What is the republican solution to ending mass shootings? Why don’t they ever offer solutions?

There have been over 2,350 posts on this worthless thread.

My Progressive good friends are open to one, and only one solution, theirs. Confiscate all guns and radically increase our violent crime rate in America.

Solid answers have been proposed to Progressives but they are not the ones they want, so they lie and say none have been proposed.

The truth, as we know, is that guns will not be confiscated so get over it. The truth too is that mass shootings will never be eliminated. They can be reduced IF we, as Americans, are willing to sacrifice our personal liberties and freedoms. Those liberties and freedoms would include the government being able to hold in custody and placed in mental hospitals those who expressed themselves as a danger. The government has made formal contact with many of the people who have gone on to be mass killers. Do that and the Democrats/Progressives legal wing, the ACLU would erupt!

Tell me where I'm wrong.
You are wrong when you claim that Progressives want to take all your guns.

This is the same stupid fucking argument you assfucks always use.

Pull your hrad out the the NRA's ass & try to be honest once in awhile.

Look at communities where progressives rule, Dave.

Try to get a concealed carry permit in Chicago or Pyongyang and let me know how it goes. Sure, the progs want to disarm the public.

Are Chicago's gun laws that strict? An explainer
City residents can own firearms but with several conditions: You must be 21 years old and possess a firearm owner's identification (FOID) card and concealed carry license, both issued by Illinois State Police.

Prior to getting a concealed carry license, residents must complete a 16-hour training course, which includes a gun range test that residents must pass, as well as coursework on gun safety. They are also subject to a background check and must pay a $150 application fee. Applicants may be denied a concealed carry license, or have law enforcement agencies object to their applications, if they have particular criminal convictions.

Those who keep guns in the home must hold only a valid FOID card. Gun owners who carry a firearm outside the home must have an FOID and a concealed carry permit.

Not any different than many other major cities. And this has been upheld under Heller V. You should have used NYC for an example. Now, that is one bad place to try and get a CCW. NYC takes at least 8 months, lots of cash and after 8 months, you still may be turned down. In fact, in NYC, it may drag on even longer than that. Now compare the Gun Crimes between NYC and Chicago. Get a real eye opener. The fact is, there are more CCW carriers in Chicago than NYC yet the gun crimes in NYC are only a fraction of Chicagos. There is no proof that more CCWs means less gun crimes.

Yes, actually, there is...about 18 different lines of research show that armed citizens help reduce the crime rate.....and most important? It reduces the crime rate for the victims who use legal guns to save their own lives...
There have been over 2,350 posts on this worthless thread.

My Progressive good friends are open to one, and only one solution, theirs. Confiscate all guns and radically increase our violent crime rate in America.

Solid answers have been proposed to Progressives but they are not the ones they want, so they lie and say none have been proposed.

The truth, as we know, is that guns will not be confiscated so get over it. The truth too is that mass shootings will never be eliminated. They can be reduced IF we, as Americans, are willing to sacrifice our personal liberties and freedoms. Those liberties and freedoms would include the government being able to hold in custody and placed in mental hospitals those who expressed themselves as a danger. The government has made formal contact with many of the people who have gone on to be mass killers. Do that and the Democrats/Progressives legal wing, the ACLU would erupt!

Tell me where I'm wrong.
You are wrong when you claim that Progressives want to take all your guns.

This is the same stupid fucking argument you assfucks always use.

Pull your hrad out the the NRA's ass & try to be honest once in awhile.

Look at communities where progressives rule, Dave.

Try to get a concealed carry permit in Chicago or Pyongyang and let me know how it goes. Sure, the progs want to disarm the public.

Are Chicago's gun laws that strict? An explainer
City residents can own firearms but with several conditions: You must be 21 years old and possess a firearm owner's identification (FOID) card and concealed carry license, both issued by Illinois State Police.

Prior to getting a concealed carry license, residents must complete a 16-hour training course, which includes a gun range test that residents must pass, as well as coursework on gun safety. They are also subject to a background check and must pay a $150 application fee. Applicants may be denied a concealed carry license, or have law enforcement agencies object to their applications, if they have particular criminal convictions.

Those who keep guns in the home must hold only a valid FOID card. Gun owners who carry a firearm outside the home must have an FOID and a concealed carry permit.

Not any different than many other major cities. And this has been upheld under Heller V. You should have used NYC for an example. Now, that is one bad place to try and get a CCW. NYC takes at least 8 months, lots of cash and after 8 months, you still may be turned down. In fact, in NYC, it may drag on even longer than that. Now compare the Gun Crimes between NYC and Chicago. Get a real eye opener. The fact is, there are more CCW carriers in Chicago than NYC yet the gun crimes in NYC are only a fraction of Chicagos. There is no proof that more CCWs means less gun crimes.

Its a lot easier to get a concealed carry permit here in the city of Hermitage PA, and we have a lot crime rate than Chicago or New York.

The fee is just $20, no special classes, the sheriff of the Tremendous County of Mercer makes sure you aren't a wanted criminal.

There have been over 2,350 posts on this worthless thread.

