What is the republican solution to ending mass shootings? Why don’t they ever offer solutions?

Trying to watch over 3000 miles of border is a touch one. Especially when they don't have enough drones and people since that money is going to go to building that Wall in areas that the wall can be built leaving the other areas undefended. And yes, the undefended areas will be very dangerous to cross. But that hasn't stopped the crossings yet.

They're not crossing in the dangerous areas today. And still, they are found dead in the "easy" areas.

How do we have a country if we have no borders?

We have never stopped all bank robbers or murderers. Does that mean we don't try?
so you deny the fact they were there?

Do you deny the MSM pointed at trump supporters when they defended themselves?

Just asking since you said it was made up. well what say you?

That must be it because we all know Donald Trump NEVER EVER encourages violence.

Has he ever told his supporters to "get in their faces" "put your fingers in their food" "don't allow them to speak" "go to their homes, their work places, on the street, in the car, shut them down" ? NO, never anything like what the dems, media, and hollyloonies are saying every day.

Your bullshit doesn't fly, the violence we are seeing today is driven by the left and their crazed inability to accept defeat.

He has told his supporters to confront protesters with violence. He offered to cover their legal fees.

Get in their faces means to confront them verbally.

Trump is President. He is supposed to act like he is older than 8 years old. He is supposed to tell the truth. He is not supposed to spread hate & violence,

So really, don't even try to pretend that he doesn't.

And furthermore, this childish excuse you use " but but but johnny does it" is a true picture of your feeble mindedness.

Grow the fuck up.

What a pile of horse shit. You fuckers are so dumb it’s mind boggling

Thank you for sharing your wisdom.

let's kumbaya this! let's find the middle ground!

I'm already in the middle ground but the bomb craters are a bitch to walk around.
while the left are marching and protesting, Krazy Kyle Kashuv is working with Senators and getting actual legislation passed!

He can stay away from here. We don't need his help. We have it all covered. We only need one last reg to finish the job and that covers mentally unstable people with firearms. But we learned the hard way after 3 mass shootings in this state and countless close calls after that. We also used to be on the list for where people came to straw purchase firearms to send them to Chicago to the gangs. But that got stopped due to the Gun Shops being made aware it was happening. Like I said, we learned the hard way. But we learned. Can't say as much about some of the other states.
let's kumbaya this! let's find the middle ground!

I'm already in the middle ground but the bomb craters are a bitch to walk around.
while the left are marching and protesting, Krazy Kyle Kashuv is working with Senators and getting actual legislation passed!

He can stay away from here. We don't need his help. We have it all covered. We only need one last reg to finish the job and that covers mentally unstable people with firearms. But we learned the hard way after 3 mass shootings in this state and countless close calls after that. We also used to be on the list for where people came to straw purchase firearms to send them to Chicago to the gangs. But that got stopped due to the Gun Shops being made aware it was happening. Like I said, we learned the hard way. But we learned. Can't say as much about some of the other states.
still waiting on your mental illness test. you have it yet?
This country is not armed well enough... it needs to be better armed.
Buy more guns and ammo...
Yeah we have by far the most guns in the world and our homicide rates are 4-5X higher than countries with strong gun control. What a deal.

Gun control in Britain has resulted in more violence, not less....and countries with extreme gun control have more gun death than we do...just ask Mexico....
Our homicide rate is 4X higher than Britain. Mexico has corrupt law enforcement.

Sorry, you don't get it both ways....Mexico has extreme gun control, they have only one gun store which is run by the Mexican Military....and yet the drug cartels have advanced military weapons which they use freely to murder innocent....unarmed.....Mexican citizens in the 10s of thousands...somehow the Mexican police aren't corrupt enough to keep the average Mexican citizen unarmed.....

And Murder in Britain was low before they banned guns, and it is low after they banned guns which means that their gun control law had no effect on their murder rate....which, by the way, is now increasing as their young males, raised without fathers, have become killers...

You can't buy a Mexican Gun in Mexico. But the way the Cartels get their guns is Strawman Purchases in Texas and Arizona and then smuggle them south. Chicago gangs get theirs the same way. They go to states with really low gun regs and pay US Citizens to purchase the guns. That Citizen can buy as many guns as they wish without raising any eyebrows. Buying 10 a day almost every day, you can easily equip the Cartel to outgun the 275,000 Mexican Army fast if you have numerous straw buyers. We complain about the Mexicans not doing enough to stop the drugs yet we provide the guns that allow the Cartels to outgun the Mexican Authorities.
care to provide any proof of that whatsoever?
let's kumbaya this! let's find the middle ground!

