What is the republican solution to ending mass shootings? Why don’t they ever offer solutions?

Okay, so any level gun control is bad which is of course retarded on its own, but the right can’t even think of any alternatives to curbing gun violence. Saying “no” to everything accomplishes absolutely nothing. It’s astounding we are still at square one.

California has some of the most strict gun control laws in the country. How would additional laws have prevented this catastrophe?
California's homicide rate is just below the national average.

Whereas most of the states above the national average are red states with lax gun laws.
Wow are you ever WRONG

UT is considered to have the most lax gun laws in the country and what's the murder rate in UT?

in 2017 the murder rate of CA was 4.6 per 100000
The murder rate in UT was 2.4 per 100000

NH has had the lowest murder rate in the country at 1 per 100000 in 2017

NH gun laws are far less restrictive than those of CA

You might want to actually do some research before you say shit so you won't sound like such a fucking idiot.
The top ten homicides states are all red. You have to get to the 15th state before you find a blue one (Nevada), and then the 20th state before you find another one (Colorado).

You are the one who has not done his research.

That's NOT what you said

you said that CA has a murder rate equal to the country average all the states with lax gun laws have higher murder rates than the average

you were wrong just admit it

and FYI I never mentioned red or blue states because that is quite irrelevant to the false claim you made
Okay, so any level gun control is bad which is of course retarded on its own, but the right can’t even think of any alternatives to curbing gun violence. Saying “no” to everything accomplishes absolutely nothing. It’s astounding we are still at square one.

California has some of the most strict gun control laws in the country. How would additional laws have prevented this catastrophe?
California's homicide rate is just below the national average.

Whereas most of the states above the national average are red states with lax gun laws.
Wow are you ever WRONG

UT is considered to have the most lax gun laws in the country and what's the murder rate in UT?

in 2017 the murder rate of CA was 4.6 per 100000
The murder rate in UT was 2.4 per 100000

NH has had the lowest murder rate in the country at 1 per 100000 in 2017

NH gun laws are far less restrictive than those of CA

You might want to actually do some research before you say shit so you won't sound like such a fucking idiot.

States with the most (and least) gun violence. See where your state stacks up.

I used MURDER RATES or can't you read?
California has some of the most strict gun control laws in the country. How would additional laws have prevented this catastrophe?
California's homicide rate is just below the national average.

Whereas most of the states above the national average are red states with lax gun laws.
Wow are you ever WRONG

UT is considered to have the most lax gun laws in the country and what's the murder rate in UT?

in 2017 the murder rate of CA was 4.6 per 100000
The murder rate in UT was 2.4 per 100000

NH has had the lowest murder rate in the country at 1 per 100000 in 2017

NH gun laws are far less restrictive than those of CA

You might want to actually do some research before you say shit so you won't sound like such a fucking idiot.
The top ten homicides states are all red. You have to get to the 15th state before you find a blue one (Nevada), and then the 20th state before you find another one (Colorado).

You are the one who has not done his research.

That's NOT what you said

you said that CA has a murder rate equal to the country average all the states with lax gun laws have higher murder rates than the average

you were wrong just admit it

and FYI I never mentioned red or blue states because that is quite irrelevant to the false claim you made
Okay, so any level gun control is bad which is of course retarded on its own, but the right can’t even think of any alternatives to curbing gun violence. Saying “no” to everything accomplishes absolutely nothing. It’s astounding we are still at square one.

California has some of the most strict gun control laws in the country. How would additional laws have prevented this catastrophe?
California's homicide rate is just below the national average.

Whereas most of the states above the national average are red states with lax gun laws.
Wow are you ever WRONG

UT is considered to have the most lax gun laws in the country and what's the murder rate in UT?

in 2017 the murder rate of CA was 4.6 per 100000
The murder rate in UT was 2.4 per 100000

NH has had the lowest murder rate in the country at 1 per 100000 in 2017

NH gun laws are far less restrictive than those of CA

You might want to actually do some research before you say shit so you won't sound like such a fucking idiot.

States with the most (and least) gun violence. See where your state stacks up.

I used MURDER RATES or can't you read?
List of U.S. states by homicide rate - Wikipedia

Here are the top ten by homicide rate. Look at all that red!

8 out of 10. And even though Nevada is light blue, it has pretty lax gun laws.

California's homicide rate is just below the national average.

Whereas most of the states above the national average are red states with lax gun laws.
Wow are you ever WRONG

UT is considered to have the most lax gun laws in the country and what's the murder rate in UT?

in 2017 the murder rate of CA was 4.6 per 100000
The murder rate in UT was 2.4 per 100000

NH has had the lowest murder rate in the country at 1 per 100000 in 2017

NH gun laws are far less restrictive than those of CA

You might want to actually do some research before you say shit so you won't sound like such a fucking idiot.
The top ten homicides states are all red. You have to get to the 15th state before you find a blue one (Nevada), and then the 20th state before you find another one (Colorado).

