What is the republican solution to ending mass shootings? Why don’t they ever offer solutions?

America is not like other nations. We have more rights. It is not a place for wormy little twat burgers. We have the power to overthrow and replace our government by force. Citizens of other nations do not.

As such, we cannot ever hope to be rid of guns. They are necessary and unavoidable. That is the price we pay for having power over our own government.

Pussies who don't want the responsibility of arming and protecting themselves can die or get the fuck out.



Fact: The General Public (yes people like you and me) wouldn't stand a tinkers chance trying to overthrow the government. While success is rewarded by forcing to remake another nation, failure means either life in prison or death by execution.

Fact: Only in your Wet Dreams
Okay, so any level gun control is bad which is of course retarded on its own, but the right can’t even think of any alternatives to curbing gun violence. Saying “no” to everything accomplishes absolutely nothing. It’s astounding we are still at square one.
More freedom will help end mass shootings.
Okay, so any level gun control is bad which is of course retarded on its own, but the right can’t even think of any alternatives to curbing gun violence. Saying “no” to everything accomplishes absolutely nothing. It’s astounding we are still at square one.
It is not astounding at all, since there is no solution to gun violence in the US. As the recent mass shooting in Ca. showed, tougher gun control laws don't prevent mass shootings, and such laws will not keep guns out of the hands of gangs, drug dealers and other criminals. As things stand now, if you say, no, to every bad idea about ending gun violence, you've said, no, to all ideas about how to end gun violence since ther are no good ideas on the subject.

Perhaps we need to enforce the laws on the books and get the mentally ill into hospitals where they can be treated and prevented from having a firearm.
That would do nothing to address most of the gun violence and giving the government the power to lock people up because of what they might do is very dangerous.
Okay, so any level gun control is bad which is of course retarded on its own, but the right can’t even think of any alternatives to curbing gun violence. Saying “no” to everything accomplishes absolutely nothing. It’s astounding we are still at square one.
It is not astounding at all, since there is no solution to gun violence in the US. As the recent mass shooting in Ca. showed, tougher gun control laws don't prevent mass shootings, and such laws will not keep guns out of the hands of gangs, drug dealers and other criminals. As things stand now, if you say, no, to every bad idea about ending gun violence, you've said, no, to all ideas about how to end gun violence since ther are no good ideas on the subject.
So we just "shrug and get used to it"?

I think not.

We had a ten year ban on assault weapons and not only did the sky not fall...but the number of mass shootings decreased
The number of deaths as the result of mass shootings is miniscule as compared to the total number of shooting deaths in the US, so while banning assault weapons might have made some slight difference, it does not address the greater problem of gun violence in the US.
Okay, so any level gun control is bad which is of course retarded on its own, but the right can’t even think of any alternatives to curbing gun violence. Saying “no” to everything accomplishes absolutely nothing. It’s astounding we are still at square one.
More freedom will help end mass shootings.

Nice sound bite. Now, tell us what it means.
Okay, so any level gun control is bad which is of course retarded on its own, but the right can’t even think of any alternatives to curbing gun violence. Saying “no” to everything accomplishes absolutely nothing. It’s astounding we are still at square one.
It is not astounding at all, since there is no solution to gun violence in the US. As the recent mass shooting in Ca. showed, tougher gun control laws don't prevent mass shootings, and such laws will not keep guns out of the hands of gangs, drug dealers and other criminals. As things stand now, if you say, no, to every bad idea about ending gun violence, you've said, no, to all ideas about how to end gun violence since ther are no good ideas on the subject.
So we just "shrug and get used to it"?

I think not.

We had a ten year ban on assault weapons and not only did the sky not fall...but the number of mass shootings decreased
The number of deaths as the result of mass shootings is miniscule as compared to the total number of shooting deaths in the US, so while banning assault weapons might have made some slight difference, it does not address the greater problem of gun violence in the US.

We have some control over the Mass shootings. While we can't stop them, we can make them more difficult to commit and take away some of the tools used. But most of all, we can end the Cult of the Well Dressed Mass Shooter.
Okay, so any level gun control is bad which is of course retarded on its own, but the right can’t even think of any alternatives to curbing gun violence. Saying “no” to everything accomplishes absolutely nothing. It’s astounding we are still at square one.

