What is the republican solution to ending mass shootings? Why don’t they ever offer solutions?

Okay, so any level gun control is bad which is of course retarded on its own, but the right can’t even think of any alternatives to curbing gun violence. Saying “no” to everything accomplishes absolutely nothing. It’s astounding we are still at square one.
If we have background checks and keep guns out of the hands of the mentally ill a majority of Trumplicans would not qualify to own a gun.

Yuk, yuk, yuk, ask Jared Lee Loughner and James T. Hodgkinson and the rest of the psycho Lefty shooters that question...
If I thought that more gun control would reduce the gun violence, I'd be for it however so far there is no real correlation. This issue isn't the inanimate object, it isn't the inanimate object that is the issue. It is our culture. We are a country that needs problems solved in a 30 minute sitcom. We have several generations that have not learned how to handle disappointment, of failure. We watch violent TV show, movies, play violent video games, social interaction is now reduced to Twitter and Facebook posts, we all want instant gratification, we believe we are entitled and our thoughts and feelings should supersede others. We have political leaders that bicker and fight and us inflammatory language.

It isn't a gun problem, we have a people problem.
Countries with strong gun control rarely have mass shootings.
we have strong gun controls and chicago and other democrat run cities have thousands of deaths due to guns. why?
They have to blame the gun in order to not blame the perps, and why is that ?? Why does groups protect the perps by not naming them and their character, and instead blames the gun ??????????????????

If this nation hasn't figured this out yet, then it's either dumb as heck or it is also aiding and abedding the evil that is among us, but why ??? Why is it that evil is being protected by those who would claim that this nation should try it's level best to never offend anyone when they offend us or even kill us big time ??? Should we just make the sacrifices on the alter of political correctness and multi-culturalism at any cost ????
If I thought that more gun control would reduce the gun violence, I'd be for it however so far there is no real correlation. This issue isn't the inanimate object, it isn't the inanimate object that is the issue. It is our culture. We are a country that needs problems solved in a 30 minute sitcom. We have several generations that have not learned how to handle disappointment, of failure. We watch violent TV show, movies, play violent video games, social interaction is now reduced to Twitter and Facebook posts, we all want instant gratification, we believe we are entitled and our thoughts and feelings should supersede others. We have political leaders that bicker and fight and us inflammatory language.

It isn't a gun problem, we have a people problem.
Countries with strong gun control rarely have mass shootings.
we have strong gun controls and chicago and other democrat run cities have thousands of deaths due to guns. why?
Our laws are incredibly weak. Chicago doesn’t have walls, guns come from areas with weak laws.
Could it be that the people are weak, and therefore they are easily led by their noses into gangs and crime as if it's a right of passage for most who are caught in that gang culture of a hell hole ??
Diversity is not the problem.

Guns are the problem

Really? Guns are the problem?

Last time I checked, the last mass shooter in California was a former military man who was down on his luck and had mental problems. The fabulous government run health care he received assessed him and sent him on his way.

This man who was trained by the government to kill and then tossed aside by the same government saying he was mentally fit is released upon society, he does the only thing he knew how to do well.

Yep, it's the guns fault.
Had he had a baseball bat...what would the carnage have been like?

Better question: what if he decided to rent a truck instead of using a gun?
You wouldn't have heard a peep out of him.
Wow are you ever WRONG

UT is considered to have the most lax gun laws in the country and what's the murder rate in UT?

in 2017 the murder rate of CA was 4.6 per 100000
The murder rate in UT was 2.4 per 100000

NH has had the lowest murder rate in the country at 1 per 100000 in 2017

NH gun laws are far less restrictive than those of CA

You might want to actually do some research before you say shit so you won't sound like such a fucking idiot.
The top ten homicides states are all red. You have to get to the 15th state before you find a blue one (Nevada), and then the 20th state before you find another one (Colorado).

You are the one who has not done his research.

