What is the republican solution to ending mass shootings? Why don’t they ever offer solutions?

But, you will not be surrounded by mass shooters because they know they will get smoked in short order.

Think about what you are saying. You would rather be around people who are unarmed when a shooter attacks you all.

Increases your exposure to armed assholes

Get in a car accident? Armed asshole
That guy drinking and swearing at the football game? Armed asshole
Bump into some guys girlfriend In a crowded bar? Armed asshole
----------------------- i don't agree with you but boy , you worry alot . And the way it is now , heck there are armed people both criminal and law abiders all over the place and the criminals are your enemies RWinger .

33,000 gun deaths a year
That is a lot of armed assholes

2/3 of those are suicides

Suicide is a choice not a crime

2/3 of suicides choose guns
Dead is dead
-------------------------- so whats the problem , suiciders get their wish , whats bad about that RWinger ??
Their solution is more guns

Any place you go, you will be surrounded by armed people
But, you will not be surrounded by mass shooters because they know they will get smoked in short order.

Think about what you are saying. You would rather be around people who are unarmed when a shooter attacks you all.

Increases your exposure to armed assholes

Get in a car accident? Armed asshole
That guy drinking and swearing at the football game? Armed asshole
Bump into some guys girlfriend In a crowded bar? Armed asshole

I don’t know of any state that allows a person to be drinking and armed. As a professional driver I can attest to how many assholes are on the road every day, yet we give them a drivers license.

Vehicles can be just as deadly as a firearm as we have found out lately.

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But, you will not be surrounded by mass shooters because they know they will get smoked in short order.

Think about what you are saying. You would rather be around people who are unarmed when a shooter attacks you all.

Increases your exposure to armed assholes

Get in a car accident? Armed asshole
That guy drinking and swearing at the football game? Armed asshole
Bump into some guys girlfriend In a crowded bar? Armed asshole
----------------------- i don't agree with you but boy , you worry alot . And the way it is now , heck there are armed people both criminal and law abiders all over the place and the criminals are your enemies RWinger .

33,000 gun deaths a year
That is a lot of armed assholes
------------------------------------------------ [Thanks RWinger] 33 thousand gun deaths a year , well how many of those 33 thousand needed to be shot by police or homeowners and armed citizens defending themselves . And how many killed themselves RWinger .
33,000 dead Americans
Hoping they were all liberals.
Their solution is more guns

Any place you go, you will be surrounded by armed people
But, you will not be surrounded by mass shooters because they know they will get smoked in short order.

Think about what you are saying. You would rather be around people who are unarmed when a shooter attacks you all.
Most mass shooting incidents involve a shooter who is committing suicide as well as killing others.

How is that a deterrent then?

Theses cowards don’t have the guts to go to prison which is why they kill themselves. And usually they don’t kill themselves until a good guy with a gun arrives on the scene.

They choose gun-free zones because they fear an armed citizen may stop them but not necessarily kill them. Then they would be arrested after leaving the hospital and face what they feared the most: going to jail.

So yes, having people around with guns stops killers like that from making any attempt at a mass murder.

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Okay, so any level gun control is bad which is of course retarded on its own, but the right can’t even think of any alternatives to curbing gun violence. Saying “no” to everything accomplishes absolutely nothing. It’s astounding we are still at square one.
Every night in every inner city which are populated by negroes, there are negro on negro shootings.
These are the violent shitholes where the "mass shooting" stats come from.
The solution? Park a dozen 18 wheelers full of AK 15s and hundreds of thousands of rounds in every inner city in the country. Unlock the back doors and tell the residents to help themselves.
In two weeks the negro on negro gun violence will pretty much be over.
At any time of day or night anyone from a ten year old up can buy a illegal handgun and a loaded clip for fifty bucks or a BJ from a teenage girl family member.
Okay, so any level gun control is bad which is of course retarded on its own, but the right can’t even think of any alternatives to curbing gun violence. Saying “no” to everything accomplishes absolutely nothing. It’s astounding we are still at square one.

They have a singular response to your question. More guns in the hands of more people.

It's insane, but reality is not their forte.
Wrong again

Taking guns from people who don't kill will do absolutely nothing

Telling me that gun restrictions placed on me and the millions of other law abiding gun owners in the country will magically reduce the murder rate is nothing but a bed time story

Oh yes, of course The BIG LIE has proved me wrong; there is a second response, and it's all about gun owners and not a hint about the victims killed and their loved ones.

Q. Which Right is Rightest; the Right to own a gun, or the right to live.

A. The former is or should be a privilege, the later an absolute right.
Okay, so any level gun control is bad which is of course retarded on its own, but the right can’t even think of any alternatives to curbing gun violence. Saying “no” to everything accomplishes absolutely nothing. It’s astounding we are still at square one.

They have a singular response to your question. More guns in the hands of more people.

It's insane, but reality is not their forte.
Wrong again

Taking guns from people who don't kill will do absolutely nothing

Telling me that gun restrictions placed on me and the millions of other law abiding gun owners in the country will magically reduce the murder rate is nothing but a bed time story

Oh yes, of course The BIG LIE has proved me wrong; there is a second response, and it's all about gun owners and not a hint about the victims killed and their loved ones.