If you had thought this out you would realize that the left is offering no solution either. Since you are one, you tell us how to stop it. What is your grand plan?
Okay, so any level gun control is bad which is of course retarded on its own, but the right can’t even think of any alternatives to curbing gun violence. Saying “no” to everything accomplishes absolutely nothing. It’s astounding we are still at square one.
It is not astounding at all, since there is no solution to gun violence in the US. As the recent mass shooting in Ca. showed, tougher gun control laws don't prevent mass shootings, and such laws will not keep guns out of the hands of gangs, drug dealers and other criminals. As things stand now, if you say, no, to every bad idea about ending gun violence, you've said, no, to all ideas about how to end gun violence since ther are no good ideas on the subject.
So we just "shrug and get used to it"?

I think not.

We had a ten year ban on assault weapons and not only did the sky not fall...but the number of mass shootings decreased
The number of deaths as the result of mass shootings is miniscule as compared to the total number of shooting deaths in the US, so while banning assault weapons might have made some slight difference, it does not address the greater problem of gun violence in the US.

We have some control over the Mass shootings. While we can't stop them, we can make them more difficult to commit and take away some of the tools used. But most of all, we can end the Cult of the Well Dressed Mass Shooter.
So you are saying that while more gun control is not a solution to gun violence it is a satisfying political gesture.
Okay, so any level gun control is bad which is of course retarded on its own, but the right can’t even think of any alternatives to curbing gun violence. Saying “no” to everything accomplishes absolutely nothing. It’s astounding we are still at square one.
It is not astounding at all, since there is no solution to gun violence in the US. As the recent mass shooting in Ca. showed, tougher gun control laws don't prevent mass shootings, and such laws will not keep guns out of the hands of gangs, drug dealers and other criminals. As things stand now, if you say, no, to every bad idea about ending gun violence, you've said, no, to all ideas about how to end gun violence since ther are no good ideas on the subject.
So we just "shrug and get used to it"?

I think not.

We had a ten year ban on assault weapons and not only did the sky not fall...but the number of mass shootings decreased
The number of deaths as the result of mass shootings is miniscule as compared to the total number of shooting deaths in the US, so while banning assault weapons might have made some slight difference, it does not address the greater problem of gun violence in the US.

We have some control over the Mass shootings. While we can't stop them, we can make them more difficult to commit and take away some of the tools used. But most of all, we can end the Cult of the Well Dressed Mass Shooter.
So you are saying that while more gun control is not a solution to gun violence it is a satisfying political gesture.

No, you are saying that. Once again, you are trying to tell me what I should think. We have all but ended the Cult of the Well Dressed Mass Killer here. But it took 3 of them to do it. At some point the public has to say, "Enough". So we adopted common sense run regulations AND educated our Cops, Schools and General Public on how to recognize the shooter before they get to the gate, how to identify and stop them at the gate and how to protect the students through one way doors made of steel and emergency procedures. What's the worth of trying when you can't even get within 1000 feet of the front gate and if you do, you get bagged at the gate. And if you get beyond that, there are no targets to shoot. Our Schools are some of the safest places in the world yet they are primarily Gun Free Zones with the exception of a handful of armed and well trained Security Guards.

Now, what are YOU going to suggest for the other Mass Shootings. And I don't mean the up to 13 killed. I mean people going for a new body count record.
Okay, so any level gun control is bad which is of course retarded on its own, but the right can’t even think of any alternatives to curbing gun violence. Saying “no” to everything accomplishes absolutely nothing. It’s astounding we are still at square one.

California has some of the most strict gun control laws in the country. How would additional laws have prevented this catastrophe?

They wouldn't.

Gun control is bullshit. There are more than enough laws on the books pertaining to guns.

The gun is the tool. The person using it is the weapon.

And there will always be people out there who will kill.

Not hard to get a gun. Big black market out there for guns. No paper to fill out. No wait. If you have the cash, you have the gun.

