What is the republican solution to ending mass shootings? Why don’t they ever offer solutions?

Your friends must be pretty bad marksmen...and trying to call a revolver a semi-auto is pretty lame. What is the cocking action and more importantly I was talking about MAGAZINE fed semi-autos. Neither that nor the shotgun are that genius

Still waiting for your definition of an assault weapon.

How is calling a revolver a semi-automatic weapon lame?

What is your point about a shotgun?

You've proven your ignorance of weapons. Why not quit while you're behind?

Abraham Lincoln
“It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt.”

I see crimson fish all over your post.
America is not like other nations. We have more rights. It is not a place for wormy little twat burgers. We have the power to overthrow and replace our government by force. Citizens of other nations do not.

As such, we cannot ever hope to be rid of guns. They are necessary and unavoidable. That is the price we pay for having power over our own government.

Pussies who don't want the responsibility of arming and protecting themselves can die or get the fuck out.



Fact: The General Public (yes people like you and me) wouldn't stand a tinkers chance trying to overthrow the government. While success is rewarded by forcing to remake another nation, failure means either life in prison or death by execution.

Fact: Only in your Wet Dreams
How many guns does the federal government have? Boots on the ground?

You have consistently demonstrated your lack of military tactical knowledge on this topic to an embarassing degree. I think you have been lying about your military background, or you were a janitor or something where battle plans were things you cleaned up when the real fighters were done planning.

No amount of air dominance can ever hold the ground. Only boots on the ground can hold. The US military would be horrifically out gunned, and that is assuming half or more didn't defect.

You know cocksucking shit if you think any militarty force on the fucking planet is capable of defeating an army of only 10% of the population. All the military forces of every country combined does not equal even 10 million.

So, please. Enough with this bullshit about not being able to overthrow the government. It would take less than 5% of the population to be completely insurmountable by all the world's militaries combined. Just stop.

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Okay, so any level gun control is bad which is of course retarded on its own, but the right can’t even think of any alternatives to curbing gun violence. Saying “no” to everything accomplishes absolutely nothing. It’s astounding we are still at square one.
What about Islamic Terrorist control. Lets outlaw Islam and end terrorism.
America is not like other nations. We have more rights. It is not a place for wormy little twat burgers. We have the power to overthrow and replace our government by force. Citizens of other nations do not.

Oh, I agree, America is not like other countries.

We have the lowest life expectancy in the industrialized world
The highest crime rates
The highest rate of illiteracy
The most people incarcerated of anywhere in the world.

It's really all kinds of fucked up, but dumb people like you think you are free because you can cling to your gun and your bible while the One Percent fucks you in the ass.
We have the lowest life expectancy in the industrialized world
Not because of guns. Not even close.

The highest crime rates
That is cocksucking bullshit.

The highest rate of illiteracy
Oh my god, you don't know shit.

The most people incarcerated of anywhere in the world.
On this point, we agree. I would love to do something about that, but I am too busy fighting with communists over my guns.

It's really all kinds of fucked up, but dumb people like you think you are free because you can cling to your gun and your bible while the One Percent fucks you in the ass.
I am pretty much one of the biggest religion skeptics on this message board. You don't know me.
Ban Gun Free Zones. Allow Constitutional concealed carry like several states already do. Promote gun safety in schools to de-mystify firearms. Have the police come into school with NRA gun safety experts to talk about how to safely handle firearms.
Their solution is more guns

Any place you go, you will be surrounded by armed people
So what good ones did the Democrats ever come up with? Assault weapons ban? Oh yes, we had that already. It was a total failure. Any other good ideas?

Actually, it was VERY affective. But the NRA waited until 1998 when the ban ran out and spent millions promoting the AR and it's clones. They promoted fear and helped to create the Cult of the AR God. We are past that now. No one is afraid like the NRA and your bunch tries even today to make them. As it stands now, in the gun shops, the AR types are lining the shelves and just gathering dust. There are no new buyers. The Buyers that would buy an AR already bought them. You are just trying to continue a PR that even the NRA gave up on.

Around here, we stopped the AR Cult religion since it's really stupid. But if you want to pray to your "God" go ahead, I won't stop you. Hell, you can pray to a ham sandwich for all I care.

Ban on assault weapons didn’t reduce violence

No, but it kept the body count down. Not to worry, the low body count was made up for after 1998

No, it had nothing to do with it. Violent (and gun) crime has been on the decrease since the early 90's. After the ban was not renewed, it continued in that direction. It wasn't until the Ferguson Effect kicked in that it increased again.

Between fading memories and a great economy, it's back on the decline. If you're looking for a true measure, gun crimes decreased as more and more states adopted CCW programs and laws supporting the victims instead of the criminals. Just because mass murders seem to be more frequent doesn't mean something is wrong with gun laws. It means we are not detecting kooks early enough or doing anything about it.

If you really want to see a decrease in murders overall, what we need is public executions for murderers. We need to fast-track the appeals process so it doesn't take 14 years to carry out the death penalty. Three months, all appeals should be exhausted.

That would cut down our murder rate by at least half, and you don't have to trample on others constitutional rights to do so.

Yours keeps bringing up the 2nd amendment and then misquoting it. Actually, outside of the higher classes of weapons, the Federal Government (as in Congress) has completely stayed out of this mess as they should. But the States have a huge latitude in what they can do and can't do. And if the State does it (outside of the Heller Case for Handguns) then it's constitutional.

IF it’s constitutional. Right now it would be foolish for a lib state to push a questionable policy or law that may end up at the Supreme Court.

