What is the republican solution to ending mass shootings? Why don’t they ever offer solutions?

Has he ever told his supporters to "get in their faces" "put your fingers in their food" "don't allow them to speak" "go to their homes, their work places, on the street, in the car, shut them down" ? NO, never anything like what the dems, media, and hollyloonies are saying every day.

Your bullshit doesn't fly, the violence we are seeing today is driven by the left and their crazed inability to accept defeat.

He has told his supporters to confront protesters with violence. He offered to cover their legal fees.

Get in their faces means to confront them verbally.

Trump is President. He is supposed to act like he is older than 8 years old. He is supposed to tell the truth. He is not supposed to spread hate & violence,

So really, don't even try to pretend that he doesn't.

And furthermore, this childish excuse you use " but but but johnny does it" is a true picture of your feeble mindedness.

Grow the fuck up.

What a pile of horse shit. You fuckers are so dumb it’s mind boggling

they will never get over 2016, crooked Hillary's loss has destroyed their little minds.

Hillary is just a memory. Trump will be just a bad nightmare. What's your point. When they go, they are gone.

Trump is doing a great job, if you don't like his persona or his style, tough shit. He is doing exactly what I wanted a president to do. Drain the swamp, call out the lying media, enforce our laws, fix our terrible trade policies, cancel the Iran deal and the stupid Paris accords, move our embassy to Jerusalem, open real dialog with North Korea, cut taxes, cut spending, make us militarily strong again, make the USA respected again, defeat crooked Hillary, put unbiased judges on the supreme court, create jobs, enforce our borders, etc. After 8 years of incompetence its a huge job, but he is getting it done in spite of the lying media and the obstructionist dems.
Okay, so any level gun control is bad which is of course retarded on its own, but the right can’t even think of any alternatives to curbing gun violence. Saying “no” to everything accomplishes absolutely nothing. It’s astounding we are still at square one.
We have ample laws on the books, related to firearms. What the courts need to do is to stop slapping criminals on the wrist for gun crimes. Gang members commit crimes with stolen firearms and their punishment allows them back out on the street within months or just a couple of years.
There are 350,000,000 firearms legally owned by 95,000,000 private citizens...…….almost "all" of whom, aren't running amok, committing crimes and the guns don't roll out of their homes and commit crimes on their own. The overall gun related homicide rate in the U.S., is about 3.8 per 100,000. The Central American nations where the public isn't allowed to own firearms, makes our gun death rate look positively amateurish. In Brazil where the public used to own firearms, the decent public are begging their government to let them have their firearms back as the gun crime skyrocketed after the public lost their right to own guns.
With our nation being awash with firearms, if we were so violent, our gun related homicides would dwarf the Central American nations. The overwhelming millions of gun owners are safety-conscious, responsible individuals and no threat to you, or those you love.
This push for firearms confiscation is a Marxist agenda. Disarm the public and the Marxist Socialists can implement any draconian laws they want and all the public can do then is to walk around with protest signs. They know that the vast majority of gun owners are no threat, they just want to ensure control of the masses.

South America is NOT the US. You can use that as an example all you want but not a single country down there has lasted as long as the US has. In fact, the US ends up being one of the oldest governments in the world. We must be doing something right.

we have been "doing something right" for over 200 years, but currently you libs are determined to stop doing what has made us great and turn us into a socialist shithole.
they will never get over 2016, crooked Hillary's loss has destroyed their little minds.

Hillary is just a memory. Trump will be just a bad nightmare. What's your point. When they go, they are gone.
so you don't like what you're getting money wise today? hmmmm.

The Uber Rich certainly love it. Pass the Jobs and ship the billions to the Caymans. Remember, don't sell your homes, I'll get the jobs back. What he didn't tell you was that yor couldn't sell your homes, no one else could afford to buy it because they will soon be out of a job as well.
You have your tape deck stuck on obammy there

Don't you have a radio, TV, Newspaper or the Internet that is covering the last few days? The Orange Orangatan blew it big time and the Rep......er........Party of Trump blindly follows.
I don't listen to MSM too often, they report fake news.


