What is the republican solution to ending mass shootings? Why don’t they ever offer solutions?

Yep, that evil bitch Hillary sold our Uranium. First of all, Uranium One was a CABNADIAN country so someone solkd our uranioum long before Hillary was in office. Second this has been debunked a gazillion times.
Are you playing the 'Stupid Game' or are you really this stupid? (By your rushed mis-spellnigs I would say the latter.

Evidence shows Hillary took $145 Million from the very same Russian who led the KGB Bank's efforts to purchase Uranium One and acquire 20% of the US supply of uranium.

Hillary...and Holder...were members of the committee responsible for approving or denying the sale.

Mueller HID crimes committed by the Russians associated with their attempt to purchase Uranium One, crimes that included extortion, BRIBERY of Key Political figures and nuclear commission officials, violence, intimidation, etc....Hillary and Holder both knew about this violence and never brought it up to the Committee before the vote to approve the sale was taken. President Obama also knew about the crimes before and after the vote and still signed off on the sale. Obama also knew about the on-going Russian interference in the US at the time...and still signed off on the sale.

Slick Willy received $500k for a 1-hour speech at the time...from the KGB bank...he also attempted to meet with Russian Nuclear agency officials, and when he failed to get an audience with them he instead met with Vladimir Putin....Now why would Bill want to meet with Putin just before the vote on the sale of Uranium One to the KGB Bank, a vote by a committee Hillary sat on....?

Snowflakes squeal: 'Nothing to See here!'

Coincidence, Hardly! Stevie Wonder could see this was corruption to the core....but Socialist Democrats, Hillary-supporters, and snowflakes claim not to be able to see it. :p

WHY would the US agree to sell Uranium One to the Russian State-Sponsored Vladimir Putin-Controlled KGB Bank FOR ANY REASON when they CLAIM they knew Russia was such a threat all the time...when they KNEW Russia was already attempting to hack our Electrical Grid, when Obama KNEW they were trying to hack senior US govt official computers / servers to steal data, and when Barry KNEW Russia was running a Counter-Intel Op in the US using US Social Media?


Snowflakes squeal: 'Nothing to See here!'

KNOWING the US Uranium could not be legally moved out of the US, WHY would Russia want to buy it..and why would the US, again, agree to sell it to them?

After the sale to the RUSSIANS, WHY did Democrats move to change the law prohibiting the uranium from leaving the United States and out of US control...allowing the uranium to be moved to Canada...before being shipped over to Europe and into Russian hands?

Snowflakes squeal: 'Nothing to See here!'
Yep, that evil bitch Hillary sold our Uranium. First of all, Uranium One was a CABNADIAN country so someone solkd our uranioum long before Hillary was in office. Second this has been debunked a gazillion times.
Are you playing the 'Stupid Game' or are you really this stupid? (By your rushed mis-spellnigs I would say the latter.

Evidence shows Hillary took $145 Million from the very same Russian who led the KGB Bank's efforts to purchase Uranium One and acquire 20% of the US supply of uranium.

Hillary...and Holder...were members of the committee responsible for approving or denying the sale.

Mueller HID crimes committed by the Russians associated with their attempt to purchase Uranium One, crimes that included extortion, BRIBERY of Key Political figures and nuclear commission officials, violence, intimidation, etc....Hillary and Holder both knew about this violence and never brought it up to the Committee before the vote to approve the sale was taken. President Obama also knew about the crimes before and after the vote and still signed off on the sale. Obama also knew about the on-going Russian interference in the US at the time...and still signed off on the sale.

Slick Willy received $500k for a 1-hour speech at the time...from the KGB bank...he also attempted to meet with Russian Nuclear agency officials, and when he failed to get an audience with them he instead met with Vladimir Putin....Now why would Bill want to meet with Putin just before the vote on the sale of Uranium One to the KGB Bank, a vote by a committee Hillary sat on....?

Snowflakes squeal: 'Nothing to See here!'

Coincidence, Hardly! Stevie Wonder could see this was corruption to the core....but Socialist Democrats, Hillary-supporters, and snowflakes claim not to be able to see it. :p

WHY would the US agree to sell Uranium One to the Russian State-Sponsored Vladimir Putin-Controlled KGB Bank FOR ANY REASON when they CLAIM they knew Russia was such a threat all the time...when they KNEW Russia was already attempting to hack our Electrical Grid, when Obama KNEW they were trying to hack senior US govt official computers / servers to steal data, and when Barry KNEW Russia was running a Counter-Intel Op in the US using US Social Media?