That's NOT what you said

you said that CA has a murder rate equal to the country average all the states with lax gun laws have higher murder rates than the average

you were wrong just admit it

and FYI I never mentioned red or blue states because that is quite irrelevant to the false claim you made
California's homicide rate is just below the national average.

Whereas most of the states above the national average are red states with lax gun laws.
Wow are you ever WRONG

UT is considered to have the most lax gun laws in the country and what's the murder rate in UT?

in 2017 the murder rate of CA was 4.6 per 100000
The murder rate in UT was 2.4 per 100000

NH has had the lowest murder rate in the country at 1 per 100000 in 2017

NH gun laws are far less restrictive than those of CA

You might want to actually do some research before you say shit so you won't sound like such a fucking idiot.

States with the most (and least) gun violence. See where your state stacks up.

I used MURDER RATES or can't you read?
List of U.S. states by homicide rate - Wikipedia

Here are the top ten by homicide rate. Look at all that red!

8 out of 10. And even though Nevada is light blue, it has pretty lax gun laws.


and it has NOTHING to do with the gun laws

And unlike you I don't see the world in just red and blue

CA has the strictest gun laws in the nation yet 23 states have lower murder rates even though the gun laws are not as strict as CA

UT has some of the most lax gun laws in the country yet the murder rate in CA is twice as high

NH has the lowest murder rate in the country and gun laws nowhere near as tough as CA

Gun laws do not have anything to do with the murder rate.

If they did CA would have the lowest murder rate in the country and that hasn't ever been true

You know, you just outlined how criminals get guns. Because we don't have a NATIONAL gun law, and states are free to set their own explains the problem perfectly.

People go buy their guns in Utah or Nevada, transport them to California, and sell them on the black market, tripling their money. Now, mind you, the guns were bought LEGALLY in the states with the lax gun laws, and transported where they were sold on the black market in places with strict gun laws.

If you want to see how it works, I recommend watching a documentary from VICE Channel called "The Iron Pipeline". It shows how lots of guns in strict gun law areas end up getting there. Most of the time it's from people who bought guns legally in other states.
ou know, you just outlined how criminals get guns. Because we don't have a NATIONAL gun law, and states are free to set their own explains the problem perfectly.

People go buy their guns in Utah or Nevada, transport them to California, and sell them on the black market, tripling their money. Now, mind you, the guns were bought LEGALLY in the states with the lax gun laws, and transported where they were sold on the black market in places with strict gun laws.

If you want to see how it works, I recommend watching a documentary from VICE Channel called "The Iron Pipeline". It shows how lots of guns in strict gun law areas end up getting there. Most of the time it's from people who bought guns legally in other states
You would need a constitutional amendment to repeal the 2nd Amendment to get a federal gun law. The 2nd's sole purpose is to lomit federal authority.
Diversity is not the problem.

Guns are the problem

You are eight times more likely to be killed by a black then a white. Yet in most cases, the anti-gun crowd compares white countries to our very diverse country. Yes, diversity plays a huge part in our statistics.
That's complete bullshit. VIolent crime IS racial...and not INTER racial

Blacks kill blacks and whites kill whites.

Sorry if facts get in the way of your racism

Add that to the lost of shit you get backwards
ou know, you just outlined how criminals get guns. Because we don't have a NATIONAL gun law, and states are free to set their own explains the problem perfectly.

People go buy their guns in Utah or Nevada, transport them to California, and sell them on the black market, tripling their money. Now, mind you, the guns were bought LEGALLY in the states with the lax gun laws, and transported where they were sold on the black market in places with strict gun laws.

If you want to see how it works, I recommend watching a documentary from VICE Channel called "The Iron Pipeline". It shows how lots of guns in strict gun law areas end up getting there. Most of the time it's from people who bought guns legally in other states
You would need a constitutional amendment to repeal the 2nd Amendment to get a federal gun law. The 2nd's sole purpose is to lomit federal authority.
Odd that the only description of a militia (ya know mentioned in the 2A) describes as one of it's reasons for being to PUT DOWN the insurrection you claim militias are there to engage in.

