What is the single most important thing that lost it for Hillary/won it for Trump?

Yet another lib that doesn't know what treason is.

that will be up to the congress critters to determine after all is said & done w/ the intel investigations. but one thing for sure- this is 'war time' albeit a cyber war, & trump is in soooo deep with the russians.... or should i say the russians are soooo deep in trump & he will not escape this unscathed.

One of the biggest problems I found with liberals is they are not rooted in reality. Reality to a liberal is whatever the MSM tells them.

So keep your Russian dream alive, it seems that's all you really have. And once it's documented Trump had nothing to do with Russia, I will be here for you as a shoulder to cry on........... well, maybe not. Maybe I'll just laugh at you endlessly. :banana::banana::banana:

it's not MY russian dream ray-ray... it's the 17 intel agencies. & mueller's job to reveal.

but you keep on with the 'dream'. can't wait until you wake up & find your party circling the drain.

I don't dream. I live in reality. Take note how even the MSM is quieting down about this phony Russia thing. Nothing there, never was, never will be. It's something the Democrats made up when their weak server got hacked. They certainly couldn't blame DumBama, so they put out the lie about Trump.

See, what you on the left fail to understand is how you are being played by your own party:

You lost the election because of Russia.
You lost the election because of Diebold voting machines.
You lost the election because of the Supreme Court.

I understand you are liberal and may not be able to follow this, but don't you see a pattern here????

The Democrat party (who pulls your strings) has to convince you that liberalism is taking over the country. The Republicans are not, nooooooo. You see, most of the country is liberal, and if a Republican won, it can't be because America is turning against liberal ideas, it has to be because Republicans cheated somehow!

This is how brainwashing is so successful. Since DumBama entered the White House, you have been losing seats federally, state wise, local positions, everything. But because you are brainwashed, you still believe that the only reason you lost the presidency is because you were cheated somehow.

wow..... such vehement denial of anything untoward. such entertainment, ray-ray. you are desperate. i understand. must suck to be part of that 33%.

oh & btw ray ray?

i am not a 'democrat'. never have been. & b4 i forget.... & as far as the ' MSM' is concerned.... they are reporting just today that mueller has a 2nd grand jury all set to go follow the $$$. :ack-1:


So you're not a Democrat, just a never-Trumper, huh?

You and all your ilk are going to fall flat on your faces with this Russia thing. Mueller is a Democrat blowboy, and Trump is going to retaliate by opening up cases that were covered up under the Obama administration. Push Trump hard, and he pushes back harder.
trump is a traitorous slimeball committing treason right b4 your very eyes with pootey poot

that will be up to the congress critters to determine after all is said & done w/ the intel investigations. but one thing for sure- this is 'war time' albeit a cyber war, & trump is in soooo deep with the russians.... or should i say the russians are soooo deep in trump & he will not escape this unscathed.

it's not MY russian dream ray-ray... it's the 17 intel agencies. & mueller's job to reveal.

but you keep on with the 'dream'. can't wait until you wake up & find your party circling the drain.

More lies and bullshit, and the funny thing is even your beloved mainstream media have had to admit most of the shit you posted was lies and fabrication. just like the 17 agencies were actually four. HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH. Liberal dimshits need instruction in one thing, how to kill themselves.

tsk tsk. poor poor poorly educated burger boy.

17 intelligence organizations or 4? Either way, Russia conclusion still valid
By Lauren Carroll on Thursday, July 6th, 2017 at 4:26 p.m.

President Donald Trump, speaking in Poland July 6, downplayed the strength of the intelligence community’s conclusion that Russia meddled in the election to his benefit.

He justified his doubt by noting that the New York Times and the Associated Press recently corrected stories to clarify that four agencies, rather than 17, were directly involved in the January intelligence assessment about Russia’s interference in the election.

"I heard it was 17 agencies. I said, boy, that’s a lot. Do we even have that many intelligence agencies? Right, let’s check that," Trump told NBC’s Hallie Jackson. "We did some heavy research. It turned out to be three or four. It wasn’t 17. ... I agree, I think it was Russia, but I think it was probably other people and/or countries, and I see nothing wrong with that statement. Nobody really knows. Nobody really knows for sure."

It’s valid for Trump to criticize news organizations for not being specific enough in their reports (more on that in a bit). But this does not invalidate the report by the CIA, FBI, NSA and Director of National Intelligence, nor their "high confidence" in their judgment that Russia engaged in an influence campaign directed at the election.

Relevance over quantity

Trump asked if the federal government really does have 17 intelligence organizations. Yes, it does.

They are as follows: Air Force Intelligence, Army Intelligence, Central Intelligence Agency, Coast Guard Intelligence, Defense Intelligence Agency, Energy Department, Homeland Security Department, State Department, Treasury Department, Drug Enforcement Administration, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Marine Corps Intelligence, National Geospatial Intelligence Agency, National Reconnaissance Office, National Security Agency, Navy Intelligence and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence.


Some of these are large, independent agencies, like the FBI, CIA and NSA. Others are smaller offices within agencies whose main focus is not intelligence, like the State Department’s Bureau of Intelligence and Research or the Treasury’s Office of Intelligence and Analysis.

