What is the republican solution to ending mass shootings? Why don’t they ever offer solutions?

----------------------- i don't agree with you but boy , you worry alot . And the way it is now , heck there are armed people both criminal and law abiders all over the place and the criminals are your enemies RWinger .

33,000 gun deaths a year
That is a lot of armed assholes

2/3 of those are suicides

Suicide is a choice not a crime

2/3 of suicides choose guns
Dead is dead
And if someone make the choices to be dead it's none of your business
Of course it is

I don't like to see people die unnecessarily

So then why do you continue to use suicide to pad your numbers ?

I only ever talk about the murder rate as murder is an actual crime
33,000 gun deaths a year
That is a lot of armed assholes

2/3 of those are suicides

Suicide is a choice not a crime

2/3 of suicides choose guns
Dead is dead
And if someone make the choices to be dead it's none of your business
Of course it is

I don't like to see people die unnecessarily

So then why do you continue to use suicide to pad your numbers ?

I only ever talk about the murder rate as murder is an actual crime

The odd thing is that they talk about "gun violence" and then include suicide, which is not violent at all.
2/3 of those are suicides

Suicide is a choice not a crime

2/3 of suicides choose guns
Dead is dead
And if someone make the choices to be dead it's none of your business
Of course it is

I don't like to see people die unnecessarily

So then why do you continue to use suicide to pad your numbers ?

I only ever talk about the murder rate as murder is an actual crime

The odd thing is that they talk about "gun violence" and then include suicide, which is not violent at all.

It isn't odd, it is the tactic they use.....they lie. Also, they use bait and switch...they will call for a ban on large capacity magazines, knowing that the average citizen thinks 100 round drums are the large capacity magazine the anti gunners want banned. They then vote the power to ban large capacity magazines, and then find out, that no...it isn't the 100 round drum that is banned, but anything over 10 rounds...which means that the average citizen with a standard magazine between 10-15 rounds, is now a criminal in possession of a "high Capacity" magazine and can no longer use the gun they have.....they did this in Colorado....

They lie..... and then the average person who doesn't understand the left wing, who doesn't understand anti gunners, vote in ignorance...

Much like Universal Background checks.... current background checks, from the Federal Government, do not stop mass shooters or criminals from getting guns, which means "universal Background Checks" will also fail to stop criminals and mass shooters from getting guns...which the anti gunners never tell the average citizens. Then, the citizens vote the power to implement universal background checks...assuming they work....only to find the anti gunners coming back with the demand for universal gun registration..which they will say they need to make universal background checks work.....the gun registration being the actual goal of the anti gunners...
You fucking idiots pretend not to understand how serious suicide is and how pertinent to the gun discussion it is

A bullet to the head is final. There is no pumping the stomach. There is no help. One twitch of the finger and it's over.

So yes...guns are an important element in suicide discussions.

Not to mention the fact that most mass shootings are in fact suicides that include untold numbers of innocents
Increases your exposure to armed assholes

Get in a car accident? Armed asshole
That guy drinking and swearing at the football game? Armed asshole
Bump into some guys girlfriend In a crowded bar? Armed asshole
----------------------- i don't agree with you but boy , you worry alot . And the way it is now , heck there are armed people both criminal and law abiders all over the place and the criminals are your enemies RWinger .

33,000 gun deaths a year
That is a lot of armed assholes

2/3 of those are suicides

Suicide is a choice not a crime

2/3 of suicides choose guns
Dead is dead

Wrong....about half choose guns, in Japan, South Korea and China they commit suicide more and don't use guns...

Leading Causes of Death | WISQARS | Injury Center | CDC


gun suicide....22,938

Non gun suicide....21, 763

Try again

We are talking about the US
You fucking idiots pretend not to understand how serious suicide is and how pertinent to the gun discussion it is

A bullet to the head is final. There is no pumping the stomach. There is no help. One twitch of the finger and it's over.

So yes...guns are an important element in suicide discussions.

Not to mention the fact that most mass shootings are in fact suicides that include untold numbers of innocents

You are wrong...