And that was exactly HOW the militia was used at the time...being used to put down both Shay's Rebellion and the Whiskey Rebellion
Diversity is not the problem.

Guns are the problem

You are eight times more likely to be killed by a black then a white. Yet in most cases, the anti-gun crowd compares white countries to our very diverse country. Yes, diversity plays a huge part in our statistics.
That's complete bullshit. VIolent crime IS racial...and not INTER racial

Blacks kill blacks and whites kill whites.

Sorry if facts get in the way of your racism

Add that to the lost of shit you get backwards

Really? Blacks kill blacks and whites kill whites?

Ever heard of a shooter named Dylan Roof? He's the white supremacist that went to a black church and shot up all the black people there.
Really? Blacks kill blacks and whites kill whites?

Ever heard of a shooter named Dylan Roof? He's the white supremacist that went to a black church and shot up all the black people there.

Are you so stupid that you thought I meant blacks never kill whites and that whites never kill blacks?

THIS was what I was responding to

You are eight times more likely to be killed by a black then a white. Yet in most cases, the anti-gun crowd compares white countries to our very diverse country. Yes, diversity plays a huge part in our statistics.

And THAT my stupid friend is bullshit
Your friends must be pretty bad marksmen...and trying to call a revolver a semi-auto is pretty lame. What is the cocking action and more importantly I was talking about MAGAZINE fed semi-autos. Neither that nor the shotgun are that genius

Still waiting for your definition of an assault weapon.

How is calling a revolver a semi-automatic weapon lame?

What is your point about a shotgun?

You've proven your ignorance of weapons. Why not quit while you're behind?

Abraham Lincoln
“It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt.”

I see crimson fish all over your post.

Does that mean you have no answer? I'll try again, I'll even repeat my questions so you don't have to search.

Still waiting for your definition of an assault weapon.

How is calling a revolver a semi-automatic weapon lame?

What is your point about a shotgun?

You've proven your ignorance of weapons. Why not quit while you're behind?

Abraham Lincoln
“It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt.”
Diversity is not the problem.

Guns are the problem

You are eight times more likely to be killed by a black then a white. Yet in most cases, the anti-gun crowd compares white countries to our very diverse country. Yes, diversity plays a huge part in our statistics.
That's complete bullshit. VIolent crime IS racial...and not INTER racial

Blacks kill blacks and whites kill whites.

Sorry if facts get in the way of your racism

Add that to the lost of shit you get backwards

So what difference does that make? They all count in the US murder rate. How is it you leftists can never figure out what the point is?
So what difference does that make? They all count in the US murder rate. How is it you leftists can never figure out what the point is?

What difference does that make?

It means that your racist "be afraid of the scary black man" screed is a lie and you are a liar.

Whites have more to fear from each other than they do from blacks
Last edited:
Still waiting for your definition of an assault weapon.

How is calling a revolver a semi-automatic weapon lame?

What is your point about a shotgun?

You've proven your ignorance of weapons. Why not quit while you're behind?

Your prattle about what is and what is not an assault weapon is PART of why I include all magazine fed semi-auto weapons. It simplifies the discussion and takes away that nonsense...as well as pointing out that all of those pose a similar danger and have no real purpose that can't be fulfilled by other types of weapons

And calling a revolver a semi-auto weapon just shows YOUR lack of understanding of weapons...not mine

The shot gun is NOT magazine fed. That's pretty self explanatory
So what difference does that make? They all count in the US murder rate. How is it you leftists can never figure out what the point is?

What difference does that make?

It means that your racist "be afraid of the scary black man" screed is a lie and you are a liar.

Whites have more to fear from each other than they do from blacks

No wonder we refer to you on the left as uninformed voters.

The point I was making was about statistics between countries--not race. To put it at an 8th grade level so you might understand, minorities kill more people than whites do. It doesn't matter who they kill, what does matter is how it adds to our murder rate.