My Progressive good friends are open to one, and only one solution, theirs. Confiscate all guns and radically increase our violent crime rate in America.

Solid answers have been proposed to Progressives but they are not the ones they want, so they lie and say none have been proposed.

The truth, as we know, is that guns will not be confiscated so get over it. The truth too is that mass shootings will never be eliminated. They can be reduced IF we, as Americans, are willing to sacrifice our personal liberties and freedoms. Those liberties and freedoms would include the government being able to hold in custody and placed in mental hospitals those who expressed themselves as a danger. The government has made formal contact with many of the people who have gone on to be mass killers. Do that and the Democrats/Progressives legal wing, the ACLU would erupt!

Tell me where I'm wrong.
You are wrong when you claim that Progressives want to take all your guns.

This is the same stupid fucking argument you assfucks always use.

Pull your hrad out the the NRA's ass & try to be honest once in awhile.

Look at communities where progressives rule, Dave.

Try to get a concealed carry permit in Chicago or Pyongyang and let me know how it goes. Sure, the progs want to disarm the public.

Are Chicago's gun laws that strict? An explainer
City residents can own firearms but with several conditions: You must be 21 years old and possess a firearm owner's identification (FOID) card and concealed carry license, both issued by Illinois State Police.

Prior to getting a concealed carry license, residents must complete a 16-hour training course, which includes a gun range test that residents must pass, as well as coursework on gun safety. They are also subject to a background check and must pay a $150 application fee. Applicants may be denied a concealed carry license, or have law enforcement agencies object to their applications, if they have particular criminal convictions.

Those who keep guns in the home must hold only a valid FOID card. Gun owners who carry a firearm outside the home must have an FOID and a concealed carry permit.

Not any different than many other major cities. And this has been upheld under Heller V. You should have used NYC for an example. Now, that is one bad place to try and get a CCW. NYC takes at least 8 months, lots of cash and after 8 months, you still may be turned down. In fact, in NYC, it may drag on even longer than that. Now compare the Gun Crimes between NYC and Chicago. Get a real eye opener. The fact is, there are more CCW carriers in Chicago than NYC yet the gun crimes in NYC are only a fraction of Chicagos. There is no proof that more CCWs means less gun crimes.

The city of Hermitage PA has a lower crime rate than Chicago, and has a lot less strict rules. $20 a year, and the sheriff of Mercer County just has to check to make sure you aren't a scum bag.

Republican don't want an answer to mass shootings. Mass shootings have shown to sell more guns!
MAss shootings account for 1% of all murder

If you really wanted to address the murder rate you would start with the 70% that occur in our inner city shit holes

I have to disagree with the 1% number.... in 2016 there were 11,004 gun murders, and 71 from mass public shootings..seems to me that is a tad bit shy of 1%.....
Okay, so any level gun control is bad which is of course retarded on its own, but the right can’t even think of any alternatives to curbing gun violence. Saying “no” to everything accomplishes absolutely nothing. It’s astounding we are still at square one.
This is their solution, more guns! Working great isn’t it?

There you go blaming the gun again. Do you have a video of a gun growing arms/legs, walking to where it fires, and shooting itself?
So if these killers had no guns, everyone would still be dead?

A muslim terrorist with a rental truck murdered 86 people...more people than in any mass public shooting here in the states...he also wounded 435 people..in 5 minutes of driving.....
just curious, who would you consider a candidate worthy of the office? give us some names------past or present.
There are 3 problems with the 'Search For The Perfect Candidate' for President:

No one is 'PERFECT'. Everyone has their flaws - EVERYONE. Seek the BEST one you can find.... In 2016 the country was faced with a choice between 2 candidates, both undeniably NOT the best either side had to offer (it seems). The Choice came down to 'THE LESSER OF 2 EVILS'. America chose 'The Lesser of 2 Evils' - they chose correctly, as the results have demonstrated.

Democrats have repeatedly put on display in front of the world their beloved yet completely disgusting, condemnation-worthy Strategy of attempting to not only WIN but to utterly, completely destroy a candidate - their reputation, their life's work, their word, their family, their marriage, their wives / husbands, their children.....They did this with Herman Cain, they did this with Kavanaugh, they have tried to do this will associates of President Trump, and they are trying to do it to the President himself...and quite frankly Americans have had ENOUGH of their $H!T!

There are no 'Perfect Candidates, but there are .Minimum Standards'. In 2016, as a result of an agreement made between Barry and Hillary dating back to the 2008 election, Hillary bullied, scammed, cheated, and stole her way into being the DNC Presidential Nominee...despite having a career-long scandal rap sheet as long as your arm, despite having delivering a Foreign Policy that consisted of:
1) Dragging the US Un-Constitutionally into a war to help the terrorists who slaughtered 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01 take over their own nation by helping them kill the sovereign ruler of a nation that was helping the Coalition fight terrorists in Northern Africa

2) Abandoning US citizens to needlessly die at the hands of those terrorists and then lying about it to save her own political ass

3) Dragging the US into a 2nd war - an International War Crime - by invading a sovereign country in the midst of a civil war without being asked by that nation's President, in an attempt to help terrorists
overthrow that President

4) Allowing North Korea to develop missile technology that would allow them to strike the US with its nuclear missiles

5) Breaking the US promise to an ally to come to its aid in defending its sovereign border, instead allowing Putin to militarily annex Crimea without opposition

6) Delivering / SELLING Uranium One and 20% of the US Supply of uranium to the KGB Bank / Russia

Hillary spent decades being her sexual deviant husband's ENABLER, bullying, demonizing, and silencing his victims while publicly declaring 'Every Woman Must Be Believed' when claiming to be a victim of sexual assault/harassment/rape...spent her entire political career Influence Peddling, etc...

