What is the republican solution to ending mass shootings? Why don’t they ever offer solutions?

QUOTE="Skull Pilot, post: 21287494, member: 7407"]
so you don't think people like more take home pay? And worry about the deficit? really? come on man! grow the fk up.

You love deficits.

What kind of moion cheers when the country borrows 1.5 trillion so he can get an extra $20 a week while the weealthy get millions & well off corporations billions.

Are you really that fucking stupid?

No one cares about deficits unless the party they didn't vote for is running them up.

No one cares about the debt either because not one red cent has been paid on our nation's debt principle since Coolidge was in office

So at least be an honest hypocrite

Speak for yourself.

Democrats want to fund their spending. Republicans don't.

Watch how much of the budget will be paying interest on that debt.

Clinton balanced the budget
Bush took us from that to the worst recession in 80 years
Obama brought us back
Trump will explode the debt & create a recession before the 2020 elections & you assfucks will still vote for him,
Obama inherited a trillion plus deficit & worked to reduce it. Trump is making it bigger & you love Trump. That is because you are a selfish prick & will doom this country because you got an extra $20 a week. Some Amertican you are..

I don't love any politician
Every single politician is a cheat a liar and a fraud

None of them can be trusted with the people's money so all I care about is keeping as much of my own money as possible. I used to rail about the debt and the deficits until I did a little historical research and realized no one cares about the debt, not democrats , not republicans, not anyone because every single president since Coolidge has added to the debt.

So go ahead and waste your time and energy tilting at that windmill.

I got better fish to fry

And FYI I saved a lot more than 20 bucks a week

I saved 20% of a significant amount of my business income. Once again look up Section 199 A of the new tax code

But it's funny how you mention 20 bucks a week that's over 1000 dollars a year you don't think that might make a difference for some people earning 25 K a year?

I'd bet you throw a fit if we raised taxes by 20 bucks a week saying that it's too much of a burden

I bet you are too stupid to get that the country borrowed 1.5 trillion to hand all that money out.

You would think you would be pissed

But you aren't.

Funny chit.[/QUOTE]

Why should I be pissed about keeping more of my own money?

I already told you that it makes no sense to get your panties in a twist over the deficit or the debt because NO ONE CARES. You only care when a republican runs up debt and republicans only care when a democrat runs up debt and you can't see that in reality no one really gives a fuck about the debt

Politicians don't care and the morons who vote for politicians that don't care don't care. If the morons who voted for politicians that cared about debt and deficits then maybe we would see some actual payment of the debt principle as we did under Coolidge
Democrats want to fund their spending. Republicans don't.
HOW did Obama pay for his failed $1 Million dollar 'Stimulus' Bill again, the one that included over 7,000 pieces of Democrat-Only Pork, the failed jobs bill' that ended up costing tax payers - according to the CBO - approx $774,000 PER JOB Barry CLAIMED was saved / created?

WHAT happened with Obamacare - the one Barry swore would not cost a dime and would 'pay for itself'?


First of all, sheepdip, the ARRA was about 800 billion. It was borrowed as stimulus packages are.

SO, what pork is Democratic pork???

38% were tax cuts & tax breaks - did they just go to Democrats????

150 billion - infrastructure - I guess just Democrat infrastructute, right?

Money went to the States because their revenues were slashed in order to help maintain police, firemen & teacher levels.

I guess police, firemen & teachers are all Democrats???

Come on, big mouth. Tells us it was all Democrat yoi stupid fuck

The ACA was completely funded. When was the last think Republicans did that was funded?

They increased military spending - NEVER funded

They expanded Medicare & added part D - NEVER funded

They passed tax cuts - NOT FUNDED.

So please, shove your ignorant head up your fat ass you unecducated POS>
Tax cuts do not need to be funded.