Gun control laws don't affect anyone but the honest gun owner.
It is not astounding at all, since there is no solution to gun violence in the US. As the recent mass shooting in Ca. showed, tougher gun control laws don't prevent mass shootings, and such laws will not keep guns out of the hands of gangs, drug dealers and other criminals. As things stand now, if you say, no, to every bad idea about ending gun violence, you've said, no, to all ideas about how to end gun violence since ther are no good ideas on the subject.
So we just "shrug and get used to it"?

I think not.

We had a ten year ban on assault weapons and not only did the sky not fall...but the number of mass shootings decreased
The number of deaths as the result of mass shootings is miniscule as compared to the total number of shooting deaths in the US, so while banning assault weapons might have made some slight difference, it does not address the greater problem of gun violence in the US.

We have some control over the Mass shootings. While we can't stop them, we can make them more difficult to commit and take away some of the tools used. But most of all, we can end the Cult of the Well Dressed Mass Shooter.
So you are saying that while more gun control is not a solution to gun violence it is a satisfying political gesture.

No, you are saying that. Once again, you are trying to tell me what I should think. We have all but ended the Cult of the Well Dressed Mass Killer here. But it took 3 of them to do it. At some point the public has to say, "Enough". So we adopted common sense run regulations AND educated our Cops, Schools and General Public on how to recognize the shooter before they get to the gate, how to identify and stop them at the gate and how to protect the students through one way doors made of steel and emergency procedures. What's the worth of trying when you can't even get within 1000 feet of the front gate and if you do, you get bagged at the gate. And if you get beyond that, there are no targets to shoot. Our Schools are some of the safest places in the world yet they are primarily Gun Free Zones with the exception of a handful of armed and well trained Security Guards.

Now, what are YOU going to suggest for the other Mass Shootings. And I don't mean the up to 13 killed. I mean people going for a new body count record.
The subject was gun violence, and while it is possible to fortify certain discrete areas to make them safe, this idea has little to no relevance to the topic of gun violence in America.
So we just "shrug and get used to it"?

I think not.

We had a ten year ban on assault weapons and not only did the sky not fall...but the number of mass shootings decreased
The number of deaths as the result of mass shootings is miniscule as compared to the total number of shooting deaths in the US, so while banning assault weapons might have made some slight difference, it does not address the greater problem of gun violence in the US.

We have some control over the Mass shootings. While we can't stop them, we can make them more difficult to commit and take away some of the tools used. But most of all, we can end the Cult of the Well Dressed Mass Shooter.
So you are saying that while more gun control is not a solution to gun violence it is a satisfying political gesture.

No, you are saying that. Once again, you are trying to tell me what I should think. We have all but ended the Cult of the Well Dressed Mass Killer here. But it took 3 of them to do it. At some point the public has to say, "Enough". So we adopted common sense run regulations AND educated our Cops, Schools and General Public on how to recognize the shooter before they get to the gate, how to identify and stop them at the gate and how to protect the students through one way doors made of steel and emergency procedures. What's the worth of trying when you can't even get within 1000 feet of the front gate and if you do, you get bagged at the gate. And if you get beyond that, there are no targets to shoot. Our Schools are some of the safest places in the world yet they are primarily Gun Free Zones with the exception of a handful of armed and well trained Security Guards.

Now, what are YOU going to suggest for the other Mass Shootings. And I don't mean the up to 13 killed. I mean people going for a new body count record.
The subject was gun violence, and while it is possible to fortify certain discrete areas to make them safe, this idea has little to no relevance to the topic of gun violence in America.

1. Make it difficult to get your weapon to a target rich environment. Meaning, Schools and Theaters and such using various methods that DO work and are being implemented across the United States. We can't stop the criminal drive bys or the angry birds through these methods but a least we can keep the body count down.

2. Do something about the Cult that worships the AR. We started doing that in 2013 and that Cult is all but broken up. In the stores, AR-15s line the shelves and the only use they have is to collect dust. This was accomplished a little by laws but mostly by the community just getting fed up. If you go out and go on about how wonderful your AR is and what a great hunting rifle it is, chances are, you are going to be sitting alone after the first sentence. You say how great your AR is and almost everyone else will come up with their own idea to do the same job and all but you will agree that the weapons they suggest are much better. Most gun owners don't and won't own an AR since there are better alternatives for the same money. Just get rid of the Cult status. The AR won't go away but after it clutters up the store's shelves so long, they are going to start dropping the price. Right now, I can get a MP-15 SW for 399. It retails for 599, I believe. It's normally sold in gun shops for 499. Even at 399 it just gathers dust.