During her 'It's My Turn' DNC-Take-Over Presidential run she was exposed as having operated an illegal unauthorized unencrypted unsecured TOP SECRET+ server with which she violated multiple laws / regs regarding the handling of classified, Obstructed Justice by attempting to destroy evidence (15,000+ official e-mails that proved she did send/receive classified and violated both the FOIA and Federal Records Act), committed Espionage, and facilitated the theft of her classified - information so classified that Obama himself declared it could not be released in any form because if it got out it would cause GRAVE DAMAGE to our national security - by 6 foreign entities, to include Russia and China...all of which she was protected from legal accountability (Indictment/prison) because she was the DNC's 'CHOSEN ONE'.

During her campaign run Hillary and the DNC rigged primaries, cheated in debates, stacked the deck against Bernie Sanders, and in the end GAVE Sanders' earned DNC nomination to the woman who could not win it on her own - Hillary Clinton. During the campaign against Trump she ran the worst campaign in US history - refusing to campaign in entire states...that she eventually lost, violated both Election and Campaign Finance Laws, paid thugs to beat and bloody Trump supporters at Trump rallies, and was even busted for illegally colluding with and paying foreign spies (working for Obama's FBI and with Mueller and the DOJ before Mueller was named Special Counsel) and Russians for their help in trying to win the 2016 election....AND STILL LOST!


The Democrats found out the hard way that Candidates don't have to be 'Perfect' but they can't be the most corrupt, criminal, self-serving, scandal-plagued PsOS. There are MINIMUM STANDARDS ... and Hillary did not meet them.

Again, as far as what did the GOP do to curb violence? Well they DIDN'T:

Hire thugs t beat up Hillary supporters at Hillary rallies.

Incite brainwashed lunatics into attempting to assassinate DNC Politicians through the continues use of violent rhetoric

Call for people to criminally harass elected opposition officials

Call for the a politician's child to be kidnapped and raped by politicians

Call for women to be kidnapped, caged, beaten, and raped - all on camera for 'posterity'

Pose with pictures of a likeness of a DNC Politicians' bloody decapitated head in one hand and a bloody knife in another

Declare they thought of blowing up the WH
Last edited:
Scalia said the second has it's limits. Why do you wish to so heavily arm killers?
This country is not armed well enough... it needs to be better armed.
Buy more guns and ammo...
Yeah we have by far the most guns in the world and our homicide rates are 4-5X higher than countries with strong gun control. What a deal.

Gun control in Britain has resulted in more violence, not less....and countries with extreme gun control have more gun death than we do...just ask Mexico....
Our homicide rate is 4X higher than Britain. Mexico has corrupt law enforcement.

Sorry, you don't get it both ways....Mexico has extreme gun control, they have only one gun store which is run by the Mexican Military....and yet the drug cartels have advanced military weapons which they use freely to murder innocent....unarmed.....Mexican citizens in the 10s of thousands...somehow the Mexican police aren't corrupt enough to keep the average Mexican citizen unarmed.....

And Murder in Britain was low before they banned guns, and it is low after they banned guns which means that their gun control law had no effect on their murder rate....which, by the way, is now increasing as their young males, raised without fathers, have become killers...

You can't buy a Mexican Gun in Mexico. But the way the Cartels get their guns is Strawman Purchases in Texas and Arizona and then smuggle them south. Chicago gangs get theirs the same way. They go to states with really low gun regs and pay US Citizens to purchase the guns. That Citizen can buy as many guns as they wish without raising any eyebrows. Buying 10 a day almost every day, you can easily equip the Cartel to outgun the 275,000 Mexican Army fast if you have numerous straw buyers. We complain about the Mexicans not doing enough to stop the drugs yet we provide the guns that allow the Cartels to outgun the Mexican Authorities.
There have been over 2,350 posts on this worthless thread.

My Progressive good friends are open to one, and only one solution, theirs. Confiscate all guns and radically increase our violent crime rate in America.

Solid answers have been proposed to Progressives but they are not the ones they want, so they lie and say none have been proposed.

The truth, as we know, is that guns will not be confiscated so get over it. The truth too is that mass shootings will never be eliminated. They can be reduced IF we, as Americans, are willing to sacrifice our personal liberties and freedoms. Those liberties and freedoms would include the government being able to hold in custody and placed in mental hospitals those who expressed themselves as a danger. The government has made formal contact with many of the people who have gone on to be mass killers. Do that and the Democrats/Progressives legal wing, the ACLU would erupt!