Fact Check, Gun Control and Suicide

There is no relation between suicide rate and gun ownership rates around the world. According to the 2016 World Health Statistics report, (2) suicide rates in the four countries cited as having restrictive gun control laws have suicide rates that are comparable to that in the U. S.: Australia, 11.6, Canada, 11.4, France, 15.8, UK, 7.0, and USA 13.7 suicides/100,000. By comparison, Japan has among the highest suicide rates in the world, 23.1/100,000, but gun ownership is extremely rare, 0.6 guns/100 people.

Suicide is a mental health issue. If guns are not available other means are used. Poisoning, in fact, is the most common method of suicide for U. S. females according to the Washington Post (34 % of suicides), and suffocation the second most common method for males (27%).

Secondly, gun ownership rates in France and Canada are not low, as is implied in the Post article. The rate of gun ownership in the U. S. is indeed high at 88.8 guns/100 residents, but gun ownership rates are also among the world’s highest in the other countries cited. Gun ownership rates in these countries are are as follows: Australia, 15, Canada, 30.8, France, 31.2, and UK 6.2 per 100 residents. (3,4) Gun ownership rates in Saudia Arabia are comparable to that in Canada and France, with 37.8 guns per 100 Saudi residents, yet the lowest suicide rate in the world is in Saudia Arabia (0.3 suicides per 100,000).

Third, recent statistics in the state of Florida show that nearly one third of the guns used in suicides are obtained illegally, putting these firearm deaths beyond control through gun laws.(5)

Fourth, the primary factors affecting suicide rates are personal stresses, cultural, economic, religious factors and demographics. According to the WHO statistics, the highest rates of suicide in the world are in the Republic of Korea, with 36.8 suicides per 100,000, but India, Japan, Russia, and Hungary all have rates above 20 per 100,000; roughly twice as high as the U.S. and the four countries that are the basis for the Post’s calculation that gun control would reduce U.S. suicide rates by 20 to 38 percent. Lebanon, Oman, and Iraq all have suicide rates below 1.1 per 100,000 people--less than 1/10 the suicide rate in the U. S., and Afghanistan, Algeria, Jamaica, Haiti, and Egypt have low suicide rates that are below 4 per 100,000 in contrast to 13.7 suicides/100,000 in the U. S.
----------------------- i don't agree with you but boy , you worry alot . And the way it is now , heck there are armed people both criminal and law abiders all over the place and the criminals are your enemies RWinger .

33,000 gun deaths a year
That is a lot of armed assholes

2/3 of those are suicides

Suicide is a choice not a crime

2/3 of suicides choose guns
Dead is dead

Wrong....about half choose guns, in Japan, South Korea and China they commit suicide more and don't use guns...

Leading Causes of Death | WISQARS | Injury Center | CDC


gun suicide....22,938

Non gun suicide....21, 763

Try again

We are talking about the US

Those number are the U.S.......but the truth is that Japan, Korea and China have the most extreme gun control and higher total suicide rates than we do.....
2/3 of suicides choose guns
Dead is dead
And if someone make the choices to be dead it's none of your business
Of course it is

I don't like to see people die unnecessarily

So then why do you continue to use suicide to pad your numbers ?

I only ever talk about the murder rate as murder is an actual crime

The odd thing is that they talk about "gun violence" and then include suicide, which is not violent at all.

It isn't odd, it is the tactic they use.....they lie. Also, they use bait and switch...they will call for a ban on large capacity magazines, knowing that the average citizen thinks 100 round drums are the large capacity magazine the anti gunners want banned. They then vote the power to ban large capacity magazines, and then find out, that no...it isn't the 100 round drum that is banned, but anything over 10 rounds...which means that the average citizen with a standard magazine between 10-15 rounds, is now a criminal in possession of a "high Capacity" magazine and can no longer use the gun they have.....they did this in Colorado....

They lie..... and then the average person who doesn't understand the left wing, who doesn't understand anti gunners, vote in ignorance...

