What is the republican solution to ending mass shootings? Why don’t they ever offer solutions?

I knew he wasn't qualified regardless of color.



He wrote in college he learned to be 'everything to everyone, like a chameleon' to con everyone.

He was tutored by Communist Frank Marshall Davis, a student of Socialist Saul Alensky, was mentored for decades by racist, anti-American, hate-spewing 'Pastor' Jeremiah 'Not God Bless America - God D@MN America' Wright, an admirer of Louis Farrakhan, and friend of domestic terrorist Bill Ayer's!

He was groomed to become the Left's President / Savior....
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That's funny coming from someone that thought Obama was qualified because of skin color.

Or coming from someone that thought he was unqualified because of his skin color

Here's yer prize


Sorry, but you only made it to a limited prize. Try harder.
he was unqualified because he never did anything to be qualified. has nothing to do with skin color. shit you leftists are racist.

The left picked him because of skin color.
why they are racist.

Actually, in order to try and conceal the fact that much of the ones that got Trump into office are Racists, they try and hide the fact by claiming the other side is racist. It's an old trick. I forgot the name of it, but it's pretty common in Politics and criminals.

You can't forget the name of something that doesn't exist. Try again, boy.
Yah, get made, call your daughter and curse her out. But I doubt if he really sways too many people. If he does they get the Brain Dead Award.
i'm pretty sure he sways more than you and your colorful ALL CAPS. just funny how you stereotype people in their "evils" yet when given a direct example on YOUR side, you minimize it.

pretty much the definition of intellectual dishonesty.

I guess I can tell the difference between an Entertainer and a President. Maybe the Left should run him against Trump in 2020. Now that would be a hoot.
and i can recognize a fool pretty quick.

night all-caps johnboy.
Maybe he yells to be heard because no one will listen to what he says.
because he has nothing to say.

Got my point across quite well. The absurdity of this whole thing has degraded to it's lowest form. Thanks for the assist. You want yer prize now or are you going to wait for it later.
Or coming from someone that thought he was unqualified because of his skin color

Here's yer prize


Sorry, but you only made it to a limited prize. Try harder.
he was unqualified because he never did anything to be qualified. has nothing to do with skin color. shit you leftists are racist.

The left picked him because of skin color.
why they are racist.

Actually, in order to try and conceal the fact that much of the ones that got Trump into office are Racists, they try and hide the fact by claiming the other side is racist. It's an old trick. I forgot the name of it, but it's pretty common in Politics and criminals.

You can't forget the name of something that doesn't exist. Try again, boy.

You earned another prize with that statement. The term is "undamental attribution error:". See, it does have a name. You claim to be smarter than me,you should have know that. So, here's yer prize

i'm pretty sure he sways more than you and your colorful ALL CAPS. just funny how you stereotype people in their "evils" yet when given a direct example on YOUR side, you minimize it.

pretty much the definition of intellectual dishonesty.

I guess I can tell the difference between an Entertainer and a President. Maybe the Left should run him against Trump in 2020. Now that would be a hoot.
and i can recognize a fool pretty quick.

night all-caps johnboy.
Maybe he yells to be heard because no one will listen to what he says.
because he has nothing to say.

Got my point across quite well. The absurdity of this whole thing has degraded to it's lowest form. Thanks for the assist. You want yer prize now or are you going to wait for it later.
you sure did, we all know you know nothing. Thanks for agreeing with us.
Of course you can providing you aren't under some kind of thing that would preclude you from buying a gun in the first place.
The problem with that is government is precluding an inalienable right without due process, which we all should consider unacceptable, no matter the consequence.

That brings us back to square 1. The only REAL solution is no regulation and allow all people to arm and protect themselves.

Preemptive Strike: in response to the certain-to-come argument about old west shootouts in the streets. That is nonsense. Old west shootouts were VERY rare (glamorized and exaggerated at the time by news papers back east), and that was with at least half of the men being civil war vets who were suffering from PTSD. Most old west hostilities were simple carry-overs from civil war animosity. Furthermore, Hollywood has falsely glamorized the "gunslinger" for at least 65 years.

On gunfights, U.S. colonialism, and studying the American West on the East Coast

What really happened in the Wild West? The Gunslinger Myth

The Myth of Gunfights in The Old West


I would be willing to compromise and (wait for it, I am going to really compromise principles here) mandate a periodic (like every 3 years) firearms safety and active shooter training program, but only in exchange for a complete repeal of all firearm regulations for those who participate in the program. I hate the idea of using government to force people into training just so they can exercise an inalienable right, but I would be willing to compromise.

NOTE: this is a trap. I am using this compromise to demonstrate that communist gun-grabbers are not really interested in safety.

i'm pretty sure he sways more than you and your colorful ALL CAPS. just funny how you stereotype people in their "evils" yet when given a direct example on YOUR side, you minimize it.

pretty much the definition of intellectual dishonesty.

I guess I can tell the difference between an Entertainer and a President. Maybe the Left should run him against Trump in 2020. Now that would be a hoot.
and i can recognize a fool pretty quick.

night all-caps johnboy.
Maybe he yells to be heard because no one will listen to what he says.
because he has nothing to say.

