What is the republican solution to ending mass shootings? Why don’t they ever offer solutions?

Oh, I agree, America is not like other countries.

We have the lowest life expectancy in the industrialized world
The highest crime rates
The highest rate of illiteracy
The most people incarcerated of anywhere in the world.

It's really all kinds of fucked up, but dumb people like you think you are free because you can cling to your gun and your bible while the One Percent fucks you in the ass.


You know nothing about life expectancy.

As for crime rates, we have a far lower violent crime rate than Europe, Australia, and most other industrialized nations.

We do not have the highest rate of illiteracy. Please show us those demographics.

Do you really believe we have more people incarcerated than China?

Do you really believe that China, North Korea, and Cuba all have 100% literacy rates?
Their solution is more guns

Any place you go, you will be surrounded by armed people

Its a black thing.
Cracka’s slaughtered like 100 million more people than blacks last century. Now you’re the ones trying to gain fame with these massive, 2nd Amendment approved gun massacres. If you ever get that itch, seek therapy fast.

I told you to fear us, don't get uppity.
You slaughtered each other. So no need for me to fear. I wanted to help, but I guess it’s still a positive to let you keep at it.

You really are a racist.
No I just know his weakness is a desire for white supremacy. I would never say those things to a normal person.
Simple Skippy just lockup the Nut case Liberals and the Head Jobs and get them treatment. They need help and only we people can get them help. How that for starters.
Okay, so any level gun control is bad which is of course retarded on its own, but the right can’t even think of any alternatives to curbing gun violence. Saying “no” to everything accomplishes absolutely nothing. It’s astounding we are still at square one.
There’s been plenty of suggestions. Get rid of gun free zones, stop creating soft targets, allow teachers with CCW permits to carry in school, etc.

What specific policy from the left will decrease mass shootings?
I guess you didn’t actually read the all the stats you posted completely.
We have offered solutions. You just don't like them. Armed citizens. Increased law enforcement. Security at schools, and other soft targets.

These are time tested and proven successful solutions.
Okay, so any level gun control is bad which is of course retarded on its own, but the right can’t even think of any alternatives to curbing gun violence. Saying “no” to everything accomplishes absolutely nothing. It’s astounding we are still at square one.
There’s been plenty of suggestions. Get rid of gun free zones, stop creating soft targets, allow teachers with CCW permits to carry in school, etc.

What specific policy from the left will decrease mass shootings?

The left does not want to reduce mass shootings. They can't justify their anti-gun agenda if they actually solve the problem.
Odd that the only description of a militia (ya know mentioned in the 2A) describes as one of it's reasons for being to PUT DOWN the insurrection you claim militias are there to engage in.

And that was exactly HOW the militia was used at the time...being used to put down both Shay's Rebellion and the Whiskey Rebellion
How is that relevant to what I said about the purpose of the 2A being nothing more than a limit on Federal power?

How is that relevant to what I said about the purpose of the 2A being nothing more than a limit on Federal power?

What you describe is an insurrection...which is what the 2A was put in place to combat...obviously as Article 1 Section 8 illustrates and how the militia was USED in the first 20 years of our existence as a country
Do you really believe that China, North Korea, and Cuba all have 100% literacy rates?

We do not have the highest rate of illiteracy. Please show us those demographics.

illiteracy rate europe - Google Search

US Illiteracy is 14%

China 3%

Europe 1%

Have you gotten ANYTHING right?
From your source:

1. North Korea - 100% literacy
2. Ukraine - 100%
3. Uzbekistan - 100%
4. Azerbaijan - 99.9%
5. Barbados - 99.9%
6. Cuba - 99.9%

I think we can officially call that list not just bullshit, or even cocksucking bullshit. That bitch hit Uganda-Ass-Rape Hyena Shit levels.

How is that relevant to what I said about the purpose of the 2A being nothing more than a limit on Federal power?

What you describe is an insurrection...which is what the 2A was put in place to combat...obviously as Article 1 Section 8 illustrates and how the militia was USED in the first 20 years of our existence as a country
No, the 2A was put in place to clarify federal authority, which is none when it comes to the right to keep and bear arms.
33,000 gun deaths a year
That is a lot of armed assholes

Why lie?

January 9, 2018

UPDATED September 27, 2018 1:49 pm EST
Gun Deaths Increased in 2017, Gun Violence Archive Data Show

Excluding most suicides, at least 15,549 people were killed by guns in the United States in 2017, according to data collected by Gun Violence Archive (GVA), a nonprofit organization that tracks media and law enforcement reports of shootings.

Gun Deaths Increased in 2017, Gun Violence Archive Data Show
Then you apparently have a reading comprehension problem. But on to the militia and your 20 year analysis. What does it have to do with the second amendment? Are you a msnbc spider web weaver like racthet maddog?
Do you really believe that China, North Korea, and Cuba all have 100% literacy rates?

We do not have the highest rate of illiteracy. Please show us those demographics.

illiteracy rate europe - Google Search

US Illiteracy is 14%

China 3%

Europe 1%

Have you gotten ANYTHING right?
From your source:

1. North Korea - 100% literacy
2. Ukraine - 100%
3. Uzbekistan - 100%
4. Azerbaijan - 99.9%
5. Barbados - 99.9%
6. Cuba - 99.9%

I think we can officially call that list not just bullshit, or even cocksucking bullshit. That bitch hit Uganda-Ass-Rape Hyena Shit levels.

Surprised me too...Education in North Korea - Wikipedia

Do you have a source that says otherwise?

Shocking how low our literacy rate is
Then you apparently have a reading comprehension problem. But on to the militia and your 20 year analysis. What does it have to do with the second amendment? Are you a msnbc spider web weaver like racthet maddog?
A. I gave you the links. You're obviously an example of our poor literacy rates.

As far as the Second Amendment... that pertains to arming a Well Regulated Militia...which according to Article 1 Section 8 that militia is supposed to put DOWN the kind of insurrection you claim it's there to enable.

And I gave you two examples of the militia being used in just that way.

Stop showing your ignorance. I'm embarrassed for you.

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