I'm already in the middle ground but the bomb craters are a bitch to walk around.
while the left are marching and protesting, Krazy Kyle Kashuv is working with Senators and getting actual legislation passed!

He can stay away from here. We don't need his help. We have it all covered. We only need one last reg to finish the job and that covers mentally unstable people with firearms. But we learned the hard way after 3 mass shootings in this state and countless close calls after that. We also used to be on the list for where people came to straw purchase firearms to send them to Chicago to the gangs. But that got stopped due to the Gun Shops being made aware it was happening. Like I said, we learned the hard way. But we learned. Can't say as much about some of the other states.
Mentally ill people with firearms

AKA Duhryl
Yeah we have by far the most guns in the world and our homicide rates are 4-5X higher than countries with strong gun control. What a deal.

Gun control in Britain has resulted in more violence, not less....and countries with extreme gun control have more gun death than we do...just ask Mexico....
Our homicide rate is 4X higher than Britain. Mexico has corrupt law enforcement.

Sorry, you don't get it both ways....Mexico has extreme gun control, they have only one gun store which is run by the Mexican Military....and yet the drug cartels have advanced military weapons which they use freely to murder innocent....unarmed.....Mexican citizens in the 10s of thousands...somehow the Mexican police aren't corrupt enough to keep the average Mexican citizen unarmed.....

And Murder in Britain was low before they banned guns, and it is low after they banned guns which means that their gun control law had no effect on their murder rate....which, by the way, is now increasing as their young males, raised without fathers, have become killers...

You can't buy a Mexican Gun in Mexico. But the way the Cartels get their guns is Strawman Purchases in Texas and Arizona and then smuggle them south. Chicago gangs get theirs the same way. They go to states with really low gun regs and pay US Citizens to purchase the guns. That Citizen can buy as many guns as they wish without raising any eyebrows. Buying 10 a day almost every day, you can easily equip the Cartel to outgun the 275,000 Mexican Army fast if you have numerous straw buyers. We complain about the Mexicans not doing enough to stop the drugs yet we provide the guns that allow the Cartels to outgun the Mexican Authorities.

It is/wad perfectly legal to walk into a Arizona gun store & buy 70 AR-15s.
so what?
Switzerland has a similar program and that's one of the countries that the guncrazies try and use as an example.
I am familiar wist Switzerland's program and I think it is too restrictive for an inalienable right. What I am proposing is a different classification. Class 1 gun owners are normal people who just want what we have now but add in whatever precautionary measures that will allegedly reduce risk. Class 2 would be gun owners who are unrestricted, but the requirement is that they have mandatory training.

You never said whether or not you would agree to something like that.


Actually, a mixture of one and 2. There are way too many dangerous (accident prone) gun owners out there that think they are experts. The problem is, we can't easily identify them. So we train everyone like the Swiss does. No training no guns. Once the training is completed, remove the restrictions for the most part. It's already been proven those that go through the training (as in CCW) are the absolute least likely to misuse their weapons either for criminal activity or just plain stupidity. Yes, there are a couple of times reported but, almost always, the 16 hour, including the gun range, seems to get rid of the unsafe one. If you don't pass, you don't get to have a gun. Most will pass. We have unlicensed Open Carry here. Most of these morons running around with their guns on their hips all think they are the second coming of Wyatt Earp. These people don't prevent criminals. All I see, in a pinch, is a Criminal shoot them and getting a brand new fresh gun out of the deal. The CCW folks are a different breed.
where's your link?

You don't get out much, do you. My link is right outside my door. My link is at the local gun ranges. My link is at the local quickshop and stop places. Considering I am using where I live as the example, where is YOUR link to prove otherwise?

I was answering Bootney Lee Farnsworth with a followup. He is trying to do a discussion.
Anecdotal therefore irrelevant
Our homicide rate is 4X higher than Britain. Mexico has corrupt law enforcement.

Sorry, you don't get it both ways....Mexico has extreme gun control, they have only one gun store which is run by the Mexican Military....and yet the drug cartels have advanced military weapons which they use freely to murder innocent....unarmed.....Mexican citizens in the 10s of thousands...somehow the Mexican police aren't corrupt enough to keep the average Mexican citizen unarmed.....