Snowflakes squeal: 'Nothing to See here!'

KNOWING the US Uranium could not be legally moved out of the US, WHY would Russia want to buy it..and why would the US, again, agree to sell it to them?

After the sale to the RUSSIANS, WHY did Democrats move to change the law prohibiting the uranium from leaving the United States and out of US control...allowing the uranium to be moved to Canada...before being shipped over to Europe and into Russian hands?

Snowflakes squeal: 'Nothing to See here!'

Here's yer prize

A muslim terrorist with a rental truck murdered 86 people...more people than in any mass public shooting here in the states...he also wounded 435 people..in 5 minutes of driving.....

McVay probably has that record at 168 dead with 682 confirmed injured. That was before we put the limits on the fertilizer and diesel he used to load up his van. The French didn't learn from us. Yet you bring up a French Bombing. This ain't France.


This ain't France or any other European country. Why bring them up when it comes to healthcare?

I don't bring up France for Health Care or anything else for that matter. But I do bring up countries like Denmark that did healthcare right without giving up their individual rights. Let's face it, France is a disaster all the way around for terrorist activity. We placed certain regulations into play that won't allow what is happening in France. But we learned the hard way.

This ain't Denmark, therefore, a strawman argument.

Hey, you rightwingnutjobs brought up France. You don't like the game, don't play it. Here's yer prize


The really stupid one thinks one person mentioning it means everyone mentioned it. That's typical of lefties just after saying everyone of a group shouldn't be judged by what one did.
Mostly FAKE NEWS!!!!!

Bwuhahahaha...tried to sneak that one through......FAIL.

Lie, Deny, and Justify....

Is it because facts / reality are 'offensive' to you or are you just ashamed you got so completely duped / emotionally manipulated by the lying, lawless, unethical, criminal protecting Democratic party?
There have been over 2,350 posts on this worthless thread.

My Progressive good friends are open to one, and only one solution, theirs. Confiscate all guns and radically increase our violent crime rate in America.

Solid answers have been proposed to Progressives but they are not the ones they want, so they lie and say none have been proposed.

The truth, as we know, is that guns will not be confiscated so get over it. The truth too is that mass shootings will never be eliminated. They can be reduced IF we, as Americans, are willing to sacrifice our personal liberties and freedoms. Those liberties and freedoms would include the government being able to hold in custody and placed in mental hospitals those who expressed themselves as a danger. The government has made formal contact with many of the people who have gone on to be mass killers. Do that and the Democrats/Progressives legal wing, the ACLU would erupt!

Tell me where I'm wrong.
You are wrong when you claim that Progressives want to take all your guns.

This is the same stupid fucking argument you assfucks always use.

Pull your hrad out the the NRA's ass & try to be honest once in awhile.

Look at communities where progressives rule, Dave.

Try to get a concealed carry permit in Chicago or Pyongyang and let me know how it goes. Sure, the progs want to disarm the public.
I think you can get a conceal permit in Chicago now.
McVay probably has that record at 168 dead with 682 confirmed injured. That was before we put the limits on the fertilizer and diesel he used to load up his van. The French didn't learn from us. Yet you bring up a French Bombing. This ain't France.


This ain't France or any other European country. Why bring them up when it comes to healthcare?

I don't bring up France for Health Care or anything else for that matter. But I do bring up countries like Denmark that did healthcare right without giving up their individual rights. Let's face it, France is a disaster all the way around for terrorist activity. We placed certain regulations into play that won't allow what is happening in France. But we learned the hard way.

This ain't Denmark, therefore, a strawman argument.

Hey, you rightwingnutjobs brought up France. You don't like the game, don't play it. Here's yer prize


The really stupid one thinks one person mentioning it means everyone mentioned it. That's typical of lefties just after saying everyone of a group shouldn't be judged by what one did.

Where we are at right now is where two people are stalled waiting on the same parking space in a crowded parking lot. Death will take us before we give up, right?

Here's yer prize

This ain't France or any other European country. Why bring them up when it comes to healthcare?

I don't bring up France for Health Care or anything else for that matter. But I do bring up countries like Denmark that did healthcare right without giving up their individual rights. Let's face it, France is a disaster all the way around for terrorist activity. We placed certain regulations into play that won't allow what is happening in France. But we learned the hard way.