Spending needs to be funded.

so who are you calling uneducated when these two simplest of all financial concepts elude you?
if you want a gun in your house i think you're pretty stupid

Then I must be pretty stupid. I have at least one gun (or do I?) in my home. Got a nice sign in the window, "Never mind the Dog, watch out for the Owner". And you already know I push for "Common Sense" firearms regulations like MOST of the Colorado Natives do. But the gunnutters all scream that I am a gun grabber, a bleading liberal, a communist, a socialist, everything except a white man. I won't defend them. They are insane.

But I will say that it's every citizens right to have a legal handgun in their home.
I agree. What everyone doesn't have the right to is a weapon for mass killing, like an AR15. Not a defensive weapon and has been proven to be able to quickly kill 50+ people.
An Ar 15 is no different than any other semiautomatic rifle that has been available to the public for over 100 years
Okay, so any level gun control is bad which is of course retarded on its own, but the right can’t even think of any alternatives to curbing gun violence. Saying “no” to everything accomplishes absolutely nothing. It’s astounding we are still at square one.

Their answer is and will be until becoming politically irrelevant is more guns.
Mass shootings sell guns. The right cares more about the gun lobby than lives.

No YOU sell guns with all your talk of gun bans

Nothing drives sales like the threat of a ban
Democrats want to fund their spending. Republicans don't.
HOW did Obama pay for his failed $1 Million dollar 'Stimulus' Bill again, the one that included over 7,000 pieces of Democrat-Only Pork, the failed jobs bill' that ended up costing tax payers - according to the CBO - approx $774,000 PER JOB Barry CLAIMED was saved / created?

WHAT happened with Obamacare - the one Barry swore would not cost a dime and would 'pay for itself'?


First of all, sheepdip, the ARRA was about 800 billion. It was borrowed as stimulus packages are.

SO, what pork is Democratic pork???

38% were tax cuts & tax breaks - did they just go to Democrats????

150 billion - infrastructure - I guess just Democrat infrastructute, right?

Money went to the States because their revenues were slashed in order to help maintain police, firemen & teacher levels.

I guess police, firemen & teachers are all Democrats???

Come on, big mouth. Tells us it was all Democrat yoi stupid fuck

The ACA was completely funded. When was the last think Republicans did that was funded?

They increased military spending - NEVER funded

They expanded Medicare & added part D - NEVER funded

They passed tax cuts - NOT FUNDED.

So please, shove your ignorant head up your fat ass you unecducated POS>
Tax cuts do not need to be funded.

Spending needs to be funded.

so who are you calling uneducated when these two simplest of all financial concepts elude you?

There is nothing that pisses me off more than when people assume that our money belongs to them before we have even earned it.
Mass shootings sell guns. The right cares more about the gun lobby than lives.
I can't speak for them, but I know that I care more about gun rights than lives, If I'm going to be forced into that false equivalence.

Leftists care more about disarming than they do about lives too.
if you want a gun in your house i think you're pretty stupid

Then I must be pretty stupid. I have at least one gun (or do I?) in my home. Got a nice sign in the window, "Never mind the Dog, watch out for the Owner". And you already know I push for "Common Sense" firearms regulations like MOST of the Colorado Natives do. But the gunnutters all scream that I am a gun grabber, a bleading liberal, a communist, a socialist, everything except a white man. I won't defend them. They are insane.

But I will say that it's every citizens right to have a legal handgun in their home.
I agree. What everyone doesn't have the right to is a weapon for mass killing, like an AR15. Not a defensive weapon and has been proven to be able to quickly kill 50+ people.
An Ar 15 is no different than any other semiautomatic rifle that has been available to the public for over 100 years
Any rifle that can quickly kill 50+ people should be heavily regulated.
Okay, so any level gun control is bad which is of course retarded on its own, but the right can’t even think of any alternatives to curbing gun violence. Saying “no” to everything accomplishes absolutely nothing. It’s astounding we are still at square one.

Their answer is and will be until becoming politically irrelevant is more guns.
Mass shootings sell guns. The right cares more about the gun lobby than lives.

