What is the republican solution to ending mass shootings? Why don’t they ever offer solutions?

No one cares about deficits unless the party they didn't vote for is running them up.

No one cares about the debt either because not one red cent has been paid on our nation's debt principle since Coolidge was in office

So at least be an honest hypocrite

Speak for yourself.

Democrats want to fund their spending. Republicans don't.

Watch how much of the budget will be paying interest on that debt.

Clinton balanced the budget
Bush took us from that to the worst recession in 80 years
Obama brought us back
Trump will explode the debt & create a recession before the 2020 elections & you assfucks will still vote for him,
Obama inherited a trillion plus deficit & worked to reduce it. Trump is making it bigger & you love Trump. That is because you are a selfish prick & will doom this country because you got an extra $20 a week. Some Amertican you are..
dude, I've already told you, you could take all the money in the country and not eliminate the deficit. Were you born stupid and went through school uneducated? dude 1+1 does =2

The 2018 deficit was around 800 billion or so.

So we should all give up. Just spend spend spend spend without regard to the debt created. 2019 projected to hit a trillion.

But hey, you got a tax break.

Great thinking.
hey, question, why are we allowing spending on things we don't have the money for? shouldn't we stop spending it if we don't have it? And as I said, take all of our money and won't cover it. you still haven't answered chicken man.
Ask your buddy Trump & the REpublicans why they never fund the shit they spend.
you must be deaf, cause I said, SHUT THE FKING GOVERNMENT DOWN. Did you hear it that time? I give two fks what Trump and the republicans did, they did it wrong. I can say it because it is a fact. I'm still waiting for your solution. Again, it can't be taxes cause I told you all the money ain't gonna solve it. So what is your great big plan sam?
QUOTE="Skull Pilot, post: 21287494, member: 7407"]
You love deficits.

What kind of moion cheers when the country borrows 1.5 trillion so he can get an extra $20 a week while the weealthy get millions & well off corporations billions.

Are you really that fucking stupid?

No one cares about deficits unless the party they didn't vote for is running them up.

No one cares about the debt either because not one red cent has been paid on our nation's debt principle since Coolidge was in office

So at least be an honest hypocrite

Speak for yourself.

Democrats want to fund their spending. Republicans don't.

Watch how much of the budget will be paying interest on that debt.

Clinton balanced the budget
Bush took us from that to the worst recession in 80 years
Obama brought us back
Trump will explode the debt & create a recession before the 2020 elections & you assfucks will still vote for him,
Obama inherited a trillion plus deficit & worked to reduce it. Trump is making it bigger & you love Trump. That is because you are a selfish prick & will doom this country because you got an extra $20 a week. Some Amertican you are..

I don't love any politician
Every single politician is a cheat a liar and a fraud

None of them can be trusted with the people's money so all I care about is keeping as much of my own money as possible. I used to rail about the debt and the deficits until I did a little historical research and realized no one cares about the debt, not democrats , not republicans, not anyone because every single president since Coolidge has added to the debt.

So go ahead and waste your time and energy tilting at that windmill.

I got better fish to fry

And FYI I saved a lot more than 20 bucks a week

I saved 20% of a significant amount of my business income. Once again look up Section 199 A of the new tax code

But it's funny how you mention 20 bucks a week that's over 1000 dollars a year you don't think that might make a difference for some people earning 25 K a year?

I'd bet you throw a fit if we raised taxes by 20 bucks a week saying that it's too much of a burden

I bet you are too stupid to get that the country borrowed 1.5 trillion to hand all that money out.

You would think you would be pissed

But you aren't.

Funny chit.
It borrowed from where and why?[/QUOTE]
hey, BTW, the government handed no money out, we kept our money. that's again how fking immature you are about government and money. It's my money I give to the government, it isn't them giving me shit. you certainly are a stupid fk though. congrats.

You certainly seem proud of your ignorance.
He has told his supporters to confront protesters with violence. He offered to cover their legal fees.