This ain't Denmark, therefore, a strawman argument.

Hey, you rightwingnutjobs brought up France. You don't like the game, don't play it. Here's yer prize


The really stupid one thinks one person mentioning it means everyone mentioned it. That's typical of lefties just after saying everyone of a group shouldn't be judged by what one did.

Where we are at right now is where two people are stalled waiting on the same parking space in a crowded parking lot. Death will take us before we give up, right?

Here's yer prize


You're the one that applied something I didn't say to me. That's stupid, boy.
There have been over 2,350 posts on this worthless thread.

My Progressive good friends are open to one, and only one solution, theirs. Confiscate all guns and radically increase our violent crime rate in America.

Solid answers have been proposed to Progressives but they are not the ones they want, so they lie and say none have been proposed.

The truth, as we know, is that guns will not be confiscated so get over it. The truth too is that mass shootings will never be eliminated. They can be reduced IF we, as Americans, are willing to sacrifice our personal liberties and freedoms. Those liberties and freedoms would include the government being able to hold in custody and placed in mental hospitals those who expressed themselves as a danger. The government has made formal contact with many of the people who have gone on to be mass killers. Do that and the Democrats/Progressives legal wing, the ACLU would erupt!

Tell me where I'm wrong.
You are wrong when you claim that Progressives want to take all your guns.

This is the same stupid fucking argument you assfucks always use.

Pull your hrad out the the NRA's ass & try to be honest once in awhile.

Look at communities where progressives rule, Dave.

Try to get a concealed carry permit in Chicago or Pyongyang and let me know how it goes. Sure, the progs want to disarm the public.
I think you can get a conceal permit in Chicago now.

Of course you can providing you aren't under some kind of thing that would preclude you from buying a gun in the first place.
There have been over 2,350 posts on this worthless thread.

My Progressive good friends are open to one, and only one solution, theirs. Confiscate all guns and radically increase our violent crime rate in America.

Solid answers have been proposed to Progressives but they are not the ones they want, so they lie and say none have been proposed.

The truth, as we know, is that guns will not be confiscated so get over it. The truth too is that mass shootings will never be eliminated. They can be reduced IF we, as Americans, are willing to sacrifice our personal liberties and freedoms. Those liberties and freedoms would include the government being able to hold in custody and placed in mental hospitals those who expressed themselves as a danger. The government has made formal contact with many of the people who have gone on to be mass killers. Do that and the Democrats/Progressives legal wing, the ACLU would erupt!

Tell me where I'm wrong.
You are wrong when you claim that Progressives want to take all your guns.

This is the same stupid fucking argument you assfucks always use.

Pull your hrad out the the NRA's ass & try to be honest once in awhile.

Look at communities where progressives rule, Dave.

Try to get a concealed carry permit in Chicago or Pyongyang and let me know how it goes. Sure, the progs want to disarm the public.
I think you can get a conceal permit in Chicago now.

Of course you can providing you aren't under some kind of thing that would preclude you from buying a gun in the first place.
what I said!
I don't bring up France for Health Care or anything else for that matter. But I do bring up countries like Denmark that did healthcare right without giving up their individual rights. Let's face it, France is a disaster all the way around for terrorist activity. We placed certain regulations into play that won't allow what is happening in France. But we learned the hard way.

This ain't Denmark, therefore, a strawman argument.

Hey, you rightwingnutjobs brought up France. You don't like the game, don't play it. Here's yer prize


The really stupid one thinks one person mentioning it means everyone mentioned it. That's typical of lefties just after saying everyone of a group shouldn't be judged by what one did.

Where we are at right now is where two people are stalled waiting on the same parking space in a crowded parking lot. Death will take us before we give up, right?

Here's yer prize


You're the one that applied something I didn't say to me. That's stupid, boy.

Why not honk your horn a few times. That'll show me.

There have been over 2,350 posts on this worthless thread.

My Progressive good friends are open to one, and only one solution, theirs. Confiscate all guns and radically increase our violent crime rate in America.

Solid answers have been proposed to Progressives but they are not the ones they want, so they lie and say none have been proposed.

The truth, as we know, is that guns will not be confiscated so get over it. The truth too is that mass shootings will never be eliminated. They can be reduced IF we, as Americans, are willing to sacrifice our personal liberties and freedoms. Those liberties and freedoms would include the government being able to hold in custody and placed in mental hospitals those who expressed themselves as a danger. The government has made formal contact with many of the people who have gone on to be mass killers. Do that and the Democrats/Progressives legal wing, the ACLU would erupt!