Tell me where I'm wrong.
You are wrong when you claim that Progressives want to take all your guns.

This is the same stupid fucking argument you assfucks always use.

Pull your hrad out the the NRA's ass & try to be honest once in awhile.

Look at communities where progressives rule, Dave.

Try to get a concealed carry permit in Chicago or Pyongyang and let me know how it goes. Sure, the progs want to disarm the public.

So, because most cities have Democrat leadership, that leadership is to blame for inner city violence? How about the crime rate in the cities run by Republicans? How about violent crime rate in Red States. Why are the top ten states for violent crime mostly Red States?
Okay, so any level gun control is bad which is of course retarded on its own, but the right can’t even think of any alternatives to curbing gun violence. Saying “no” to everything accomplishes absolutely nothing. It’s astounding we are still at square one.
This is their solution, more guns! Working great isn’t it?

There you go blaming the gun again. Do you have a video of a gun growing arms/legs, walking to where it fires, and shooting itself?
So if these killers had no guns, everyone would still be dead?

A muslim terrorist with a rental truck murdered 86 people...more people than in any mass public shooting here in the states...he also wounded 435 people..in 5 minutes of driving.....

McVay probably has that record at 168 dead with 682 confirmed injured. That was before we put the limits on the fertilizer and diesel he used to load up his van. The French didn't learn from us. Yet you bring up a French Bombing. This ain't France.

He has told his supporters to confront protesters with violence. He offered to cover their legal fees.
Get in their faces means to confront them verbally.

Trump is President. He is supposed to act like he is older than 8 years old. He is supposed to tell the truth. He is not supposed to spread hate & violence,
So you are pissed that the President had had enough and resorted to the same tactics as the DC's Presidential candidate and elected DNC politicians?

Actually, President Trump did NOT stoop to Hillary's level. Hillary was caught PAYING thugs to go to Trump rallies and beat and bloody Trump supporters.

As always, Snowflakes accuse others of doing what the Democrats have done / do....

Grow the F* Up!
just curious, who would you consider a candidate worthy of the office? give us some names------past or present.
There are 3 problems with the 'Search For The Perfect Candidate' for President:

No one is 'PERFECT'. Everyone has their flaws - EVERYONE. Seek the BEST one you can find.... In 2016 the country was faced with a choice between 2 candidates, both undeniably NOT the best either side had to offer (it seems). The Choice came down to 'THE LESSER OF 2 EVILS'. America chose 'The Lesser of 2 Evils' - they chose correctly, as the results have demonstrated.

Democrats have repeatedly put on display in front of the world their beloved yet completely disgusting, condemnation-worthy Strategy of attempting to not only WIN but to utterly, completely destroy a candidate - their reputation, their life's work, their word, their family, their marriage, their wives / husbands, their children.....They did this with Herman Cain, they did this with Kavanaugh, they have tried to do this will associates of President Trump, and they are trying to do it to the President himself...and quite frankly Americans have had ENOUGH of their $H!T!

There are no 'Perfect Candidates, but there are .Minimum Standards'. In 2016, as a result of an agreement made between Barry and Hillary dating back to the 2008 election, Hillary bullied, scammed, cheated, and stole her way into being the DNC Presidential Nominee...despite having a career-long scandal rap sheet as long as your arm, despite having delivering a Foreign Policy that consisted of:
1) Dragging the US Un-Constitutionally into a war to help the terrorists who slaughtered 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01 take over their own nation by helping them kill the sovereign ruler of a nation that was helping the Coalition fight terrorists in Northern Africa

2) Abandoning US citizens to needlessly die at the hands of those terrorists and then lying about it to save her own political ass

3) Dragging the US into a 2nd war - an International War Crime - by invading a sovereign country in the midst of a civil war without being asked by that nation's President, in an attempt to help terrorists
overthrow that President

4) Allowing North Korea to develop missile technology that would allow them to strike the US with its nuclear missiles

5) Breaking the US promise to an ally to come to its aid in defending its sovereign border, instead allowing Putin to militarily annex Crimea without opposition

6) Delivering / SELLING Uranium One and 20% of the US Supply of uranium to the KGB Bank / Russia

Hillary spent decades being her sexual deviant husband's ENABLER, bullying, demonizing, and silencing his victims while publicly declaring 'Every Woman Must Be Believed' when claiming to be a victim of sexual assault/harassment/rape...spent her entire political career Influence Peddling, etc...

During her 'It's My Turn' DNC-Take-Over Presidential run she was exposed as having operated an illegal unauthorized unencrypted unsecured TOP SECRET+ server with which she violated multiple laws / regs regarding the handling of classified, Obstructed Justice by attempting to destroy evidence (15,000+ official e-mails that proved she did send/receive classified and violated both the FOIA and Federal Records Act), committed Espionage, and facilitated the theft of her classified - information so classified that Obama himself declared it could not be released in any form because if it got out it would cause GRAVE DAMAGE to our national security - by 6 foreign entities, to include Russia and China...all of which she was protected from legal accountability (Indictment/prison) because she was the DNC's 'CHOSEN ONE'.