Got my point across quite well. The absurdity of this whole thing has degraded to it's lowest form. Thanks for the assist. You want yer prize now or are you going to wait for it later.
Funny - someone who says the entire solution to our 'Illegal Immigration' // the 'Left's refusal to enforce our existing Immigration policy while advocating criminal continuation of the open borders illegal invasion & Sanctuary Cities' problems is to refurbish Ellis Island ... wants to hand out prizes to others for Stupidity.

:lmao: Bwuhahahaha.........
I guess I can tell the difference between an Entertainer and a President. Maybe the Left should run him against Trump in 2020. Now that would be a hoot.

That's funny coming from someone that thought Obama was qualified because of skin color.

Or coming from someone that thought he was unqualified because of his skin color

Here's yer prize


Sorry, but you only made it to a limited prize. Try harder.
he was unqualified because he never did anything to be qualified. has nothing to do with skin color. shit you leftists are racist.

Let's see. I didn't tell you what you were thinking. But you told me what I was thinking. Then you brought up skin color. Sounds to me like you are getting a new prize.

Here's yer prize


You told me what you were thinking when you posted.

You're the one that thought an unqualified black BOY should be President because of skin color. I knew he wasn't qualified regardless of color.

There you go again. Actually, I didn't bring up Obama at all and I certainly didn't bring up his skin color. YOU DID. Of course, being the bigot you are, you do experience the undamental attribution error syndrome.
he was unqualified because he never did anything to be qualified. has nothing to do with skin color. shit you leftists are racist.

The left picked him because of skin color.
why they are racist.

Actually, in order to try and conceal the fact that much of the ones that got Trump into office are Racists, they try and hide the fact by claiming the other side is racist. It's an old trick. I forgot the name of it, but it's pretty common in Politics and criminals.

You can't forget the name of something that doesn't exist. Try again, boy.

You earned another prize with that statement. The term is "undamental attribution error:". See, it does have a name. You claim to be smarter than me,you should have know that. So, here's yer prize


I don't accept false premises. That you do means you're inferiority is proven, boy.
I guess I can tell the difference between an Entertainer and a President. Maybe the Left should run him against Trump in 2020. Now that would be a hoot.
and i can recognize a fool pretty quick.

night all-caps johnboy.
Maybe he yells to be heard because no one will listen to what he says.
because he has nothing to say.

Got my point across quite well. The absurdity of this whole thing has degraded to it's lowest form. Thanks for the assist. You want yer prize now or are you going to wait for it later.
you sure did, we all know you know nothing. Thanks for agreeing with us.

Got a much bigger prize for you. And here's yer prize

The left picked him because of skin color.
why they are racist.

Actually, in order to try and conceal the fact that much of the ones that got Trump into office are Racists, they try and hide the fact by claiming the other side is racist. It's an old trick. I forgot the name of it, but it's pretty common in Politics and criminals.

You can't forget the name of something that doesn't exist. Try again, boy.

You earned another prize with that statement. The term is "undamental attribution error:". See, it does have a name. You claim to be smarter than me,you should have know that. So, here's yer prize


I don't accept false premises. That you do means you're inferiority is proven, boy.

You get the new prize. Here's yer prize

Fundamental attribution error!!!!!
Of course you can providing you aren't under some kind of thing that would preclude you from buying a gun in the first place.
The problem with that is government is precluding an inalienable right without due process, which we all should consider unacceptable, no matter the consequence.

That brings us back to square 1. The only REAL solution is no regulation and allow all people to arm and protect themselves.

Preemptive Strike: in response to the certain-to-come argument about old west shootouts in the streets. That is nonsense. Old west shootouts were VERY rare (glamorized and exaggerated at the time by news papers back east), and that was with at least half of the men being civil war vets who were suffering from PTSD. Most old west hostilities were simple carry-overs from civil war animosity. Furthermore, Hollywood has falsely glamorized the "gunslinger" for at least 65 years.

On gunfights, U.S. colonialism, and studying the American West on the East Coast

What really happened in the Wild West? The Gunslinger Myth

The Myth of Gunfights in The Old West


I would be willing to compromise and (wait for it, I am going to really compromise principles here) mandate a periodic (like every 3 years) firearms safety and active shooter training program, but only in exchange for a complete repeal of all firearm regulations for those who participate in the program. I hate the idea of using government to force people into training just so they can exercise an inalienable right, but I would be willing to compromise.

NOTE: this is a trap. I am using this compromise to demonstrate that communist gun-grabbers are not really interested in safety.


Switzerland has a similar program and that's one of the countries that the guncrazies try and use as an example.
There is no Democrat or Republican solution. The problem lies in the mind and hearts of people and we cannot get into the hearts and minds so the problem continues. Less guns, more guns does not matter. People who want to kill lots of people will find other ways other than guns.
and i can recognize a fool pretty quick.

night all-caps johnboy.
Maybe he yells to be heard because no one will listen to what he says.
because he has nothing to say.

Got my point across quite well. The absurdity of this whole thing has degraded to it's lowest form. Thanks for the assist. You want yer prize now or are you going to wait for it later.
you sure did, we all know you know nothing. Thanks for agreeing with us.