Why not do them all even the ones who have been here for 30 years like my ancestors were done. Put them in a ship for months in the harbor, bring a few at a time in and if they had any problems put them on a holding ship and send them home or close and tell them that they can never come back or they’ll be shot.
Better yet tell them that is what you are doing and send them back without the interview.

I wonder if Easy will share with us as to exactly how many "thousands of illegal immigrants are crossing our Southern border every day"?
last I heard ~ 1000.
What a pile of horse shit. You fuckers are so dumb it’s mind boggling

they will never get over 2016, crooked Hillary's loss has destroyed their little minds.

Hillary is just a memory. Trump will be just a bad nightmare. What's your point. When they go, they are gone.
so you don't like what you're getting money wise today? hmmmm.

The Uber Rich certainly love it. Pass the Jobs and ship the billions to the Caymans. Remember, don't sell your homes, I'll get the jobs back. What he didn't tell you was that yor couldn't sell your homes, no one else could afford to buy it because they will soon be out of a job as well.
Of course you don't realize that millions of middle class business owners and self employed people got the biggest tax break they have ever seen do you?

Section 199 A of the new tax code finally gave a tax break to all those middle class people who are self employed or operate under S corp and LLC designations.

But you don't care about that because it doesn't fit your narrative
He has told his supporters to confront protesters with violence. He offered to cover their legal fees.

Get in their faces means to confront them verbally.

Trump is President. He is supposed to act like he is older than 8 years old. He is supposed to tell the truth. He is not supposed to spread hate & violence,

So really, don't even try to pretend that he doesn't.

And furthermore, this childish excuse you use " but but but johnny does it" is a true picture of your feeble mindedness.

Grow the fuck up.

What a pile of horse shit. You fuckers are so dumb it’s mind boggling

they will never get over 2016, crooked Hillary's loss has destroyed their little minds.

Hillary is just a memory. Trump will be just a bad nightmare. What's your point. When they go, they are gone.

Trump is doing a great job, if you don't like his persona or his style, tough shit. He is doing exactly what I wanted a president to do. Drain the swamp, call out the lying media, enforce our laws, fix our terrible trade policies, cancel the Iran deal and the stupid Paris accords, move our embassy to Jerusalem, open real dialog with North Korea, cut taxes, cut spending, make us militarily strong again, make the USA respected again, defeat crooked Hillary, put unbiased judges on the supreme court, create jobs, enforce our borders, etc. After 8 years of incompetence its a huge job, but he is getting it done in spite of the lying media and the obstructionist dems.
Drain the swamp??? The only draining is the US treasury into his pockets.

You being such a duped feeble minded Trumpette loves it.
What a pile of horse shit. You fuckers are so dumb it’s mind boggling

they will never get over 2016, crooked Hillary's loss has destroyed their little minds.

Hillary is just a memory. Trump will be just a bad nightmare. What's your point. When they go, they are gone.
so you don't like what you're getting money wise today? hmmmm.

The Uber Rich certainly love it. Pass the Jobs and ship the billions to the Caymans. Remember, don't sell your homes, I'll get the jobs back. What he didn't tell you was that yor couldn't sell your homes, no one else could afford to buy it because they will soon be out of a job as well.
Of course you don't realize that millions of middle class business owners and self employed people got the biggest tax break they have ever seen do you?

Section 199 A of the new tax code finally gave a tax break to all those middle class people who are self employed or operate under S corp and LLC designations.