And Murder in Britain was low before they banned guns, and it is low after they banned guns which means that their gun control law had no effect on their murder rate....which, by the way, is now increasing as their young males, raised without fathers, have become killers...

You can't buy a Mexican Gun in Mexico. But the way the Cartels get their guns is Strawman Purchases in Texas and Arizona and then smuggle them south. Chicago gangs get theirs the same way. They go to states with really low gun regs and pay US Citizens to purchase the guns. That Citizen can buy as many guns as they wish without raising any eyebrows. Buying 10 a day almost every day, you can easily equip the Cartel to outgun the 275,000 Mexican Army fast if you have numerous straw buyers. We complain about the Mexicans not doing enough to stop the drugs yet we provide the guns that allow the Cartels to outgun the Mexican Authorities.

It is/wad perfectly legal to walk into a Arizona gun store & buy 70 AR-15s.
Not really

"Arizona does NOT restrict the number of firearms being bought at in one transaction"

2018 Arizona Firearms And Ammunition Laws - Lax Ammunition blog

Now, aren't you dumber than shit lol ,lol, lol lol lol lol
nor should they
Switzerland has a similar program and that's one of the countries that the guncrazies try and use as an example.
I am familiar wist Switzerland's program and I think it is too restrictive for an inalienable right. What I am proposing is a different classification. Class 1 gun owners are normal people who just want what we have now but add in whatever precautionary measures that will allegedly reduce risk. Class 2 would be gun owners who are unrestricted, but the requirement is that they have mandatory training.

You never said whether or not you would agree to something like that.


Actually, a mixture of one and 2. There are way too many dangerous (accident prone) gun owners out there that think they are experts. The problem is, we can't easily identify them. So we train everyone like the Swiss does. No training no guns. Once the training is completed, remove the restrictions for the most part. It's already been proven those that go through the training (as in CCW) are the absolute least likely to misuse their weapons either for criminal activity or just plain stupidity. Yes, there are a couple of times reported but, almost always, the 16 hour, including the gun range, seems to get rid of the unsafe one. If you don't pass, you don't get to have a gun. Most will pass. We have unlicensed Open Carry here. Most of these morons running around with their guns on their hips all think they are the second coming of Wyatt Earp. These people don't prevent criminals. All I see, in a pinch, is a Criminal shoot them and getting a brand new fresh gun out of the deal. The CCW folks are a different breed.
where's your link?

You don't get out much, do you. My link is right outside my door. My link is at the local gun ranges. My link is at the local quickshop and stop places. Considering I am using where I live as the example, where is YOUR link to prove otherwise?

I was answering Bootney Lee Farnsworth with a followup. He is trying to do a discussion.
Anecdotal therefore irrelevant
what's hilarious is the stupid fk says "you don't get out much" than his anecdotal garb says from inside his own home looking out. Dude, you can't script the stupid that comes from demolosers.
Actually, a mixture of one and 2. There are way too many dangerous (accident prone) gun owners out there that think they are experts. The problem is, we can't easily identify them. So we train everyone like the Swiss does. No training no guns. Once the training is completed, remove the restrictions for the most part. It's already been proven those that go through the training (as in CCW) are the absolute least likely to misuse their weapons either for criminal activity or just plain stupidity. Yes, there are a couple of times reported but, almost always, the 16 hour, including the gun range, seems to get rid of the unsafe one. If you don't pass, you don't get to have a gun. Most will pass. We have unlicensed Open Carry here. Most of these morons running around with their guns on their hips all think they are the second coming of Wyatt Earp. These people don't prevent criminals. All I see, in a pinch, is a Criminal shoot them and getting a brand new fresh gun out of the deal. The CCW folks are a different breed.
I have never liked ope carry for that very reason. I don't want to become a target. I want criminals guessing who is armed.

If all firearm restrictions are removed upon completing training, I am all for it. No license. Only a certificate of completion of training. I would even be in favor of periodic re-certification and re-training.