Got a much bigger prize for you. And here's yer prize


That's funny. Someone claiming victory when he can't spell the key word correctly.



1. Stop allowing Democrat Presidents to illegally send thousands of automatic weapons and grenades to Mexican Drug Cartels with the intent to create such a high body count - by sacrificing the lives of innocent men, women and children, to include 4 Americans - to the point where it becomes more politically feasible in the United States to go after altering / eliminating the 2nd Amendment...the way that Barak Obama did.

2. End the continuous stream of Liberal Leftist Extremist violent rhetoric
- Calling for the President's son to be ripped from the 1st Lady's arms, kidnapped, and raped by pedophiles

- Calling for women on the Trump team to be kidnapped, cages, beaten, and raped - all on camera for 'posterity'

- Posing for pictures with a mock bloody decapitated head of the US President in one hand and a bloody knife in the other

- Publicly declaring you have thought about blowing up the WH

- Declaring you want to punch the President and Conservatives in the face

- Engaging in such non-stoop violent rhetoric that you incite an attempted assassination of elected GOP officials resulting in one being gunned down on a public ball field

3. Harshly Publicly Punish Democrats exposed as having paid thugs to go to political opposition rallies and beat and bloody political opposition rallies - stripping that person of their already undeserved Party nomination would have been deserving

4. End the despicable, disgusting 'Politics of Personal Destruction', a strategy in which Democrats do not just try to WIN - certainly not by providing a convincing argument of why they would be a better elected official - but by trying to personally destroy everything about the opposition - their life's work, their word, their reputation, their ability to ever be able to work again, their marriage, their spouses, their children.....

5. Stop inciting / calling for dangerous illegal harassment / confrontation in public of Conservatives / Republicans

6. Tell any 'major political party' who calls for increased violent / violent rhetoric and an 'end to civility until the Democrats take back power' to STFU and strip them of their status as a 'Democratic party Leader' - treat them instead as a Social Leper!
There is no Democrat or Republican solution. The problem lies in the mind and hearts of people and we cannot get into the hearts and minds so the problem continues.
I disagree. I agree that the problem is one of hearts / minds / ideology. Republicans want to win. Democrats want to win AT ANY COST!
why they are racist.

Actually, in order to try and conceal the fact that much of the ones that got Trump into office are Racists, they try and hide the fact by claiming the other side is racist. It's an old trick. I forgot the name of it, but it's pretty common in Politics and criminals.

You can't forget the name of something that doesn't exist. Try again, boy.

You earned another prize with that statement. The term is "undamental attribution error:". See, it does have a name. You claim to be smarter than me,you should have know that. So, here's yer prize


I don't accept false premises. That you do means you're inferiority is proven, boy.

You get the new prize. Here's yer prize

Fundamental attribution error!!!!!

False premise from an inferior being.
and i can recognize a fool pretty quick.

night all-caps johnboy.
Maybe he yells to be heard because no one will listen to what he says.
because he has nothing to say.

Got my point across quite well. The absurdity of this whole thing has degraded to it's lowest form. Thanks for the assist. You want yer prize now or are you going to wait for it later.
you sure did, we all know you know nothing. Thanks for agreeing with us.

Got a much bigger prize for you. And here's yer prize

here's a prize for you.....

There have been over 2,350 posts on this worthless thread.

My Progressive good friends are open to one, and only one solution, theirs. Confiscate all guns and radically increase our violent crime rate in America.

Solid answers have been proposed to Progressives but they are not the ones they want, so they lie and say none have been proposed.

The truth, as we know, is that guns will not be confiscated so get over it. The truth too is that mass shootings will never be eliminated. They can be reduced IF we, as Americans, are willing to sacrifice our personal liberties and freedoms. Those liberties and freedoms would include the government being able to hold in custody and placed in mental hospitals those who expressed themselves as a danger. The government has made formal contact with many of the people who have gone on to be mass killers. Do that and the Democrats/Progressives legal wing, the ACLU would erupt!

Tell me where I'm wrong.

And, yet, I have never yet read a single post by anyone on this board advocating the confiscation of guns, with the exception of the NRA which uses this lie on a daily basis in it's fear mongering.

The leadership of the democrat party, the left wingers on the Supreme Court, all state they want to end the 2nd Amendment.....one gun at a time. If they tax guns and bullets, create licensing regimes so onerous, and rules so complicated normal people can't own guns, they have in fact, banned guns...... and instead of taking votes on the gun issues, they have been using the courts..so they don't lose seats to anti gun votes...that is how obama did it.

No they do not. Quit being such a worthless lying POS.
Switzerland has a similar program and that's one of the countries that the guncrazies try and use as an example.
I am familiar wist Switzerland's program and I think it is too restrictive for an inalienable right. What I am proposing is a different classification. Class 1 gun owners are normal people who just want what we have now but add in whatever precautionary measures that will allegedly reduce risk. Class 2 would be gun owners who are unrestricted, but the requirement is that they have mandatory training.

You never said whether or not you would agree to something like that.


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