Much like Universal Background checks.... current background checks, from the Federal Government, do not stop mass shooters or criminals from getting guns, which means "universal Background Checks" will also fail to stop criminals and mass shooters from getting guns...which the anti gunners never tell the average citizens. Then, the citizens vote the power to implement universal background checks...assuming they work....only to find the anti gunners coming back with the demand for universal gun registration..which they will say they need to make universal background checks work.....the gun registration being the actual goal of the anti gunners...
Why is a 30 round magazine needed for anything other than gunning down large numbers of school children?
Republicans don’t offer solutions, only tax cuts for the billionaires.

If those could offer solutions, then we’d be in good shape.
You fucking idiots pretend not to understand how serious suicide is and how pertinent to the gun discussion it is

A bullet to the head is final. There is no pumping the stomach. There is no help. One twitch of the finger and it's over.

So yes...guns are an important element in suicide discussions.

Not to mention the fact that most mass shootings are in fact suicides that include untold numbers of innocents

Mass shooting deaths.....





We are not talking "untold numbers." Falling off ladders kills more people every single year than mass shooters do..... lawn mowers kill more people than every year of mass shooting over the last 35 years...except for 2017, an outlier...

Mass shootings are no reason to take guns away from law abiding gun owners......considering there are close to 600 million guns in private hands and over 17.25 million people who carry them for self defense.....

Can you tell which numbers are bigger?
33,000 gun deaths a year
That is a lot of armed assholes

2/3 of those are suicides

Suicide is a choice not a crime

2/3 of suicides choose guns
Dead is dead

Wrong....about half choose guns, in Japan, South Korea and China they commit suicide more and don't use guns...

Leading Causes of Death | WISQARS | Injury Center | CDC


gun suicide....22,938

Non gun suicide....21, 763

Try again

We are talking about the US

Those number are the U.S.......but the truth is that Japan, Korea and China have the most extreme gun control and higher total suicide rates than we do.....

Try again...we are talking about theUS

In the US , guns are the largest form of suicide

If it were poison or knives, we would be looking at what we can do about those

But it is GUNS
Republicans don’t offer solutions, only tax cuts for the billionaires.

If those could offer solutions, then we’d be in good shape.

That's not true, but when have people like you felt limited by the truth?
You fucking idiots pretend not to understand how serious suicide is and how pertinent to the gun discussion it is

A bullet to the head is final. There is no pumping the stomach. There is no help. One twitch of the finger and it's over.

So yes...guns are an important element in suicide discussions.

Not to mention the fact that most mass shootings are in fact suicides that include untold numbers of innocents
Half of all suicides do not use guns

and suicide is a choice it's not a crime
And if someone make the choices to be dead it's none of your business
Of course it is

I don't like to see people die unnecessarily

So then why do you continue to use suicide to pad your numbers ?

I only ever talk about the murder rate as murder is an actual crime

The odd thing is that they talk about "gun violence" and then include suicide, which is not violent at all.

It isn't odd, it is the tactic they use.....they lie. Also, they use bait and switch...they will call for a ban on large capacity magazines, knowing that the average citizen thinks 100 round drums are the large capacity magazine the anti gunners want banned. They then vote the power to ban large capacity magazines, and then find out, that no...it isn't the 100 round drum that is banned, but anything over 10 rounds...which means that the average citizen with a standard magazine between 10-15 rounds, is now a criminal in possession of a "high Capacity" magazine and can no longer use the gun they have.....they did this in Colorado....

They lie..... and then the average person who doesn't understand the left wing, who doesn't understand anti gunners, vote in ignorance...

Much like Universal Background checks.... current background checks, from the Federal Government, do not stop mass shooters or criminals from getting guns, which means "universal Background Checks" will also fail to stop criminals and mass shooters from getting guns...which the anti gunners never tell the average citizens. Then, the citizens vote the power to implement universal background checks...assuming they work....only to find the anti gunners coming back with the demand for universal gun registration..which they will say they need to make universal background checks work.....the gun registration being the actual goal of the anti gunners...
Why is a 30 round magazine needed for anything other than gunning down large numbers of school children?