Q. Which Right is Rightest; the Right to own a gun, or the right to live.

A. The former is or should be a privilege, the later an absolute right.

False dichotomy

I can own a gun and you can live because I am not a murderer.

My owning a firearm or 100 firearms in no way infringes on your right to live.
Okay, so any level gun control is bad which is of course retarded on its own, but the right can’t even think of any alternatives to curbing gun violence. Saying “no” to everything accomplishes absolutely nothing. It’s astounding we are still at square one.

They have a singular response to your question. More guns in the hands of more people.

It's insane, but reality is not their forte.
Wrong again

Taking guns from people who don't kill will do absolutely nothing

Telling me that gun restrictions placed on me and the millions of other law abiding gun owners in the country will magically reduce the murder rate is nothing but a bed time story

Oh yes, of course The BIG LIE has proved me wrong; there is a second response, and it's all about gun owners and not a hint about the victims killed and their loved ones.

Q. Which Right is Rightest; the Right to own a gun, or the right to live.

A. The former is or should be a privilege, the later an absolute right.
They can't offer a solution. If they did....the NRA checks would stop.
Their solution is more guns

Any place you go, you will be surrounded by armed people

Well, to be honest, I would prefer you not be armed. You seem overly emotional to me.
He's definatly a murderer in waiting.
No he's not. IC'mon, man. Don't stoop to that level of bullshit like the leftists.

He is just wrong and he has an irrational fear of firearms (hoplphobia).

Their solution is more guns

Any place you go, you will be surrounded by armed people

Well, to be honest, I would prefer you not be armed. You seem overly emotional to me.
He's definatly a murderer in waiting.
No he's not. IC'mon, man. Don't stoop to that level of bullshit like the leftists.

He is just wrong and he has an irrational fear of firearms (hoplphobia).

Well probably not, but I'm more inclined to think he or she is an enemy of the state working to hurt this country. I do not think most of them are as stupid as they appear.
They can't offer a solution. If they did....the NRA checks would stop.
The NRA proposed legislation that ANYONE convicted of a crime using a firearm got at the minimum 5 years in the pen. Criminal loving liberal scum like you rejected it.
Increases your exposure to armed assholes

Get in a car accident? Armed asshole
That guy drinking and swearing at the football game? Armed asshole
Bump into some guys girlfriend In a crowded bar? Armed asshole
----------------------- i don't agree with you but boy , you worry alot . And the way it is now , heck there are armed people both criminal and law abiders all over the place and the criminals are your enemies RWinger .

33,000 gun deaths a year
That is a lot of armed assholes

2/3 of those are suicides

Suicide is a choice not a crime

2/3 of suicides choose guns
Dead is dead
And if someone make the choices to be dead it's none of your business
Of course it is

I don't like to see people die unnecessarily
But, you will not be surrounded by mass shooters because they know they will get smoked in short order.

Think about what you are saying. You would rather be around people who are unarmed when a shooter attacks you all.

Increases your exposure to armed assholes

Get in a car accident? Armed asshole
That guy drinking and swearing at the football game? Armed asshole
Bump into some guys girlfriend In a crowded bar? Armed asshole
----------------------- i don't agree with you but boy , you worry alot . And the way it is now , heck there are armed people both criminal and law abiders all over the place and the criminals are your enemies RWinger .

33,000 gun deaths a year
That is a lot of armed assholes

2/3 of those are suicides

Suicide is a choice not a crime

2/3 of suicides choose guns
Dead is dead

Wrong....about half choose guns, in Japan, South Korea and China they commit suicide more and don't use guns...

Leading Causes of Death | WISQARS | Injury Center | CDC


gun suicide....22,938

Non gun suicide....21, 763
----------------------- i don't agree with you but boy , you worry alot . And the way it is now , heck there are armed people both criminal and law abiders all over the place and the criminals are your enemies RWinger .

33,000 gun deaths a year
That is a lot of armed assholes

2/3 of those are suicides

Suicide is a choice not a crime

2/3 of suicides choose guns
Dead is dead
And if someone make the choices to be dead it's none of your business
Of course it is

I don't like to see people die unnecessarily

Neither do we...that is why we advocate for the 2nd Amendment...considering Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to stop criminals, that is a lot of lives saved...not to forget the 12 million unarmed people murdered by their governments in Europe, the 25 million unarmed people murdered in Russia, by their government, the 70 million unarmed people murdered by their government in China........

We don't like to see innocent people die because they didn't have a gun to survive....
There is an easy way to stop it, go back to the start and look at the liberal shit plans that started it like restricting personal freedoms, letting self professed intellectuals start their all out assault on those they consider themselves somehow better than and giving them no recourse by controlling the ability to seek redress. They label those people with some abhorrent label to marginalize them and close the door on them just like a prison cell. Stop that by exterminating dimshits,, and mass shootings outside the drug wars will go away.

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