I enjoy when I hear people whining about gun laws when I am standing right next to them in line or sitting at a nearby table at a coffee shop with my 9 mm in my holster

Little things like that make my day
Actually, a mixture of one and 2. There are way too many dangerous (accident prone) gun owners out there that think they are experts. The problem is, we can't easily identify them. So we train everyone like the Swiss does. No training no guns. Once the training is completed, remove the restrictions for the most part. It's already been proven those that go through the training (as in CCW) are the absolute least likely to misuse their weapons either for criminal activity or just plain stupidity. Yes, there are a couple of times reported but, almost always, the 16 hour, including the gun range, seems to get rid of the unsafe one. If you don't pass, you don't get to have a gun. Most will pass. We have unlicensed Open Carry here. Most of these morons running around with their guns on their hips all think they are the second coming of Wyatt Earp. These people don't prevent criminals. All I see, in a pinch, is a Criminal shoot them and getting a brand new fresh gun out of the deal. The CCW folks are a different breed.
I have never liked ope carry for that very reason. I don't want to become a target. I want criminals guessing who is armed.

If all firearm restrictions are removed upon completing training, I am all for it. No license. Only a certificate of completion of training. I would even be in favor of periodic re-certification and re-training.


I enjoy when I hear people whining about gun laws when I am standing right next to them in line or sitting at a nearby table at a coffee shop with my 9 mm in my holster

Little things like that make my day
You are very simple...
Actually, a mixture of one and 2. There are way too many dangerous (accident prone) gun owners out there that think they are experts. The problem is, we can't easily identify them. So we train everyone like the Swiss does. No training no guns. Once the training is completed, remove the restrictions for the most part. It's already been proven those that go through the training (as in CCW) are the absolute least likely to misuse their weapons either for criminal activity or just plain stupidity. Yes, there are a couple of times reported but, almost always, the 16 hour, including the gun range, seems to get rid of the unsafe one. If you don't pass, you don't get to have a gun. Most will pass. We have unlicensed Open Carry here. Most of these morons running around with their guns on their hips all think they are the second coming of Wyatt Earp. These people don't prevent criminals. All I see, in a pinch, is a Criminal shoot them and getting a brand new fresh gun out of the deal. The CCW folks are a different breed.
I have never liked ope carry for that very reason. I don't want to become a target. I want criminals guessing who is armed.

If all firearm restrictions are removed upon completing training, I am all for it. No license. Only a certificate of completion of training. I would even be in favor of periodic re-certification and re-training.


I enjoy when I hear people whining about gun laws when I am standing right next to them in line or sitting at a nearby table at a coffee shop with my 9 mm in my holster

Little things like that make my day
You are very simple...

I like simple pleasures.

A good meal with my wife
A mountain vista
My dogs ( and yes my dogs are better than any person I ever met aside from my wife)
And listening to people whine about how scary guns are when I am carrying a concealed weapon
Actually, a mixture of one and 2. There are way too many dangerous (accident prone) gun owners out there that think they are experts. The problem is, we can't easily identify them. So we train everyone like the Swiss does. No training no guns. Once the training is completed, remove the restrictions for the most part. It's already been proven those that go through the training (as in CCW) are the absolute least likely to misuse their weapons either for criminal activity or just plain stupidity. Yes, there are a couple of times reported but, almost always, the 16 hour, including the gun range, seems to get rid of the unsafe one. If you don't pass, you don't get to have a gun. Most will pass. We have unlicensed Open Carry here. Most of these morons running around with their guns on their hips all think they are the second coming of Wyatt Earp. These people don't prevent criminals. All I see, in a pinch, is a Criminal shoot them and getting a brand new fresh gun out of the deal. The CCW folks are a different breed.
I have never liked ope carry for that very reason. I don't want to become a target. I want criminals guessing who is armed.

If all firearm restrictions are removed upon completing training, I am all for it. No license. Only a certificate of completion of training. I would even be in favor of periodic re-certification and re-training.


I enjoy when I hear people whining about gun laws when I am standing right next to them in line or sitting at a nearby table at a coffee shop with my 9 mm in my holster

Little things like that make my day
You are very simple...

I like simple pleasures.

A good meal with my wife
A mountain vista
My dogs ( and yes my dogs are better than any person I ever met aside from my wife)
And listening to people whine about how scary guns are when I am carrying a concealed weapon
I agree, except I like a cold bud light. Maybe two or three.
Actually, a mixture of one and 2. There are way too many dangerous (accident prone) gun owners out there that think they are experts. The problem is, we can't easily identify them. So we train everyone like the Swiss does. No training no guns. Once the training is completed, remove the restrictions for the most part. It's already been proven those that go through the training (as in CCW) are the absolute least likely to misuse their weapons either for criminal activity or just plain stupidity. Yes, there are a couple of times reported but, almost always, the 16 hour, including the gun range, seems to get rid of the unsafe one. If you don't pass, you don't get to have a gun. Most will pass. We have unlicensed Open Carry here. Most of these morons running around with their guns on their hips all think they are the second coming of Wyatt Earp. These people don't prevent criminals. All I see, in a pinch, is a Criminal shoot them and getting a brand new fresh gun out of the deal. The CCW folks are a different breed.
I have never liked ope carry for that very reason. I don't want to become a target. I want criminals guessing who is armed.