Tell me where I'm wrong.
You are wrong when you claim that Progressives want to take all your guns.

This is the same stupid fucking argument you assfucks always use.

Pull your hrad out the the NRA's ass & try to be honest once in awhile.

Look at communities where progressives rule, Dave.

Try to get a concealed carry permit in Chicago or Pyongyang and let me know how it goes. Sure, the progs want to disarm the public.
I think you can get a conceal permit in Chicago now.

Of course you can providing you aren't under some kind of thing that would preclude you from buying a gun in the first place.
what I said!

I know. Don't you just find it uncommon when someone actually agrees with you in here?
This ain't Denmark, therefore, a strawman argument.

Hey, you rightwingnutjobs brought up France. You don't like the game, don't play it. Here's yer prize


The really stupid one thinks one person mentioning it means everyone mentioned it. That's typical of lefties just after saying everyone of a group shouldn't be judged by what one did.

Where we are at right now is where two people are stalled waiting on the same parking space in a crowded parking lot. Death will take us before we give up, right?

Here's yer prize


You're the one that applied something I didn't say to me. That's stupid, boy.

Why not honk your horn a few times. That'll show me.


You're too fucking stupid to learn.
You are wrong when you claim that Progressives want to take all your guns.

This is the same stupid fucking argument you assfucks always use.

Pull your hrad out the the NRA's ass & try to be honest once in awhile.

Look at communities where progressives rule, Dave.

Try to get a concealed carry permit in Chicago or Pyongyang and let me know how it goes. Sure, the progs want to disarm the public.
I think you can get a conceal permit in Chicago now.

Of course you can providing you aren't under some kind of thing that would preclude you from buying a gun in the first place.
what I said!

I know. Don't you just find it uncommon when someone actually agrees with you in here?
not at all, happens quite a lot.
Hey, you rightwingnutjobs brought up France. You don't like the game, don't play it. Here's yer prize


The really stupid one thinks one person mentioning it means everyone mentioned it. That's typical of lefties just after saying everyone of a group shouldn't be judged by what one did.

Where we are at right now is where two people are stalled waiting on the same parking space in a crowded parking lot. Death will take us before we give up, right?

Here's yer prize


You're the one that applied something I didn't say to me. That's stupid, boy.

Why not honk your horn a few times. That'll show me.


You're too fucking stupid to learn.

Careful now, you are down to 3 brain cells. You really can't afford to lose many more.

Here's yer prize


This ain't France or any other European country. Why bring them up when it comes to healthcare?

I don't bring up France for Health Care or anything else for that matter. But I do bring up countries like Denmark that did healthcare right without giving up their individual rights. Let's face it, France is a disaster all the way around for terrorist activity. We placed certain regulations into play that won't allow what is happening in France. But we learned the hard way.

This ain't Denmark, therefore, a strawman argument.

Hey, you rightwingnutjobs brought up France. You don't like the game, don't play it. Here's yer prize


The really stupid one thinks one person mentioning it means everyone mentioned it. That's typical of lefties just after saying everyone of a group shouldn't be judged by what one did.

Where we are at right now is where two people are stalled waiting on the same parking space in a crowded parking lot. Death will take us before we give up, right?

Here's yer prize

maybe you should ask the poster child of liberals - alec baldwin - what to do in tight parking lot situations.
There have been over 2,350 posts on this worthless thread.

My Progressive good friends are open to one, and only one solution, theirs. Confiscate all guns and radically increase our violent crime rate in America.

Solid answers have been proposed to Progressives but they are not the ones they want, so they lie and say none have been proposed.

The truth, as we know, is that guns will not be confiscated so get over it. The truth too is that mass shootings will never be eliminated. They can be reduced IF we, as Americans, are willing to sacrifice our personal liberties and freedoms. Those liberties and freedoms would include the government being able to hold in custody and placed in mental hospitals those who expressed themselves as a danger. The government has made formal contact with many of the people who have gone on to be mass killers. Do that and the Democrats/Progressives legal wing, the ACLU would erupt!

Tell me where I'm wrong.

And, yet, I have never yet read a single post by anyone on this board advocating the confiscation of guns, with the exception of the NRA which uses this lie on a daily basis in it's fear mongering.