3. Educate the Public on what to look for, how to act, when to call the cops, etc.. Believe it or not, this is the most important one. It doesn't take another gun to stop a shooter, it takes a community.

The OP was talking about Mass Shootings, not individual murders or accidental discharges. You want to strawman away from that. Notice what I keep saying. I don't say we need more gun laws. But most of it is done through community and cop education. This also reduces the individual murders and accidental discharges. I do push what I call "Common Sense Gun Regulations". I see them work every day when mixed with the 3 points I already made. It stopped a shooter headed for a school outside the gate already here. And what was he packing? Guess.

So let's stay on point here. It makes a safer community and a happier community. If it isn't safe where you are maybe you should take these ideas to the next Council Meetings and form a panel to do them. If that isn't possible maybe you should just move. If you don't want this, stay where you are we may find that you are not as safe a person as we want in our community.
Republicans don't have solutions for anything.

Unless the question is how they can help needy billionaires and corporations.

Progressives are far too dumb and lost to recognize the wealthiest among us are progressives. Those running the internet are wealthy progressives. The wealthiest zip codes are progressive. Progressive ideology builds the income gap until there's only the mega poor and mega wealthy. Yet according to this dip shit, it's Republicans who support them instead of Democrats.
Then why do Republicans give tax breaks to billionaires and corporations? Are you sure you know you’re talking about?
We tried taxing the shit out of companies during Obama's term...it didn't work...it cost us jobs and we lost companies and had an 8 year recession we couldn't get out of....Trump lowers taxes across the board and we have more jobs than we need which is raising wages.....
Really? Guns caused the recession?

But gun sales were INCREASING during the Obama years.

You have some serious fact and logic issues
I was responding to dean dummy....
The number of deaths as the result of mass shootings is miniscule as compared to the total number of shooting deaths in the US, so while banning assault weapons might have made some slight difference, it does not address the greater problem of gun violence in the US.

We have some control over the Mass shootings. While we can't stop them, we can make them more difficult to commit and take away some of the tools used. But most of all, we can end the Cult of the Well Dressed Mass Shooter.
So you are saying that while more gun control is not a solution to gun violence it is a satisfying political gesture.

No, you are saying that. Once again, you are trying to tell me what I should think. We have all but ended the Cult of the Well Dressed Mass Killer here. But it took 3 of them to do it. At some point the public has to say, "Enough". So we adopted common sense run regulations AND educated our Cops, Schools and General Public on how to recognize the shooter before they get to the gate, how to identify and stop them at the gate and how to protect the students through one way doors made of steel and emergency procedures. What's the worth of trying when you can't even get within 1000 feet of the front gate and if you do, you get bagged at the gate. And if you get beyond that, there are no targets to shoot. Our Schools are some of the safest places in the world yet they are primarily Gun Free Zones with the exception of a handful of armed and well trained Security Guards.

Now, what are YOU going to suggest for the other Mass Shootings. And I don't mean the up to 13 killed. I mean people going for a new body count record.
The subject was gun violence, and while it is possible to fortify certain discrete areas to make them safe, this idea has little to no relevance to the topic of gun violence in America.

1. Make it difficult to get your weapon to a target rich environment. Meaning, Schools and Theaters and such using various methods that DO work and are being implemented across the United States. We can't stop the criminal drive bys or the angry birds through these methods but a least we can keep the body count down.

2. Do something about the Cult that worships the AR. We started doing that in 2013 and that Cult is all but broken up. In the stores, AR-15s line the shelves and the only use they have is to collect dust. This was accomplished a little by laws but mostly by the community just getting fed up. If you go out and go on about how wonderful your AR is and what a great hunting rifle it is, chances are, you are going to be sitting alone after the first sentence. You say how great your AR is and almost everyone else will come up with their own idea to do the same job and all but you will agree that the weapons they suggest are much better. Most gun owners don't and won't own an AR since there are better alternatives for the same money. Just get rid of the Cult status. The AR won't go away but after it clutters up the store's shelves so long, they are going to start dropping the price. Right now, I can get a MP-15 SW for 399. It retails for 599, I believe. It's normally sold in gun shops for 499. Even at 399 it just gathers dust.