Get in their faces means to confront them verbally.

Trump is President. He is supposed to act like he is older than 8 years old. He is supposed to tell the truth. He is not supposed to spread hate & violence,

So really, don't even try to pretend that he doesn't.

And furthermore, this childish excuse you use " but but but johnny does it" is a true picture of your feeble mindedness.

Grow the fuck up.

What a pile of horse shit. You fuckers are so dumb it’s mind boggling

they will never get over 2016, crooked Hillary's loss has destroyed their little minds.

Hillary is just a memory. Trump will be just a bad nightmare. What's your point. When they go, they are gone.

Trump is doing a great job, if you don't like his persona or his style, tough shit. He is doing exactly what I wanted a president to do. Drain the swamp, call out the lying media, enforce our laws, fix our terrible trade policies, cancel the Iran deal and the stupid Paris accords, move our embassy to Jerusalem, open real dialog with North Korea, cut taxes, cut spending, make us militarily strong again, make the USA respected again, defeat crooked Hillary, put unbiased judges on the supreme court, create jobs, enforce our borders, etc. After 8 years of incompetence its a huge job, but he is getting it done in spite of the lying media and the obstructionist dems.

Cut taxes means a 400 billion dollar increase this year alone in the Deficit. And it means they are trying to find other ways to raise the money to replace the cuts like taking it out of the SSI Trust Fund. And increasing the SSI deduction and putting the difference into the General Fund. That is STealing. That's MY money.

Making Promises about jobs returning when there is no way in hell it could be done.

Shall I go on? The list gets pretty ugly and long.

But most of all, it takes a pretty smart person to be a President. Even an Average one. And Trump just doesn't make that cut anymore than you or I do.
Okay, so any level gun control is bad which is of course retarded on its own, but the right can’t even think of any alternatives to curbing gun violence. Saying “no” to everything accomplishes absolutely nothing. It’s astounding we are still at square one.
We have ample laws on the books, related to firearms. What the courts need to do is to stop slapping criminals on the wrist for gun crimes. Gang members commit crimes with stolen firearms and their punishment allows them back out on the street within months or just a couple of years.
There are 350,000,000 firearms legally owned by 95,000,000 private citizens...…….almost "all" of whom, aren't running amok, committing crimes and the guns don't roll out of their homes and commit crimes on their own. The overall gun related homicide rate in the U.S., is about 3.8 per 100,000. The Central American nations where the public isn't allowed to own firearms, makes our gun death rate look positively amateurish. In Brazil where the public used to own firearms, the decent public are begging their government to let them have their firearms back as the gun crime skyrocketed after the public lost their right to own guns.
With our nation being awash with firearms, if we were so violent, our gun related homicides would dwarf the Central American nations. The overwhelming millions of gun owners are safety-conscious, responsible individuals and no threat to you, or those you love.
This push for firearms confiscation is a Marxist agenda. Disarm the public and the Marxist Socialists can implement any draconian laws they want and all the public can do then is to walk around with protest signs. They know that the vast majority of gun owners are no threat, they just want to ensure control of the masses.

South America is NOT the US. You can use that as an example all you want but not a single country down there has lasted as long as the US has. In fact, the US ends up being one of the oldest governments in the world. We must be doing something right.

we have been "doing something right" for over 200 years, but currently you libs are determined to stop doing what has made us great and turn us into a socialist shithole.

I'm a Lib just because I won't join the Party of Trump? Damn, I would have to have a Lobotomy first to join the Party of Trump. And even then I may still be too smart. I happen to be an old style Eisenhower Republican. You know, from the days when we were proud of all the things that the Republicans stood for.
Hillary is just a memory. Trump will be just a bad nightmare. What's your point. When they go, they are gone.
so you don't like what you're getting money wise today? hmmmm.