The leadership of the democrat party, the left wingers on the Supreme Court, all state they want to end the 2nd Amendment.....one gun at a time. If they tax guns and bullets, create licensing regimes so onerous, and rules so complicated normal people can't own guns, they have in fact, banned guns...... and instead of taking votes on the gun issues, they have been using the courts..so they don't lose seats to anti gun votes...that is how obama did it.
There have been over 2,350 posts on this worthless thread.

My Progressive good friends are open to one, and only one solution, theirs. Confiscate all guns and radically increase our violent crime rate in America.

Solid answers have been proposed to Progressives but they are not the ones they want, so they lie and say none have been proposed.

The truth, as we know, is that guns will not be confiscated so get over it. The truth too is that mass shootings will never be eliminated. They can be reduced IF we, as Americans, are willing to sacrifice our personal liberties and freedoms. Those liberties and freedoms would include the government being able to hold in custody and placed in mental hospitals those who expressed themselves as a danger. The government has made formal contact with many of the people who have gone on to be mass killers. Do that and the Democrats/Progressives legal wing, the ACLU would erupt!

Tell me where I'm wrong.
You are wrong when you claim that Progressives want to take all your guns.

This is the same stupid fucking argument you assfucks always use.

Pull your hrad out the the NRA's ass & try to be honest once in awhile.

Look at communities where progressives rule, Dave.

Try to get a concealed carry permit in Chicago or Pyongyang and let me know how it goes. Sure, the progs want to disarm the public.

Are Chicago's gun laws that strict? An explainer
City residents can own firearms but with several conditions: You must be 21 years old and possess a firearm owner's identification (FOID) card and concealed carry license, both issued by Illinois State Police.

Prior to getting a concealed carry license, residents must complete a 16-hour training course, which includes a gun range test that residents must pass, as well as coursework on gun safety. They are also subject to a background check and must pay a $150 application fee. Applicants may be denied a concealed carry license, or have law enforcement agencies object to their applications, if they have particular criminal convictions.

Those who keep guns in the home must hold only a valid FOID card. Gun owners who carry a firearm outside the home must have an FOID and a concealed carry permit.

Not any different than many other major cities. And this has been upheld under Heller V. You should have used NYC for an example. Now, that is one bad place to try and get a CCW. NYC takes at least 8 months, lots of cash and after 8 months, you still may be turned down. In fact, in NYC, it may drag on even longer than that. Now compare the Gun Crimes between NYC and Chicago. Get a real eye opener. The fact is, there are more CCW carriers in Chicago than NYC yet the gun crimes in NYC are only a fraction of Chicagos. There is no proof that more CCWs means less gun crimes.

Its a lot easier to get a concealed carry permit here in the city of Hermitage PA, and we have a lot crime rate than Chicago or New York.

The fee is just $20, no special classes, the sheriff of the Tremendous County of Mercer makes sure you aren't a wanted criminal.

There have been over 2,350 posts on this worthless thread.

My Progressive good friends are open to one, and only one solution, theirs. Confiscate all guns and radically increase our violent crime rate in America.

Solid answers have been proposed to Progressives but they are not the ones they want, so they lie and say none have been proposed.

The truth, as we know, is that guns will not be confiscated so get over it. The truth too is that mass shootings will never be eliminated. They can be reduced IF we, as Americans, are willing to sacrifice our personal liberties and freedoms. Those liberties and freedoms would include the government being able to hold in custody and placed in mental hospitals those who expressed themselves as a danger. The government has made formal contact with many of the people who have gone on to be mass killers. Do that and the Democrats/Progressives legal wing, the ACLU would erupt!

Tell me where I'm wrong.
You are wrong when you claim that Progressives want to take all your guns.

This is the same stupid fucking argument you assfucks always use.

Pull your hrad out the the NRA's ass & try to be honest once in awhile.

Look at communities where progressives rule, Dave.

Try to get a concealed carry permit in Chicago or Pyongyang and let me know how it goes. Sure, the progs want to disarm the public.

Are Chicago's gun laws that strict? An explainer
City residents can own firearms but with several conditions: You must be 21 years old and possess a firearm owner's identification (FOID) card and concealed carry license, both issued by Illinois State Police.

Prior to getting a concealed carry license, residents must complete a 16-hour training course, which includes a gun range test that residents must pass, as well as coursework on gun safety. They are also subject to a background check and must pay a $150 application fee. Applicants may be denied a concealed carry license, or have law enforcement agencies object to their applications, if they have particular criminal convictions.

