because they go insane.
Again, they think freedom means free! JFK said it best. They don’t careeeee

Are you saying that I didn't help to pay for your freedoms? Your freekin freeloaders.
Has it struck anyone else what "reasonable people" these gun nuts are?

Kinda gives ya a warm fuzzy...
We already have background checks for buying guns in every state.

And yet 5 million guns are sold legally without a back ground check..

How odd huh?
-------------------------------------------------- shouldn't be any background checks as thats an infringement on the Second Amendment as are ALL gun laws . We , Americans are supposed to be an Armed People . In the 60s as an 11 year old i could buy a WW2 Military surplus Battle Rifle for 12 bucks and have it delivered to my parents house Lesh .
my Dad went to the hardware store with 40 dollars and came out with a 12 and 16 gauges pump for me and my brother Lesh , about 1958 or so . One day my DAD brought a long sized box to the kitchen table . Told me to come to the table to see . There it was , a brand new .22 rifle just for me Lesh .
my Dad went to the hardware store with 40 dollars and came out with a 12 and 16 gauges pump for me and my brother Lesh , about 1958 or so . One day my DAD brought a long sized box to the kitchen table . Told me to come to the table to see . There it was , a brand new .22 rifle just for me Lesh

Yea and?

At 12 I owned a .410 bolt action and a 12ga breakdown.

We already have background checks for buying guns in every state.

And yet 5 million guns are sold legally without a back ground check..

How odd huh?
-------------------------------------------------- shouldn't be any background checks as thats an infringement on the Second Amendment as are ALL gun laws . We , Americans are supposed to be an Armed People . In the 60s as an 11 year old i could buy a WW2 Military surplus Battle Rifle for 12 bucks and have it delivered to my parents house Lesh .

So let's assume you get your way and anyone can buy a firearm no matter their background. And, BTW, ARMS describes not only guns, but other weapons not limited to the generic gun.

How soon until an enterprising entrepreneur will market Fragmentation hand grenades in various colors and with longer detonation times. Modern hand frag grenades have a kill range of 5 meters, can be tossed about 40 yards and produce casualties at 15 meters.

A great tool left under a napkin at a crowded restaurant for the disaffected McVeigh wannabe.
We already have background checks for buying guns in every state.

And yet 5 million guns are sold legally without a back ground check..

How odd huh?
-------------------------------------------------- shouldn't be any background checks as thats an infringement on the Second Amendment as are ALL gun laws . We , Americans are supposed to be an Armed People . In the 60s as an 11 year old i could buy a WW2 Military surplus Battle Rifle for 12 bucks and have it delivered to my parents house Lesh .

So let's assume you get your way and anyone can buy a firearm no matter their background. And, BTW, ARMS describes not only guns, but other weapons not limited to the generic gun.

How soon until an enterprising entrepreneur will market Fragmentation hand grenades in various colors and with longer detonation times. Modern hand frag grenades have a kill range of 5 meters, can be tossed about 40 yards and produce casualties at 15 meters.

A great tool left under a napkin at a crowded restaurant for the disaffected McVeigh wannabe.
------------------------------------------------------- its generally thought that the 2ND Amendent refers to man portable and non crew served firearms . The thinking goes that Americans have the RIGHT to be armed with the same firearms as the normal American combat soldiers Wry !!
We already have background checks for buying guns in every state.

And yet 5 million guns are sold legally without a back ground check..

How odd huh?

So? We already have laws that allow us to lock up anyone who uses gun to commit a crime. The problem isn't catching criminals with guns, the problem is that people like you keep letting them out of jail, over and over again. The criminals actually shooting people are not law abiding gun owners selling their guns to other individuals.....the criminals have long histories of crime and violence, many with multiple felony convictions already, who are released by democrat party judges on bail, or who get reduced sentences when democrat party defense attornies get the gun charges dropped .....getting them shorter sentences and then they are back on the streets in under 3 years.

That is the problem....not law abiding gun owners who own and carry guns for self defense. Yet you focus on the people who do not use their guns for crime....
as far as GRENADES , grenades are LEGALLY available but both grenades and NUKE's have notthing to do with the FIREARMS that i am talKing about in my post Wry .
We already have background checks for buying guns in every state.