You are the one who has not done his research.

That's NOT what you said

you said that CA has a murder rate equal to the country average all the states with lax gun laws have higher murder rates than the average

you were wrong just admit it

and FYI I never mentioned red or blue states because that is quite irrelevant to the false claim you made
California has some of the most strict gun control laws in the country. How would additional laws have prevented this catastrophe?
California's homicide rate is just below the national average.

Whereas most of the states above the national average are red states with lax gun laws.
Wow are you ever WRONG

UT is considered to have the most lax gun laws in the country and what's the murder rate in UT?

in 2017 the murder rate of CA was 4.6 per 100000
The murder rate in UT was 2.4 per 100000

NH has had the lowest murder rate in the country at 1 per 100000 in 2017

NH gun laws are far less restrictive than those of CA

You might want to actually do some research before you say shit so you won't sound like such a fucking idiot.

States with the most (and least) gun violence. See where your state stacks up.

I used MURDER RATES or can't you read?
List of U.S. states by homicide rate - Wikipedia

Here are the top ten by homicide rate. Look at all that red!

8 out of 10. And even though Nevada is light blue, it has pretty lax gun laws.


and it has NOTHING to do with the gun laws

And unlike you I don't see the world in just red and blue

CA has the strictest gun laws in the nation yet 23 states have lower murder rates even though the gun laws are not as strict as CA

UT has some of the most lax gun laws in the country yet the murder rate in CA is twice as high

NH has the lowest murder rate in the country and gun laws nowhere near as tough as CA

Gun laws do not have anything to do with the murder rate.

If they did CA would have the lowest murder rate in the country and that hasn't ever been true
Wow are you ever WRONG

UT is considered to have the most lax gun laws in the country and what's the murder rate in UT?

in 2017 the murder rate of CA was 4.6 per 100000
The murder rate in UT was 2.4 per 100000

NH has had the lowest murder rate in the country at 1 per 100000 in 2017

NH gun laws are far less restrictive than those of CA

You might want to actually do some research before you say shit so you won't sound like such a fucking idiot.
The top ten homicides states are all red. You have to get to the 15th state before you find a blue one (Nevada), and then the 20th state before you find another one (Colorado).

You are the one who has not done his research.

That's NOT what you said

you said that CA has a murder rate equal to the country average all the states with lax gun laws have higher murder rates than the average

you were wrong just admit it

and FYI I never mentioned red or blue states because that is quite irrelevant to the false claim you made
California's homicide rate is just below the national average.

Whereas most of the states above the national average are red states with lax gun laws.
Wow are you ever WRONG

UT is considered to have the most lax gun laws in the country and what's the murder rate in UT?

in 2017 the murder rate of CA was 4.6 per 100000
The murder rate in UT was 2.4 per 100000

NH has had the lowest murder rate in the country at 1 per 100000 in 2017

NH gun laws are far less restrictive than those of CA

You might want to actually do some research before you say shit so you won't sound like such a fucking idiot.

States with the most (and least) gun violence. See where your state stacks up.

I used MURDER RATES or can't you read?
List of U.S. states by homicide rate - Wikipedia

Here are the top ten by homicide rate. Look at all that red!

8 out of 10. And even though Nevada is light blue, it has pretty lax gun laws.


and it has NOTHING to do with the gun laws
Nice backpedal. Doesn't work.

We find that other advanced nations which have strict gun laws also have far, far, far lower homicide rates.

I'm sure you try to convince yourself this is all a coincidence.

These gun control topics have become tiresome and boring.
The top ten homicides states are all red. You have to get to the 15th state before you find a blue one (Nevada), and then the 20th state before you find another one (Colorado).

You are the one who has not done his research.

That's NOT what you said

you said that CA has a murder rate equal to the country average all the states with lax gun laws have higher murder rates than the average

you were wrong just admit it

and FYI I never mentioned red or blue states because that is quite irrelevant to the false claim you made
Wow are you ever WRONG

UT is considered to have the most lax gun laws in the country and what's the murder rate in UT?

in 2017 the murder rate of CA was 4.6 per 100000
The murder rate in UT was 2.4 per 100000

NH has had the lowest murder rate in the country at 1 per 100000 in 2017

NH gun laws are far less restrictive than those of CA

You might want to actually do some research before you say shit so you won't sound like such a fucking idiot.

States with the most (and least) gun violence. See where your state stacks up.