3. Educate the Public on what to look for, how to act, when to call the cops, etc.. Believe it or not, this is the most important one. It doesn't take another gun to stop a shooter, it takes a community.

The OP was talking about Mass Shootings, not individual murders or accidental discharges. You want to strawman away from that. Notice what I keep saying. I don't say we need more gun laws. But most of it is done through community and cop education. This also reduces the individual murders and accidental discharges. I do push what I call "Common Sense Gun Regulations". I see them work every day when mixed with the 3 points I already made. It stopped a shooter headed for a school outside the gate already here. And what was he packing? Guess.

So let's stay on point here. It makes a safer community and a happier community. If it isn't safe where you are maybe you should take these ideas to the next Council Meetings and form a panel to do them. If that isn't possible maybe you should just move. If you don't want this, stay where you are we may find that you are not as safe a person as we want in our community.
Considering the size and population of the US, mass shootings are rare, but you can make them somewhat more difficult to bring off in certain areas by fortifying these areas, but it is unlikely you would be able to fortify every area where people gather, and if you "educate" citizens about what to look out for, you will also be educating would be shooters what not to look like. The effect will be marginal and the cost and level of fear generated by all these measures will be quite large.
Or you could do away with magazine fed semi -auto weapons...making the carnage in these cases so much less
Okay, so any level gun control is bad which is of course retarded on its own, but the right can’t even think of any alternatives to curbing gun violence. Saying “no” to everything accomplishes absolutely nothing. It’s astounding we are still at square one.
It is not astounding at all, since there is no solution to gun violence in the US. As the recent mass shooting in Ca. showed, tougher gun control laws don't prevent mass shootings, and such laws will not keep guns out of the hands of gangs, drug dealers and other criminals. As things stand now, if you say, no, to every bad idea about ending gun violence, you've said, no, to all ideas about how to end gun violence since ther are no good ideas on the subject.

Perhaps we need to enforce the laws on the books and get the mentally ill into hospitals where they can be treated and prevented from having a firearm.
That would do nothing to address most of the gun violence and giving the government the power to lock people up because of what they might do is very dangerous.

Bull. Enforcing the laws we have now and getting help for the mentally ill would address gun violence in the MOST effective way. If you have to lie, you have nothing to say.
You sir, are a liar. In fact, the FIRST school mass shooting happened during the assault weapons ban.

You "sir" are a moron and a liar.

List of school shootings in the United States - Wikipedia

There were numerous mass school shootings prior to that and we were NOT just limiting the discussion to mass "school" shootings in any event.

Go away

You stupid buffoon, you specifically said MASS shooting. You then post an extensive list of "school" shootings going back to 1840 which were almost completely made up of individual events to buttress your "mass shooting" claim. So, you've shown yourself to be a liar, a fool and unworthy of attention. Feel free to go pound sand for you have no credibility.

Republicans don't have solutions for anything.

Unless the question is how they can help needy billionaires and corporations.

Progressives are far too dumb and lost to recognize the wealthiest among us are progressives. Those running the internet are wealthy progressives. The wealthiest zip codes are progressive. Progressive ideology builds the income gap until there's only the mega poor and mega wealthy. Yet according to this dip shit, it's Republicans who support them instead of Democrats.
Then why do Republicans give tax breaks to billionaires and corporations? Are you sure you know you’re talking about?
We tried taxing the shit out of companies during Obama's term...it didn't work...it cost us jobs and we lost companies and had an 8 year recession we couldn't get out of....Trump lowers taxes across the board and we have more jobs than we need which is raising wages.....
Really? Guns caused the recession?

But gun sales were INCREASING during the Obama years.

You have some serious fact and logic issues
I was responding to dean dummy....