BUt you don't care about because it doesn't fit your narrative


Toss a few tidbits to the middle class & you assfucks go apeshit.
Okay, so any level gun control is bad which is of course retarded on its own, but the right can’t even think of any alternatives to curbing gun violence. Saying “no” to everything accomplishes absolutely nothing. It’s astounding we are still at square one.
We have ample laws on the books, related to firearms. What the courts need to do is to stop slapping criminals on the wrist for gun crimes. Gang members commit crimes with stolen firearms and their punishment allows them back out on the street within months or just a couple of years.
There are 350,000,000 firearms legally owned by 95,000,000 private citizens...…….almost "all" of whom, aren't running amok, committing crimes and the guns don't roll out of their homes and commit crimes on their own. The overall gun related homicide rate in the U.S., is about 3.8 per 100,000. The Central American nations where the public isn't allowed to own firearms, makes our gun death rate look positively amateurish. In Brazil where the public used to own firearms, the decent public are begging their government to let them have their firearms back as the gun crime skyrocketed after the public lost their right to own guns.
With our nation being awash with firearms, if we were so violent, our gun related homicides would dwarf the Central American nations. The overwhelming millions of gun owners are safety-conscious, responsible individuals and no threat to you, or those you love.
This push for firearms confiscation is a Marxist agenda. Disarm the public and the Marxist Socialists can implement any draconian laws they want and all the public can do then is to walk around with protest signs. They know that the vast majority of gun owners are no threat, they just want to ensure control of the masses.

South America is NOT the US. You can use that as an example all you want but not a single country down there has lasted as long as the US has. In fact, the US ends up being one of the oldest governments in the world. We must be doing something right.

we have been "doing something right" for over 200 years, but currently you libs are determined to stop doing what has made us great and turn us into a socialist shithole.
Poor widdle Red Fish, doesn't like all those brown people coming in. What ever happened to good ole white America, right?
they will never get over 2016, crooked Hillary's loss has destroyed their little minds.

Hillary is just a memory. Trump will be just a bad nightmare. What's your point. When they go, they are gone.
so you don't like what you're getting money wise today? hmmmm.

The Uber Rich certainly love it. Pass the Jobs and ship the billions to the Caymans. Remember, don't sell your homes, I'll get the jobs back. What he didn't tell you was that yor couldn't sell your homes, no one else could afford to buy it because they will soon be out of a job as well.
Of course you don't realize that millions of middle class business owners and self employed people got the biggest tax break they have ever seen do you?

Section 199 A of the new tax code finally gave a tax break to all those middle class people who are self employed or operate under S corp and LLC designations.

BUt you don't care about because it doesn't fit your narrative


Toss a few tidbits to the middle class & you assfucks go apeshit.

You don't care about deficits when a democrat runs them up.

And a 20% deduction on a large portion of business income is hardly a tid bit

Maybe you ought to look up section 199 A and read it
You earned the Prestigious BS award. According to the Department of Justice, there was a dramatic drop in gun violence from 1993 to 1998.

Stop making shit up.

The Assult Weapon Ban was in effect from September 1994 through September 2004, NOT 1993 to 1998. BUT, Cute try! :D


And then.... I presume that you'll agree that your "assault weapon" is also a rifle.

Bring the dishonest fuck you are you try to bury the effects of the assault rifle ban in all gun crime.
Being the asshole you are, you ignore the purpose of the assault rifle ban was not overall gun violence red8ction but rather a reduction is mass shootings.
they will never get over 2016, crooked Hillary's loss has destroyed their little minds.

Hillary is just a memory. Trump will be just a bad nightmare. What's your point. When they go, they are gone.
so you don't like what you're getting money wise today? hmmmm.

The Uber Rich certainly love it. Pass the Jobs and ship the billions to the Caymans. Remember, don't sell your homes, I'll get the jobs back. What he didn't tell you was that yor couldn't sell your homes, no one else could afford to buy it because they will soon be out of a job as well.
Of course you don't realize that millions of middle class business owners and self employed people got the biggest tax break they have ever seen do you?

Section 199 A of the new tax code finally gave a tax break to all those middle class people who are self employed or operate under S corp and LLC designations.