If all firearm restrictions are removed upon completing training, I am all for it. No license. Only a certificate of completion of training. I would even be in favor of periodic re-certification and re-training.


I enjoy when I hear people whining about gun laws when I am standing right next to them in line or sitting at a nearby table at a coffee shop with my 9 mm in my holster

Little things like that make my day
You are very simple...

I like simple pleasures.

A good meal with my wife
A mountain vista
My dogs ( and yes my dogs are better than any person I ever met aside from my wife)
And listening to people whine about how scary guns are when I am carrying a concealed weapon
I agree, except I like a cold bud light. Maybe two or three.
I'm more of a Sam Adams guy
so you deny the fact they were there?

Do you deny the MSM pointed at trump supporters when they defended themselves?

Just asking since you said it was made up. well what say you?

That must be it because we all know Donald Trump NEVER EVER encourages violence.

Has he ever told his supporters to "get in their faces" "put your fingers in their food" "don't allow them to speak" "go to their homes, their work places, on the street, in the car, shut them down" ? NO, never anything like what the dems, media, and hollyloonies are saying every day.

Your bullshit doesn't fly, the violence we are seeing today is driven by the left and their crazed inability to accept defeat.

He has told his supporters to confront protesters with violence. He offered to cover their legal fees.

Get in their faces means to confront them verbally.

Trump is President. He is supposed to act like he is older than 8 years old. He is supposed to tell the truth. He is not supposed to spread hate & violence,

So really, don't even try to pretend that he doesn't.

And furthermore, this childish excuse you use " but but but johnny does it" is a true picture of your feeble mindedness.

Grow the fuck up.

What a pile of horse shit. You fuckers are so dumb it’s mind boggling

they will never get over 2016, crooked Hillary's loss has destroyed their little minds.
That must be it because we all know Donald Trump NEVER EVER encourages violence.

Has he ever told his supporters to "get in their faces" "put your fingers in their food" "don't allow them to speak" "go to their homes, their work places, on the street, in the car, shut them down" ? NO, never anything like what the dems, media, and hollyloonies are saying every day.

Your bullshit doesn't fly, the violence we are seeing today is driven by the left and their crazed inability to accept defeat.

He has told his supporters to confront protesters with violence. He offered to cover their legal fees.

Get in their faces means to confront them verbally.

Trump is President. He is supposed to act like he is older than 8 years old. He is supposed to tell the truth. He is not supposed to spread hate & violence,

So really, don't even try to pretend that he doesn't.

And furthermore, this childish excuse you use " but but but johnny does it" is a true picture of your feeble mindedness.

Grow the fuck up.

What a pile of horse shit. You fuckers are so dumb it’s mind boggling

they will never get over 2016, crooked Hillary's loss has destroyed their little minds.

Hillary is just a memory. Trump will be just a bad nightmare. What's your point. When they go, they are gone.
That must be it because we all know Donald Trump NEVER EVER encourages violence.

Has he ever told his supporters to "get in their faces" "put your fingers in their food" "don't allow them to speak" "go to their homes, their work places, on the street, in the car, shut them down" ? NO, never anything like what the dems, media, and hollyloonies are saying every day.

Your bullshit doesn't fly, the violence we are seeing today is driven by the left and their crazed inability to accept defeat.

He has told his supporters to confront protesters with violence. He offered to cover their legal fees.

Get in their faces means to confront them verbally.

Trump is President. He is supposed to act like he is older than 8 years old. He is supposed to tell the truth. He is not supposed to spread hate & violence,

So really, don't even try to pretend that he doesn't.

And furthermore, this childish excuse you use " but but but johnny does it" is a true picture of your feeble mindedness.

Grow the fuck up.

What a pile of horse shit. You fuckers are so dumb it’s mind boggling

they will never get over 2016, crooked Hillary's loss has destroyed their little minds.
Who will ever forget how a bunch of uneducated, ignorant, racist, bigoted, morons elected a proven fraud, business cheat, woman abusing, liar, ignorant, racist, bigot & outright moron to be President of the US.

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