During her campaign run Hillary and the DNC rigged primaries, cheated in debates, stacked the deck against Bernie Sanders, and in the end GAVE Sanders' earned DNC nomination to the woman who could not win it on her own - Hillary Clinton. During the campaign against Trump she ran the worst campaign in US history - refusing to campaign in entire states...that she eventually lost, violated both Election and Campaign Finance Laws, paid thugs to beat and bloody Trump supporters at Trump rallies, and was even busted for illegally colluding with and paying foreign spies (working for Obama's FBI and with Mueller and the DOJ before Mueller was named Special Counsel) and Russians for their help in trying to win the 2016 election....AND STILL LOST!


The Democrats found out the hard way that Candidates don't have to be 'Perfect' but they can't be the most corrupt, criminal, self-serving, scandal-plagued PsOS. There are MINIMUM STANDARDS ... and Hillary did not meet them.

Again, as far as what did the GOP do to curb violence? Well they DIDN'T:

Hire thugs t beat up Hillary supporters at Hillary rallies.

Incite brainwashed lunatics into attempting to assassinate DNC Politicians through the continues use of violent rhetoric

Call for people to criminally harass elected opposition officials

Call for the a politician's child to be kidnapped and raped by politicians

Call for women to be kidnapped, caged, beaten, and raped - all on camera for 'posterity'

Pose with pictures of a likeness of a DNC Politicians' bloody decapitated head in one hand and a bloody knife in another

Declare they thought of blowing up the WH
Yep, that evil bitch Hillary sold our Uranium. First of all, Uranium One was a CABNADIAN country so someone solkd our uranioum long before Hillary was in office. Second this has been debunked a gazillion times.

No wonder your posts are so stupid... you ase grossly uninformed.

So, because most cities have Democrat leadership, that leadership is to blame for inner city violence?
Their city. Their policies. Their failures.

Federal Law-Violating Sanctuary Cities? Democrats OWN them...and the results/consequences.
There have been over 2,350 posts on this worthless thread.

My Progressive good friends are open to one, and only one solution, theirs. Confiscate all guns and radically increase our violent crime rate in America.

Solid answers have been proposed to Progressives but they are not the ones they want, so they lie and say none have been proposed.

The truth, as we know, is that guns will not be confiscated so get over it. The truth too is that mass shootings will never be eliminated. They can be reduced IF we, as Americans, are willing to sacrifice our personal liberties and freedoms. Those liberties and freedoms would include the government being able to hold in custody and placed in mental hospitals those who expressed themselves as a danger. The government has made formal contact with many of the people who have gone on to be mass killers. Do that and the Democrats/Progressives legal wing, the ACLU would erupt!

Tell me where I'm wrong.
You are wrong when you claim that Progressives want to take all your guns.

This is the same stupid fucking argument you assfucks always use.

Pull your hrad out the the NRA's ass & try to be honest once in awhile.

Look at communities where progressives rule, Dave.

Try to get a concealed carry permit in Chicago or Pyongyang and let me know how it goes. Sure, the progs want to disarm the public.

Are Chicago's gun laws that strict? An explainer
City residents can own firearms but with several conditions: You must be 21 years old and possess a firearm owner's identification (FOID) card and concealed carry license, both issued by Illinois State Police.

Prior to getting a concealed carry license, residents must complete a 16-hour training course, which includes a gun range test that residents must pass, as well as coursework on gun safety. They are also subject to a background check and must pay a $150 application fee. Applicants may be denied a concealed carry license, or have law enforcement agencies object to their applications, if they have particular criminal convictions.

Those who keep guns in the home must hold only a valid FOID card. Gun owners who carry a firearm outside the home must have an FOID and a concealed carry permit.

Not any different than many other major cities. And this has been upheld under Heller V. You should have used NYC for an example. Now, that is one bad place to try and get a CCW. NYC takes at least 8 months, lots of cash and after 8 months, you still may be turned down. In fact, in NYC, it may drag on even longer than that. Now compare the Gun Crimes between NYC and Chicago. Get a real eye opener. The fact is, there are more CCW carriers in Chicago than NYC yet the gun crimes in NYC are only a fraction of Chicagos. There is no proof that more CCWs means less gun crimes.

Yes, actually, there is...about 18 different lines of research show that armed citizens help reduce the crime rate.....and most important? It reduces the crime rate for the victims who use legal guns to save their own lives...

And if you find 18 (I doubt it) lines that show that without quoting fringe rwnutjob sites, I can find 18 fring lwnutjob lines that says differently There is NO real Evidence of what you claim.

Okay, so any level gun control is bad which is of course retarded on its own, but the right can’t even think of any alternatives to curbing gun violence. Saying “no” to everything accomplishes absolutely nothing. It’s astounding we are still at square one.
This is their solution, more guns! Working great isn’t it?

There you go blaming the gun again. Do you have a video of a gun growing arms/legs, walking to where it fires, and shooting itself?
So if these killers had no guns, everyone would still be dead?

A muslim terrorist with a rental truck murdered 86 people...more people than in any mass public shooting here in the states...he also wounded 435 people..in 5 minutes of driving.....