Self defense.....and the only reason the Sandy Hook killer killed so many is he targeted Children..... the parkland shooter killed 18 but the shooter in Crimea with a 5 shot, pump action shotgun killed 21....

A law abiding gun owner in a self defense situation deserves as much ammunition as possible to save their lives...... you don't tell the fire department how much water they can use before they get to the fire.....
Republicans don’t offer solutions, only tax cuts for the billionaires.

If those could offer solutions, then we’d be in good shape.

The entire thread on our side has been actual solutions......you offer nothing but more victims.
And if someone make the choices to be dead it's none of your business
Of course it is

I don't like to see people die unnecessarily

So then why do you continue to use suicide to pad your numbers ?

I only ever talk about the murder rate as murder is an actual crime

The odd thing is that they talk about "gun violence" and then include suicide, which is not violent at all.

It isn't odd, it is the tactic they use.....they lie. Also, they use bait and switch...they will call for a ban on large capacity magazines, knowing that the average citizen thinks 100 round drums are the large capacity magazine the anti gunners want banned. They then vote the power to ban large capacity magazines, and then find out, that no...it isn't the 100 round drum that is banned, but anything over 10 rounds...which means that the average citizen with a standard magazine between 10-15 rounds, is now a criminal in possession of a "high Capacity" magazine and can no longer use the gun they have.....they did this in Colorado....

They lie..... and then the average person who doesn't understand the left wing, who doesn't understand anti gunners, vote in ignorance...

Much like Universal Background checks.... current background checks, from the Federal Government, do not stop mass shooters or criminals from getting guns, which means "universal Background Checks" will also fail to stop criminals and mass shooters from getting guns...which the anti gunners never tell the average citizens. Then, the citizens vote the power to implement universal background checks...assuming they work....only to find the anti gunners coming back with the demand for universal gun registration..which they will say they need to make universal background checks work.....the gun registration being the actual goal of the anti gunners...
Why is a 30 round magazine needed for anything other than gunning down large numbers of school children?

It's none of your business what a law abiding citizen owns nor is it your place to tell a law abiding citizen what he needs
Suicide is not relevant in a discussion about gun control. You need to get your facts about suicide correct, not all suicides attempts by gun are fatal. A lot are with 22s and are survived and recovered from completely. I can tell you one you can use that is 100 percent effective lay down across a railroad track. Should we ban trains? Same argument!
2/3 of those are suicides

Suicide is a choice not a crime

2/3 of suicides choose guns
Dead is dead

Wrong....about half choose guns, in Japan, South Korea and China they commit suicide more and don't use guns...

Leading Causes of Death | WISQARS | Injury Center | CDC


gun suicide....22,938

Non gun suicide....21, 763

Try again

We are talking about the US

Those number are the U.S.......but the truth is that Japan, Korea and China have the most extreme gun control and higher total suicide rates than we do.....

Try again...we are talking about theUS

In the US , guns are the largest form of suicide

If it were poison or knives, we would be looking at what we can do about those

But it is GUNS

Suicide is irrelevant to the discussion.

Suicide is not illegal

it is a choice
Okay, so any level gun control is bad which is of course retarded on its own, but the right can’t even think of any alternatives to curbing gun violence. Saying “no” to everything accomplishes absolutely nothing. It’s astounding we are still at square one.

California has some of the most strict gun control laws in the country. How would additional laws have prevented this catastrophe?
I guess it's possible to bring guns in from places that don't regard fun videos lense as a public health problem.
Okay, so any level gun control is bad which is of course retarded on its own, but the right can’t even think of any alternatives to curbing gun violence. Saying “no” to everything accomplishes absolutely nothing. It’s astounding we are still at square one.

First we start by eliminating liberals. Before Liberals gained the wealth and corporate control they now have we didn’t have a mass shooting problem did we?
There’s your solution. Now you can never again say nobody on the right has ever offered a solution.

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