No YOU sell guns with all your talk of gun bans

Nothing drives sales like the threat of a ban
Hence why repubs want no solution. Sells guns.
if you want a gun in your house i think you're pretty stupid

Then I must be pretty stupid. I have at least one gun (or do I?) in my home. Got a nice sign in the window, "Never mind the Dog, watch out for the Owner". And you already know I push for "Common Sense" firearms regulations like MOST of the Colorado Natives do. But the gunnutters all scream that I am a gun grabber, a bleading liberal, a communist, a socialist, everything except a white man. I won't defend them. They are insane.

But I will say that it's every citizens right to have a legal handgun in their home.
I agree. What everyone doesn't have the right to is a weapon for mass killing, like an AR15. Not a defensive weapon and has been proven to be able to quickly kill 50+ people.
An Ar 15 is no different than any other semiautomatic rifle that has been available to the public for over 100 years
Any rifle that can quickly kill 50+ people should be heavily regulated.

Okay, so any level gun control is bad which is of course retarded on its own, but the right can’t even think of any alternatives to curbing gun violence. Saying “no” to everything accomplishes absolutely nothing. It’s astounding we are still at square one.

Their answer is and will be until becoming politically irrelevant is more guns.
Mass shootings sell guns. The right cares more about the gun lobby than lives.

No YOU sell guns with all your talk of gun bans

Nothing drives sales like the threat of a ban
Hence why repubs want no solution. Sells guns.

You can't read can you?

It the control freaks like you screaming for gun bans that drives gun sales.

You just happen to scream more after a mass shooting
Okay, so any level gun control is bad which is of course retarded on its own, but the right can’t even think of any alternatives to curbing gun violence. Saying “no” to everything accomplishes absolutely nothing. It’s astounding we are still at square one.

Their answer is and will be until becoming politically irrelevant is more guns.
Mass shootings sell guns. The right cares more about the gun lobby than lives.

No YOU sell guns with all your talk of gun bans

Nothing drives sales like the threat of a ban
Hence why repubs want no solution. Sells guns.

You can't read can you?

It the control freaks like you screaming for gun bans that drives gun sales.

You just happen to scream more after a mass shooting
And repubs care more about gun sales than lives.
Okay, so any level gun control is bad which is of course retarded on its own, but the right can’t even think of any alternatives to curbing gun violence. Saying “no” to everything accomplishes absolutely nothing. It’s astounding we are still at square one.

Their answer is and will be until becoming politically irrelevant is more guns.
Mass shootings sell guns. The right cares more about the gun lobby than lives.

No YOU sell guns with all your talk of gun bans

Nothing drives sales like the threat of a ban
Hence why repubs want no solution. Sells guns.
The solution to being attacked by people with guns is to not Taking away the guns of people are being attacked.

If that's what you're talking about, you have no business even discussing this topic.
if you want a gun in your house i think you're pretty stupid

Then I must be pretty stupid. I have at least one gun (or do I?) in my home. Got a nice sign in the window, "Never mind the Dog, watch out for the Owner". And you already know I push for "Common Sense" firearms regulations like MOST of the Colorado Natives do. But the gunnutters all scream that I am a gun grabber, a bleading liberal, a communist, a socialist, everything except a white man. I won't defend them. They are insane.

But I will say that it's every citizens right to have a legal handgun in their home.
I agree. What everyone doesn't have the right to is a weapon for mass killing, like an AR15. Not a defensive weapon and has been proven to be able to quickly kill 50+ people.
An Ar 15 is no different than any other semiautomatic rifle that has been available to the public for over 100 years
Any rifle that can quickly kill 50+ people should be heavily regulated.

Right cause you love mass shootings. More sales.
Their answer is and will be until becoming politically irrelevant is more guns.
Mass shootings sell guns. The right cares more about the gun lobby than lives.