The Uber Rich certainly love it. Pass the Jobs and ship the billions to the Caymans. Remember, don't sell your homes, I'll get the jobs back. What he didn't tell you was that yor couldn't sell your homes, no one else could afford to buy it because they will soon be out of a job as well.
You have your tape deck stuck on obammy there

Don't you have a radio, TV, Newspaper or the Internet that is covering the last few days? The Orange Orangatan blew it big time and the Rep......er........Party of Trump blindly follows.
I don't listen to MSM too often, they report fake news.
Can't watch it for a minute before I grab for the remote to get it off of my TV. The same with the liberal controlled NPR radio etc.
"In Chicago: Despite having the strictest gun laws in the country, a person is shot every 3 hours and murdered every 15 hours

Over 1,785 have been shot this year

746 were shot and killed in 2016

Criminals love gun control because it ensures only criminals control the guns"
"In Chicago: Despite having the strictest gun laws in the country, a person is shot every 3 hours and murdered every 15 hours

Over 1,785 have been shot this year

746 were shot and killed in 2016

Criminals love gun control because it ensures only criminals control the guns"
Chicago has concealed carry. Notice how it hasn't helped.

Chicago is surrounded by states with weak gun laws.
so you don't like what you're getting money wise today? hmmmm.

The Uber Rich certainly love it. Pass the Jobs and ship the billions to the Caymans. Remember, don't sell your homes, I'll get the jobs back. What he didn't tell you was that yor couldn't sell your homes, no one else could afford to buy it because they will soon be out of a job as well.
You have your tape deck stuck on obammy there

Don't you have a radio, TV, Newspaper or the Internet that is covering the last few days? The Orange Orangatan blew it big time and the Rep......er........Party of Trump blindly follows.
I don't listen to MSM too often, they report fake news.
Can't watch it for a minute before I grab for the remote to get it off of my TV. The same with the liberal controlled NPR radio etc.

I don't watch it either but I am aware it's there. But I don't avoid it. Anymore than I avoid Foxnews. If you aren't listening to dissenting views then you are only hearing what you want to hear and not able to form a truthful complete conclusion. Too bad that those that have such a closed mind don't also have a closed mouth.
Drain the swamp??? The only draining is the US treasury into his pockets.

You being such a duped feeble minded Trumpette loves it.

Specifically HOW?
Should we start with him signing a tax cut that gave him & his family tens of millions of dollars?

How about foreign leaders staying in his hotels to gain favor?

How about going to his resorts all the time bringing his entourage paying for rooms, renting cart carts to follow his fat ass around the courses & even parading foreign leaders as attractions.

How aboit discussing Trump business while on foreign trips as POTUS.

How about his kids doing the same.

How about he never divested & his decisions as POTUS favor hios businesses.

How fucking stupid are you?
"In Chicago: Despite having the strictest gun laws in the country, a person is shot every 3 hours and murdered every 15 hours

Over 1,785 have been shot this year

746 were shot and killed in 2016

Criminals love gun control because it ensures only criminals control the guns"
They still get guns because they go to one of your red states & buy them by the carload. Try to think once in a while.
"In Chicago: Despite having the strictest gun laws in the country, a person is shot every 3 hours and murdered every 15 hours

Over 1,785 have been shot this year

746 were shot and killed in 2016

Criminals love gun control because it ensures only criminals control the guns"
They still get guns because they go to one of your red states & buy them by the carload. Try to think once in a while.

But, But, But, the gunnutters say it ain't so, it just ain't so. It can't be so, no sirree, it's just can't. Until we passed a few laws and the Gun Dealers started becoming aware of this problem in Colorado, Colorado was a place to do the Straw Purchases for Chicago along with Kansas, Arizona, Texas, Arkansas and a few other red states. The biggest change was the Gun Dealers became aware of it and didn't want legislation passed to deal with it and they started dealing with it themselves. They became responsible Gun Dealers without the need for a regulation to cover it. The Fruitcake Gun Dealers are all but gone these days in this state. Go in and buy your 30 guns in one bite and it's going to raise eyebrows. While it's not illegal, not many people buy in that kind of bulk. All the Gun Dealer has to do is get you into a friendly conversation and it will come out that you have no need for that many guns. I won't go into what will happen next but crossing the state line with those firearms is probably not a really good idea.