Newsflash: in order to find a change in corporate and rich taxes you have to back before Nixon. It was pretty constant until just recently. The Business models, unemployment, etc. have been climbing since 2009 steadily. The credit you are giving Trump and dinging Obama for show the trend just continued. Trump didn't make it better and he didn't make it any worse. That is far beyond the power that a President has. You keep blaming Obama. Look at the various Congresses of the same time. They made the rules, the Presidents just rubber stamped them.
The number of deaths as the result of mass shootings is miniscule as compared to the total number of shooting deaths in the US, so while banning assault weapons might have made some slight difference, it does not address the greater problem of gun violence in the US.

We have some control over the Mass shootings. While we can't stop them, we can make them more difficult to commit and take away some of the tools used. But most of all, we can end the Cult of the Well Dressed Mass Shooter.
So you are saying that while more gun control is not a solution to gun violence it is a satisfying political gesture.

No, you are saying that. Once again, you are trying to tell me what I should think. We have all but ended the Cult of the Well Dressed Mass Killer here. But it took 3 of them to do it. At some point the public has to say, "Enough". So we adopted common sense run regulations AND educated our Cops, Schools and General Public on how to recognize the shooter before they get to the gate, how to identify and stop them at the gate and how to protect the students through one way doors made of steel and emergency procedures. What's the worth of trying when you can't even get within 1000 feet of the front gate and if you do, you get bagged at the gate. And if you get beyond that, there are no targets to shoot. Our Schools are some of the safest places in the world yet they are primarily Gun Free Zones with the exception of a handful of armed and well trained Security Guards.

Now, what are YOU going to suggest for the other Mass Shootings. And I don't mean the up to 13 killed. I mean people going for a new body count record.
The subject was gun violence, and while it is possible to fortify certain discrete areas to make them safe, this idea has little to no relevance to the topic of gun violence in America.

1. Make it difficult to get your weapon to a target rich environment. Meaning, Schools and Theaters and such using various methods that DO work and are being implemented across the United States. We can't stop the criminal drive bys or the angry birds through these methods but a least we can keep the body count down.

2. Do something about the Cult that worships the AR. We started doing that in 2013 and that Cult is all but broken up. In the stores, AR-15s line the shelves and the only use they have is to collect dust. This was accomplished a little by laws but mostly by the community just getting fed up. If you go out and go on about how wonderful your AR is and what a great hunting rifle it is, chances are, you are going to be sitting alone after the first sentence. You say how great your AR is and almost everyone else will come up with their own idea to do the same job and all but you will agree that the weapons they suggest are much better. Most gun owners don't and won't own an AR since there are better alternatives for the same money. Just get rid of the Cult status. The AR won't go away but after it clutters up the store's shelves so long, they are going to start dropping the price. Right now, I can get a MP-15 SW for 399. It retails for 599, I believe. It's normally sold in gun shops for 499. Even at 399 it just gathers dust.

3. Educate the Public on what to look for, how to act, when to call the cops, etc.. Believe it or not, this is the most important one. It doesn't take another gun to stop a shooter, it takes a community.

The OP was talking about Mass Shootings, not individual murders or accidental discharges. You want to strawman away from that. Notice what I keep saying. I don't say we need more gun laws. But most of it is done through community and cop education. This also reduces the individual murders and accidental discharges. I do push what I call "Common Sense Gun Regulations". I see them work every day when mixed with the 3 points I already made. It stopped a shooter headed for a school outside the gate already here. And what was he packing? Guess.

So let's stay on point here. It makes a safer community and a happier community. If it isn't safe where you are maybe you should take these ideas to the next Council Meetings and form a panel to do them. If that isn't possible maybe you should just move. If you don't want this, stay where you are we may find that you are not as safe a person as we want in our community.

Moron..... the AR-15 is no different from any other semi automatic rifle......

in fact, a shooter in Crimea two weeks ago murdered 21 college students using a 5 shot, pump action shotgun...it isn't the gun, you doofus, it is the target, a gun free zone filled with unarmed victims....21 is more than 11 that the recent Nightclub shooter killed with a pistol. The worst school shooting was Virginia tech, you doofus and he killed 32 with a pistol.

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