No YOU sell guns with all your talk of gun bans

Nothing drives sales like the threat of a ban
Hence why repubs want no solution. Sells guns.

You can't read can you?

It the control freaks like you screaming for gun bans that drives gun sales.

You just happen to scream more after a mass shooting
And repubs care more about gun sales than lives.
False dichotomy.
Okay, so any level gun control is bad which is of course retarded on its own, but the right can’t even think of any alternatives to curbing gun violence. Saying “no” to everything accomplishes absolutely nothing. It’s astounding we are still at square one.

Their answer is and will be until becoming politically irrelevant is more guns.
Mass shootings sell guns. The right cares more about the gun lobby than lives.

No YOU sell guns with all your talk of gun bans

Nothing drives sales like the threat of a ban
Hence why repubs want no solution. Sells guns.
The solution to being attacked by people with guns is to not Taking away the guns of people are being attacked.

If that's what you're talking about, you have no business even discussing this topic.
Not taking guns has lead to a homicide rate 4-5x higher than countries with strong gun control. You are full of shit.
Then I must be pretty stupid. I have at least one gun (or do I?) in my home. Got a nice sign in the window, "Never mind the Dog, watch out for the Owner". And you already know I push for "Common Sense" firearms regulations like MOST of the Colorado Natives do. But the gunnutters all scream that I am a gun grabber, a bleading liberal, a communist, a socialist, everything except a white man. I won't defend them. They are insane.

But I will say that it's every citizens right to have a legal handgun in their home.
I agree. What everyone doesn't have the right to is a weapon for mass killing, like an AR15. Not a defensive weapon and has been proven to be able to quickly kill 50+ people.
An Ar 15 is no different than any other semiautomatic rifle that has been available to the public for over 100 years
Any rifle that can quickly kill 50+ people should be heavily regulated.

Right cause you love mass shootings. More sales.
False equivalency. False dichotomy
Their answer is and will be until becoming politically irrelevant is more guns.
Mass shootings sell guns. The right cares more about the gun lobby than lives.

No YOU sell guns with all your talk of gun bans

Nothing drives sales like the threat of a ban
Hence why repubs want no solution. Sells guns.

You can't read can you?

It the control freaks like you screaming for gun bans that drives gun sales.

You just happen to scream more after a mass shooting
And repubs care more about gun sales than lives.

IDGAF what republicans care about

I care about individual freedoms and rights that are protected by the Constitution
Their answer is and will be until becoming politically irrelevant is more guns.
Mass shootings sell guns. The right cares more about the gun lobby than lives.

No YOU sell guns with all your talk of gun bans

Nothing drives sales like the threat of a ban
Hence why repubs want no solution. Sells guns.
The solution to being attacked by people with guns is to not Taking away the guns of people are being attacked.

If that's what you're talking about, you have no business even discussing this topic.
Not taking guns has lead to a homicide rate 4-5x higher than countries with strong gun control. You are full of shit.
correlation, not cause-and-effect.

Making it illegal to protect yourself with a gun in certain places Is causing mass shootings because no one can defend themselves.
Then I must be pretty stupid. I have at least one gun (or do I?) in my home. Got a nice sign in the window, "Never mind the Dog, watch out for the Owner". And you already know I push for "Common Sense" firearms regulations like MOST of the Colorado Natives do. But the gunnutters all scream that I am a gun grabber, a bleading liberal, a communist, a socialist, everything except a white man. I won't defend them. They are insane.

But I will say that it's every citizens right to have a legal handgun in their home.
I agree. What everyone doesn't have the right to is a weapon for mass killing, like an AR15. Not a defensive weapon and has been proven to be able to quickly kill 50+ people.
An Ar 15 is no different than any other semiautomatic rifle that has been available to the public for over 100 years
Any rifle that can quickly kill 50+ people should be heavily regulated.

Right cause you love mass shootings. More sales.

I get nothing from higher gun sales

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