BUt you don't care about because it doesn't fit your narrative


Toss a few tidbits to the middle class & you assfucks go apeshit.
so you don't think people like more take home pay? And worry about the deficit? really? come on man! grow the fk up.
I wonder if Easy will share with us as to exactly how many "thousands of illegal immigrants are crossing our Southern border every day"?
last I heard ~ 1000.
It is beyond obvious that 'shade did not read the links I have already posted showing the BPAs reporting that between 1,000 - 1,500 illegals were crossing PER DAY, and that was BEFORE the Caravan made it to the border.
Hillary is just a memory. Trump will be just a bad nightmare. What's your point. When they go, they are gone.
so you don't like what you're getting money wise today? hmmmm.

The Uber Rich certainly love it. Pass the Jobs and ship the billions to the Caymans. Remember, don't sell your homes, I'll get the jobs back. What he didn't tell you was that yor couldn't sell your homes, no one else could afford to buy it because they will soon be out of a job as well.
Of course you don't realize that millions of middle class business owners and self employed people got the biggest tax break they have ever seen do you?

Section 199 A of the new tax code finally gave a tax break to all those middle class people who are self employed or operate under S corp and LLC designations.

BUt you don't care about because it doesn't fit your narrative


Toss a few tidbits to the middle class & you assfucks go apeshit.
so you don't think people like more take home pay? And worry about the deficit? really? come on man! grow the fk up.

You love deficits.

What kind of moion cheers when the country borrows 1.5 trillion so he can get an extra $20 a week while the weealthy get millions & well off corporations billions.

Are you really that fucking stupid?
so you don't like what you're getting money wise today? hmmmm.

The Uber Rich certainly love it. Pass the Jobs and ship the billions to the Caymans. Remember, don't sell your homes, I'll get the jobs back. What he didn't tell you was that yor couldn't sell your homes, no one else could afford to buy it because they will soon be out of a job as well.
Of course you don't realize that millions of middle class business owners and self employed people got the biggest tax break they have ever seen do you?

Section 199 A of the new tax code finally gave a tax break to all those middle class people who are self employed or operate under S corp and LLC designations.

BUt you don't care about because it doesn't fit your narrative


Toss a few tidbits to the middle class & you assfucks go apeshit.
so you don't think people like more take home pay? And worry about the deficit? really? come on man! grow the fk up.

You love deficits.

What kind of moion cheers when the country borrows 1.5 trillion so he can get an extra $20 a week while the weealthy get millions & well off corporations billions.

Are you really that fucking stupid?

No one cares about deficits unless the party they didn't vote for is running them up.

No one cares about the debt either because not one red cent has been paid on our nation's debt principle since Coolidge was in office

So at least be an honest hypocrite
so you don't like what you're getting money wise today? hmmmm.

The Uber Rich certainly love it. Pass the Jobs and ship the billions to the Caymans. Remember, don't sell your homes, I'll get the jobs back. What he didn't tell you was that yor couldn't sell your homes, no one else could afford to buy it because they will soon be out of a job as well.
Of course you don't realize that millions of middle class business owners and self employed people got the biggest tax break they have ever seen do you?

Section 199 A of the new tax code finally gave a tax break to all those middle class people who are self employed or operate under S corp and LLC designations.

BUt you don't care about because it doesn't fit your narrative


Toss a few tidbits to the middle class & you assfucks go apeshit.
so you don't think people like more take home pay? And worry about the deficit? really? come on man! grow the fk up.

You love deficits.

What kind of moion cheers when the country borrows 1.5 trillion so he can get an extra $20 a week while the weealthy get millions & well off corporations billions.

Are you really that fucking stupid?
dude, you can look up in here, I'm for shutting down the fking government. why aren't you?

What I know vs what you know is this, the congress can take all our money and that wouldn't stop the deficit. you're too stupid to even comprehend that.

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