So when you compare differences between countries, you only compare the amount or types of firearms--not the people. If you were to compare the murder rates of white people only here, and white countries, you'd probably find we are pretty close in statistics.
The top ten homicides states are all red. You have to get to the 15th state before you find a blue one (Nevada), and then the 20th state before you find another one (Colorado).

You are the one who has not done his research.

That's NOT what you said

you said that CA has a murder rate equal to the country average all the states with lax gun laws have higher murder rates than the average

you were wrong just admit it

and FYI I never mentioned red or blue states because that is quite irrelevant to the false claim you made
Wow are you ever WRONG

UT is considered to have the most lax gun laws in the country and what's the murder rate in UT?

in 2017 the murder rate of CA was 4.6 per 100000
The murder rate in UT was 2.4 per 100000

NH has had the lowest murder rate in the country at 1 per 100000 in 2017

NH gun laws are far less restrictive than those of CA

You might want to actually do some research before you say shit so you won't sound like such a fucking idiot.

States with the most (and least) gun violence. See where your state stacks up.

I used MURDER RATES or can't you read?
List of U.S. states by homicide rate - Wikipedia

Here are the top ten by homicide rate. Look at all that red!

8 out of 10. And even though Nevada is light blue, it has pretty lax gun laws.


and it has NOTHING to do with the gun laws

And unlike you I don't see the world in just red and blue

CA has the strictest gun laws in the nation yet 23 states have lower murder rates even though the gun laws are not as strict as CA

UT has some of the most lax gun laws in the country yet the murder rate in CA is twice as high

NH has the lowest murder rate in the country and gun laws nowhere near as tough as CA

Gun laws do not have anything to do with the murder rate.

If they did CA would have the lowest murder rate in the country and that hasn't ever been true

You know, you just outlined how criminals get guns. Because we don't have a NATIONAL gun law, and states are free to set their own explains the problem perfectly.

People go buy their guns in Utah or Nevada, transport them to California, and sell them on the black market, tripling their money. Now, mind you, the guns were bought LEGALLY in the states with the lax gun laws, and transported where they were sold on the black market in places with strict gun laws.

If you want to see how it works, I recommend watching a documentary from VICE Channel called "The Iron Pipeline". It shows how lots of guns in strict gun law areas end up getting there. Most of the time it's from people who bought guns legally in other states.
Come get them traitor.
So what difference does that make? They all count in the US murder rate. How is it you leftists can never figure out what the point is?

What difference does that make?

It means that your racist "be afraid of the scary black man" screed is a lie and you are a liar.

Whites have more to fear from each other than they do from blacks

No wonder we refer to you on the left as uninformed voters.

The point I was making was about statistics between countries--not race. To put it at an 8th grade level so you might understand, minorities kill more people than whites do. It doesn't matter who they kill, what does matter is how it adds to our murder rate.

So when you compare differences between countries, you only compare the amount or types of firearms--not the people. If you were to compare the murder rates of white people only here, and white countries, you'd probably find we are pretty close in statistics.
Guess what retard? Trying to claim that folks in some other country are a danger to us here...is about as stupid as you can get
So what difference does that make? They all count in the US murder rate. How is it you leftists can never figure out what the point is?

What difference does that make?

It means that your racist "be afraid of the scary black man" screed is a lie and you are a liar.

Whites have more to fear from each other than they do from blacks

No wonder we refer to you on the left as uninformed voters.

The point I was making was about statistics between countries--not race. To put it at an 8th grade level so you might understand, minorities kill more people than whites do. It doesn't matter who they kill, what does matter is how it adds to our murder rate.

So when you compare differences between countries, you only compare the amount or types of firearms--not the people. If you were to compare the murder rates of white people only here, and white countries, you'd probably find we are pretty close in statistics.
Guess what retard? Trying to claim that folks in some other country are a danger to us here...is about as stupid as you can get

WTF are you talking about? What claim that people from another country are a danger to us here? That isn't even part of the conversation.

Really...........USMB doesn't have coloring books, so I can't draw out what's being discussed here.

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