I used MURDER RATES or can't you read?
List of U.S. states by homicide rate - Wikipedia

Here are the top ten by homicide rate. Look at all that red!

8 out of 10. And even though Nevada is light blue, it has pretty lax gun laws.


and it has NOTHING to do with the gun laws
Nice backpedal. Doesn't work.

We find that other advanced nations which have strict gun laws also have far, far, far lower homicide rates.

I'm sure you try to convince yourself this is all a coincidence.

These gun control topics have become tiresome and boring.

I have explained this before

There happen to be some very stark differences between the US and Europe

70% of all the murder in this country takes place in very small areas of just 5% of all the counties in the country.

These areas are all inner city neighborhoods that have been historically plagued with segregation, generational poverty, high crime , drugs and gangs

It is a mere handful of these inner city murder islands that skew the rates of the entire country

If you were right (and you're not) that gun laws lower murder rates then why does CA have a murder rate that is 2 times that of UT despite the fact that UT has far more lax gun laws ?

Then you can tell me why the 22 other states that have lower murder rates than CA despite most of them having gun laws that are less strict than CA
You're talking in circles and have been proven wrong at every turn
The top ten homicides states are all red. You have to get to the 15th state before you find a blue one (Nevada), and then the 20th state before you find another one (Colorado).

You are the one who has not done his research.

That's NOT what you said

you said that CA has a murder rate equal to the country average all the states with lax gun laws have higher murder rates than the average

you were wrong just admit it

and FYI I never mentioned red or blue states because that is quite irrelevant to the false claim you made
Wow are you ever WRONG

UT is considered to have the most lax gun laws in the country and what's the murder rate in UT?

in 2017 the murder rate of CA was 4.6 per 100000
The murder rate in UT was 2.4 per 100000

NH has had the lowest murder rate in the country at 1 per 100000 in 2017

NH gun laws are far less restrictive than those of CA

You might want to actually do some research before you say shit so you won't sound like such a fucking idiot.

States with the most (and least) gun violence. See where your state stacks up.

I used MURDER RATES or can't you read?
List of U.S. states by homicide rate - Wikipedia

Here are the top ten by homicide rate. Look at all that red!

8 out of 10. And even though Nevada is light blue, it has pretty lax gun laws.


and it has NOTHING to do with the gun laws
Nice backpedal. Doesn't work.

We find that other advanced nations which have strict gun laws also have far, far, far lower homicide rates.

I'm sure you try to convince yourself this is all a coincidence.

These gun control topics have become tiresome and boring.

The Mistake of Only Comparing US Murder Rates to "Developed" Countries | Ryan McMaken
Okay, so any level gun control is bad which is of course retarded on its own, but the right can’t even think of any alternatives to curbing gun violence. Saying “no” to everything accomplishes absolutely nothing. It’s astounding we are still at square one.

What you are really asking is what is the GOP's plan to eliminate all risk from life.

Ain't gonna happen, bub. Nobody can guarantee that.
You cannot take people's guns. The cat is out of the bag. Best we can do is live with it and put police details outside of schools and public places like churchers, fairs, etc.
That's NOT what you said

you said that CA has a murder rate equal to the country average all the states with lax gun laws have higher murder rates than the average

you were wrong just admit it

and FYI I never mentioned red or blue states because that is quite irrelevant to the false claim you made

I used MURDER RATES or can't you read?
List of U.S. states by homicide rate - Wikipedia

Here are the top ten by homicide rate. Look at all that red!

8 out of 10. And even though Nevada is light blue, it has pretty lax gun laws.


and it has NOTHING to do with the gun laws
Nice backpedal. Doesn't work.

We find that other advanced nations which have strict gun laws also have far, far, far lower homicide rates.

I'm sure you try to convince yourself this is all a coincidence.

These gun control topics have become tiresome and boring.

The Mistake of Only Comparing US Murder Rates to "Developed" Countries | Ryan McMaken
We need to compare ourselves to...Iraq! Yeah! Apples and oranges comparisons are valid in Tardworld, aren't they?
Actually the problem with both gun control BS hypothesis’s is the actual state wide murder rates in these states are centered in blue zones within a red state I E Big Easy in LA, Memphis, Nashville, My home town Knoxville, in TN, Birmingham, Mobile, Montgomery in AL. >>>>>>>>>>. County by county, city by city USA wide the dimshit areas are the most violent on earth because of their ERRANT entitlement mentality and super egotistical sense of intellectual superiority. As.for suicide by gun you are full of shit the main factor in surviving a suicide is the will to die. The next is the timeline of the rescue attempt. Most suicide attempts by gun are not a shot to the head they are some known non fatal injury. Just like not taking enough pills, not cutting an artery until you know someone will find you ETC. I know two people who shot themselves in the head and survived. I know Three that died. I know about 30 that did it with drugs and five or six in a car. Gun control idiots always lie and at least double the true stats just because they know most of their ants buy the shit. Just like the Oh so many kids are killed by accident with guns in the home many more than any other way!!!! Lie. Find someone who will buy a refrigerator in Alaska.
The top ten homicides states are all red. You have to get to the 15th state before you find a blue one (Nevada), and then the 20th state before you find another one (Colorado).