Last year, Mexico got over 500K firearms out of Arizona and Texas smuggled over the border using drug money to buy them.
We should be like the Swiss, make sure everyone has a rifle and knows how to use it. They have little gun crime. Would you break into a home if you knew every person in the home had a gun?
if you want a gun in your house i think you're pretty stupid

Then I must be pretty stupid. I have at least one gun (or do I?) in my home. Got a nice sign in the window, "Never mind the Dog, watch out for the Owner". And you already know I push for "Common Sense" firearms regulations like MOST of the Colorado Natives do. But the gunnutters all scream that I am a gun grabber, a bleading liberal, a communist, a socialist, everything except a white man. I won't defend them. They are insane.

But I will say that it's every citizens right to have a legal handgun in their home.
We should be like the Swiss, make sure everyone has a rifle and knows how to use it. They have little gun crime. Would you break into a home if you knew every person in the home had a gun?
The Swiss have much stronger gun laws than us. That sounds like a good idea.

Burglars here would be silly to not expect the home owner to be armed. That is why we have so many armed criminals. Would you be an unarmed criminal in the USA? Lots of armed criminals equals lots of homicides.
if you want a gun in your house i think you're pretty stupid

Then I must be pretty stupid. I have at least one gun (or do I?) in my home. Got a nice sign in the window, "Never mind the Dog, watch out for the Owner". And you already know I push for "Common Sense" firearms regulations like MOST of the Colorado Natives do. But the gunnutters all scream that I am a gun grabber, a bleading liberal, a communist, a socialist, everything except a white man. I won't defend them. They are insane.

But I will say that it's every citizens right to have a legal handgun in their home.
I agree. What everyone doesn't have the right to is a weapon for mass killing, like an AR15. Not a defensive weapon and has been proven to be able to quickly kill 50+ people.
We should be like the Swiss, make sure everyone has a rifle and knows how to use it. They have little gun crime. Would you break into a home if you knew every person in the home had a gun?

You are wrong. The Swiss have very stringent gun regulations. When you leave the service (all young males are required to serve in the Military for at least 1 year) you have the option to purchase your rifle and take it home AFTER you qualify for a license and permit to possess it. If you have never served in the Military you can have a rifle or a shotgun in your home as long as you qualify for that permit and license. In order to have a handgun in the home, the requirement is much stricter than for the rifle or the shotgun. And those rifles are NOT fully automatic or even burst. They are usually bolt action or semi auto. The Swiss do NOT offer the permits and licenses for full auto weapons to civilians, period. The number of registered gun owners in Switzerland has drastically gone down in the last 40 years. More and more people separating from the Military are electing not to purchase their Rifles as well.
Okay, so any level gun control is bad which is of course retarded on its own, but the right can’t even think of any alternatives to curbing gun violence. Saying “no” to everything accomplishes absolutely nothing. It’s astounding we are still at square one.

Their answer is and will be until becoming politically irrelevant is more guns.
"In Chicago: Despite having the strictest gun laws in the country, a person is shot every 3 hours and murdered every 15 hours

Over 1,785 have been shot this year

746 were shot and killed in 2016

Criminals love gun control because it ensures only criminals control the guns"

And yet, NYC has the lower Metro City Gun Crime Rate of ALL Metro Cities and they have the strictest Gun Regulations. Wonder why NYC is doing so well these days and Chicago is doing so poorly. I have already stated the reasons why but you gunnutters don't believe it. Too bad. Maybe someday, Chitown will work on it as hard as NYC has and does each and every day.

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