McVay probably has that record at 168 dead with 682 confirmed injured. That was before we put the limits on the fertilizer and diesel he used to load up his van. The French didn't learn from us. Yet you bring up a French Bombing. This ain't France.


This ain't France or any other European country. Why bring them up when it comes to healthcare?
This country is not armed well enough... it needs to be better armed.
Buy more guns and ammo...
Yeah we have by far the most guns in the world and our homicide rates are 4-5X higher than countries with strong gun control. What a deal.

Gun control in Britain has resulted in more violence, not less....and countries with extreme gun control have more gun death than we do...just ask Mexico....
Our homicide rate is 4X higher than Britain. Mexico has corrupt law enforcement.

Sorry, you don't get it both ways....Mexico has extreme gun control, they have only one gun store which is run by the Mexican Military....and yet the drug cartels have advanced military weapons which they use freely to murder innocent....unarmed.....Mexican citizens in the 10s of thousands...somehow the Mexican police aren't corrupt enough to keep the average Mexican citizen unarmed.....

And Murder in Britain was low before they banned guns, and it is low after they banned guns which means that their gun control law had no effect on their murder rate....which, by the way, is now increasing as their young males, raised without fathers, have become killers...

You can't buy a Mexican Gun in Mexico. But the way the Cartels get their guns is Strawman Purchases in Texas and Arizona and then smuggle them south. Chicago gangs get theirs the same way. They go to states with really low gun regs and pay US Citizens to purchase the guns. That Citizen can buy as many guns as they wish without raising any eyebrows. Buying 10 a day almost every day, you can easily equip the Cartel to outgun the 275,000 Mexican Army fast if you have numerous straw buyers. We complain about the Mexicans not doing enough to stop the drugs yet we provide the guns that allow the Cartels to outgun the Mexican Authorities.

It is/wad perfectly legal to walk into a Arizona gun store & buy 70 AR-15s.
There have been over 2,350 posts on this worthless thread.

My Progressive good friends are open to one, and only one solution, theirs. Confiscate all guns and radically increase our violent crime rate in America.

Solid answers have been proposed to Progressives but they are not the ones they want, so they lie and say none have been proposed.

The truth, as we know, is that guns will not be confiscated so get over it. The truth too is that mass shootings will never be eliminated. They can be reduced IF we, as Americans, are willing to sacrifice our personal liberties and freedoms. Those liberties and freedoms would include the government being able to hold in custody and placed in mental hospitals those who expressed themselves as a danger. The government has made formal contact with many of the people who have gone on to be mass killers. Do that and the Democrats/Progressives legal wing, the ACLU would erupt!

Tell me where I'm wrong.

And, yet, I have never yet read a single post by anyone on this board advocating the confiscation of guns, with the exception of the NRA which uses this lie on a daily basis in it's fear mongering.
just curious, who would you consider a candidate worthy of the office? give us some names------past or present.
There are 3 problems with the 'Search For The Perfect Candidate' for President:

No one is 'PERFECT'. Everyone has their flaws - EVERYONE. Seek the BEST one you can find.... In 2016 the country was faced with a choice between 2 candidates, both undeniably NOT the best either side had to offer (it seems). The Choice came down to 'THE LESSER OF 2 EVILS'. America chose 'The Lesser of 2 Evils' - they chose correctly, as the results have demonstrated.

Democrats have repeatedly put on display in front of the world their beloved yet completely disgusting, condemnation-worthy Strategy of attempting to not only WIN but to utterly, completely destroy a candidate - their reputation, their life's work, their word, their family, their marriage, their wives / husbands, their children.....They did this with Herman Cain, they did this with Kavanaugh, they have tried to do this will associates of President Trump, and they are trying to do it to the President himself...and quite frankly Americans have had ENOUGH of their $H!T!

There are no 'Perfect Candidates, but there are .Minimum Standards'. In 2016, as a result of an agreement made between Barry and Hillary dating back to the 2008 election, Hillary bullied, scammed, cheated, and stole her way into being the DNC Presidential Nominee...despite having a career-long scandal rap sheet as long as your arm, despite having delivering a Foreign Policy that consisted of:
1) Dragging the US Un-Constitutionally into a war to help the terrorists who slaughtered 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01 take over their own nation by helping them kill the sovereign ruler of a nation that was helping the Coalition fight terrorists in Northern Africa

2) Abandoning US citizens to needlessly die at the hands of those terrorists and then lying about it to save her own political ass

3) Dragging the US into a 2nd war - an International War Crime - by invading a sovereign country in the midst of a civil war without being asked by that nation's President, in an attempt to help terrorists
overthrow that President

4) Allowing North Korea to develop missile technology that would allow them to strike the US with its nuclear missiles

5) Breaking the US promise to an ally to come to its aid in defending its sovereign border, instead allowing Putin to militarily annex Crimea without opposition

6) Delivering / SELLING Uranium One and 20% of the US Supply of uranium to the KGB Bank / Russia

Hillary spent decades being her sexual deviant husband's ENABLER, bullying, demonizing, and silencing his victims while publicly declaring 'Every Woman Must Be Believed' when claiming to be a victim of sexual assault/harassment/rape...spent her entire political career Influence Peddling, etc...