Four out of the 17 were involved in the January assessment about Russia: CIA, FBI, NSA and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, which is an umbrella agency that oversees all 17 organizations.
17 intelligence agencies or 4, Russia findings still valid

okey dokey now will you be giving the obligatory trumpanzee response that the above verifiable unbiased link is somehow an extremist liberal MSM outlet that george soros is paying to lie? :lmao:

that will be up to the congress critters to determine after all is said & done w/ the intel investigations. but one thing for sure- this is 'war time' albeit a cyber war, & trump is in soooo deep with the russians.... or should i say the russians are soooo deep in trump & he will not escape this unscathed.

One of the biggest problems I found with liberals is they are not rooted in reality. Reality to a liberal is whatever the MSM tells them.

So keep your Russian dream alive, it seems that's all you really have. And once it's documented Trump had nothing to do with Russia, I will be here for you as a shoulder to cry on........... well, maybe not. Maybe I'll just laugh at you endlessly. :banana::banana::banana:

it's not MY russian dream ray-ray... it's the 17 intel agencies. & mueller's job to reveal.

but you keep on with the 'dream'. can't wait until you wake up & find your party circling the drain.

I don't dream. I live in reality. Take note how even the MSM is quieting down about this phony Russia thing. Nothing there, never was, never will be. It's something the Democrats made up when their weak server got hacked. They certainly couldn't blame DumBama, so they put out the lie about Trump.

See, what you on the left fail to understand is how you are being played by your own party:

You lost the election because of Russia.
You lost the election because of Diebold voting machines.
You lost the election because of the Supreme Court.

I understand you are liberal and may not be able to follow this, but don't you see a pattern here????

The Democrat party (who pulls your strings) has to convince you that liberalism is taking over the country. The Republicans are not, nooooooo. You see, most of the country is liberal, and if a Republican won, it can't be because America is turning against liberal ideas, it has to be because Republicans cheated somehow!

This is how brainwashing is so successful. Since DumBama entered the White House, you have been losing seats federally, state wise, local positions, everything. But because you are brainwashed, you still believe that the only reason you lost the presidency is because you were cheated somehow.

wow..... such vehement denial of anything untoward. such entertainment, ray-ray. you are desperate. i understand. must suck to be part of that 33%.

oh & btw ray ray?

i am not a 'democrat'. never have been. & b4 i forget.... & as far as the ' MSM' is concerned.... they are reporting just today that mueller has a 2nd grand jury all set to go follow the $$$. :ack-1:


Actually they are not really reporting what the grand jury was impaneled to investigate they as always propagandize and lie about everything they put out about Trump to defame him . It was impaneled two weeks ago and The actions of a grand jury are secret. the only people who could possibly comment on a grand jury action are the witnesses that are called by process or not. Then ONLY if they are not subject to a gag order.

a DC GJ, btw. oh & top intel officials may be called as witness' too. can't wait for drumpf jr. et al to get under oath now that subpoenas are heading out the door...
that will be up to the congress critters to determine after all is said & done w/ the intel investigations. but one thing for sure- this is 'war time' albeit a cyber war, & trump is in soooo deep with the russians.... or should i say the russians are soooo deep in trump & he will not escape this unscathed.

One of the biggest problems I found with liberals is they are not rooted in reality. Reality to a liberal is whatever the MSM tells them.

So keep your Russian dream alive, it seems that's all you really have. And once it's documented Trump had nothing to do with Russia, I will be here for you as a shoulder to cry on........... well, maybe not. Maybe I'll just laugh at you endlessly. :banana::banana::banana:

it's not MY russian dream ray-ray... it's the 17 intel agencies. & mueller's job to reveal.

but you keep on with the 'dream'. can't wait until you wake up & find your party circling the drain.

I don't dream. I live in reality. Take note how even the MSM is quieting down about this phony Russia thing. Nothing there, never was, never will be. It's something the Democrats made up when their weak server got hacked. They certainly couldn't blame DumBama, so they put out the lie about Trump.

See, what you on the left fail to understand is how you are being played by your own party:

You lost the election because of Russia.
You lost the election because of Diebold voting machines.
You lost the election because of the Supreme Court.

I understand you are liberal and may not be able to follow this, but don't you see a pattern here????

The Democrat party (who pulls your strings) has to convince you that liberalism is taking over the country. The Republicans are not, nooooooo. You see, most of the country is liberal, and if a Republican won, it can't be because America is turning against liberal ideas, it has to be because Republicans cheated somehow!

This is how brainwashing is so successful. Since DumBama entered the White House, you have been losing seats federally, state wise, local positions, everything. But because you are brainwashed, you still believe that the only reason you lost the presidency is because you were cheated somehow.

wow..... such vehement denial of anything untoward. such entertainment, ray-ray. you are desperate. i understand. must suck to be part of that 33%.

oh & btw ray ray?

i am not a 'democrat'. never have been. & b4 i forget.... & as far as the ' MSM' is concerned.... they are reporting just today that mueller has a 2nd grand jury all set to go follow the $$$. :ack-1:


So you're not a Democrat, just a never-Trumper, huh?

You and all your ilk are going to fall flat on your faces with this Russia thing. Mueller is a Democrat blowboy, and Trump is going to retaliate by opening up cases that were covered up under the Obama administration. Push Trump hard, and he pushes back harder.

i am more of a never fascism kinda gal....

tic toc, ray ray.

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