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American firearms expert and retired Marine colonel Jeff Cooper coined the word in 1962 to denigrate and anger proponents of gun control by implying that their thoughts were "aberrant" and unreasoning:

I coined the term "hoplophobia" in 1962 in response to a perceived need for a word to describe a mental aberration consisting of an unreasoning terror of gadgetry, specifically, weapons. The most common manifestation of hoplophobia is the idea that instruments possess a will of their own, apart from that of their user. This is not a reasoned position, but when you point this out to a hoplophobe he is not impressed because his is an unreasonable position. To convince a man that he is not making sense is not to change his viewpoint but rather to make an enemy. Thus hoplophobia is a useful word, but as with all words, it should be used correctly.

Hoplophobia - Wikipedia

Their solution is more guns

Any place you go, you will be surrounded by armed people
But, you will not be surrounded by mass shooters because they know they will get smoked in short order.

Think about what you are saying. You would rather be around people who are unarmed when a shooter attacks you all.
Most mass shooting incidents involve a shooter who is committing suicide as well as killing others.

How is that a deterrent then?
Their solution is more guns

Any place you go, you will be surrounded by armed people
But, you will not be surrounded by mass shooters because they know they will get smoked in short order.

Think about what you are saying. You would rather be around people who are unarmed when a shooter attacks you all.

Increases your exposure to armed assholes

Get in a car accident? Armed asshole
That guy drinking and swearing at the football game? Armed asshole
Bump into some guys girlfriend In a crowded bar? Armed asshole
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I can't speak for Republicans, but here are a few suggestions:

Violent Leftist Rhetoric Led To a Deranged Snowflake Attempting To Assassinate GOP Politicians, Successfully Shooting Rep Scalise. Democrats literally paused for 1 DAY before diving back into more violent rhetoric and calls to stalk / harass Conservatives. Democrats called for the President's son and female members of his team to be kidnapped, beaten, and raped. Such actions are BEYOND 'triggered'.

Americans have watched the Left trample the Justice system by protecting proven criminals who should be in prison today, undermining faith in both the Justice system and government. When people no longer believe the government is able / willing to hold everyone equally accountable some tend to turn to taking the laws into their own hands.

During his 8 years in office Barak Obama illegally armed terrorists, criminals, and Drug Cartels. Through his disastrous 'Fast and Furious' GUN-RUNNING Operation, Obama armed Mexican Drug Cartels with thousands of automatic weapons and grenades. The goal was to create a BODY COUNT high enough to pave the way for a valid attempt to institute gun-control / alter the 2nd Amendment. Yup - that's right...Barry was willing to SACRIFICE LIVES for disarming America. 4 Americans were murdered with those weapons - not one of Obama's administration / those involved were seriously held accountable.

Obama protected violent illegals, violent illegal gangs like MS13, Drug cartels, Human Traffickers, and terrorists and allowed them to come into the country. After getting into the country, Obama protected them by supporting federal law-violating sanctuary cities. Obama mocked Americans for 'being afraid of widows and orphans', helped a terrorist get a visa, and within a week later the terrorist murdered 7 Americans in California in a terrorist attack. Instead of allowing 1500+ undocumented, unidentified illegals into the country PER DAY, secure the borders and enforce existing Immigration and other Laws.

Poverty, hopelessness - both contribute to violent crimes. For decades Democrats have imposed 'economic slavery' on Americans, ensuring the shackles of poverty and hopelessness remained around their ankles, ensuring they would remain dependent on tax-payer-funded social programs like Welfare, Food Stamps, etc....because a Dependent America meant more votes for Democrats to ensure the money kept flowing. The current President has delivered the strongest economy in decades, lowest unemployment in decades/ever, and record success....all of which the Democrats have vowed to eliminate once in the House. WTF? WHY? For a return to Obama era unemployment, a return to dependency on Govt / Democrats, and more votes for Democrats to help them finally win some elections.

When an incident happens Democrats rush to politicize the shooting and take advantage of the raw emotion generated as the news shows SWAT teams moving in and bodies still on the ground on-scene. The 1st thing emotionally manipulated snowflake wants to do is parrot the fake news accusations of their liberal masters - claiming the President is responsible for the murder of 10, 12 people because some mentally deranges psycho goes on a shooting spree and attempting to brand ever Conservative such a freak by declaring the one guy represents all Conservatives ... yet completely reject / deny the same applies when some mentally deranged snowflake attempts to assassinate GOP politicians on the ball field. STOP ignoring the facts and the incidents of mental illness. That continues to be ignored because it is difficult to address. It is easier to demonize a whole group of people.

There are just a few....
Most mass shooting incidents involve a shooter who is committing suicide as well as killing others.

How is that a deterrent then?

Why do they do a mass shooting before they off themselves? Why not just eat a bullet and be done?

They want the body count. Being able to hit a soft target gives them the body count because they will not be challenged until they are done with their blaze of glory.

But, you probably already knew this. You're just a hoplophobe. Guns around you scare you.

Their solution is more guns

Any place you go, you will be surrounded by armed people
But, you will not be surrounded by mass shooters because they know they will get smoked in short order.

Think about what you are saying. You would rather be around people who are unarmed when a shooter attacks you all.

Increases your exposure to armed assholes

Get in a car accident? Armed asshole
That guy drinking and swearing at the football game? Armed asshole
Bump into some guys girlfriend In a crowded bar? Armed asshole
----------------------- i don't agree with you but boy , you worry alot . And the way it is now , heck there are armed people both criminal and law abiders all over the place and the criminals are your enemies RWinger .
Okay, so any level gun control is bad which is of course retarded on its own, but the right can’t even think of any alternatives to curbing gun violence. Saying “no” to everything accomplishes absolutely nothing. It’s astounding we are still at square one.

Mental hospitals. In every town, coast to coast.

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