During her 'It's My Turn' DNC-Take-Over Presidential run she was exposed as having operated an illegal unauthorized unencrypted unsecured TOP SECRET+ server with which she violated multiple laws / regs regarding the handling of classified, Obstructed Justice by attempting to destroy evidence (15,000+ official e-mails that proved she did send/receive classified and violated both the FOIA and Federal Records Act), committed Espionage, and facilitated the theft of her classified - information so classified that Obama himself declared it could not be released in any form because if it got out it would cause GRAVE DAMAGE to our national security - by 6 foreign entities, to include Russia and China...all of which she was protected from legal accountability (Indictment/prison) because she was the DNC's 'CHOSEN ONE'.

During her campaign run Hillary and the DNC rigged primaries, cheated in debates, stacked the deck against Bernie Sanders, and in the end GAVE Sanders' earned DNC nomination to the woman who could not win it on her own - Hillary Clinton. During the campaign against Trump she ran the worst campaign in US history - refusing to campaign in entire states...that she eventually lost, violated both Election and Campaign Finance Laws, paid thugs to beat and bloody Trump supporters at Trump rallies, and was even busted for illegally colluding with and paying foreign spies (working for Obama's FBI and with Mueller and the DOJ before Mueller was named Special Counsel) and Russians for their help in trying to win the 2016 election....AND STILL LOST!


The Democrats found out the hard way that Candidates don't have to be 'Perfect' but they can't be the most corrupt, criminal, self-serving, scandal-plagued PsOS. There are MINIMUM STANDARDS ... and Hillary did not meet them.

Again, as far as what did the GOP do to curb violence? Well they DIDN'T:

Hire thugs t beat up Hillary supporters at Hillary rallies.

Incite brainwashed lunatics into attempting to assassinate DNC Politicians through the continues use of violent rhetoric

Call for people to criminally harass elected opposition officials

Call for the a politician's child to be kidnapped and raped by politicians

Call for women to be kidnapped, caged, beaten, and raped - all on camera for 'posterity'

Pose with pictures of a likeness of a DNC Politicians' bloody decapitated head in one hand and a bloody knife in another

Declare they thought of blowing up the WH

Mostly FAKE NEWS!!!!!
This is their solution, more guns! Working great isn’t it?

There you go blaming the gun again. Do you have a video of a gun growing arms/legs, walking to where it fires, and shooting itself?
So if these killers had no guns, everyone would still be dead?

A muslim terrorist with a rental truck murdered 86 people...more people than in any mass public shooting here in the states...he also wounded 435 people..in 5 minutes of driving.....

McVay probably has that record at 168 dead with 682 confirmed injured. That was before we put the limits on the fertilizer and diesel he used to load up his van. The French didn't learn from us. Yet you bring up a French Bombing. This ain't France.


This ain't France or any other European country. Why bring them up when it comes to healthcare?

I don't bring up France for Health Care or anything else for that matter. But I do bring up countries like Denmark that did healthcare right without giving up their individual rights. Let's face it, France is a disaster all the way around for terrorist activity. We placed certain regulations into play that won't allow what is happening in France. But we learned the hard way.
There you go blaming the gun again. Do you have a video of a gun growing arms/legs, walking to where it fires, and shooting itself?
So if these killers had no guns, everyone would still be dead?

A muslim terrorist with a rental truck murdered 86 people...more people than in any mass public shooting here in the states...he also wounded 435 people..in 5 minutes of driving.....

McVay probably has that record at 168 dead with 682 confirmed injured. That was before we put the limits on the fertilizer and diesel he used to load up his van. The French didn't learn from us. Yet you bring up a French Bombing. This ain't France.


This ain't France or any other European country. Why bring them up when it comes to healthcare?

I don't bring up France for Health Care or anything else for that matter. But I do bring up countries like Denmark that did healthcare right without giving up their individual rights. Let's face it, France is a disaster all the way around for terrorist activity. We placed certain regulations into play that won't allow what is happening in France. But we learned the hard way.

This ain't Denmark, therefore, a strawman argument.
There have been over 2,350 posts on this worthless thread.

My Progressive good friends are open to one, and only one solution, theirs. Confiscate all guns and radically increase our violent crime rate in America.

Solid answers have been proposed to Progressives but they are not the ones they want, so they lie and say none have been proposed.

The truth, as we know, is that guns will not be confiscated so get over it. The truth too is that mass shootings will never be eliminated. They can be reduced IF we, as Americans, are willing to sacrifice our personal liberties and freedoms. Those liberties and freedoms would include the government being able to hold in custody and placed in mental hospitals those who expressed themselves as a danger. The government has made formal contact with many of the people who have gone on to be mass killers. Do that and the Democrats/Progressives legal wing, the ACLU would erupt!

Tell me where I'm wrong.
You are wrong when you claim that Progressives want to take all your guns.

This is the same stupid fucking argument you assfucks always use.

Pull your hrad out the the NRA's ass & try to be honest once in awhile.

Look at communities where progressives rule, Dave.