Those who keep guns in the home must hold only a valid FOID card. Gun owners who carry a firearm outside the home must have an FOID and a concealed carry permit.

Not any different than many other major cities. And this has been upheld under Heller V. You should have used NYC for an example. Now, that is one bad place to try and get a CCW. NYC takes at least 8 months, lots of cash and after 8 months, you still may be turned down. In fact, in NYC, it may drag on even longer than that. Now compare the Gun Crimes between NYC and Chicago. Get a real eye opener. The fact is, there are more CCW carriers in Chicago than NYC yet the gun crimes in NYC are only a fraction of Chicagos. There is no proof that more CCWs means less gun crimes.

The city of Hermitage PA has a lower crime rate than Chicago, and has a lot less strict rules. $20 a year, and the sheriff of Mercer County just has to check to make sure you aren't a scum bag.


With a population of just over 16,000 and surrounded by rural areas, it's actually a bit higher than NYC in violent crime inside the city limits. NYC has a lower violent crime rate now than they had in the 1950s. NYC has the lowest violent crime rate of ALL Major Cities.

Thanks to the techniques of Rudy Gulliani....and debalsio is doing his best to turn that around...making New York a crime capital again...
I don't bring up France for Health Care or anything else for that matter. But I do bring up countries like Denmark that did healthcare right without giving up their individual rights. Let's face it, France is a disaster all the way around for terrorist activity. We placed certain regulations into play that won't allow what is happening in France. But we learned the hard way.

This ain't Denmark, therefore, a strawman argument.

Hey, you rightwingnutjobs brought up France. You don't like the game, don't play it. Here's yer prize


The really stupid one thinks one person mentioning it means everyone mentioned it. That's typical of lefties just after saying everyone of a group shouldn't be judged by what one did.

Where we are at right now is where two people are stalled waiting on the same parking space in a crowded parking lot. Death will take us before we give up, right?

Here's yer prize

maybe you should ask the poster child of liberals - alec baldwin - what to do in tight parking lot situations.

Yah, get made, call your daughter and curse her out. But I doubt if he really sways too many people. If he does they get the Brain Dead Award.
There have been over 2,350 posts on this worthless thread.

My Progressive good friends are open to one, and only one solution, theirs. Confiscate all guns and radically increase our violent crime rate in America.

Solid answers have been proposed to Progressives but they are not the ones they want, so they lie and say none have been proposed.

The truth, as we know, is that guns will not be confiscated so get over it. The truth too is that mass shootings will never be eliminated. They can be reduced IF we, as Americans, are willing to sacrifice our personal liberties and freedoms. Those liberties and freedoms would include the government being able to hold in custody and placed in mental hospitals those who expressed themselves as a danger. The government has made formal contact with many of the people who have gone on to be mass killers. Do that and the Democrats/Progressives legal wing, the ACLU would erupt!

Tell me where I'm wrong.

And, yet, I have never yet read a single post by anyone on this board advocating the confiscation of guns, with the exception of the NRA which uses this lie on a daily basis in it's fear mongering.

The leadership of the democrat party, the left wingers on the Supreme Court, all state they want to end the 2nd Amendment.....one gun at a time. If they tax guns and bullets, create licensing regimes so onerous, and rules so complicated normal people can't own guns, they have in fact, banned guns...... and instead of taking votes on the gun issues, they have been using the courts..so they don't lose seats to anti gun votes...that is how obama did it.

This one gets three prizes



This ain't Denmark, therefore, a strawman argument.

Hey, you rightwingnutjobs brought up France. You don't like the game, don't play it. Here's yer prize


The really stupid one thinks one person mentioning it means everyone mentioned it. That's typical of lefties just after saying everyone of a group shouldn't be judged by what one did.

Where we are at right now is where two people are stalled waiting on the same parking space in a crowded parking lot. Death will take us before we give up, right?

Here's yer prize

maybe you should ask the poster child of liberals - alec baldwin - what to do in tight parking lot situations.

Yah, get made, call your daughter and curse her out. But I doubt if he really sways too many people. If he does they get the Brain Dead Award.
i'm pretty sure he sways more than you and your colorful ALL CAPS. just funny how you stereotype people in their "evils" yet when given a direct example on YOUR side, you minimize it.

pretty much the definition of intellectual dishonesty.

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