You are the one who has not done his research.

That's NOT what you said

you said that CA has a murder rate equal to the country average all the states with lax gun laws have higher murder rates than the average

you were wrong just admit it

and FYI I never mentioned red or blue states because that is quite irrelevant to the false claim you made
Wow are you ever WRONG

UT is considered to have the most lax gun laws in the country and what's the murder rate in UT?

in 2017 the murder rate of CA was 4.6 per 100000
The murder rate in UT was 2.4 per 100000

NH has had the lowest murder rate in the country at 1 per 100000 in 2017

NH gun laws are far less restrictive than those of CA

You might want to actually do some research before you say shit so you won't sound like such a fucking idiot.

States with the most (and least) gun violence. See where your state stacks up.

I used MURDER RATES or can't you read?
List of U.S. states by homicide rate - Wikipedia

Here are the top ten by homicide rate. Look at all that red!

8 out of 10. And even though Nevada is light blue, it has pretty lax gun laws.


and it has NOTHING to do with the gun laws
Nice backpedal. Doesn't work.

We find that other advanced nations which have strict gun laws also have far, far, far lower homicide rates.

I'm sure you try to convince yourself this is all a coincidence.

These gun control topics have become tiresome and boring.

You are blaming an object instead of the people. Other countries don't have the diversity that we have.
Diversity is not the problem.

Guns are the problem

You are eight times more likely to be killed by a black then a white. Yet in most cases, the anti-gun crowd compares white countries to our very diverse country. Yes, diversity plays a huge part in our statistics.
Okay, so any level gun control is bad which is of course retarded on its own, but the right can’t even think of any alternatives to curbing gun violence. Saying “no” to everything accomplishes absolutely nothing. It’s astounding we are still at square one.

Sure, outlaw mass shootings.

Diversity is not the problem.

Guns are the problem

Really? Guns are the problem?

Last time I checked, the last mass shooter in California was a former military man who was down on his luck and had mental problems. The fabulous government run health care he received assessed him and sent him on his way.

This man who was trained by the government to kill and then tossed aside by the same government saying he was mentally fit is released upon society, he does the only thing he knew how to do well.

Yep, it's the guns fault.
Diversity is not the problem.

Guns are the problem

Really? Guns are the problem?

Last time I checked, the last mass shooter in California was a former military man who was down on his luck and had mental problems. The fabulous government run health care he received assessed him and sent him on his way.

This man who was trained by the government to kill and then tossed aside by the same government saying he was mentally fit is released upon society, he does the only thing he knew how to do well.

Yep, it's the guns fault.
Had he had a baseball bat...what would the carnage have been like?
Diversity is not the problem.

Guns are the problem

Really? Guns are the problem?

Last time I checked, the last mass shooter in California was a former military man who was down on his luck and had mental problems. The fabulous government run health care he received assessed him and sent him on his way.

This man who was trained by the government to kill and then tossed aside by the same government saying he was mentally fit is released upon society, he does the only thing he knew how to do well.

Yep, it's the guns fault.
Had he had a baseball bat...what would the carnage have been like?

Well if he played for the Cincinnati Reds no one would have gotten hurt.

But if it was a player from the Red Sox, half the city would be dead.
Diversity is not the problem.

Guns are the problem

Really? Guns are the problem?

Last time I checked, the last mass shooter in California was a former military man who was down on his luck and had mental problems. The fabulous government run health care he received assessed him and sent him on his way.

This man who was trained by the government to kill and then tossed aside by the same government saying he was mentally fit is released upon society, he does the only thing he knew how to do well.

Yep, it's the guns fault.
Had he had a baseball bat...what would the carnage have been like?
---------------------- base ball bats have nothing to do with the SecondAmendment Lesh .
Diversity is not the problem.

Guns are the problem

Really? Guns are the problem?

Last time I checked, the last mass shooter in California was a former military man who was down on his luck and had mental problems. The fabulous government run health care he received assessed him and sent him on his way.

This man who was trained by the government to kill and then tossed aside by the same government saying he was mentally fit is released upon society, he does the only thing he knew how to do well.

Yep, it's the guns fault.
Had he had a baseball bat...what would the carnage have been like?

Better question: what if he decided to rent a truck instead of using a gun?

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