Try to get a concealed carry permit in Chicago or Pyongyang and let me know how it goes. Sure, the progs want to disarm the public.

Are Chicago's gun laws that strict? An explainer
City residents can own firearms but with several conditions: You must be 21 years old and possess a firearm owner's identification (FOID) card and concealed carry license, both issued by Illinois State Police.

Prior to getting a concealed carry license, residents must complete a 16-hour training course, which includes a gun range test that residents must pass, as well as coursework on gun safety. They are also subject to a background check and must pay a $150 application fee. Applicants may be denied a concealed carry license, or have law enforcement agencies object to their applications, if they have particular criminal convictions.

Those who keep guns in the home must hold only a valid FOID card. Gun owners who carry a firearm outside the home must have an FOID and a concealed carry permit.

Not any different than many other major cities. And this has been upheld under Heller V. You should have used NYC for an example. Now, that is one bad place to try and get a CCW. NYC takes at least 8 months, lots of cash and after 8 months, you still may be turned down. In fact, in NYC, it may drag on even longer than that. Now compare the Gun Crimes between NYC and Chicago. Get a real eye opener. The fact is, there are more CCW carriers in Chicago than NYC yet the gun crimes in NYC are only a fraction of Chicagos. There is no proof that more CCWs means less gun crimes.

Its a lot easier to get a concealed carry permit here in the city of Hermitage PA, and we have a lot crime rate than Chicago or New York.

The fee is just $20, no special classes, the sheriff of the Tremendous County of Mercer makes sure you aren't a wanted criminal.

There have been over 2,350 posts on this worthless thread.

My Progressive good friends are open to one, and only one solution, theirs. Confiscate all guns and radically increase our violent crime rate in America.

Solid answers have been proposed to Progressives but they are not the ones they want, so they lie and say none have been proposed.

The truth, as we know, is that guns will not be confiscated so get over it. The truth too is that mass shootings will never be eliminated. They can be reduced IF we, as Americans, are willing to sacrifice our personal liberties and freedoms. Those liberties and freedoms would include the government being able to hold in custody and placed in mental hospitals those who expressed themselves as a danger. The government has made formal contact with many of the people who have gone on to be mass killers. Do that and the Democrats/Progressives legal wing, the ACLU would erupt!

Tell me where I'm wrong.
You are wrong when you claim that Progressives want to take all your guns.

This is the same stupid fucking argument you assfucks always use.

Pull your hrad out the the NRA's ass & try to be honest once in awhile.

Look at communities where progressives rule, Dave.

Try to get a concealed carry permit in Chicago or Pyongyang and let me know how it goes. Sure, the progs want to disarm the public.

Are Chicago's gun laws that strict? An explainer
City residents can own firearms but with several conditions: You must be 21 years old and possess a firearm owner's identification (FOID) card and concealed carry license, both issued by Illinois State Police.

Prior to getting a concealed carry license, residents must complete a 16-hour training course, which includes a gun range test that residents must pass, as well as coursework on gun safety. They are also subject to a background check and must pay a $150 application fee. Applicants may be denied a concealed carry license, or have law enforcement agencies object to their applications, if they have particular criminal convictions.

Those who keep guns in the home must hold only a valid FOID card. Gun owners who carry a firearm outside the home must have an FOID and a concealed carry permit.

Not any different than many other major cities. And this has been upheld under Heller V. You should have used NYC for an example. Now, that is one bad place to try and get a CCW. NYC takes at least 8 months, lots of cash and after 8 months, you still may be turned down. In fact, in NYC, it may drag on even longer than that. Now compare the Gun Crimes between NYC and Chicago. Get a real eye opener. The fact is, there are more CCW carriers in Chicago than NYC yet the gun crimes in NYC are only a fraction of Chicagos. There is no proof that more CCWs means less gun crimes.

The city of Hermitage PA has a lower crime rate than Chicago, and has a lot less strict rules. $20 a year, and the sheriff of Mercer County just has to check to make sure you aren't a scum bag.


With a population of just over 16,000 and surrounded by rural areas, it's actually a bit higher than NYC in violent crime inside the city limits. NYC has a lower violent crime rate now than they had in the 1950s. NYC has the lowest violent crime rate of ALL Major Cities.
So if these killers had no guns, everyone would still be dead?

A muslim terrorist with a rental truck murdered 86 people...more people than in any mass public shooting here in the states...he also wounded 435 people..in 5 minutes of driving.....

McVay probably has that record at 168 dead with 682 confirmed injured. That was before we put the limits on the fertilizer and diesel he used to load up his van. The French didn't learn from us. Yet you bring up a French Bombing. This ain't France.


This ain't France or any other European country. Why bring them up when it comes to healthcare?

I don't bring up France for Health Care or anything else for that matter. But I do bring up countries like Denmark that did healthcare right without giving up their individual rights. Let's face it, France is a disaster all the way around for terrorist activity. We placed certain regulations into play that won't allow what is happening in France. But we learned the hard way.

This ain't Denmark, therefore, a strawman argument.

Hey, you rightwingnutjobs brought up France. You don't like the game, don't play it. Here's yer prize


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