And yet 5 million guns are sold legally without a back ground check..

How odd huh?
-------------------------------------------------- shouldn't be any background checks as thats an infringement on the Second Amendment as are ALL gun laws . We , Americans are supposed to be an Armed People . In the 60s as an 11 year old i could buy a WW2 Military surplus Battle Rifle for 12 bucks and have it delivered to my parents house Lesh .

So let's assume you get your way and anyone can buy a firearm no matter their background. And, BTW, ARMS describes not only guns, but other weapons not limited to the generic gun.

How soon until an enterprising entrepreneur will market Fragmentation hand grenades in various colors and with longer detonation times. Modern hand frag grenades have a kill range of 5 meters, can be tossed about 40 yards and produce casualties at 15 meters.

A great tool left under a napkin at a crowded restaurant for the disaffected McVeigh wannabe.

Grenades actually fit the dangerous and unusual definition under the District of Columbia v Heller decision.....rifels, pistols and shotguns do not.
We already have background checks for buying guns in every state.

And yet 5 million guns are sold legally without a back ground check..

How odd huh?
-------------------------------------------------- shouldn't be any background checks as thats an infringement on the Second Amendment as are ALL gun laws . We , Americans are supposed to be an Armed People . In the 60s as an 11 year old i could buy a WW2 Military surplus Battle Rifle for 12 bucks and have it delivered to my parents house Lesh .

So let's assume you get your way and anyone can buy a firearm no matter their background. And, BTW, ARMS describes not only guns, but other weapons not limited to the generic gun.

How soon until an enterprising entrepreneur will market Fragmentation hand grenades in various colors and with longer detonation times. Modern hand frag grenades have a kill range of 5 meters, can be tossed about 40 yards and produce casualties at 15 meters.

A great tool left under a napkin at a crowded restaurant for the disaffected McVeigh wannabe.
------------------------------------------------------- its generally thought that the 2ND Amendent refers to man portable and non crew served firearms . The thinking goes that Americans have the RIGHT to be armed with the same firearms as the normal American combat soldiers Wry !!

Whose thinking? BTW I've written too many times for you to have missed it, that I support the right to own, possess and have in their custody and control in their home or business defensive firearms, if the person who wants to own, possess, etc. a gun (long or short) is found to be sane, sober and law abiding after a vetting.

I also believe each of the states have the right to license and have all gun registered to prevent those who are not sober, sane or law abiding the privilege to own, possess, etc. a firearm of any type.
We already have background checks for buying guns in every state.

And yet 5 million guns are sold legally without a back ground check..

How odd huh?
-------------------------------------------------- shouldn't be any background checks as thats an infringement on the Second Amendment as are ALL gun laws . We , Americans are supposed to be an Armed People . In the 60s as an 11 year old i could buy a WW2 Military surplus Battle Rifle for 12 bucks and have it delivered to my parents house Lesh .

So let's assume you get your way and anyone can buy a firearm no matter their background. And, BTW, ARMS describes not only guns, but other weapons not limited to the generic gun.

How soon until an enterprising entrepreneur will market Fragmentation hand grenades in various colors and with longer detonation times. Modern hand frag grenades have a kill range of 5 meters, can be tossed about 40 yards and produce casualties at 15 meters.

A great tool left under a napkin at a crowded restaurant for the disaffected McVeigh wannabe.
------------------------------------------------------- its generally thought that the 2ND Amendent refers to man portable and non crew served firearms . The thinking goes that Americans have the RIGHT to be armed with the same firearms as the normal American combat soldiers Wry !!

Whose thinking? BTW I've written too many times for you to have missed it, that I support the right to own, possess and have in their custody and control in their home or business defensive firearms, if the person who wants to own, possess, etc. a gun (long or short) is found to be sane, sober and law abiding after a vetting.

I also believe each of the states have the right to license and have all gun registered to prevent those who are not sober, sane or law abiding the privilege to own, possess, etc. a firearm of any type.
That would only affect law abiding people... no affect on violent crime
Grenades actually fit the dangerous and unusual definition under the District of Columbia v Heller decision.....rifels, pistols and shotguns do not.

Assault weapons certainly do

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